Best Knife Storage Solutions

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hey guys welcome back Ricky here we are finally here it is December and as you guys always know or guys may know and this is the second year I've done this where I talk about all of the best gear I've used in the year obviously in this year is 2018 and so I want to start the video series off with knife blocks or knife storage I have 5 different solutions here and they all are very different they are similar in some ways but they're all very different and for very different users the first is the knife block the knife block is the prized possession in their kitchen you go in there and you see a knife very nice display of knives and sometimes they're great knives sometimes they're not but the knife block is something that everybody has this particular unit is by Enzo it's a very nice unit of all the knife blocks I've tested I find that this one is definitely the most handsome it has straighter edges and the corners aren't very rounded which I don't really like when you when you see knife blocks with very Brown corners they look a little too old or just yeah they don't look clean now this one also has a very nice four slot feature for your large knives most light flux that I've seen will have two slots that will fit a chef's knife and two knife slots that will fit a smaller santoku these four slots right here will actually fit full-sized chef's knives which is really nice and it's a dark acacia wood very handsome very simplistic but also very functional but we're not gonna spend a lot of time on this because you guys know what neck block is all right this one here is the Gustav mr. block it's a very nice block in my very humble opinion it's the best looking knife block for you know this sort of a style where you want something on your counter space it's very clean very contemporary in terms of his overall design I think it's a very clean look it has the slots here that can sometimes go out of alignment so they have these picks that run through to hold these slots together and every once in a while you'll notice that the spacing between each slot is not very even in that case you simply can you know shift it around with your fingers and if they're a little tight you can use a butter knife when you recommend using any of your chef's knives but grab a butter knife and just you know jam it in there wedge it moving and that should solve the problem now there is also a slot for your honing rod and but if you were to put 12 4000 Ives in here your honing rod won't fit there so you have to make a choice either take more knife out and have or two knives out and put a honing rod in there or have some smaller knives in that same you know kind of quadrant area it also has a felt bottom which is nice for very smooth tables and you can shift it around or spin it around what's off advertises this that you can fit 12 full-sized knives on it however I will warn you when you have 12 knives in this block the handles will touch and they can get a little tight now for me the biggest drawback to using a knife block set that sits on top of the countertop or for homes that have small children my home I've got three and a half year old and one and a half year old twins they're climbing everywhere and so for us we don't feel comfortable leaving knives you know kind of exposed on the countertops or homes with young kids I don't recommend these two solutions I think the neck solutions will work a little bit better for you I mean you start with the cork solution and the cork solution is what I've used in my previous home for many years and I absolutely love it it's a solution that I still would be using if it wasn't for this solution over here so imagine this is your knife drawer and you have your cork and so I will take these and line them at the end of my knife tour and I simply would place a knife in there and as I added more knives I would simply remove a piece of cork if needed and it works great you know for a person who had a lot of knives this solution was fantastic there's very little mess and the cork also absorbs some water so if you a lefty knives a little bit damp it wouldn't hurt the knives at all and so this solution was fantastic it was solution that I think anyone should explore if you want something cheap and just kind of fun and very customizable you can fit a nice waiting a number of knives into a solution like this the only limitation you have is the width of your knife drawer and so the wider the knife drawer the more you can fit the more knives you can fit and you simply remove each piece of cork as needed ok so this here is a knife slot they call a knife slot and or a knife drawer in drawer slot clock it's a very simple unit it's basically a block that has a bunch of slots in it the really neat thing is that you have two tiers of slot sizes you have your large knives we should sit back here and then your small and I switch over here now I have a little cheese knife that sits right here on top and it's great it actually fits really nicely and I also have a shucking knife I love eating raw oysters so if anyone know of some good raw oyster areas in the Sacramento area let me know and then I'll have my knives my larger chef's knives which sits really nicely this way on this particularly you know you can fit seven full-sized chef's knives and then eight smaller knives and so that's a pretty large number of knives the really nice thing about this unit here is that some of us may have four or five chefs knives versus people who buy a knife block where you only have one chef's knife one santoku and they stick with that knife set for many years for people like me and we're always circulating through knives and we may have seven or eight chef's knife but only one or two paring knives this solution here is very flexible and it allows you to have as many large knives as you really want and it's also very compact all your knives sit right here and then go into a drawer and they're nice and safe and the reason why I'm using this over the cork is for one very specific reason the new home that we have that we're currently living in there's not a lot of counter space and there's not a lot of drawer space and so what we were finding was that the knife drawer was sharing real estate with utensils and even though the cork was holding the knives together really nicely the utensils were bouncing into the knife handles and the blades and so I had to figure out a way to minimize that and so this unit here will take care of that problem and so right now we do have this in the knife drawer and there are utensils on the side of it but they're not banging onto the knives and so they can share real estate and everyone can be happy and obviously all of our doors and drawers are childproof and so they all have locks on them so even though the kids can technically reach into the drawer it only opens about two or three inches wide and then you have to unlock manually none of our kids have been able to figure that out yet so as of now even though this is more accessible in terms of height and reach then the knife floss would be they actually technically safer in a home all right the next option we have is my option that I use here in the studio and so I have lots of knives as you guys may know and I had to find a way to make my knives more accessible and so what was happening was a lot of my knives we were kind of being restored into the original boxes and every time I test them or sharpen them I pull them out and over time the boxes would get wet they kind of would wear down I would get lazy and now sometimes I would mix and match boxes to knives not a good solution and so I had to figure out a way to make when I was just more accessible and more visible I found these on coloring Moore's website and they turned out to be the best quality that I have tested so far they've made a black walnut so they're very obviously very pretty but the best thing is they're extremely strong the magnets on these blocks are by far the strongest I've ever tested and so you can hear for that you can hear for yourself okay so very hard to pull straight out of the block or the slot the best way to move a knife off its a twisted the blade on away from the block and you pull away spine in blade in weight out spine out okay so practice but if you do it this way even though it's very strong it's very easy to pull off the wall well if you want to try to pull this thing directly you know a weight from it it's very very hard yeah so and so for me this was the best this was the best solution for us to have and so I have my German knives and my Japanese knives all sitting on the same thing and the wider your knives the more these magnets will pull on the knife which is really good this here is not a very tall knife but still very strong so in my latest kind of garage makeover studio garage makeover I have a strip of reclaimed wood from a previous project and I actually lined three 20 inch pieces side-by-side which is able to fits 18 knives which is fantastic because I can pull 18 knives off the shelf and make room for Whetstone's and other things that I have going in and out there are many magnetic holders out there there are steel ones there are other ones that have leather on them which I don't recommend because if you accidentally cut into the leather it's gonna show very much the steel ones are okay but they can leave scratches on the sides and the profiles of your knife so these solutions here of what I have used and what I really currently use the knife blocks are fine there's nothing wrong with them I don't find them to be the very safest option for homes with small kids and they just kind of boring and they're just the knife blocks they're fine if you guys want an upgrade to your standard knife block the boost off master block very nice very clean very contemporary at $200 it can be a little bit pricey and really not practical for people having you know a 300 all the knife set I don't recommend you you buy a knife block that cost almost as much of the knife set if you have knives that you're gonna pick up over time and you're having you know six or seven or eight full size knives and you do want to have a way to showcase them the mess of walk is very nice but if you're like me and you have small kids in your home and you want to have a solution that is very sleek very easy to hide and you can lock your knife drawers the slot in drawer units are definitely the way to go this unit here can hold seven large knives and eight smaller knives so definitely more than enough space for anybody even a knife collector as myself and if you want something that is even more flexible and don't really plan to share your knife drawer real estate with anything other than knives these are great buy a bunch of cork sheets and just cut them up by 2x4 put them at the very end and you can just simply pull each slot off as you fit more knives and if you're looking for a magnetic wall mount solution these made by widsom are the best that i've tested they come in two sizes I believe there's a 20 inch version and a 16 inch version they use the same magnets and the same black walnut so very high quality I will leave a link in the video description to all these items here and you guys follow that link you guys may even see a sneak peek of my best picks for knives and Whetstone's for 2018 and obviously we want to hear from you guys what is it that you guys use for your kitchen knives at home or if you guys have any suggestions for products and for me to test that falls into this category let me know in the comments as well and maybe I'll do a follow-up video of some of your suggestions versus what I have here that might be kind of cool alright guys without of you for this video thank you for being here and I'll catch you in the next one oh oh geez yes and some weapons
Channel: Burrfection
Views: 271,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best knife storage, best knife blocks, best knife magnetic strips, how to store kitchen knives, how to store your knives, how to store chefs knives, top 5 knife storage solutions
Id: IN9WX5xfd80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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