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[Music] like you wanna take guru slow slow it down speed it up now now IQ it the lights down low right stuff in most what is going on guys welcome today's video it is currently 6:49 a.m. and we are on our way to work for those of you guys who are new to this channel and who don't know who I am I want to I want to welcome you guys part of the family part of this Support Squadron I got behind me my name is airman gandu actually anyone see come through I just got promoted not too long ago I've been here at Peterson Air Force Base for about a year and a half I'm a firefighter and I'm absolutely been loving Colorado it is absolutely phenomenal so for those of you guys who have been following me you guys know that I work at Station one which is the main fire station here on Peterson but I've been out here for at station 2 which they just recently opened back up it's way out here somewhere and we basically take care of the flight line flight line is our priority but we also responsive medicals across this side of the base so I'm gonna take you guys in the day of a life United States Air Force firefighters sit back relax use up some popcorn and enjoy the show for those of you guys who are curious with station 2 looks like Yoshi is we got one engine which is the very front right here one crash truck which is on the other side super small station we're only mad with four out here including myself which is pretty cool because the show day music crash truck yeah Moses Clark probably tell the - cross she's just over our supporter get there heard it's a pretty [Music] this is the driver for engine 22 right here whipped game I'm the driver for crash no on the other side however Godrich dude is practical today what you guys are gonna see which is pretty like cool cuz a lot of people with a/c practicals on here so he's actually gonna check my truck out for me this morning I'm just gonna help house or just watch house check his truck so I might see if I could give you guys look at crash 3 operating so I'm gonna check that by equipment inventory check on your work and thank you guys I think we have the best view as a fire station hands down the Holy Ghost like we have to have a trophy for something for like spectacular view because so sick dude so we're at station 2 as you guys can see it's a very small stage in got the kitchen and like dining area we got one room over here another remote to my my left another room to my right another room to my left movie room so it's gonna be the day room we'll reach you and then you take this out get the stalls that way house so are you so how do did you go ready to be outside right huh so come outside it stops give me a little tour truck on this side super super small gym out here we actually need to put in some pr's to get a squat rack take this out of here because there's not much you could do there you can't do incline on here really really that well because it kind of sucks can't do overhead press on there squatting sucks on there because you're like limited to this super short unnatural range of motion so that's gonna be gone hopefully and then our dumbbells really suck because they go from 50 and they skip from 50 to 85 so there's like how am I supposed to work with that you know so fifties to like 85 is just like four to six reps and I'm just like dude I want to hit like 12 so enough of the gym so I was telling you guys God he's doing his practical a crash 3 he's gonna be operating the bumper turret in a bit and the roof turret would also the boom and I'll show you guys what that looks like so basically a practical is like to assess the skills of the driver correct yeah make sure they're fully qualified to drive people their basic knowledge that's for you guys who didn't know what practical was [Applause] [Applause] that just means the truck is full of water guys so he has to start spraying in order to lower the tank down and get the water pressure out so what you guys just saw was actually just a portion of God Rees practical that he has to do in order to make sure he knows exactly how to drive and operate the vehicle correctly when it comes down to an emergency so guys enjoyed this alright guys so here got breakfast okay I got my breakfast going on what about you okay good so yeah egg whites over here and let it throw down some breakfast food a look at that beautiful sunshiny Indian station shining right on house yeah so right now you want to let her know what do you solid plan pop G get these into some GQ for practicing our tactical reference all comes down to learning lessons so we're making this it basically into training for the day I guess you can call it tactical warfare [Music] all right guys we're about to take off station 1 so engine 22 has hard suction on there and we have to go down there to test it hopefully we're back before lunch then I don't want to be down there too long because station 2 is where it said as you guys can see behind me we made a to station 1 I'm gonna grab my helmet my glove stuff like that gonna help out with the hard suction on engine 22 she's not really exciting stuff and I'm gonna be helping out so no one can hold the camera trust me it's not nothing exciting to see so I will see you guys what are you looking for my cover guys as a shift Frito pie [Music] you see three ingredients frito cheese and chili dude is not you animal but the cool thing about going station alone it movies are you gonna get a sandwich dude committee 330mm I get vegan snack 30 minutes so we just got back from the commissary as you guys saw which is so convenient for us at station 2 because it's right down the street like literally if I walk outside it's right there we got graduate cooking this chicken right here it's a watermelon stuff like that so we go down to the commissary for guys who don't have food it's usually depending on the crew chief who's out here will allow it you guys can go or not but sergeant Walborn is super super cool so you go down there right now have a non-slip chicken some lettuce cabbage carrots light dressing and some hot sauce on there so I'm about to go into the movie room take this get my water and butter watch a movie Joe a feast see you guys in a bit [Music] so Frito pie easy meat a whole store two big food from and this is what we get what is it Porter somebody strikes we're healthy or something during lunch right yeah what do you think about three movies I've been in the LRC studying all day it's hard work I know what you're talking about help me tell you guys goodnight we'll see you morning how brutal how long how excruciating pain we were into it just excruciating movie after movie shop that room after shop that room just ridiculous is so crazy in a while did jet packs its you know cause that night station to but it's currently 9:00 p.m. meeting God view about a head to bed sergeant one born in house already knocked out so it is real alright guys so it is currently you're wrong 6:57 a.m. woke up at 5:45 got all our shores don't wash the trucks stuff like that and we're about end the video right here she's got Drew and I doing this outro so what I want to tell you guys is we come in at 7 a.m. on Saturday today's I know we came in on 7 a.m. on Sunday we worked all the Sunday today's Monday we're leaving at Monday 7 a.m. so it's a 24 hour shifts that's what we do we have Kelly days every two weeks in case you guys were wondering but one thing I want to tell you guys is yes the video looks so chill we're just watching movies stuff like that this is a super small station we're only in charge of flight line which is aircraft and what I want to get across to you guys is a lot of you guys comment that we don't do anything that we don't even get cause but guys in all honestly we do a lot of training which you don't see on camera we do structural drills that you don't see on camera hazmat scenes that you don't see on camera we do a lot of things that you don't see on camera and the reason for that is there's no possible way for me to hold the camera right like there's just so many things that we do like there's an abundance of things that people don't see and they kind of judge you off and I just kind of want to get that clear that we do do a lot of training we do do our job as if you just saw the weekend so I just want to thank Esther for watching and if you guys want to help us grow help the channel grow to reach more people because I don't think there's too many firefighters in the airforce who've logged their life and share it so just subscribe like the video and it'll help us reach more people so until next time guys god you're not okay catch you on the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Randy Cantu
Views: 89,057
Rating: 4.8717279 out of 5
Keywords: gym clothing, gym workout, how to lose weight, how to gain muscle, bodybuilding, IIFYM, full day of eating, junk food, food challenge, fitness vlog, lifestyle vlog, Randy Cantu, RCFitness, Colorado, Adventure, travel, man vs food, eating to lose weight, gym motivation, vlog, military tips, air force, air force bmt, alphalete, christain Guzman, Maxx Chewning, firefighting, FOOD CHALLENGE, Travel vlog, texas, colorado, military surprise, San Antonio, Spurs, military firefighting
Id: Lok182q0ipo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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