Best Hydraulic Press Moments of 2023

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[Music] okay here we [Music] go okay I think that's enough let's [Music] [Music] see I think that's probably [Music] enough is the power and danger like amount of energy let's explode a hammer onto its face [Music] oh my God that was surprisingly [Music] easy okay so here's the situation as you probably see on the high speed the hammer hits it straight to the nose and I'm probably not able to calculate the speed of the hammer fragments but it's pretty fast and it's pretty heavy camera slightly off center so it's going to fly past the [Music] camera [Music] I think it at least it stopped and uh I'm not sure did everything come out but we are going to open the thing up and see is there nothing left I felt that the like Mist was like more uniform and smoother it wasn't clumpy at all so I have High Hopes okay I have some bad news here is the peels are left [Music] there [Music] and first medium that we are going to use is [Music] bananas oh my [Laughter] God [Music] [Music] oh my God that's [Music] [Laughter] terrifying that's absolutely terrifying [Music] [Applause] he it went to like hot pee into the snow and the force that it delivered that was a [Music] lot oh no oh I think I was too fast with the high speed I get so excited but that looks pretty [Music] bad [Music] oh no oh no that's bad that was pretty bad I think that that could be your leg or something that's not optimal okay so the hole wasn't that large and that's one of the most dangerous aspect of these that's only thing that you'll see outside like couple mm hole and that's it so if you think that you might get like hit with like leak you should always go to hospital no matter if doesn't look like bad and while we are are watching the highspeed clip you can also imagine how this is going to be if that's hydraulic fluid from some machine that has been running for a long time and with the high load because on those the temperature of the fluid it can be like 80° C or even hotter so you are not only getting injected with this like poisonous fluid but it's also so hot that it's going to burn you from inside so this is one of the worst like ways to get injured on your workplace so Peri really careful with hydraulic stuff and anything that has pressure inside okay here we go and this is going to be about 600 [Music] bars that was pretty solid amount of pressure [Music] okay Hana come have a look here here it goes oh oh oh oh my oh oh my God it's almost going through the BP oh no oh [Music] no but it's over all so quick yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay let's see which one has the more diameter [Music] left that was pretty [Music] [Laughter] [Music] brutal [Laughter] [Applause] that and the video was black and white because we were using our monochromic Kronos highspeed camera and as you can see the implosion of this size model submarine it's really really fast even if our press Chambers pressur gets straight away lower when something breaks inside so it's could be even faster on like real ocean but just couple milliseconds here also so it's really really fast these implosions at these high pressures here it goes I go quite slowly okay so we can like see what's going [Music] on 40 to 60 oh my God if it explodes now it's the best like best mess [Music] ever uhoh uhoh uhoh it's going to explode oh [Music] no [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so all the compression that we're going to get is from the water of course this going to uh leak slightly on the here on the beginning before the seal is completely [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] okay yeah it comes up when you release the pressure and I can only release about half of the the Press from here but you clearly can Crush water with hydraulic press that's so crazy that was so crazy yeah close the box and here we go ooh that's that's that's going to be bad hit oh my oh oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] oh that was a quite a [Laughter] effect oh my god let's have a look that was so terrible oh oh no oh it went in in oh no it's in it's in him what the hell oh my God that was [Music] l [Music] yeah yeah it seems that we hit the ice this time there is clearly some some uh Sparks there yeah but was it so small that that didn't it do like anything yeah I think we have to we have to like uh try to find the eyes okay time to escalate things two giant like power tool batteries and these are charged full okay here we go and here you can see really dangerous battery fire the gases that the batteries release are extreme toxic they can destroy your lungs and even give you an heart attack so if the batteries gets on fire this is like the worst case scenario that can happen and the cylinder uh battery cells they even fly like small Rocket Motors of course there is typically lot of protection around the battery cells so for example if you crash your electric car this doesn't happen but this is great example why you should play with batteries on later this day some of the cells flew like 20 M away from burning batteries so this extremely dangerous so to prevent this always recycle your batteries in the right way at least in here in Finland you can always return them to the place that sells them from this side you can find list of finish recycling points and for other countries your government usually has pretty nice websites about about your possibilities to recycle used batteries yeah so that was our uh yearly wrap up we have couple great videos still coming this year for example we are going to crush some concrete test samples I have been waiting that for a long time and yeah I'm really pleased on the videos that we made we got so great ideas thanks for everybody who suggested some ideas lot of ideas came from you guys and I also have to say that hiring Hana to be part of team was great decision we have had really fun doing the videos and Annie said that she has been also really pleased to see that we have great times continuing the Channel with Hana and next year is going to be probably even better we are going to finally get the bigger press we are actually leaving e of January to visit the factory where it's made all the parts are already done and now they're putting it together and on our visit we are going to test it out and when we come back to Finland the Press is going to soon arrive and yeah it's going to be made by a company called profit press and they are really nice company it's a family company we spent couple days with them in Holland and we had a great time and the guys are great and they are really excited about hydraulic presses just like we are so I see great future coming with this collaboration so subscribe the channel to see the big press really soon and that is all for today thank you for watching and have a nice day
Channel: Hydraulic Press Channel
Views: 595,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hydraulic press channel, hydraulicpresschannel, hydraulic press, hydraulicpress, crush, willitcrush, destroy, press, hydraulicpress channel, hydraulic, hydraulic press man, will it crush
Id: TOGnF5sEs_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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