BEST HVAC Brand! I Give 10 Reasons!

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hey guys I want to do a video on why I sell as a heating and air professional what I sell I thought it would be important to do this video I was recently in a situation where I was giving a customer who's been a customer of ours for quite some time she's an older customer before her husband passed they did a lot of business with us and then recently because her husband passed away her son is helping her make some of the decisions with her household and such and that's fine but I wanted to do this video because I had a conversation with her where basically it's time to replace her heating and air system we were offering what we sell and I'm going to go through that in just a moment why we sell what we sell and something interesting happened basically her son told her that she should go with a different brand and ultimately another heating and air company than choosing us and that's not anything new you know a lot of customers you as you're shopping around you're gonna probably get some quotes and some of these different heating and air companies are going to offer different brands I just wanted to say to her I can't you know as a professional I can't say this but I wanted to say to her ma'am you don't even have to hire me you're making a mistake you're going with lower end brand I'm not going to mention that brand but it wasn't one of the brands that you know there's these premium brands that you know sometimes customers will be like well Josh I'm not going to go with you I want to go with this brand over here I'm used to hearing some of these other brands this wasn't one of them and I just wanted to say to her if even if you don't hire me don't go with that right and so that leads me into doing this video going through why I sell what I sell and how I arrived at that decision first of all if you've never seen any of my videos my name is Josh and I host the HVAC guide for homeowners YouTube channel and in addition to that I own a company called Griffin air here in Virginia now I did not inherit Griffin air my dad didn't start it I started it and when I started Griffin air years ago what I did was I actually tested several different brands I tested not only the equipment itself but I tested the suppliers I tried working with them installed multiple different brands for a while before I finally landed on one that I really liked I will say before we dive into this I am not married to any Brands if who I think is best it stops being the best in the market then I'll stop doing business with them I'll go to who I who is now the best right and I'll also say I don't think any brand is best in every market for example if you read on the internet that somebody is the best they're the absolute greatest but you can't even find anyone in your area that sells that product there's no good suppliers in your area yet for that brand then they're probably not the best decision for you at that moment in your area so anyway I preface this enough any of you that have watched any of my videos for a while you know that we at Griffin air we are at Daikin Comfort Pro we're completely only selling Daikin now for a number of reasons and we're going to dive into some of that but this video is going to be the 10 reasons I sell Daikin the first one is the supplier I have a really good supplier in my area for Daikin that's not the only reason I work with them but I will say that makes a big difference as I went through this journey of trying different brands working with different suppliers I can tell you they are not all created equal some of them are a little more like Nordstrom some of them are a little bit more like Walmart and some of them I don't even know how they stay in business when you call for a part they treat you like garbage they act like you're an inconvenience and that's even if you get a call back sometimes my particular supplier for Daikin they've always been a pleasure to work with they've actually jumped in and helped us out a few times when maybe we needed help getting something quick maybe they needed to pull some strings maybe we ordered something wrong or they delivered something wrong and they've always done their best to try to make that right so leading back to Daikin not only is my local supplier good but one thing I've seen Daikin doing over the last several years is they have actually gone in and if they couldn't find and someone in a particular area to be a good supplier for them I've seen them across the country buying suppliers there was a large one a few years ago out in the midwest they went in and bought that one now they can be a good supplier in areas of Arizona and other parts out on the west coast all the way up to Minnesota with that particular supplier and then I just recently heard a couple months ago of them purchasing a large supplier up in New Jersey and this is all just about distribution they're putting themselves in an area that they can't find anyone that can distribute their products well and they're saying well then we'll do it so in a lot of cases heating and air companies will decide what brand they're going to sell just based on the supplier number two reliability for a number of years before I ever even laid hands on a Daikin I had laid hands on some of the brands that Daikin owns we had installed a number of Amana and Goodman products equipment and so on and one thing I realized was I was installing the their equipment and I wasn't hearing back from the customers I was putting them in and never hearing back in a good way versus some of the other companies or Brands out there I was installing their equipment and I was getting some callbacks and really I know the customer wants things to go well after they spend all this money but I want things to go well too I don't want it that customer to have to call me back and say hey Josh this ain't working right you know I spent all this money with you and you put the system in and the system you told me you you sold me is now having issues it's not a good feeling number three quality when it comes to the heating and air industry I really think there's only about three brands that have really good quality Equipment and parts and then there's kind of everybody else and that everybody else was one of those brands that that lady was choosing over Daikin but when it comes to Quality I think there's a number of things that when I lay hands on a piece of equipment you know I feel like there is a premium it's sort of like when you ride in a car a lot of people like to say while cars are the same they all have four wheels and I gotta say I disagree the couple times that I've ridden in a really nice car you know you're in a really nice car you're not riding in a Ford Pinto and I think the same goes for heating and air equipment now I think there are heating and air guys I'm sure some might even comment on this video a lot of heating and air guys out there might disagree on who's better quality than others but I would hope we could all agree that there are some brands that they're just the quality is not there it's not as good as some of these premium Brands and so with Daikin I realize even after us installing a couple of them that they were a higher quality Equipment we were installing them and again not hearing back from the customers in a good way number four Daikin is leading the way in inverter technology in fact for a number of years some of their competitors didn't even offer inverter systems and I think even still today a lot of heating and air guys are putting up a fight they've never installed an inverter system and they even try to make take arguments on why it's not a good idea to but I will tell you if you're watching this video I'm telling you like a friend inverter systems are here to stay they are the future I think that they will get to a point where they are the majority of what's sold in the Residential Heating and Air industry we're already seeing things go that way we're seeing year by year sales go up for inverter systems now there is a number of reasons for that part of those reasons is this push for things to be more efficient in the heating and air industry this push for electrification a push for doing things that are better for the environment and Daikin is one of the companies Leading The Way with that with some of their newer Technologies we see every year they're coming out with things to try to help folks save money and with these inverter systems of course the dike and fit just came out a few years ago they've got their vrv life and a lot of their equipment is just leading the way in the industry number five and this one I would call attitude this is is not necessarily something that is for the homeowner or you the consumer but I can tell you as a heating and air contractor I had been working with a few companies where I was almost like they kind of considered it a privilege for me to be able to buy their product it was like this attitude that they would have towards me like you should feel blessed that we would even sell to you and I dealt with that with a few companies whereas Daikin was one of the first companies that said hey Josh we appreciate your business we want to see you grow we want to help you if there's anything we can help you with and I've had that same attitude across the board from them where it's not just the supplier I've dealt with that with their tech support I've dealt with that from getting their Parts and Equipment there's just a different attitude that they're just in it with you you know that they want to see guys that are selling their products when in their market and that leads me into number six and I just said it that Daikin wants to see us grow they have programs in place and things that they do for you the consumer to help contractors grow and be there long term so that way when you are choosing to go with them that they are going to be a good long-term Solution by helping the contractor be there for you the consumer they have programs in place being able to offer rebates and things like that so that way customers can save money as well so all these different programs it's good for the contractor but it's also good for you as the consumer number seven I'll call this one the options one because they have so many different options they offer a wide array of products and you might say well don't they all they really don't a lot of heating and air Brands you see them have to partner with other brands to kind of offer what daikin's offering I'm not going to mention any names but there are some companies to be able to offer better ductless options they had to make a partnership there if that makes sense or in some cases we've seen some companies just simply take other foreign made product Brands and just stick a different sticker on it and offer it to the market Daikin doesn't do that most of their stuff is in-house I don't want to be out of turn and say something untrue I'm not saying they haven't ever made any Partnerships but I would say it's pretty rare to lay your hands on a piece of equipment and to be able to say well that's just like this other brand over here just different you know it's the same model number in some cases some of the other big companies out there that's what you see where it's literally the same piece of equipment as something you could buy online for some off brand and they've just stuck a different sticker on it and the other thing with options is when I was selling some of the other brands I would be talking to the customer and they would say well this guy over here is offering this over here you can't offer that and in some cases I had to say no the company that I'm working with or the brand that I'm selling they don't have an option for that that rarely happens with Daikin a lot of times it's the other way around when folks are saying well Josh this Heating and Air company over here has this ductless option and I can say well not only do I have a ductless option I have three I have the MX I've got the Aurora series and I've also got the vrv life and oh by the way the vrv life can do these things that their system can't we compare it with a furnace and do all kinds of things another one would be indoor air quality options they might say well Josh this company over here is offering these products here and I can say well yeah but Daikin has their Daikin one ecosystems where it's not one or two indoor air quality products they've got an array of products that can all work with their system it's all communicating and they've got an air monitor that can test the air in the home and tell if something's wrong so again they just offer options that a lot of these other companies either don't offer or they've got to partner with someone else or relabel their products to be able to offer something to compete with that number eight they have some of the best warranties in the industry they've got products that have a 12 year Parts warranty when a lot of the other companies are a five or a 10 on the same competing product lines they've got products with lifetime warranties they've got product with unit replacement warranties so if a piece of equipment is having something wrong they will replace that entire piece of equipment and you might say well Josh don't all brands do that shouldn't they all the answer is they might should but they don't I've got one brand right now that we've sold for years and there were times where we would install a new piece of their equipment and right out of the box it would have an issue we would call them and say hey look this had an issue from the factory and instead of saying well okay well we'll send you another piece of equipment they would send us whatever part had failed brand new piece of equipment and they're just going to send us the part with Daikin they have that unit replacement warranty and in some cases all the way up to 12 years so 11 years goes by you have a major failure and they're going to give you a whole new unit it's just unheard of in the industry their warranties are just unmatched their warranty support is unmatched when I have some companies that I've done other videos on I'm not going to mention them here but some companies that it's almost like they look for reasons to not honor the their warranty and I can tell you with Daikin in a lot of cases there were times when they didn't have to honor a warranty and they still did just to make it right and then last thing with warranties I'll just say that when you look at some of their brands that they sell outside of the Daikin lineup Goodman and Amana they have some amazing warranties on those as well so just across the board their warranties on their entire lineup of products in a lot of cases is simply unmatched number nine support when I was selling some of these other brands there was a barrier there in a lot of cases there was almost a Gateway and sometimes if I were to have some sort of an issue whether it was an issue with the product itself or have a question about this or that a lot of times having to go through some of the red tape make several phone calls to finally get somebody on the phone to answer my question was quite a chore and very time consuming at times now with working with Daikin I have folks that I can call and I know there's other heating and air guys that could probably say the same about brands that they sell but for me it was hard finding that with some of the other brands there was always somebody that I needed to talk to first before I could get to someone that you know actually knew about the product in some cases with Daikin I've had conversations with the engineers or the team that actually created a product I remember the dike and Fit I had a conversation with one of the engineers so this guy actually created the product and I'm sitting here having a conversation with him and you might say well Josh that's not a big deal they're probably just not a very big company they're the biggest they're the largest company they sell more heating and air residential equipment in America than any other company and I'm able to have a conversation with that guy he's nice enough to take a moment and answer a few questions it's just I'm telling you it's unheard of and then finally number 10 and that is the future I think when you look to the future I know there are other brands out there coming out with new products but for me when I was selling some of those other products maybe this gets back to the attitude thing but in a lot of cases with their new products they they were kind of reacting to the market they would see that oh this company came out with this or that so now I'm going to come out with something to compete with that and again there were still new products coming out but it just wasn't the same with Daikin there's always this fresh perspective I remember attending the ahr Expo a couple weeks ago and talking to some of their guys and looking at some of the displays and new products coming out and it was a little overwhelming and I'm just looking it was like every direction you would turn in their Booth oh well here's the new thermostat coming out here's a new product coming out check out this new air purifier that we've hit the market with it's just all over the place they're constantly evolving they're constantly coming out with new things and they're constantly trying to make things not just better for the contractor but really ultimately better for the consumer I think the thing is I get comments all the time I'll probably get a comment on this video where they'll say well Josh you're just being biased and I have to say I agree I am biased I'm biased because I tried multiple other brands and I finally found one that I could hang my hat on one that was offering things to our customers that a lot of the others weren't and I just got to say if you've caught this video genuinely not all heating and air systems are created equal and I do think there is a clear winner in a lot of cases on who the best is in the heating and air industry and numbers don't lie but that's my 10. do me a favor are you considering a Daikin system or have you already purchased one give us a comment down below we'd love to hear about that hear about your experiences and tell me what you chose that always helps smash that like button that helps others see our content and of course thanks for watching hit that subscribe button we'll see you next time
Channel: HVAC Guide for Homeowners
Views: 18,649
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Keywords: best hvac brand, hvac brand, 10 reasons hvac, best heat pump, best furnace, whos is the best hvac, best air conditioner, best air conditioner 2023, best hvac systems, best hvac brands, daikin, daikin heat pump, best hvac, best hvac unit, top hvac, best new hvac system, hvac, best hvac brand reliability, top hvac brands, best hvac systems for homes, best hvac air conditioner system, best hvac systems consumer reports, top hvac systems 2023, which hvac system is best
Id: fmLqX_P-lzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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