BEST Historical Pole Weapons/Polearms RANKED

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so we all know that pole arms otherwise known as halfted weapons that is long poled weapons like this polax or like this winged spear are some of the most effective weapons that have been used on the battlefield at least hand-to-hand weapons and they completely dominated ancient and medieval and Renaissance World Warfare but what are and what have been the most effective pole arms used throughout history well obviously that question requires unpacking effective for what effective used by whom in what period for what context and purpose I'm Matt Easton let's now retire to my study to look a little bit deeper into this question so I have listed some of the principal polar arms used throughout history and I've developed a ranking system for them so we're going to be looking at spear plus Shield Spirit news two-handed Pike winged spear or partisan or corsex beatum spiedo things like that so um spear with lateral you know projections glaive halberd polax Bill flail greatax that is large two-handed ax like a Dane ax and alspius and I'm going to be ranking that is scoring against four main criteria now first up I should say I'm not considering economic cost or difficulty of Supply manufacture anything like that although that obviously in history is a real factor and I'm not considering durability I'm going to measure these pole arms against how good they are in single combat how good they are as masked troop weapons formation weapons how good they are specifically against Cavalry and how good they are against heavy levels of armor medium to heavy levels of armor so let's leap into ranking these but before I do that I want to have a very quick word about our very kind sponsors for this Channel and this video who are rage Shadow Legends raid Shadow Legends is the hugely popular fantasy turn-based combat game you can play absolutely for free right now on your mobile phone or PC checking out the link below or my QR code on screen with over 600 Champions raids the first game 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to these rankings so without any more Ado let's get into these first of all let's look at Spear and shield now all of the other pole arms considered here are considered used by themselves without another thing however I considered I had to separate Spear and shield into its separate category partly because throughout history across the world whether it's Europe or Africa or Asia even North America the spirit Shield used together throughout history have been extremely important in the history of warfare so I had to consider it and also functionally against these four criteria a spear and shield isn't a very different consideration to a spear used two-handed by itself so Spear and shield in single combat I have given 10 points that's right because in single combat overall in most contexts with that heavy armor it is an absolutely Supreme weapon combination in contrast spear used two-handed I've given eight points because overall my opinion and my experience is that Spear and shield being at the very top spear used two-handed although it's very formidable is not quite as formidable overall as spirit and shield because you can just cover more lines with the spear and shield and close the person with a two-handed spear down Pike next I have given for single combat one point now some people might hate me for that because they were used for single combat however overall a 16 or 18 foot long Pike is an awful weapon to try and use in single combat winged Spears also including partisans and spiedos things like that I have given nine points why well so I consider it's slightly better in single combat than just the simple spear used two-handed because it has those side projections and they're very useful both in defense and offense and give you more attacking and defending options so it's not quite as good as the spear and shield in my opinion but it is better than the simple two-hand spear now next up is the glaive I've given the glaive 10 points in single combat the reason being um that it's far more effective I believe than the simple winged spiral partisan because you've got more you've got a far more powerful cut with it it's a shorter weapon in general than the winged spear or the partisan usually is at least a lot of glaves are they're usually sort of the same height as a person so it's more maneuverable in single combat uh very often they have a back Spike on the other end so you can attack with either end very very effectively so you've got a bunch of different options it's a bit more geared towards single combat than Mass combat in my opinion the halberd so halberds are generally speaking relatively long however they have got a whole bunch of attacking and defensive options you've got an ax you've got a spike or a hook and you've got a top Spike but they are fairly long and they can be fairly cumbersome so I've given them eight points compared to the two-handed spear they're not as Nimble not as quick but you've got more options with them the polax I've given 10 points and again like the glaive so the glaive in the pole ax in this regard are in the same category I would say they're very much geared towards single combat they're a weapon to give to a bodyguard or a knight someone who is expected to fight by themselves and could fight one-on-one with them and they were used in um tournament fighting for example next up is the bill what functioning the build's very very similar to a halberd it can chop it can hook or spike it can thrust but it's fairly long it's fairly cumbersome I've given it eight points it's a very powerful weapon but it's a bit bigger and more cumbersome a bit slower than something like a polax or a glaive so eight points the flail this might be controversial I've given six points and that's it's a very simple and cheap weapon we're not considering that here but it doesn't have an awful lot of options you have to swing it to offend with it you can't really thrust with it uh it just doesn't it's a fairly specialized and fairly cheap weapon I consider it six points it's fairly effective in single combat but not as effective as in fact it's one of the least effective weapon on this list except for the pike now the gray tax thinker Dane ax here as seen on the Bayer tapestry I've given that eight points Which is less than a polax because it's got less attacking options you don't have the back Spike or Hammer you don't have the top Spike you don't have the bottom Spike so it's got fewer attacking options it's a simpler earlier weapon it's an earlier ancestor in the polax so I consider in single combat a pole ax is more effective than a Dane ax um so therefore it should be fewer points than that but nevertheless it is still a pretty good weapon in single combat it's not particularly big it's not particularly cumbersome or heavy or long so it it's pretty effective in single combat eight points I think well deserved and finally the alspace which is um quite a specialized weapon but they tend to not be that long so they tend to be like a short spear length so actually fairly maneuverable fairly good in close combat perhaps probably not most the time as effective as something like a great act certainly not as effective as something like a polax or a glaive and I would say personally not quite as effective as the simple two-handed spear because they tend to be heavier because they've got a large amount of Steel in them so I've actually given them seven points that might be controversial but anyway I've given them seven points for this so next up let's look at a massed ranks weapon um so we're talking about here formations of troops using these weapons how have I scored them so first up is the spear and shield ten points um so again throughout history across the continents through thousands of years the spear and shield has been a very popular weapon for master ranks and there's a number of reasons for that number one the spear gives you great reach number two this The Shield means that you don't necessarily have to be wearing lots of armor but you've still got a good level of protection and very importantly and why I think it absolutely deserves the maximum points is that you've got a good defense against missile weapons just inherently by the fact that you're holding a shield okay so at 10 points that's kind of the kind of Benchmark for the perfect I think overall in most periods of history in most parts of the world the best master ranks weapon Spear and shield for the two-handed spear I've given it eight points so it's still the spear is the simple spear is used in two hands it's a very effective weapon for Mass ranks of troops to use no question whatsoever however I would say not as effective as the spearing Shield because you've got no defense from The Shield You're vulnerable to miss Alpha blah blah blah okay next up the pike well the pike everything I just said for the two-handed spear goes but it's longer so I had to give it more points okay as a master ranks weapon I would argue that mass ranks of pikemen whether it's in the classical era or the Renaissance Era are gonna beat Mass ranks of Spearman in a straight up fight quite simply because they can Outreach them they can start stabbing the spearmen before the spearmen can even reach them okay so I've given them nine points not quite as much as the spear and shield and the reason is because the pikemen are particularly vulnerable while they're holding their long pipe with two hands then a vulnerable number one to missiles they can be shot at with arrows very easily and peppered with arrows and secondly they are potentially vulnerable to people closing on them whereas the spear and shield still has the shield to protect which might give you time to drop the spear and pull out a sword or a dagger or whatever whereas the pike doesn't have a shield and for that reason Pikeman in the Renaissance offer more breastplates and helmets and they were fairly well protected in other ways but overall I think the pike doesn't deserve as many points as Spear and shield throughout history however it deserves almost as many points um the winged spear I've given it all partisan I've given it exactly the same as the two-handed um spear because I consider in master ranks there's no functional difference between a winged Spear and a normal two-handed Spear and in fact Wing Spears traditionally in partisans have often been the weapons of elite soldiers or bodyguards expected to fight single combat rather than Mass ranks of them um so I would argue that actually there are some disadvantages to having those side things whilst you can push enemy incoming Spears aside they can get caught up in things and stuff like that so overall I just gave it um one point uh sorry um the same points as the two-handed spear eight points now the glaive the glaves are perfectly serviceable weapon in Mass ranks however again it's catered more towards single combat they tend to be shorter so assuming this is a shorter glaive I have given it seven points so it's still effective in master ranks not as effective as the longer partisan or two-handed spirit because it doesn't have the reach now the halberd on the other hand tends to be longer and the halberd also has got other attacking options so as well as being able to thrust exactly like a two-handed spear you've also got a hook and you've got an ax so um I've given that eight points why have I not given it more points quite simply because it doesn't have the reach of a pike it doesn't have the defensiveness of the saw of the spear and shield but it does have some other attacking options to it so I've given it the same points for Mass ranks as the two-handed spear although I have to caveat that by saying that there are some specific situations where the halberd might outperform the two-handed spear but remember it's heavier a bit more cumbersome than two-hand speed so I think it's pros and cons it has some benefits some um some cons to it so I think overall eight points the Polacks of given the same as the glare for the same reasons it's a shorter more specialized single combat weapon it's functionally in some ways it could look like a halber but the Hubbard's longer so the halberd's better suited to mass combat than the polax is I've given the Polacks seven points the bill functionally for the purposes of this for Mass combat exactly the same as the halberd are given eight points it's about the same length as the halberd does similar things chops hooks thrusts the flail I have given again perhaps controversially six points for Mast weapon it can't thrust uh very well it doesn't have an enormously Long Reach it's not very long you've got to swing it which is not very good in Mass ranks if you've got everybody with flails all trying to swing the thing and hitting the person behind not very good I've given it six points I actually think I was quite charitable I think I could have given it even less actually I think it's a specialized weapon you give a few people you don't give Master ranks flails in my opinion less than some monetary economic concern a lack of metal for example the gray tax I have equally only given six points uh the reason being that's one point less than the Polacks and the glaive it's similar to the political life that has fewer attacking options and it doesn't have a top spike in general if it did then we'd probably class it with the polax here so I've given it six points you've got to swing it to use it it's not great in closed ranks um and so I think six points is fair and finally the alspius now the alspace are used in Mass I would say is in exactly the same category as the winged spear or the two-handed spear so I've given it the same points that is eight points so very good not as good as a pike because a pike can Outreach it not as good as a spear and shield because the spear and shield has a shield right now let's look at that specific category of anti-cavalry now this is a very specific category as is the next one which is anti-arma I think they both need to be considered because at various points in history whether it's Rome or whether it's the Renaissance d dealing specifically with Cavalry or dealing specifically with people in armor was hugely important on the evolution and choice of pole weapons or shafted half dead weapons so I think that these deserve to be categories two of the four categories that we consider so anti-cavalry this is a very specific job now and remember this is going to come down to reach pointiness and how the weapon moves and opposes uh moving horses and bear in mind the horses usually have lances so a consideration here is can you hit the horse because before the Horseman's Lance hits your ranks can you Outreach the Lancer so first up we've got spirit and shield well I think they're very good and it's great that you've got a shield but in this specific scenario a disadvantage of the spear is using it one-handed means you have to hold it closer to the head and you have a shorter reach so I've given it seven points it's good but not as good as some other things on this list now spear used two-handed in contrast I've given nine points because I think one of the massive advantages of using a spear two-handed over using a spear and a shield is anti-cavelry specifically why you would choose to do it and next up Pike I've given 10 points and I'm sure you saw that one coming the pike is absolutely in my opinion specialized to dealing with Cavalry it basically completely nullifies Cavalry now I know there were some exceptions in the 17th century where Lance has used particularly as they essentially used other Pikes on Horseback but generally speaking against the normal Lancer normal Horseman Pike just completely neutralizes them so it has to be 10 points the spear used to handed the spear shorter so I've given it nine points but it's still very effective next up the winged spear or partisan now I've given this eight points purely for the reason that it is shorter in general than a two-handed spear certainly shorter than a pike so it's a very effective weapon against Cavalry but I've but I've given eight points and bear in mind not only is it slightly shorter it tends to be slightly heavier because you've got those projecting lugs out of the side um so I think eight points is fair it's effective not as effective as just a simple long longer spear or a pike next up the glaive I've only given that seven points um and I think that was fairly charitable I could have even possibly given that six points but I think let's be kind to it I've given it seven points here because it's shorter okay so it's it's shorter even than the partisan so remember the partisano gave eight points the pike the sorry the glaive has got a a point on it and it's fairly Nimble it's fairly light so I think seven points is fair the halberd I have actually given eight points and the reason for that is following my reasoning of the previous scoring halberds tend to be longer than glaves so sometimes if you're using a glaive you might find that the Lancer is hitting you at the same time as you're hitting their horse or them with your glaive whereas with a halberd you can usually hope to outreach the Lance because habits have very long spikes on them so eight points for uh anti-cavalary next up the polax this is where the polax falls down in my opinion I've only given it Five Points so polax is number one are relatively short they tend to be the height of a person or shorter sometimes only five foot long also they're quite heavy okay and they tend not to have very long top spikes so quite simply I think Apollo is not very it's basically it's weak point in my opinion it's not well suited to dealing with Cavalry at all which is why Mass ranks use things like halberds instead so the pollacks have only given five points against cavalry the bill so exactly the same as the halberd in this regard it's used to go on a long top Spike it's about the same length it's a fairly heavy Pole weapon which is actually good for absorbing the force of an incoming horse I've given it eight points okay so not quite as good as a two-handed spear certainly not as good as a pike but better than a spear and shield because you've got two hands to brace that weapon with the flail again this might be a controversial one I've only given it three points I think that the flail is particularly poorly designed to deal with Cavalry if you imagine someone charging on Horseback with a lance you can what or you can whack the horse with the flail you can whack the horse move the flower but by that point you've already got skewered by the Lance you're not going to stop the horse um at best you could hope to knock the rider off the horse but they will have had several feet of Lance into you before you get the close enough to hit them with the flail and you've got to swing the flail as well the great ax this is controversial I've only given it um two points now why do they give it less than the flow quite simply because the gray tax in my opinion if we're looking at a Dane ax for example doesn't have as long reach as the flower but it has all of the same issues with the flag you've got to swing it to try and hit the incoming Lancer so therefore they're going to be Lancing you long before you hit them with the Dane ax and the Danish can't reach as far as the flail can the flail being articulated can reach further so I've only given it two points I think that's a really a weak point of the day next despite what you might see on the Bayer tapestry I think often we do actually see Horsemen cutting down daynax people on the bear tapestry and I do not think I know some people will disagree with me on this I do not think that the Dane ax or the great ax was designed to deal with Cavalry at all you've already got Spears for that Spears and shields in the time of the Battle of Hastings perfect I think the gray taxes are there to smash up Shield walls basically they're there for single combat Heroes and and the equivalent of knights of their time to really mess up enemy infantry formation so don't think they're effective against Cavalry at all and finally the ausch piece now the Alps Beast I've given nine points which is the same as the two-handed spear functionally as far as Cavalry concerned it's the same thing uh it's maybe you could argue it's not quite as long as the uh as the two-handed spear but it it's it's quite it's a slightly heavier Weapon It's got more uh Steel in it maybe I should have given that eight points but I've given it nine points here anyway so here's the final category before we come into the literal summing up and seeing what points these different weapons have accumulated so against armor and again this is a specific category but it's very important in the age of um you know the Romans for example adopting large Shields and heavy armor that was very uh critical in the decision of weapons uh being used in that period same thing in the late medieval period when you've suddenly got lots of people with brigandines and plate harnesses same thing in the Renaissance um so armor very very important to consider here so Spear and shield well you know I'm a big fan of the spirit shield and I've been scoring it highly this is where I don't three points my observation is that Spear and shield is particularly poorly designed to deal with armor The Shield's great in defense but it means that you're holding the spear in one hand and you close in on someone in armor you're stabbing with the with the one-handed spear you don't have the power or the accuracy to get that long waggly spear into the places where you need to against the armor in my opinion Spear and shield is just really poorly suited to deal with armor and I think it's one of the reasons that the the Romans decided to go with heavy armor and using a short sword instead get in close find the gaps and stab in them you can't really get in close find gaps and stab into gaps very easily with the spear and shield I'm afraid you can't control the opponent's movement you can't grab them because you're holding a shield and you can't control that tip of that spear incredibly accurately or powerfully either so two-handed spear well two hand spear was actually quite popular for armored fighting although you have to bear in mind that doesn't necessarily it wasn't at all specialized for armored fighting although there was some Spears where they designed the heads a little bit more specifically than others um overall I've given it six points okay so it's sort of mediocre yeah you can use it in armored fighting but it's not really specialized for armored fighting it's more a weapon that you can use against Cavalry you use against light infantry and you can use against heavier you can kind of use it for everything but the fact is that oftentimes I think using a spear in armor to combat you'd often find you come in close try and get stabbed into a gap but the weapon's quite long for that and you'd end up close and grappling you'd be using your sword your dagger wrestling and so on and so forth so six points the pike uh where to begin well let's just say I gave it two points I think the pike is awfully awfully designed to deal with armored opponents it's very very long you're not going to be able to deliberately poke it in any gaps an armored a fully armored opponent will literally just be able to charge a Pikeman down and grab them um so yeah they did use them in tournaments they did use them for tournament fighting but I think it was more novelty they often used to do it over a barrier and they did it in full harness it's essentially one of the safest forms of tournament fighting you could possibly do because how are you going to hurt someone in full armor with a pike you're not okay two points um Wings beer partisan spiedo things something like that I've given seven points okay my opinion is that it's slightly better against armor than the two-handed spear reason being you've got those wings you've got those lugs you can hook you can push you can potentially bash if they're spikes pointing out sideways you can jam them into in gaps so I think it's slightly better for fighting an armor than a two-handed spirit so as I say I've given it seven points now a glaive a glaive I consider pretty damn good against armor actually because you've got a chopping blade you can give heavy blows with if you've got a thrusting blade and it's a relatively short weapon so you can half sword the point in there you've also got little projecting spikes very often that you can smash like a little Warhammer and you've got a back Spike as well and a fairly sturdy shaft so actually it's a little bit like a pole ax and we'll get to the polax in a second but I would say that the glaive is like a polax but better suited for fighting people in normal clothes or light armor in other words it's going to carve up lightly equipped people more easily than a pole ax but it's not quite so geared towards fighting an armor as a pole axis so a solid eight points next up the halberd well the halbert's a funny one because I've given it eight points same as the glaive but for different reasons the clay the glaive is shorter and better geared towards using in single combat hence I gave it a better single combat score but Albert is more powerful you could say it's got an ax blade on it um and it's it's a fairly chunky most of them anyway a fairly chunky sturdy weapons and you've got a greater reach with it so it's different pros and cons to the glaive but I would say that it balances out at about the same score so eight points again now the Polacks uh the pollacks are given 10 points because if we're going to give any weapon the maximum points for fighting an armor It's gotta be the polax the polex is absolutely optimized and specialized specifically for this job it's what armored Knights chose to use against other armored Knights it's you know it's shorter and nimbler and stronger than the halberd so better for fighting one-on-one and it often has adaptations that are of the you know design of the point and the hammer on the back and things like that the bed design for bashing armor than a halberd is so I would say that the halberd and the Polacks are obviously related weapons that that polax is more catered towards single combat and armor the halberd is more catered towards massed combat in normal Soldier Gear typical Soldier gear now the bill are given exactly the same score as the halberd because for this this purpose it's exactly the same thing it can chop really strongly but it's a bit long it's not very well catered towards single combat but it can hit really powerfully and it's got the same kind of options as the halberd so eight points the flail for fighting an armor I've given seven points um the reason being it can hit armor pretty hard so uh if it's a bit like a mace essentially you can just smash someone in any level of armor really really hard and it might put them out of action it might break bits of their armor Dent bits of their armor lock things up so I think that yeah it deserves to get seven points but it's not versatile you can't thrust with it you can't stab into gaps you're pretty much limited to one type of attack you could argue some wrestling thrown in and this kind of stuff you can do other things with it but by and large it doesn't have a lot of hooks and points or anything like that the great ax similar are given seven points you can bash very strongly with it but it doesn't have anything like the offensive or defensive options that something like a whole ax or a glaive or halberd does so seven points and finally the outspace now this was very difficult and I changed my score on this a number of times I actually scored it lower originally but I've moved it up to eight points the reason being that it is really quite specialized to dealing with people who are wearing levels of armor because of the nature of the point on it and it's not as long and cumbersome as something like a halberd is which has a similar habit has a similar point but the outsbeast is a little bit better geared towards um fighting an armor I think um because it was nimbleness and things like this so I've given it eight points so good very good but not the top end right so let's have a look at the summing up who scored what so overall scores are and bear in mind this is just against those four categories how good they are at single combat how good they are as masked regimental weapons unit weapons how good they are specifically against Cavalry and how good they are against armor or fighting in armor so the spare and shield got 30 points the two-handed spear so same spear used in two hands without a shield got 31 points that surprised me a bit The Pike got 22 points now that might sound very very low but remember that the pike is really specialized and against these four categories you know it scored the maximum points against Cavalry and it scored almost the maximum points as a masked unit weapon but rubbish is a single combat weapon rubbish against armor so 22 points the winged spear or partisan or spiedo or corsek has 32 points which makes sense it's one point more than the simple spear in two hands makes sense similar weapon just got a few more options to it the glaive quite a different type of weapon also got 32 points uh it surprised me how many ties we've got here the halberd very different type of weapon in many ways looks very different but when we actually added up all these points 32 points again the pullbacks now the Polacks again I've said the Pollocks and the and the halberd similar weapons different strengths and weaknesses 32 points again the bill well the Bill's very similar to Albert isn't it functionally it's a different shape does basically the same things it can hook it can chop it can thrust and it's a similar length similar weight 32 points exactly the same points flail flail very cheap weapon might be very good at specific things like hitting around people's Shields or striking over the edge of fortifications or a war wagon as the Bohemians would have used it 22 points though it's just not very versatile not very good in single combat not very good in Mass combat not not particularly good against armor that's probably what it's best at and rubbish against Cavalry I would personally say so overall the flail's pretty weak and I think when we look at the popularity and history of the flail I.E not very popular it's not that surprising the gray tax now I have to be honest I'm a fan of two-handed axes Dane axes so this quite surprised me it only got 23 points but you have to bear in mind that it's an earlier type of weapon what we're comparing here is a weapon that was already in existence in the 800s and 900s with types of weapon that were not developed for another few hundred years you know things like the halberd and the partisan um and the uh the bill didn't really come into their own until the 15th century like 500 years later so it's kind of an unfair comparison isn't it because the gray tax evolved into the Polacks and the polax is up here at the top with the others and finally the house beats now the LSP seems like a very specialized weapon so actually this score surprised me it's also got 32 points so what we have here is a tie folks we've got a tie at 32 points the top points between the winged spear or partisan the glaive the halberd the polax the bill and the outs piece now you might think oh that's a real cop-out to have all of those weapons tying but do you know what's for completely different reasons and I spent quite some time mulling over these points and I think it's fair and actually when you look at 15th and 16th century Warfare what were the most common pole arms and use well Pikes were the most common but used for very specific reasons and as part of a combined Force so pikemen were used with muskets and missile troops and those two things in unison worked fantastically because the Pikes protected them from the Cavalry while they were really reloading and shooting so in a way you could say that the Pikes while they were used offensively they sort of got rid of a lot of the other considerations in order to perform one specific job or a couple of specific jobs so the Pikes are very specializing if we take the pike out of the equation what we see is the spear and shield and the two-hander speed did very very well and they feature widely in history don't they and really what's the difference between a two-handed spear and a pike you could say why is the pike so low and the two-handed spear is 31 points it's almost up there at the top with the others and fundamentally it's to do with versatility the pike has gone so exaggerated and so far you know 16 or 18 feet long it's so unwieldy in single combat it's useless almost against armor whereas the two-handed spear down at let's say 10 feet or 12 feet long is far far more versatile that difference in reach means that yes if you have a unit of pikemen versus a unit of two-handed Spears the Pikeman are going to win most of the time but in every other scenario the two-handed spear is more versatile so I think it makes sense that you know we've got the we've got the partisans we've got the glaze we've got the halberds we've got the polaxes we've got the bills and we've got the outer piece and they were some of the absolute most popular um and versatile pole arms that were in use at the end of the medieval period and going into the Renaissance really when gunpowder was starting to change Warfare forever so it makes sense I think the scoring is whilst it might not be perfect I think we've come out at more or less the right result that none of these pole arms is specifically better than another overall but some of them are definitely better at specific jobs I hope that's been fun to watch um and send your thoughts your reactions your disagreements um any other weapons I should have considered um I'm happy to if you've got other specific polar arms you want me to consider it might be that they kind of come under one of these categories I've considered under here but I'm really fascinated to see what you make of my scoring of these if you agree if you disagree get posting down below check out the links in the description below this video as well please give me a like it makes a huge difference to my channel and if you haven't subscribed please consider doing so I hope I'll see you back on the channel really soon I have been Matt Easton and I will continue to be see you soon folks thanks for watching we've got extra videos on patreon please give our Facebook a like And subscribe if you haven't already cheers folks
Channel: scholagladiatoria
Views: 74,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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