Best Gold Clean Ups Ever | Gold Rush & Bering Sea Gold

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see what you got here okay [Music] nineteen point eight nine right now they'd be worth about thirty six thousand dollars at today's price [Music] there's you a check so if you're coming out tonight rochette can see you later I'm lucky really lucky that I have a success story I paid it off my dredge and I have enough money to take the offseason off which is what I was looking to do with the beginning of the season this checks and miracles back at the pom Reinke's hard work almost over this is the fun part of it all seeing all the yellow after cleaning for 12 straight hours now Steve and Shawn are in the homestretch we're gonna set up a cooker to dry this gold off we'll throw it on the scale and we'll see what we have there one 66.6 [Music] I loved seeing that this Hall is worth almost $300,000 nice to see the bills get paid that's for day I'm sure but 60 70 grand towards gold leaves we didn't beat each other up so that's good close but not quite I love you up married again I do just a crabby old guy I know sometimes true it's down to Thurber to clean up the concentrate from the sluice box oh that's some gold there the Hoffmans have already mined 1035 ounces worth over 1.2 million dollars but they need a total of 1,300 ounces to keep their claim next season this last cleanup has to be the best of their lives how's it looking yeah weighing it up now in 16 17 ounces what holy there you go 217 our best cleanup ever 217 ounces over a quarter of a million dollars in a single cleanup oh hey John that's God one of gnomes freelance gold assayer's John stings makes a year call oh yeah you got this really clean 48 48 20 170 $4.97 we just make it twenty 175 how about that looks right all right read on the Clarkes tally for the second trip of the season an ounce and a half of gold almost twenty two hundred dollars worth but the biggest haul comes from the biggest dredge he should be stress-free and I'm gonna be stress-free Steve pomrenke II overcame son Shawn's injury putting the Christine rose on the gold 50 ounces worth seventy eight thousand dollars now I'm gonna go put this in my hiding spot over here I keep my gold in various places but I'm gonna put it here right next to my guns tonight Scott foster help get the sluicey out for its maiden voyage and helped Ian land a 3-ounce $4,700 haul Scotty's a good dude and I'm really really grateful he's here without him this wouldn't turned out this way so I reckon that's probably about 25 ounces which takes us past the Hoffmans I think he should have learned my hat Oh [Applause] so that's 353 ounces 353 ounces worth three hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars so that takes us to 3362 let's turn the scale on here and see what we got cooking the cover is overhead and stay afloat Steve needs to clear one and a half million dollars in gold this season all right oh it's a nice little turkeys in there yup we had a pretty hot spot out there teen 82 times 0.9 times ninety six seven eight five equals 155 thousand three hundred and twenty eight dollars and three cents well that's better than a ninety six dollar paycheck than I used to get when I was working as a young boy yes Andy the massive payday is definitely a step in the right direction so easy to put in a jar but so hard to get out of the ground you need a handful a dam in here actually though you know I just like my money in my pocket are you a bleep to stay on target for Tony's 2000 hours goal they need this cleanup to deliver at least a hundred ounces 90 100 120 200 230 240 300 340 370 380 490 400 420 that's pretty amazing Jesus so go for it gonna get over five but I think pretty well Wow 500 well need a bigger pad 25 32.6 wow that's pretty good isn't it that's right yeah worth almost six hundred and forty thousand dollars five hundred and thirty-two ounces is the largest gold weigh in gold rush is seven-year history [Music] our best so far is what 277 yeah yeah Sam yeah double the chaplain Kevin I can smell those two thousand ounces from it you can do one like that before people ace will be the AES Pete that justifies getting up that's over there wouldn't you think so can you imagine if you get that twice don't count your chickens before I ask ya you
Channel: Discovery UK
Views: 2,409,794
Rating: 4.7357345 out of 5
Keywords: discovery, discovery channel, discoveryTV, gold rush, gold rush full episodes, parker schnabel, todd hoffman, tony beets, gold rush season 7, gold mine, mining, best ever, Bering Sea Gold, bering sea gold cast, bering sea gold season 7, bering sea gold under the ice, full episodes, season 7, vs
Id: 0e7zZCoJGio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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