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but everyone and welcome back to my youtube channel so today I am gonna be doing something I've never done before I'm gonna be switching legs with one of my best friends for an entire day and his name is Andrew wait who me how would it be searching my team I'm gonna be living the life the Brett Rivera so can I Drive Andrew we are gonna write each other lists of what we do from the start of the day to the finish of the day and then we're gonna give it to each other and starting it tomorrow morning we're gonna live each other's lives for the entire day perfect okay are you ready I am so ready and hit that like button if you're watching this video I'm pretty sure everyone watching this video is watching this video you didn't make that doesn't make any sense but yeah what what he said did that like what if you're watching this video right now here we go let's do it switch lives 1 2 3 5 yo guys so I just woke up it's literally 7:00 a.m. in the morning this dude is a maniac Oh what's up guys right now it's 9:15 in the morning and I'm not supposed to get out of bed yet cuz on Andrews list it says I wake up at 10 a.m. all right guys we're cooling changed now I am ready to go actually wearing Brent hoodie so don't tell him so next on the list we have get Starbucks Scott let's go get it alright so it's finally 10 a.m. finally I get to wake this is my favorite part about Andrews room he has like some candy machine I actually do like candy a lot so Brent usually drinks black coffees so I guess that's what we're trying today all right let's see what black coffee tastes like that was the most disgusting thing I've ever tried in my life so now wait he mustn't miss something because he put lunch next I mean it says wake up and then eat lunch McDonald's so I'm gonna drive to McDonald's right now how does he expect me to know this stuff like what so we got 50% Wow not what I expected at all so it is lunchtime basically I have done nothing all day so it says Happy Meals so we're gonna have to I have a toy okay fries there's onions and pickles on this you have to I don't like that I like to make sure I eat you know pretty healthy with like veggies and stuff this is definitely a little different alright guys so now we're ready to burn this is usually where he thinks the office ideator let's see what we can pick up so guys I think you for about 20 minutes so far okay now I'm just stuck alright so lunch was good the next thing on his agenda he goes and plays maybe soccer alright so next on the list says eat lunch what is please don't tell me this is what he needs spinach what the heck that is disgusting and literally tastes like a tree jeez this is not good at all alright so I'm definitely not eating this I guess imma be left hungry for the rest of the day it's literally raining and I'm about to play some soccer all right so obviously I'm not that good at this and it's raining so we're gonna move on to the next thing I did switch lies with Brantford a you know what that means I get to take his sports car on a little trip I'm kind of scared honestly I've never drove a car like this fast so hopefully we don't crash his car all right so next up on Angie's List is my video games mm you probably have some oh shoot WordPress he probably set up it's just a video game how long the next step tivities I got 5 so he said we're supposed playing video games for two hours I have no idea what this games alright guys so we just got to target basically what we're gonna try to do today is do a dance video maybe like a brown bear video this is kind of embarrassing everyone's looking at me and it's you're so awkward I don't know what to do so I played video games for about two hours now now we move on to the next thing on andrew's list and that is take a picture for Instagram what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna win see if I can recreate any of Andrews recent pictures [Music] we are in the gym now and I have to find a bench so I can take my shirt off and take picture that looks good love it I think that's great alright so now that we got the picture the last thing on the list is girl come over so I guess I have to find my girls we hang out with alright guys so next we're at the gym we need to running three miles on a treadmill all right so I'm at the pool right now and I'm meeting her we'll see how I go and I'm Bert guys this is Andrews thing Andrews good with girls not me so so guys this is Emily you know if you were a camera I could picture me with you okay do you find this a little awkward okay good yeah you want to play a game marco polo polo oh okay Emily would you be down to maybe go you know maybe we can go see a movie or some my dad and I have a lot of homework in finals soon okay all right guys I just ran three miles I'm pretty tired but that was the last thing on the list I'm exhausted i'ma go to bed now and I'll see you guys in the morning peace all right so Emily left it didn't really go as planned which is okay because I'm not as smooth as Andrew but I really have nothing else to do today and you're never anything else down so I'm gonna head to bed guys good night to productive the food was horrible you know the car it was a nice car I'm glad you drove my car what about you would you think of my there was a lot of sitting around in it are the pickles oh gosh the pickles you know I sleepy girl no I don't like to feed you like a toy though I did like a toy thank you so much for watching Andrew what should they do they should like this video if they're watching this video yes that makes perfect sense all of our social media links are gonna be down below make sure you subscribe my channel if you haven't already cuz I put every single week and I don't want you to miss out and I will see you guys next week I just amigo it's so good to be back in my own room hi Andrew get out all right get out of my room oh this bed so much more comfortable than your best [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 7,709,367
Rating: 4.9574947 out of 5
Keywords: brent, rivera, mrbrent98, life, swap, best friends, lives, for a day, 24 hours, instagram, compilation, from, ig, funny, comedy, james charles, tati, drama, david, dobrik, liza, koshy, collins, key, mrbeast, slime, how to, diy, giant, extreme, switch, bff, vine
Id: kzeLbvLDxD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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