Best Food Inventions | Popular Foods | The Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz

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[Music] oh i just love potato chips look at them yummy many of you don't know that the potato chips we eat today happen due to a lot of cuts like this so today i'll tell you about the invention of our favorite potato chips zoom in [Music] so the story of this amazing invention was super crunchy and munchy there was once a chef named george crumb who worked in a resort in saratoga springs new york he was a pretty good chef and trust me when i say that thank you dr b it was one of those usual days for chef krum in his kitchen making the best dish his resort was known for the french fries while he was making but you haven't talked about me oh yes but don't worry i'll definitely talk about you in some time okay [Music] mr fry you have to go so that i can complete the story sorry so where was i you were talking about me making fries oh yes so george crumb was making fries for a customer and when those fries reached the customer's table he didn't quite like it he said that the fries were too thick poor chef crumb took those fries cut them thinner and served them again but no the customer didn't like it again this made crumb angry he cut the fries paper thin and let them fry in oil till they turned crisp and brown and then he added lots of salt to teach the customer a lesson and when he served that to the customer he loved it this give up to the potato chips they were known as the saratoga chips soon people started making and selling potato chips and they spread all over the world right into your hands now will you talk about me oh yes now is the time even though they are called french fries they are not french according to some stories the origin of french fries goes back to the villages of belgium where people used to fry small fishes they caught from the rivers but during winters the rivers would freeze making it almost impossible for them to catch any more fish so they turned to the potatoes they would slice and fry potatoes just like how they fried fish and that's how french fries came into being so happy now very trivial time a packet of potato chips has more air than the chips because it is filled with nitrogen to keep the chips fresh and prevent them from breaking a californian woman named laura scada was known as the potato chip queen because she was the first one to come up with the idea of putting potato chips in packets my chips are waiting for me so i go now and you tune in next time for more fun facts this is me zooming out hey friends so much has changed isn't it look at me back then and look at me now but hey what do you think has not changed my healthy breakfast of cornflakes and today i'm going to tell you all about the invention of cornflakes come on let's go zoom in [Music] did you know earlier americans would eat very heavy and oily food for breakfast they would eat absolutely anything this led to a whole country of people with upset stomachs and acidity which made some people want to try a healthier breakfast one such person was the superintendent of a health spa in michigan called the battle creek sanitarium and a health fanatic himself dr john harvey kellogg dr john along with his brother will keith kellogg wanted to make a healthy breakfast meal for their countrymen so in 1887 they did this by mixing cornmeal and oatmeal into a dough then added nuts and baked them into biscuits by passing them under a roller these were then crumbled up into little pieces and was served as a new healthy food the brothers called it granula they used this as a healthy meal at their spa but it was totally bland however this was named similar to another product of the same name created by james caleb jackson back in 1863 so to avoid being sued they changed the name to granola instead all was going well for the brothers after that then one day while in the middle of heating wheat to make crackers they were called away on some urgent business when they came back the wheat dough had been heated and then cooled to a crisp they still carried on with the process though and put it through the roller they expected a big sheet of dough as usual but to their surprise when they flattened the dough it broke into separate flakes this they thought was an even better idea and the people at the spa loved them so the kellogg brothers started experimenting with different kinds of grain to find out what else could work until in 1898 they tried this process with corn and were delighted at the results as were all the patrons at the spa and this is how cornflakes were invented however this is where the brothers had a disagreement john felt that the flakes were great as it is and like all his other healthy foods corn flakes were also bland and tasteless will on the other hand knowing that they weren't the only people selling cereal like cornflakes felt that if they added sugar to it they would taste better and sell more but john would have none of it he didn't want something that he thought so unhealthy added to his creation and the cornflakes were left untouched for a long time after selling their foods together for a while will kellogg finally separated from his brother in 1906 bought the rights of the conflicts from him and started his own company the battle creek toasted conflict company here he started mass selling his own sugar-coated conflicts which instantly became a huge hit after a long legal battle over the kellogg name will won the rights to use their own name and his company became the kellogg's cereal company we know today and that is how cornflakes became the breakfast cereal of today aren't you glad the added sugar to it they would taste so bland without it and now you know what it's time for it's trivia time the word cereal comes from an ancient greek word cirilia a major festival celebrating ceres the goddess of agriculture [Music] astronauts ate kellogg's conflicts aboard apollo 11 the spacecraft [Music] well friends that's the story behind my favorite breakfast food and i'm sure it's the same for many of you too and with all the amazing flavors we have today it's no wonder that kellogg's is famous to world over that's it for today tune in next time for more fun facts this is me zooming out [Music] oh my this chocolate chip cookie is yummy and this part of chocolate is yummiest oh hey there mr chocolatious hey dr binocks aren't i so delicious and you were once so precious um i mean the chocolates inside you were once precious oh really i didn't know that oh yes you were let me take you back to the roots of chocolate and also tell you how chocolate chip cookies and the first bar of chocolate were invented zoom in mayans from central america were the first ones to discover chocolate in early 980. they believed that the beans from the cocoa pods could be crushed and made into a liquid that would soon be a mayan treat but hey the liquid wasn't sweet at all it was rather made of chili peppers cocoa beans and water this is not so bad but many believed that the discovery of chocolate goes back to 1900 bc when the mesoamericans considered cocoa beans to be a gift from the god of wisdom called kinser koato who was later banished from the circle of gods for sharing a precious treasure to the humans poor kidzo cuato later when the aztecs took over the mayans they took taxes from the poor mayans in the form of cocoa beans as they couldn't grow cocoa themselves this is when cocoa was used as a form of currency imagine there was once a time when money actually grew on trees it was believed that christopher columbus got cocoa beans to europe during one of his world exploration expeditions since he got a bag full of other precious discoveries the cocoa beans was kinda ignored it was his fellow explorer don hernan cortes who realized the commercial value of chocolate and soon the tradition of drinking chocolate grew all over europe spread to england and people are crazy about chocolate till today historians believe that somewhere in 1847 a chocolate manufacturing company named as fry's chocolate factory invented the first bar of chocolate yes they figured out a way to mix cocoa powder sugar and cocoa to create a paste that could be pressed into a mold and that's how my friends the first successful chocolate was made [Music] now let me tell you about the absolutely delicious chocolate chip cookies many of you don't know that it was an accidental invention that's right an american chef called ruth graves wakefield thought of making something new so she added some chocolate bits into a cookie dough and baked it poor chef thought that the chocolate bits would melt and she would get plain chocolate cookies for our customers but to a surprise the chocolate bits didn't melt and they became the ever so delicious chocolate chip cookies trim your time did you know that eating dark chocolate every day reduces the risk of heart diseases by one third chocolate has an antibacterial effect on the mouth which protects against tooth decay [Music] so friends now when you eat chocolates you'll exactly know how it came to being so this is me munching crunching and feasting on some super awesome chocolates oh wow tune in next time for more fun facts this is me zooming out hey friends don't you just love the fair the games people and of course the oh so delicious food so what's your favorite food the corn dog or the hot dog maybe the pretzels well my favorite food is the cotton candy i just love it it's so soft and wispy it's like putting a cloud in your mouth well do you know that cotton candy was actually invented by a dentist that's right come let me tell you how this dentist came up with this wonderful candy zoom in i'm sure you have seen the cotton candy makers use a machine to whip up that delicious stringy candy but do you know how it makes sugar into the strings that we eat what this machine does is heat the sugar mixture up to its boiling point making it a liquid while doing this it also spins really really fast at a speed of around 3 500 rotations per minute as the sugar gets liquefied because of the spinning it shoots out of the center through tiny holes on coming in contact with the air it instantly solidifies and forms a very thin strand of sugar thread these strands are then collected on a stick and served to the eager young children surrounding it now that you know how it works you can even make some at but early in the 18th century the task of whipping the sugar syrup into strands was a manual task only the rich could afford it and even then it was very time consuming and took a lot of effort so it wasn't a very widespread treat until the hero of our story invented a machine to do this work now let's talk about the dentist who gave us this wonderful invention that's right a dentist made this candy so you know that it can't be bad for you william james morrison was born in 1860 in nashville tennessee he graduated from the university of tennessee dental college in 1890 as a dentist [Music] morrison was a man with a sweet tooth he loved all kinds of candy he loved candy so much that he even had a friend who was a confectioner named john c wharton in 1897 morrison and wharton came up with the idea of creating a sugary sweet which would be soft and fluffy they decided to promote this invention of theirs at the famous saint louis fair in 1904 this was a seven month long fair where over the years all kinds of inventions from all over the world were showcased this was a huge deal as getting a pavilion here was not easy and the fair had so many attractions that the competition was tough but the air like candy was a hit nonetheless morrison and warton sold their candy by the name of fairy floss in small wooden boxes it was priced at 25 cents which at that time was half the price of the fair ticket itself but even this didn't stop the fairy floss from shining and the two friends sold over 68 000 boxes but although fairy floss was a huge hit the machine they used at the time was quite unreliable they would shake and rattle and often break down this is where gold medal products came in a company that delved in food related products in cincinnati ohio this was the company that took charge to improve the design of the machine and make it more reliable they did this by adding a spring to the bottom of the mechanism and it worked so well that the design of the machine hasn't changed much ever since except that now they have a lot more flavors and you know what else hasn't changed since the beginning our very own trivia time cotton candy has only one ingredient sugar the rest is just plain air america celebrates its national cotton candy day on 7th november every year well friends wasn't that a sweet story now if anyone ever tells you that you eat a lot of cotton candy you can tell them that there's a dentist to blame for it well hope you enjoyed this fun and tasty invention tune in next time for more fun facts this is me zooming out hey everybody guess where i am today i am in ice cream land this is so yummy but have you ever thought what would happen to this tasty ice cream if he didn't have a cone to munch it with isn't it a wonderful invention you're right dr binox we're glad you're talking about us today [Music] i'm glad that you were invented my friends so my little dearies let's talk about how ice cream cones were invented zoom in many say that the man behind the invention of ice cream cones was italo marchionne while some say that it was ernest hamby the cones were invented by me [Music] oh you were nothing without me so just let it be huh as you can see those stories are many but i'll tell you the one that seems most true to me it was marchione who was working as a pushcart vendor in wall street like many of his fellow mates he used to sell flavored eyes to people who in turn called people like him the hokey pokey man but there was a problem the customers were served the flavored ice cream in glass cups and many of them would just forget to give the cups back to us or would just break them by mistake there was so much loss and that's why he wanted to come up with an edible cup to serve the flavored ice that's when the journey to this remarkable invention started marchioni would spend nights experimenting with the waffles he was trying to make cones out of them and then it finally struck him if i fold these waffles and keep them to cool they retain their ship voila now i can serve my flavored ice cream in this cone like couple [Music] there won't be any breakage there won't be any laws since marchionne was good at mechanics and business he soon adapted the design of the waffle iron to create a device into which batter for waffles could be poured and baked in multiples finally when he was happy with his invention he applied to patent his invention in 1902 and in 1903 i got the patron ship hey but many say i'm the inventor of the cons oh yes let me talk about the story of you now yes that's right many do say that it was ernest hunwe who invented the ice cream cone it was one of those usual days in 1904 when hamby was selling waffle-like pastry called zalabi's in his cart but one day hell broke loose when the ice cream cellar beside ran out of cups while selling his ice cream some stories say that hamwi got the idea to roll his waffles in the shape of a cone and helped his fellow mate while some stories say that it was marcioni who was the ice cream vendor and he asked hamvi to make cones out of his waffles one invention and two stories trivia time it was in the year of 1924 when the cone production rose to a record-breaking number of 245 million cones the world's tallest ice cream cone is 3.8 meters high for an ice cream in norway so friends while i have this lovely bite of the scone you tell me in which year did marchionne get his painting ship tune in next time for more fun facts this is me zooming out
Channel: Peekaboo Kidz
Views: 2,067,929
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Keywords: Best Food Inventions, Origins Of Famous Foods, Origins Of Your Favourite Foods, cotton candy, chocolate, who invented chocolate, waffle cones, ice cream cones, peekaboo kidz, dr binocs, food videos for kids, inventions for kids, invention video, food inventions, accidental food inventions, cocoa, chocolate invention, kelloggs corn flakes, kelloggs, dr binocs show, food, inventions, kids videos for kids, cotton candy machine, science videos, online learning, dr. binocs
Id: pPe7D8O0PFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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