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like my hair it's not a ponytail that's right here no it's a wig [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new welcome so in today's video it's gonna be a wig install video however it's gonna be a little different than probably all my wig install videos because every single wig i install i bleach the knots however this company that i have previously worked with before re-sent me the same wig they already sent me but they asked me not to alter it touch it or anything just install it straight out the box and so i'm going to do that i have never done that i always bleach my knots i always pluck but i'm not going to pluck this wig i'm not going to bleach the knots i'm not going to alter it outside of putting like powder foundation to um tint the lace but i'm gonna just see okay like if this wig is as beginner friendly as they're marking it to be which i think it is but the last time i installed it i did bleach it and i plucked it prior to installing it i'm gonna see how it looks when you install it straight out of the box so this is the wig itself plain 1b wig straight hair this wig is from xrs beauty i've done a video with them before like i said i'll put a card right here if you missed that one and this package just sent me an edge control brush [Music] oh they sent me more in this package a comb a wide tooth comb some clips elastic band these pieces to compare the lace because this is like a clear transparent lace wig caps and they sent me flexi rods they sent me a lot of this package like i always say i'm not sure if you guys will get the same exact thing in your package but that's what keep in mind so i'm gonna use the wig cafe since i was gonna use this lighter one but i was watching this girl's wig install video and she said something like it's better for your stocking cap to be either your exact color or a little darker and it kind of makes sense because whenever i do stone caps that are like really light although i could tint it i noticed that when i do stocking caps that are close to my skin tone the wig looks better so i'm just going to use the one they sent yeah that looks really good i'm also going to use the edge brush i sent because why not i'm going to take my ors gel just to brush my baby hairs back i'm kind of going through right now because not only am i tired not only am i tired it's like late at night but i know i have to wake up early to film a haul in the morning so i need my hair done anyways but also just burn my finger on my hot comb like that's to leave a hole burned that really did hurt so that was not fun but i'm optimistic on this wig install so we're gonna get it done if you hear a little bell in the back that's cactus play with cuddy how long was i not in focus this is exactly why i'm always staring at the monitor because right now it's focused on this thing behind me and i don't know why that's why people are always staring at their monster when they feel cause our lenses will decide to focus on something else behind us that we have no control over all right so like i always do put the stone cap on what the hell what's wrong with you now my scissors already breaking cut up hold through my ears so it lays flat my cut will be right here too just to loosen it up so it's not too tight on my head but i don't want to make it too loose to where it's not gonna lay flat so to mold this down use my rs spray it's like the got to be free spray but i like a little more actually i have a baby on my nail because when i was cleaning earlier i broke my nail i gotta do my nose all over i've broken like three of them which is why i never get long nails because it happens every single time all right so that's all dry so now it's time to cut it you guys i'm so mad because as i'm using these scissors i'm like what's wrong with them they're not acting the same is because i tried to cut a clip with them and i created ridges and i ruined my scissors and i literally just got these i can't win bro i'm not going to buy a new scissors because these when they're not cutting the way they should because i messed them up before i cut anymore i'm gonna measure to see if i need to i'm going to fix the adjustable straps you guys look how much it's already pre-plugged like i have not plucked this i wish i would have like kept it in the little bag cubs in because it comes like a little mesh net in a bag but whatever i get any hair said to me i have to touch it so i take it out but i have not touched this like i have not touched it look how plucked it is already so let's see how i have to lay it i have to lay like that [Music] i just want to go back here i don't want too far on my forehead [Music] like i'm trying i need to position it so i don't cut too much lace off i don't have to cut off anymore the stocking cap so i'm gonna take this pro filter powder foundation my fenty let's just say 370 and just go over this [Music] to make it my skin tone so before applying my skin guard i'm going to take some alcohol to clean up over here so the glue will stick better [Music] just make up on it and then apply my skin guard this by erica j this is the watermelon scent now take the hold me down glue and based on my measurements i could put it like right on the line as well as in front of it so i'm gonna start on a line or like the edge of the stocking cap and then move it forward i'm gonna use a popsicle stick for that i like to like move it to the side first and then if i see any like unevenness i move like towards the front if that makes sense you guys see what i mean like spread it out first now i'm smoothing it down i'll make sure it's as smooth as possible because it'll dry faster you know dry more even if some parts are thicker than others it won't dry even which is annoying because then you end up waiting for one part to dry while the other part is dry and then like damn i gotta hurry up and lay it down it's just annoying so try to spread it out as even as you can and work pretty fast because i mean the glue is obviously gonna dry and once it starts to set if you touch it and you move it it goes everything so this is cool i'm gonna do two layers i like doing two layers assemble so the first layer is pretty dry except this little part but it's fine so i'm gonna do the second layer all right guys the glue is pretty much dry so now i am going to use the same fenty powder on the lace i mean the hindsight i probably did this like two minutes ago but whatever i'm gonna do it now because i'm not bleaching the knots the knots look like they're pretty bleached i believe they are but i mean whenever branches pre-bleached like yeah they're lightly bleached but you can still see the knots so i'm gonna add powder i'm gonna quickly set the powder in place with a spray used earlier using a very thin layer because i don't want the lace to get hard i'm gonna dry it with my blow dryer just so the powder doesn't transfer before we apply to that cup this lace in the back of the wig i'm putting it off in the back so that it doesn't get in the glue i'm working one side at a time so i don't mess up this is literally with no plucking i have not plucked a single thing i know it probably seems unbelievable but i'm being so serious [Music] honestly i might just keep like this color i like it going back [Music] i love this actually like i like the no part look i'm definitely going to add more glue to this front part though i'm trying to avoid cutting off any customizations i like that there some jacket scissors trying not to cut up as much lace as possible okay that looks cool wow i cannot believe this is pretty plugged like i believe it cause the last one was like this but because i kind of did my own thing before giving before even installing it like i did not know it was this simple like i don't have to pluck anything these companies are low-key evolving ready for our eyes i have cleaned that glue there but i don't mind that this is crazy okay i need to put a little more glue right here i do not want to cut that off just going to lift that up and put the little layer wow guys what the heck this looks so good look i mean i knew this installed be easy but not like this easy without bleaching and honestly you know how convenient that is because usually by a time i bleach hair i do not want to wash it and restrain it i'd be so lazy so like it was a wrist not bleaching it because i wasn't sure how it's going to look but like i love how this looks i don't want to do a part i like the hair going straight back like this like i never do that so i'm going to keep it i need to bring the mirror closer to me i hope it doesn't block you guys but i have to see what i'm doing up close pluck lightly so here's a flaw okay so i put too much glue on right so i take my tweezers and i lightly pluck but there's a way you do this to where it doesn't mess up underneath i have put too much glue many times so i would know i made this mistake i know how to fix it sometimes if my luck is good so if you put too much glue on and you find yourself having to pluck some off not plug pick it off if you're not plugging anything you're just picking it off what you want to do is never pick it off and pull backwards because although you're taking off the excess and i mean you could get some like glue remover remove it or alcohol remove it but i like to get the bulk of it with tweezers first then if i need to go over alcohol but when i do it i just find this easiest way for me but i never pick backwards because the glue still needs to be there for the rest of the lace so i pull forward so i don't alter the glue that is already holding the lace down i really hope that made sense all right i'm gonna do some light baby hairs super duper light extremely light damn near like almost not even there okay that was me being dramatic but like as loud as i possibly can make them so okay wait i'm about to do some customization now and when i pull my baby hairs out i will have to pluck a little bit into that i'm so sorry my cats are playing um cactus it's okay i am gonna pluck a little bit just for me now because i'm perfectionist however before i alter at all this is what you'll get when you buy this wig this is the plugin you'll get this how the lace will look when you install it the way i just did it or you could use like a sprayer gel i like to use glue but this is how it looks without any alterations i want you guys to see that before i go and pluck it so when you order this wig this is what you can expect now i'm gonna do what i do but the company requested that i show you guys this wig without touching it or alternating at all so that's what i did and i don't regret it because i mean that was easy so i parted out a small section and now i'm just using tweezers [Music] if we just mess that up no biggie oh that's why i didn't do well i hadn't used a hot comb yet oh wow i'm gonna use this or else i'll burn for nothing [Music] i comb that down how come that back now i will cut it [Music] i'm not leaving that big come on guys you know me [Music] [Music] do [Music] you guys i love this wig so much like i rarely wear my hair push back like this although i do like it on me i've done it with clippings before but i rarely wear it like this because i'm too lazy to pluck because in order to wear a wig push back like this you got to plug the shirt but i think this looks so good and natural if i wanted to i could go pluck it some more i don't feel like i have to though like i don't think i do i mean okay i'll do it no i really don't think i have to no no no you're being perfectionist like stop like this looks perfectly fine i love how this looks it looks so cute to me if i wanted to which i always do which is boring i could do a middle part [Music] just trying to show you guys how the lace looks i could do a middle part if i wanted to but i love this like push back messy look i have going on right now i like the baby hairs look really natural i'm not gonna bother them the wig feels so secure like that was the smoothest install ever and i feel like i've been saying that about every install and maybe my luck is just good because they keep getting better and better but like for a lace front yeah this was the easiest install because even other installs that have been easy i still had to put more work into it i had to plug i had to bleach the knots i did not do anything to this besides put foundation powder on the lace i didn't have to plug outside of me doing the baby hairs and honestly i don't know if you guys peeped on this side i didn't pluck before cutting i just cut it i just did it and just a test to see if i needed to plug i didn't even need to pluck so i didn't have to plug my baby hairs i didn't have to do anything but just put the wig on so if you're looking for a beginner wig i believe you might have found it in this video because it looks so good so i'm going to take my ass to bed it's almost 12 o'clock i'm going to wrap this you know it's my purring now because i literally won't grab it by the time i stop filming like i'll think about it but i'll just lay down just lay on my back and just not touch the front but i want to wrap it in a scarf just so it just looks even better in the morning so what you wrap your hair with is so important because my last wig install oh i just love this pushback look i never do it so i like it what you wrap your hair with is extremely important and you probably knew this or maybe you didn't because i honestly didn't know that until recently believe it or not because my last wig installed it went crazy okay like that [ __ ] was next level however ah when i wrapped it and that's probably the reason why i took the wig off so soon because when i wrapped it i kind of messed it up because oh hi ponytail you say yeah honestly speaking if i want to plug this a little bit more i could like i don't have to that's the point it's like if you're like me you're going to want to pluck it just a little bit because i'm always to see okay how far can i take this how natural can i make this look but if you compare this wig to other wigs that you get with a hairline look dense as hell this is a really great way but there's some professional hair stylist that might want to pluck this more i'm just saying that like you don't have to but you can like i would pluck like i would pluck a little bit more on the sides but i really don't feel like doing that so like [ __ ] i kind of do now that i say it hold on hold on let me show you guys what i'm talking about because you don't have to but like you can if you want to take it even further we've already proved the point that like you don't really have to so if you want to make this look even more natural because the more you pluck a wig the more natural it's gonna look you park some in the front and you aggressively but not really [Music] start to plug behind i say not really because you don't wanna you don't want to rip the lace although i haven't done that doing this but like i don't know if you'll be so lucky so don't listen to me i just know i'm going to look at it and want to do it so that's why i'm just going to do it i don't want to do it off camera because i want to keep you guys in the loop of what i got going on so this is optional not necessary optional but if you can get a wig that is this customized to where you have the option to pluck it a little bit i'd rather do that here's the thing that i've like learned see how it looks a little bit better what i've learned is that your natural hairline will determine how you think your wig looks on you so for me my natural hair line like in these areas is a little thinner so if i put a wig on and it's fuller it's going to look more dense than what it actually is because i'm used to a slightly thinner hairline whereas if you have a fuller hairline this might be over plucked for you you get what i'm saying so so like alter your lace depending on how you're used to your hairline region looking you know so i mean if you gotta if you have a thick ass hairline which nothing's wrong with that then if you put a wig on and the hairline's dense you might not even view it as a con or you know you might not even view it as a bad thing because that's how your hairline is whereas me anytime my hairline on a wig is too dense like i notice it a lot because my hair is pretty thin in the front and always has been so i noticed that i really hope i make sense i'll be trying to explain things the best that i can i feel like it makes more sense when i'm thinking that when i explain it i'm just like did that make sense you see the difference it made and some people might think that's too thin but for me that's what i'm used to but it only took me five minutes because i mean this [ __ ] is already customized as it is so it's like little stuff like that where you can make it look a little better for you you know like always wear your wigs in which you feel the most confident in them you know what i'm saying like granted some wiggles dolls they just hit cater your wig installs to you you know like of course you'll take the tips and tricks you learn and apply them to make it look most natural but everyone has a different idea of what natural is like for example like some people on their wigs they like thicker baby hairs to me i'm like okay that's too much that's because i want to do my baby hairs with my real hair i don't have them super duper thick you know what i'm saying so to me if i do big baby hairs on a wig it's too much for me whereas someone else if they are used to having thick ass baby hairs on their natural hair when they do on a wig it's like okay like this is how supposed to look basically do what the [ __ ] you want to do okay so i'm gonna lightly and i'm super lightly pluck this front area however i don't feel like i need to because like i said my natural hairline it's really only thin in these areas not so much this area but because i kind of wanted to just flow a little bit i'm going to plug lightly i also still want to have the option to do a middle part so when plucking this middle section be mindful that if you know you're going to do a middle part don't go a ham in the middle of the [ __ ] lace because then you have a ball that's part i've done that before same with the side part you know hey i might eventually want to wear this as a side part do not go ham while plucky be mindful of that there's been times where i was plucking a frontal and i'm thinking okay like i'm going ham like this looks good and i went to the middle part and i was bald so don't do that a hot comb is your best friend too all right guys i'm not ready to wrap this up so i'm putting ponytail again it looks much better to me now just a little less dense i'd have to do too much damn i wish this was full lace guy for sure wearing a bun like this is so nice this might be one of my best looking wigs actually like especially i can't believe i do not have the way some knots like this looks good as [ __ ] use my language but like not really i said what i said that's how i want to express how good this wig look like this is crazy to me this is this is too much i gotta take a photo this hairline is insane like okay look i i'm aware that i'm dramatic because i feel like i hype like up like 90 of my wigan styles like this but like i can't help that this [ __ ] works out and it looks really good but like this looks like extra good and if i've said that that wig before this looks extra extra good like what let me say to alyssa i thought my mom would like i know her reaction this is insane bro i have to show somebody this to be honest i'm so mad this isn't full lace because like i just feel like this is like this makes me want to get the full lace wigs i put in ponytail this is my ideal wig i always want wigs pushed back like this like i said i'm always too lazy to pluck it's 11 46. my mom be staying a little late though please be awake like my hair it's not a ponytail that's your hair no it's a wig holy [ __ ] right yeah i can't even clock you dude i thought that was it looks like i bought it it was customized it came like this i didn't have to look dude much to it just put it on damn yeah i legit need one because i knew i had girl bye you'll need a wig [ __ ] i'll shave all this stuff and just slap that thing this looks too good i'm gonna show my mom because she would know damn yeah that's that's good because you pulled your mama why are you still awake what did i say she thought this is just my real hair in a ponytail like it looks that good this is crazy to be i gotta get photos i'm gonna cry for wake up tomorrow morning it doesn't look exactly like this because that's happened to me before this is insane all right i'm gonna take this silk wrap by erica j and just tie it like that it's gonna be so melted in the morning i just know it [Music] i like these scarves because oh my nail hurts i broke my whole nail and now he's bending that's not the bandit on it these scarves like they get tight enough to do what they need to do but like because it's just silk and there's no stretch they can't get that tight like you can't like string your hair with it which is cool because it's comfortable to sleep in but it's still like holding it and then what i'm gonna do on top of this i see one little piece of hair i don't like i'm gonna put another silk scarf on top of this because i wanna make sure my sides are covered this scarf does not cover it but i've learned that like you leave these out oh no i'm just not risking it so i'm going to put another scarf on top a bonnet actually i'll put a silk bonnet on top and we'll be good to go so in the morning i'm gonna do my makeup just to give you guys you know the full look you guys know how i do and we'll close this video out but like you already saw what you came here to see so i mean there goes that but i'll see you guys in the morning just to you know give you guys the full all right guys it's the next day and as promised here i am with a full face to close up this video i love this wig so freaking much like it's probably my favorite like this like throwback type vibe although i kind of got the hair hello oily because i got oil on it disregard that i'm going to put some dry shampoo and fix it outside of that i love this wig i just i want to go and buy it myself because this lace and because of how easy it was i'm still in disbelief that this came this pre-plugged because i have it i have dealt with a lot of wigs you guys know that and no wig has claimed to be pre-plugged actually came like this plug so thank you to xrs beauty for sitting in this wig and sponsoring this video i'ma link everything you need down below and i'll see you guys my next one which will more than likely be why i'm hosting this on tuesday so i'll see you guys on friday [Music]
Channel: arnellarmon
Views: 164,693
Rating: 4.9745798 out of 5
Keywords: arnell, arnellarmon, beauty, lifestyle, vlogs, vlogger, arnell armon, arnell armon hair, get ready with me, watch me recreate, wig install, transformation, beginner wig, bald cap method, how to pluck a closure, frontal wig, flawless wig, ericka j, wig adhesive
Id: fk2zrTPR9Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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