Best Fitness Routines For BJJ: The How to Guide for a better Grappling Gas Tank!

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ladies and gentlemen we have a special ask from the bulletproof Brothers we have a secret handshake to be in the bulletproof Club the bulletproof Brotherhood now you don't have to be a guy to be in the Brotherhood you can be a lady it's open to everybody but what you need to do is you need to click subscribe that's all we ask we toil week in week out we work for you and the only payment we ask that handshake of trust is you clicking the Subscribe button become a subscriber and join the bulletproof Brotherhood [Laughter] ladies and gentlemen welcome to another bulletproof for BJJ podcast I'm JT and I'm here with my partner in crime Joey hey fam thanks for joining us my friends we get this question a lot and we often it's not that we don't address it we just people often says how do I get fit for BJJ like what can I do if I can't train now our our professional stance on this our general response is if you need greater Endurance on the mat you should roll more but some people can't physically get to jiu jitsu enough and they ask us you know but what if you can't do Jiu Jitsu what would you do to improve your endurance or Your Capacity yeah it's also in my my opinion people will have a hard time in a role like it'll gas them out yeah and so then they make the Assumption I need to work on my cardio sure and so they say what's the best cardio training or what conditioning should I do right and what we're trying to say is like you should focus more on getting strong and getting mobile and building a body that can go everywhere pretty comfortably being more efficient yeah that's gonna reduce your need for conditioning at that in in itself will be will give you better conditioning definitely so yeah so we all so it's like because it's real easy to go oh you know what like do these do this crossfit workout do these burpees and sweat a bunch and [ __ ] open up you know be breathing heavy yeah you still move like [ __ ] that's true so that's true movement quality we've touched on another episodes quality for the Brazilian lessons it's so good it sounds so cool when you say it like that um but here's the thing that's so good this is going with that same from um [ __ ] wedding crashes yeah at the dinner table so good so topic here my friends is the fitness routine for BJJ so when we're talking about Fitness we're talking about uh how do we improve our endurance specifically for jiu jitsu now one of the things that people miss here is that is we talk about Energy Systems now we don't need to get too too sciency on this other than to say um people like I've started running or are riding my bike what you should know is that when you're doing steady state cardio you're working within your capacity in an aerobic way that is not the Energy System you need for jiu jitsu like when you're training um with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu you are using your kind of Galactic system so you're producing lactate that's the pump you feel in your forearms that's the kind of sick feeling you feel in your guts that's the your legs feeling weak and you know it's it's pushing your your threshold so it can get more technical than this when we talk about just being inside your electric threshold and going Beyond that we're not going to get into that but what we're going to talk about is working hard for short bursts and what we prefer so it's not to say oh you must XYZ but if you were to take our advice here's what we would recommend yeah and just to push on that a touch I'd say like steady state cardio it will it will benefit you some way in the long term yeah but but it's kind of like look if you've only got a little bit of time to give to this maybe maybe there's a better approach maybe this sort of stuff might work better for you well typically where this comes up is someone's like yo I've got a tournament in 12 weeks what do I do now I'm going to mention a little piece of Swim Bike or run what's it going to be or should it be all JD's like [ __ ] off get the [ __ ] out it's like yeah but Nate Diaz shut up fool yeah you try and pump however many bugs a day and run a triathlon you're gonna die son um no here's the deal there was a study done in England of uh cyclists a high level like National level cyclists and this is really interesting and this is what changed my mind about how to physically prepare for tournaments and other things how to get fit so to speak they've got one group of cyclists to do this cycling program on a stationary bike the other group of cyclists had to cycle with one leg well how do you do that like they took a pedal off on one side and they had that leg stationary like resting on something could you imagine the Chafe on your balls oh bruh Jesus Christ like cycling flat out like anyway it's very interesting they did this 12-week program and then they retested them now when they tested the single leg cyclist versus the two leg cyclists the results were kind of similar and they're like whoa you can get just as fit cycling with one like they were test they tested them across a training course to see what work rate they could maintain okay the single leg cyclist could keep the same RPM the same wattage output as the double x but is it okay now let's test your untrained leg they hadn't been using now you're going to do the same they sucked the leg was totally D trained and what they're showing is the adaptation there was not Central the heart didn't get bigger the lungs didn't get like more flexible it was the enzymatic adaptation in the leg that leg had got better at dealing with lactate processing oxygen all of the [ __ ] that you need to do when you work really [ __ ] hard so in 12 weeks your heart doesn't get stronger your your your lungs don't suddenly get more alveoli it's not that it's just they're talking about the actual enzymes at the muscles you're working if you work the muscles appropriate to the task they will adapt because of the they talk about proximal and distal distal is far away proximal is close so it's like a distal always thrown out that Portuguese I love it which sorry if you know if we need to have a if we need to have like a translation underneath some of our American listeners have already asked that can you even understand what the [ __ ] these guys are saying I I we had that in the comments it's quite good fair fair so what can you learn from this if you've only got 12 weeks and you're trying to get in as good a shape as you can the best thing you can do is bathe your muscles and lactate like really tolerate the suck the hard work yeah how can we do this we've got a few ways let's talk about it in my opinion the most underrated way for you to get uh improve your Fitness or your tolerance your work capacity for jiu jitsu is loaded conditioning we're talking carries of all descriptions we're talking kettlebells barbells sandbags you pick it up you take it up you take it back and you might do that for a time set so you might go right I have to carry this for a minute or it might be a distance like 40 meters and you do it as fast as you can yeah so the two ways it can be approached is you just hanging in there and just suffering and fatiguing and staying working the whole time under load or you working as fast and as hard as you can while also bearing load because in Jiu Jitsu you've got to deal with another human so I think the applicability of it as opposed to you know someone just running on a treadmill is has way more crossover it has way more crossover to be carrying your body weight whether it be another human a sandbag pair of kettlebells a barbell in all manner of positions for time I believe that has way more crossover than just something very basic like jogging on treadmill yeah uh yeah I'm a big fan of the loaded conditioning uh a couple of questions well you guys actually you guys are you you posted a video not that long ago of you guys doing some work with that yeah in the small group right yep yep well actually yeah there's a one-on-one guy we did um he was asking he was a we had a few sessions ago and he's like what's some good conditioning work out I can do when I'm when I go away I thought I saw Ray doing some rat carries we have been doing rat carries you're right yeah so yeah continue but no yeah I the this young fellow Dan said what can I he was going traveling and he's a I think he's a blue belt he's like what can I do conditioning wise you know when I'm on the road and don't have a lot and so I was like well you just combined to I was like combine two movements keep the weight moderate and the rep's high I said we're already doing some back squat technique work so I said how about this we're gonna go like light-ish on the back squat I want you to do 20 reps and then I want you to pick these two kettlebells up put them overhead and walk 50 meters 20 reps yeah and so is and you know and so I wanted to ask like that that's obviously like the back squat 20 reps it's not he wasn't carrying he wasn't locomoting yeah he was just staying on the spot but can we use um Dynamic like can we just use high rep exercises on the spot to achieve a similar end as say carrying the barbell or carrying that's not it's not quite the same the static the static piece does work chemically but um not not necessarily the same in terms of like there's such a big demand on your nervous system when you move like it's way harder for you to do like they talk about it in strongman like most strong men love the static monster stuff they love like a deadlift or but it's like when you have to pick something heavy up and move back walk with it oh it's so much more demanding because you're shifting you're balancing is a lot more involved yeah yeah the routine makes sense oh man so challenging so can it can it can do it but it's it's not quite the same so just shout out to my boy jamesross at GS science uh he had a guy who was ex wrestling Russian Special Forces and also World kettlebell Champion say to him oh why are you running he's like don't run don't run 10ks squat your own body weight a thousand times what what in one session yeah just just your session is put 80 kilos on the bar squat it a thousand times it takes as long as it takes and it's like this guy could do it he could do like a rep every three seconds of his body weight non-stop for hours he's a complete psychopath but he was like yeah that that will give you the the energy demand that you need for for um kettlebell lifting I was like that's one of the most brutal things I've ever heard yeah Savage but uh so so achieves a similar end right it can so like say if you were like working out you didn't have say the space to carry much you're in an apartment or some [ __ ] you could March you could march on the spot like holding much and even step UPS step UPS is one of the most underrated thing like like a stair climb yeah holding weight yeah it's it can be it could be pretty tough but um what I was going to say is a combo that I always love which is very easy to do if you have a pair of kettlebells is set of as many presses as you can until you can't and then you lock out overhead so you've got pre-fatigue in the shoulders and then you're carrying is you just carry it as far as you can until you can't hold it overhead then you go to your chest then you do kettlebell cleans pretty much until you cart and then you go to Rack position and you've got to hold it in rack position just walk through your cart then you put the kettlebells down by your side and then you do squats like kind of like with the kettlebells outside of your legs squatting until your legs are cooked stand up and then farmers walk characters yeah that's one that's one [ __ ] you up yeah but the thing about this is it flushes the muscles with lactate and then you've got to really hang in there and deal with it as long as you can and over time and not that long if you're prepared to do it you develop tolerance you build the enzymes and then before you know it you're like I can I can deal with this and a lot of what Jiu Jitsu is is dealing with the discomfort you know you're like [ __ ] this is hard but like if you're on a guillotine for ages squeezing the [ __ ] out of it and your arms start to fatigue thinking you like like that's that's the lactate build up isn't it and you're like [ __ ] man I'm so gassed right now so yeah that sort of position or you're on the back attacking like a [ __ ] yeah start to fatigue it's the same kind of thing isn't it right so you're learning to deal with that same thing if you're if you're wrestling and you're getting snapped down in your neck and your posture change your lower back starts to ache because you're like how can I keep this posture you're gonna build that up over time like through um being able to we're basically talking about work capacity it's not just like oh what's your VO2 and what's this it's hard to describe because it's not often that someone goes oh he's an 80 kilo sandbag carry that for as long as you can this isn't stuff we do anymore it might have been stuff that we did 100 years ago or more like or in the fields it's interesting I actually just came to learn recently of rocking I don't know I didn't know about rucking and those house talking to them well some of them were made at the gym and I was like oh we didn't say oh me and my girl would do some rocking and I'm like what's that he's like oh we grab like a sandbag put on our shoulders and go on the treadmill at an incline yeah for like 20 minutes and I'm like yeah that like it's like a it's a pretty light it's a military thing yeah it's a military thing but it kind of goes somewhere towards isn't it it's like adding a bit of load choosing what would typically be like a like a pretty basic monostructural cardio exercise like walking up a slight Hill um it just [ __ ] sprinkles in there it's like hot sauce on a scrambled eggs it just gives it that little bit of extra not like hot deliciousness it's like someone kicked you in the balls and said all right now just jump around and I'll kick you in the balls again in another 30 seconds we'll keep this going but Beauty there is for for folks liking is loaded conditioning yeah sure same thing right um it's just often done I think um longer duration yes isn't it I'm walking a few k's or whatever 10 it's 10 kilos or it's 20 kilos or if you're Tom haveland it's a 90 kilo log and you're towing 30 kilos behind you yeah a mountain or something liver King liver King's probably a fan of rocking it got him to wear his let's talk about that that's not a recommendation um but the beauty of it is and if you're listening and you're like I haven't [ __ ] with this stuff before you're building cardio capacity and you are also building strength yes versus if you just go for a jog you are not building any strength you're really just building some capacity in your cardio capacity so we're getting more return on our time invested definitely and uh we're gonna go to the next thing which is really hard which is Sprints all this shit's really hard yeah it's a lot this is just a list of hard [ __ ] yeah but Sprints [ __ ] suck Sprints are tough and look some of the hottest training I ever did was actually Hill sprinting yeah and it's just after the first round your legs are pretty cooked and you're like I have to keep generating this output and you give yourself rest in between but it's just at no point are you enjoying it like it's not an enjoyable thing it's horrible you have to really will yourself to exert yourself as hard as you can over a short distance now for me I would usually keep it to 50 meters or less just super hard burst usually Sprint up and then walk down wait this is Hill sprinting but you would um there was a time when you were doing sprinting with the Dark Prince right yeah we're doing it during the covert lockdown nice and we made it our Friday thing where we just meet up and do um 10 10 or 20. I can't remember if these Health Sprints over at Sydney Park in um Alexandria yep it was [ __ ] it was the most intimidating training session oh you need sharp everywhere you had it and you'd almost be hoping the other guy would be like canceled let's just go get a coffee you know and you're like we're doing all right yeah cool let's go and and but it was amazing because it was and here's the thing yeah like this type of training is very uncomfortable it is easier to go for a jog it is easier to go lift some weights yeah um so you've got to understand that going into it yeah it does hurt more but the like when I'd finished those sessions I'd be really stoked like [ __ ] yes we just struggled through some [ __ ] yeah and I do feel great now you'd be proud of yourself yeah and it builds belief your ability to will yourself to hurt is a huge thing in so many top athletes talk about that psychological Edge over someone else who looks like they're weakening and uh yeah I saw this shirt I thought I don't quite understand the shirt it said do not weaken but I believe it's a saying like I think it's just like a military saying that you don't want to appeal like you don't want your opponent to see that you are tired or you're breathing out your mouth you see it a lot in the UFC where um they refuse to stall you know like no I'm not sitting down I'm good I'm fresh yeah while the other guy is sitting down getting ice packs on him like and you're standing there looking at him Stone Cold like I'm good bro yeah that's psychological advantages oh yeah it's massive yeah and uh there's a big part in Jiu Jitsu too right yeah when you when you're like dying and you're the person on top you've got that cool calm psycho Vibe you're like yeah oh God kill me now or maybe you break from a scramble or something and they're straight back into you and you're like [ __ ] yeah yeah stop and I definitely believed that sprinting for me I would usually do a set of ten and it would just be as fast as I could up and then kind of casual walk down yeah fast as I could up casual walk down yeah it's a nice way to do it and it was still tough though like the walk down couldn't it could be I wish it was longer I wish it was slower you know because you never recovered and each time you're accumulating more lactate more lactate and you're trying to force your muscles to produce to produce force and produce energy when it's just not there and that that just generates more lactate and you're just you know at the end of it you're lucky if you can even walk to the car but by doing this you produce the enzymes you get better at tolerating the [ __ ] situation and you're probably never going to experience that level of kind of fuckedness in a role don't know about that no no in terms of just your quads are cooked right looking the same if you squat yeah 40 times 50 60 times you're like good oh yeah jelly legs yeah it's very honed in on that one specific one isolated I've never had that from Jiu-Jitsu I've had total exhaustion yeah but not like one localized other than forearms I've had it say when I'm when I'm having big battle with Adam where I'm trying to pass this guard yeah and you're just in someone's guard actively defending their um yeah and I've been like oh man my quads are burning up right now yeah and it's usually when you're like you give the sweep you don't it's not a conscious decision but you just stop fighting it and they sweep you and you're like ah let's just wait two points yeah you can take the points but um so sprinting the generally the way I encourage people to do it I mean I love a Barefoot Sprint on grass but that's a luxury not everyone has access to a park or anything like that a way that you can do it if you if you live in an apartment building you don't have Parks or I don't know the driving is pretty crazy so you're not prepared to sprint on the road running upstairs is another way to do it if you live in a building fire escapes good yeah you just pick a couple flights of stairs and you go right I'm just gonna hit this you're just gonna run like five sets of stairs and then same thing kind of jog back down and just do 10 sets yeah it's super efficient it only actually takes about 20 minutes if that yeah but man does it does it give you bang for your buck yeah I once did a workout that kind of got me there which was uh seven minutes as many burpees as possible I remember you talking about that and it [ __ ] ruined me for like three or four hours it's gross it's amazing though like you know we all talk about burpees like how they're [ __ ] and they are and they have a special quality for just pumping [ __ ] blood all around the body making your artwork super hard yes yeah you know you can you can you can get it's not the same as run stairs at all but it's somewhere to towards yeah building that lactate threshold definitely now we're going to go to a special evil which you may have never heard of may not have experienced but you might have maybe you've seen it and you've wondered what it's about sleds sled training pushing and dragging sleds is some of the hardest conditioning work I've ever done and I I would look at this probably similarly to to your loaded conditioning you could either do it like not much load on the sled and move it as fast as physically possible which is particularly brutal or you load it up real heavy and you're just grinding and pushing and that has its own quality to it in terms of fatiguing you for just completely cooking I don't know if you've ever had your car break down I'm going to share a story right now I uh sorry time yeah surely it's not Julian was there I didn't even tell you this probably because I was ashamed okay um I don't know if you've ever run out of petrol ah yeah it's happened to me once yeah yeah it's never happened to me before actually until recently because I checked the um the fuel light came on and it said I checked the click through and it said oh 100ks to empty us like I feel like comes I got 100ks I'm good like I'm not going that far today anyway there's a bit of driving that day it was just after our meeting uh in Parramatta oh [ __ ] and it was actually very fortunate it started to the car started to like sputter and back and forth just before we're going to get on the freeway wow and so I was like I know there's a petrol station only like literally a hundred meters that way but you have to go down this big dip before you go up and it's kind of sputtering and I'm like come on baby we can get there and we just got past the dip we got an incline and just died conked out and I was like [ __ ] and I was like I can push this puppy my car weighs 1.2 tons [ __ ] hell yeah yeah it's on a hill I don't know what made me think I can push this like if it was on a flat Maybe holy [ __ ] I'm like Julian jump in the passenger seat because there's all like where there's no there's no shoulder there's just two lanes of traffic cars like uh you [ __ ] idiot just like bro we're broken down what am I gonna do I get behind the car and I'm just like [ __ ] feels like the car's moving in and it starts to roll back in the back so I put the handbrake on Jules I'm just gonna have to leg it up to the petrol station get a little you know Jerry can Jerry can and get some fuel and come back it wasn't fun anyway some young Legends just young tradie dudes for like Turkish mullet like you know like mad froy throwy hair side shaved but harsh trading mullet yeah hey do you need a push they just come running down the hill I'm like yeah and but they weren't good blokes love a good [ __ ] car push oh man they were young as hell they just came they just saw a struggling pulled in up the road and just came and helped us saved the [ __ ] day but between the three of us it was brutal and they weren't like they weren't strong guys but they're like no we'll do it we got kind of two thirds up the hill they're like no we gotta take a break oh my god dude pulls out a vape having that Red Bull oh I need it right let's go and we got it round we got to the petrol station they saved us I'm like boys can I buy a drink can I give you some money like no we're good we've got to go to the next job site mad have a good run catch it as well oh what Legends the car push if this is where I'm talking about the sled if you've ever had to push a car you probably own a sled yeah and and that's sometimes what strong men do they'll tell a car or push a car the level of strength is next level your max lifting but you're also trying to move forward yeah so there's this cardio component which is just Indescribable and it's and it's a constant uh career if I'm wrong concentric contraction yes there's no eccentric there's no eccentric yeah and which is unique because if in pretty much every other exercise concentric eccentric yeah and it just it tops out really quickly you just don't have the capacity consensually as you do eccentrically yeah oh my God so it was a it was a bit of a story and I thought Julian's never going to want to drive with me again Julian now carries a little Jerry cam with him I brought petrol but yeah man the sled push another really terrible workout is a with sleds which is quick it's just 20 kilos on the sled light sled three of us you do 20 meters I do 20 meters he does 20 meters but it has to be as fast as possible right and so you're timing the time and you have to kind of try and match the time yeah right and you just do it it's like one part to work two parts rest yeah but you're working so hard the two parts rest isn't even enough yeah you're sprinting against resistance and because you're leaning forward and you're down this actually compresses your rib cage it's harder to breathe oh it's brutal yeah and you basically just do that for 10 minutes hottest 10 minutes of your life like you're saying about the burpees for seven minutes here's the thing guys the stuff that we're describing to you is not long but it's so hard yeah you're not able to do this [ __ ] for a long time no if you are then you're not putting enough effort into it that's right and it's you're basically jogging yeah pretty much yeah so I think that's the I think that's maybe one of the key things too for folks to make this stuff effective is you have to go maximal intensity like you really have to [ __ ] try as hard as you can for that short space of time or intensity it's super key so if you go to a gym and they've got a sled track there and you're like you want to get around it I mean talk to a trainer or someone else who's there give it a try do you know sled tracks are usually about 10 meters long yeah so you can do an up and back that's 20 meters what you can do is put a 20 kilo weight on there run it up and back as fast as you can and then rest double the amount of time as it took you to run the thing do 10 sets of that and find out what that does to you yeah or put your body weight on the sled and then just continuously go back and forth for as long as you can you won't get far yeah it's actually way harder than it would seem so um last but not least I want to go to something hard which we're all aware of but as good Jiu Jitsu people we avoid wrestling oh yeah oh my God we love watching their highlights we don't like doing their training no I'd love to have that athleticism not not prepared to do that work some of some of the hardest training I I had to do when I was training at Absolute was just wrestling rounds it's just like yeah we're just gonna do three minutes there's no submissions it's just as soon as you take someone down get back up go again yeah we get a minute break and we then change partners and just doing three three minute rounds it's it's everyone was smart smart so you try and get people to roll after that and it's just so sloppy and people it just the quality of the Jiu Jitsu has just gone down and that's like that's just a warm-up wrestlers would do that for like 40 minutes an hour or more you see this [ __ ] video I showed the other day wrestling prep that Instagram account no and it's just these young wrestling kids just doing the most ridiculous [ __ ] like acrobatic conditioning work yeah I'll show it to you after but nice yeah it's absurd like the level of conditioning required to to wrestle yes even at a low level like the way that us Jiu Jitsu will wrestle or or at a high level it's it's it requires a big [ __ ] gas tank it's unbelievable and wrestlers will do you know because people say to me oh yeah but bloody Beau nickel he runs and like Jordan Burrows he runs sure but these guys are three-time four-time Olympic gold medalists they do everything they do everything they do the gymnastics they do the Rope claims they they [ __ ] do absolutely everything is very different to you so understand that shut the [ __ ] up no it's not I'm like Bo nickel yeah what are you talking about um all I see is gold um here's the thing if you have only got because people say I haven't got time to do that it's [ __ ] obviously you need a training partner and you do go to Jujitsu but if even if you just insist with your partner hey can we just start standing every time like we roll out of bounds or you get a sub wherever we start standing even just by doing that it UPS the level of high density yeah yeah a nice one that Adam uses Advantage is like we'll do six minute rounds first three or first two minutes or three minutes is wrestling only right and so then he'll be like all right now it's just around so then you just whatever happens go for it yeah but that's real nice because it kind of it Cooks you and then you've got to keep rolling for a few minutes you know yeah it's a nice way to bring a bit of fatigue Jiu Jitsu definitely and I think it's this idea guys that you are inducing a certain level of fatigue that you can't hide from you can't recover from it therefore how do you function under fatigue and build the tolerance there and in my opinion the you know people will talk about all kinds of things but I'm like oh are you wrestling nope and I get I get a similar thing from Judo I think there's a bigger strength component to Judo because you can grip so it's not that you can stall but you if you fight harder with your strengths you don't have to move as much right so that's that's a bias within Judo because you can grip but wrestling it's movement you got to move now this is this is kind of this is not wrestling related but just thinking of a drill that I've done with Adam again that's been it's been like sprinting with Jiu Jitsu it's been the uh one person in guard one person trying to pass and you've got 15 seconds to pass all the Blitz the blitz as hard as you can yeah and then I think it's a five second reset new partner yeah and it's [ __ ] like it's 15 seconds as hard as you can trying to pass person on the bottom trying as hard as they can to sweep or you know they're generally not going to submit yeah it's going to be like retain guard or sweep yeah and uh and then it's like cool next one next one next you do I know we do like eight rounds of that you [ __ ] smoke it does get you right because here's the thing which a lot of people don't realize because you you may not you might only experience it maybe once a week if you have that absolute war with somebody and then you're both on the ground fighting to breathe that once you cross your threshold once you Redline it takes you forever to come back yeah once you completely max out you're totally full of lactate your heart rate is absolutely jacked to come back down to 100 beats a minute is is going to take five ten minutes like it's going to take a full recovery and then you're pretty shattered uh another good one which I got from Judo which is like the Judo beep test you have one you have two partners and they're about five or six meters apart you run you have to throw that person then you do like a dive roll and then you do a takedown you run and you're just going back and forth back and forth yeah you have to do that continuously for five minutes oh that'll [ __ ] you up it is grotesque but what that does for your for your work capacity is incredible because it's very specific yeah and that's really what it's all about we are trying to get you to stress your bodies in a way that's gonna be similar to jiu jitsu or even harder than what you would experience at Jiu Jitsu so when you get there it's not as tough train hard fight easy oh that's what they say that's what they say there you go fam um what the [ __ ] was I gonna say wherever you're listening to this please subscribe to the channel that's the one thing that you can do to be part of this Brotherhood we put this [ __ ] out here every week for you guys multiple times per week all we ask for one thing in return is to subscribe to the show whatever platform you watch it on thank you thank you
Channel: Bulletproof For BJJ
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Keywords: bulletproofforbjj, bulletproofforbjj podcast, bulletproof bjj podcast, bulletproof for bjj episodes, for bjj podcast, bjj podcast, bjj podcast for beginners, bullet proof jiu jitsu, jiu jitsu podcast, bulletproof for jiu jitsu, bjj fitness routine, fitness routine for bjj, bjj fitness, bjj conditioning, bjj conditioning programs, bjj conditioning routine, bulletproof for bjj conditioning, strength training at home, bjj gas tank, bjj endurance, bulletproof for bjj gas tank
Id: Lz5667lV5NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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