Best Exterior Filler For Masonry | Toupret Touprelith F Repair Filler

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if you're looking for an excellent memory repair filler I can highly recommend to pray exterior filler these in mix easy the sound I need you to work with okay so when mixing the filler I'd roughly say half a centimeter or just some water into the bottom of a a small bucket or piant skull as a half here and then basically start adding in a little bit off there the filler just gradually a little bit at a time and then basically mix and then if you need a little bit of more water just I like again a little bit because it can go either way if you add in too much water then you just start to use a lot more filler to suck the water up and the end up there maybe with too much filler mixed that's obviously a waste or vice versa if you are and then too much powder it can go very very sort of sticky and again you need so just do each gradual a little bit of powder little water and you should get a consistency when mixed that looks like nice and smooth no lumps there's no specialist equipment was involved and just literally I used one and a half inch flex knife and a peon Scott I'm basically it's just a stirring action back and forward side to side and that simply so the walls all finished and currently drying right I used to pray missiny repair feller for this job basically as an example obviously it has a lot more uses if we take a close-up look you'll see that the 3-inch brush with some water has a really dramatic effect on finishing off the brickwork so what this means is they'll be very very little sounding required because the joints are currently nice and smooth so once they fully dry out it's just a matter then off painting to pray also I should mention you don't need to prime prior to P and NP and straight onto the feather itself and it doesn't flash so really is excellent if any questions or comments please put them in the comment section below I'll leave a link in the description and I hope you enjoyed the video
Channel: Andrew Firth
Views: 41,521
Rating: 4.7960782 out of 5
Keywords: toupret touprelith f exterior masonry repair filler, best exterior filler for masonary, Exterior paintable filler for masonry, toupret exterior filler, touprelith f mixing, masonry repair filler, how to mix touprelith f, exterior crack filler, masonry crack filler, mortar filler, masonry repair filler, exterior, toupret, touprelith
Id: x3uE7U3ap-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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