Best Extension Cord - Bad Ass Extension Cords

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What's up everyone? Welcome back to The  Durbin Compound! If we're meeting for   the first time, my name is Devin Durbin. I'm  here to bring you the tools, tips, and tricks   to make you more self-sufficient. So today  we're talking about an extension cord from   Bad Ass extension cords. We're going to  do an in-depth review on just how good   I think they are and if they're worth your  time. It's up for you to decide. Stay tuned! All right guys! So before we get down to the review  of this cord, I want to tell you a little story   about the company and my dealings with them. So, I  did not come out and say that I was a YouTuber and   I was going to buy this cord for review. I ordered  a custom cord because I was interested in an   SOOW cord which is oil resistant jacket and oil  resistant insulation. I wanted a thick 10 gauge   cord. And so I had ordered one custom and it  got lost in translation about what connectors   I wanted and what length I wanted and, you know, I  was a little bit disappointed when it showed up.   I feel that it was all my fault and how I ordered  it and just, it kind of got lost in translation   and I should have checked it a lot closer, but  nonetheless, they offered to make it right and send   me a cord for free and let me keep the cord that  was messed up. So that's awesome on the company.   They by no means had any idea that I had a YouTube  channel. Richard at Bad Ass extension cords made it   work and he sent me a new cord free of  charge. That's some outstanding customer service.   I didn't ask for a replacement. I just said, "Hey,  what can we do?" You know, I was thinking send me   new ends to it and I'll put them on. I really  wasn't that picky. I was even willing to send   back the old cord. So there's awesome people out  there and this is an awesome company to deal with.   I have nothing bad to say about them. So we're  going to get into the review and looking   at the cord. By no means is this a paid review. I  think this cord is definitely worth the money and   I'm about to show you why. All right, so if you've  been around the channel any length whatsoever, you   know I'm all about fit and finish and having nice  stuff. So I think this cord definitely brings home   the prize when you talk about fit and finish.  I mean awesome connector here, just molded together.   Great looking connections inside when you can  see inside the connector here. Awesome looking   connections. Just an overall great fit and finish  here on the cord. This Pro Lock connector is pretty   darn awesome. So it locks in here to the holes  on your male side. You just basically push it in   and it locks together. Now this is rated to hold  80 pounds of force. Now I honestly have no interest   in testing this to failure and messing up this  Pro Lock. I would never put 80 pounds of force on   a cord literally. We're just going to show it here  in the driveway where I try to pull two extension   cords apart. This is the most you're ever going  to yank on an extension cord. You're just going to,   you know, try to pull it, or pull it around, and  you're not going to be able to, you know, pull it   because it's snagged on something. So it just needs  to hold that force there. And you really don't need   to worry about whether or not this is going to  hold 80 pounds. I mean this is not a life safety   device. You're not hanging off this thing. So I'm  not really interested in testing it to failure   because this is a darn nice connector. Okay, so  let's go ahead and talk price on this cord. So   I'm going to show you here on their website  exactly. Navigating through here, this is a   12 gauge cord, 3 conductor, a 50 footer will  cost you, looks like $48.95, just under $50. And   if you go on to the next page the 12 gauge, 3  conductor at a 100 feet   is going to cost you that right there $89.95. So  definitely an expensive cord, but something that   you're definitely going to have for a lifetime. So  let's check out the custom printing here on the   jacket of the cord which I think is pretty awesome.  Sorry it took me a minute to find the printing. So   printed about every two feet is The Durbin  Compound. Pretty awesome to be able to put your   company name and be able to brand your cord or, you  know, keep it for contractor use things like that.   So people know who to call if you've got  your cord stolen. So pretty awesome fit and   finish here on this cord. So let's talk about a  couple things that, you know, shoot there's a wasp!   Gosh, of course you would mess up my video dude!  All right guys, so this is my Craftsman wet/dry vac.   This is a regular plugged cord on here.   I don't know what I was going to say, but a   regular plug on here and it fits right into the  extension cord and locks in. So this is really not   proprietary to the cord. It will literally work  with any plug that you plug in here. It's going   to lock it on. So you're not going to be able to  pull it out whatsoever. So that's really awesome!   So I was thinking about some other   applications that this cord would be good for   and I brought these old, this old Black &  Decker hedge trimmer that has the little plug   here in the end. These things have always been  a pain in the butt. You have to loop the cord   through it to make sure that it stays on there. And  then you know mid-stream while you're working it   comes unplugged. So this cord has no business being  in something this crappy, but nonetheless   it locks right into the back of the hedge clipper  and it's solid. So you don't have to worry about it.   You can literally just unplug it, just  like normal. Boom! It works on anything!   Very awesome! I'm always a big fan of a lit  cord. Having the green LED is awesome. Just   a very cool, second kind of cool thing, to have  a lit cord. The actual other side of the cord   is also lit. So you can see as soon as you plug it  in if you have power or not. Boom! Just like that.   All right guys, so I hope you enjoyed the review.  Of course, there are cheaper cords out there and   we're talking about SJTW cords. You know, there are  tons of options out there at your big box stores,   but I truly believe that none of those are going  to beat the fit and finish of a cord like this.   And you're certainly not going to be able to put  your name, or anything that you want, on the side   of it. So I think this is definitely a cord that  is worth your money or else I wouldn't be here   ranting and raving about it right now. Of course,  like I said before, this is not a paid promotion.   This is bought with my own money and at $80 for a 100 footer it comes in about   the same price as a lot of other cords in this  price point, so are a lot of other chords in   this length and gauge should I say? So, this is right  on par with everything else. That fit and finish is   awesome. I hope you guys enjoyed the video. Give me  a thumbs up, or a thumbs down. Whatever you're into.   And I guess if you're subscribed to the  channel, we'll see you in the next video.
Channel: TheDurbinCompound
Views: 13,980
Rating: 4.8349204 out of 5
Keywords: Extension Cord, extension cords, outdoor extension cord, indoor extension cord, extension cord guide, best extension cord, extension cord, cord, best power cord, power cord, locking extension cord, extension cord size chart, bad ass extension cord, heavy duty extension cord, all weather extension cord, cold weather extension cord, extreme cold weather extension cord, locking power cord, extension cord -, extension cord trick, extension cord hacks, types of extension cords
Id: 9BevRa4NNlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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