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[Music] [Music] are you someone who suffering from Bells policy well in this video I'm going to share with you what are the right exercises that you can do for your Bells policy at various stages Yes you heard me right bills policy is one such condition that requires different types of facial exercises at different stages unfortunately people end up doing wrong exercises at wrong time eventually leading to complications like sinesis but I'm here to help you out and prevent your cyesis by showing you the right type of exercise that you should do at your Bells policy stage so without wasting any due time let's understand what are the best exercise for your Bells policy at various stages so the first stage of bells policy that is your acute phase of bells policy where you have reach recently developed your Bells policy in this phase your facial muscles will be weak and floppy you will see that you won't be able to close your eyes enough and that's why your affected side eyes will look way more bigger than the normal side that's not all you will find difficulty in closing your mouth like pucker and you will feel that the water or fluid is coming out of your mouth you might even have sensitivity to sounds and these are some common symptoms that is associated with acute phase of bells policy here at this stage your muscles are weak and that's why you need to do something called as passive exercises or supported exercises passive exercise or supported exercises are the ones in which you have to match your facial movements to the normal side with the support of your hand and one of the most important thing that you should keep in mind while doing any of the facial exercises try to do it keeping the expression in mind and not the mov in mind what do I mean by that let's say if you want to do a eyebrow raise instead of saying that raise the eyebrows you should command yourself that make a surprise face and then with the support of 100% support of your hand you should do the eyebrow raise exercise so something like this one surprise surprise surprise surprise surprise surprise so here what I did is I give support of my hand while doing this movement similarly we will do a frowning action now in order to do frowning action we are going to place hands on the side and then we will give support and do a frowning movement one 2 3 4 5 that's next you should do exercises for your eyes where you give support to your lower eyelid and then then support to your upper eyelid and then close the eyes and Open the Eyes 2 3 4 5 and relax Next Movement that you need to do is a snile action like this where your mouth goes up but due to Bells spuls you are not able to do so now in order to do this exercise again keep your hands or your fingers next to your nose give support and give a lift one 2 3 4 5 make sure all this exercises that you are doing should be done only for five reputations and not more than that let's proceed further and do some exercise around your mouth the mouth muscle exercise in order to do so keep one finger on top of your lip the other finger on bottom of your lip and then try to puckle one 2 3 4 five and relax similarly you're going to do lip roll in order to do a lip roll you're going to place one hand on the top of your lip other hand at the bottom of your lip and then you're going to roll the lip with the support 1 2 3 4 5 and relax the next exercise that you need to do is your smile exercise in order to do the smile exercise you are going to keep your fingers or hands on the side of your cheeks with the support of your cheeks you're going to smile up and back two here I'm thinking of smile and I'm giving a supported smile two back 3 4 5 relax now the next exercise is a sad expression exercise now in order to do so keep your hands on the side of your mouth and then pull it downwards like this one 2 3 4 and five and relax the last exercise that you will do in your early phase of bells policy is holding your mouth and then filling air in your mouth 1 2 3 4 5 and relax so this was the exercise for your first phase or early phase of BS policy now let's move on and see exercises that you can do in your Subacute phase where your movements have started coming and you see that there is an improvement in the phase but please at this stage be very careful because if you overdo your exercise then you can land up in Sun Kinesis so at this stage the exercises that you will do is called as active assisted exercise what do I mean by active assisted exercises 50% of support will be given by your hand and 50% of work will be done by your muscle then all this movement has to be combined with expression so instead of raising eyebrow you can think of surprise you can think of smell you can think of smile you can think of pucker but don't think eyebrow up eyebrow down eyelids down eyelids up this way you should not think while doing the exercise let's get started so again the position stays the same but here 50% of work my muscle is doing and then I make a surprise face surprise and back two back three back four back five and relax five reputations here as well don't exceed your repetition next is your frowning action so keeping your hands here frown one 2 3 4 5 and relax the next comes eyelid close and open here instead of giving support to both the side we will just give a SL slight support to your lower eyelid by giving a lift and then you will try to close the eyes and Open the Eyes one 2 3 4 5 relax the next is s for SN also you will give 50% support of your hand and 50% you'll do by yourself so keeping your hands here one 2 3 4 five when you do this exercise your focus should be on your touch sensation you should feel some contraction here your attention should be on that contraction that you feel on your facial muscles now let's proceed further and do pucker action so for your pucker place two fingers on top of your lip the two thumb on bottom of your lip and then try to make a bucker Bucker and back 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 relax then you're going to keep your hands on side on your cheeks and then you're going to smile now with 50% support and 50% by yourself and smile 1 2 3 4 and five same way we are going to do a S phase again with 50/50 principle in mind S phase 2 3 4 and 5 relax so these were the exercises that you will do for your Subacute phase or midphase of BS policy now let's move on and hop on to the exercises that you will do when you have developed cyesis yes in sinesis the first set of exercise that you should do should always focus on negative feedback which means blocking the excess movement on your facial muscles now when you have sinesis what happens when you try to raise the eyebrows there is some additional movement that you will feel on your cheeks so what you need to do is you need to give support and give feedback to your brain that this movement is not required so first you will try to do all your facial expression find out where all you feel extra movement keep your fingers there and then do the facial exercise however synkinesis based exercise a little tricky to do and it cannot be generalized for everyone and that's the reason I invite you to join us program that we are running on facial Rehabilitation here we work with sinesis and we help you to overcome the sinesis challenges so if you who are someone who wants to understand what is s kindnesses and how to overcome it you can reach out to us and we can give you further details about it the link to to our website is mentioned in the description box below make sure to reach out and find out how we can work on your BS policy on that note let's end this video here and I'll see you in another video thank you
Channel: Health Q
Views: 1,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Healthqrehab, healthqrehabphysiotherpay, physiotherapistonline, onlinephysiotherapyservices, womenshealthphysiotherapy, Trishla Foundation: Cerebral Palsy, Dr Ana Physiotherapist, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, SRIAAS Paralysis Clinic, Rehab HQ, physio Dr Shivom singh, Physio trendz, Physio Academy
Id: gVECrb8WmBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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