Best Custom Headphone Wins $5,000 Challenge! ft. Unspeakable, Typical Gamer & Hyper | ZHC Crafts

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we have four artists and four headphones you have three hours to make the best custom headphones you can possibly make and the winner will win up to five thousand dollars you may get started we will have crazy challenges along the way jake so if you do win this money what are you gonna spend it on not too sure five thousand dollars is definitely a lot of money lots of food maybe a laptop i think i'm gonna buy myself some dinner tonight a five thousand dollar dinner dinner over the course of the next few days my rent my car loan car insurance i'm gonna go make it pink oh my gosh this is gonna take a lot of taping i borrow the tape too try to steal my idea but time it's not gonna be better than mine so right now i am sanding because i think it'll make um a better surface for the paint markers so i think it's working the top three will be sent to gamers unspeakable typical gamer and hyper jake what are you planning on black as of now probably start off with a little bit you're gonna spray paint your black headphones black yes i'm gonna make this beautiful headphones pink and i'm gonna put little clouds on it afterwards do you think that the gamers will like it oh yeah who doesn't like pink i'm kind of just going for it right now so i'm just winging it and see how it turns out i am going to be painting some tigers online and these headphones were sent over by roquette so rockets gaming headsets can take your gaming to the next level they have an incredible self-adjusting headband that is super comfortable you can literally use this headset on any gaming system the supreme stereo sound will make you feel like you're living inside of the game the crystal clear microphone makes it very easy to communicate with friends and teammates perfectly rawcat gaming headsets are what every gamer needs thank you rokad for sponsoring this video now keep painting [Music] alright i am ready to spray paint this all right artists we are one hour in we are gonna play a simple game of rock paper scissors if you lose you draw with your feet rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot you are drawing with your feet from now on how am i supposed to do this whole other tiger like this so right now mackenzie is drawing with her feet so she has a huge disadvantage she thinks she's gonna have to hold it for the entire round but it's only gonna be for 30 minutes and after the 30 minutes i'm gonna let her choose who has to draw with their feet next michelle and jake seem to be doing okay they spray painted their headphones it looks like they're gonna be painting over that so i'm excited to see what they're going to be doing for the next couple hours ben drew a hamburger on one side of the headphones it looks absolutely amazing i wonder what he's going to do to the other side and mackenzie she has a really really good tiger so far but once again she's drawing with her feet so i'm not sure how the other tiger is going to turn out [Music] so i'm going to go get a heat gun and hopefully my headphones will be ready to paint one oh the show's boiling the spray paint i'm used to cooking things subscribe to my sponsor how are you going good i'm actually almost done taking the tape off yeah i can't paint on it michelle adding just a few extra layers of spray paint may have just cost you five thousand dollars what are you planning on doing with the other side i think i might continue the few theme to this side how's the tiger going it was going great and now it's going even better there's an hour and 30 minutes left mackenzie come with me outside you're going to flip a coin if it lands on heads you get to pass your punishment off to someone else it lands on tails i'm going to have one of them draw a streak through your tiger well someone is going to be drawing a streak through a tiger so mackenzie just brought up something interesting she said she'll jump in the pool if she paints with her hands if you flip heads you still get those streaks but you don't have to jump in the pool however if you get tails you don't get a switch and you have to jump in the pool okay you get to pass it off to someone do you know who you're gonna pass it to i called it so for the other three artists i need two of you to raise your hand right now ben and michelle were first put a streak through mckenzie's tiger i'll add an extra tongue it's a very cute tongue so i get to choose someone to switch my foot painting thing jake i am so sorry however to make this fair i will also let you flip a coin so if you land on tails you draw with your feet if it lands on heads you can have anyone paint with their feet [Music] i'm sorry but it looks like you are going to be painting with your feet i'll try to make it work somehow i'm not going to lie my foot might smell so here's how this is gonna work you cannot write your own name but you need to write one of these artist's name down the artist with the most votes will get a hundred dollars one vote for jake one vote for ben oh is another vote for jake and it's another vote for ben jake and ben rock paper scissors rock paper scissors shoot despite having to draw with your feet at least you get a hundred dollars considering i might not have a chance at the 5 000 anymore i think 100 is well worth it all right jake come with me so if you flip heads you pass it on to one person if you flip tails you keep drawing with your feet goodbye five thousand dollars so right now jake is drawing with his feet but i don't want any of you to feel left out so we're playing another round of rock paper scissors you lose you draw with your feet rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot ben you are drawing with your feet rock paper scissors shoot we have eight slips of paper seven of them are blank one of them has an x on it if you draw the x you're eliminated from the challenge there's only one x in the entire thing michelle is safe mackenzie is safe men is safe jake i have never seen anyone so unlucky good news is you at least get your hundred dollars and you gotta keep the headphones you painted but since you are eliminated somebody has to paint with their feet mackenzie's going to get it go back to painting with your feet [Music] three two one we are officially done with this challenge michelle tell us about your headphones mine is a pink with pink video game characters around it so i painted a little watermelon on the bottom and a burger right there and then i went for a little space theme on this side i painted two tigers one of them is orange and the other is pink inspired by the box i also just incorporated a little tiger pattern on the side so the person that will not make it to the final judging round unfortunately michelle michelle although your headphones are really really cute you're out so we're going to take an instagram poll the polls ended up being so close it was 50 50. i looked at the numbers 9 000 people voted the winner won by five votes the winner is ben shank mckenzie's hand you literally won by five votes for your price here's the coin so each time you land on heads that's a thousand dollars you flip the coin five times win some money oh yeah that is a thousand dollars ben so you got one out of five flips that means you win a thousand dollars from this challenge and these will be gifted to unspeakable typical gamer and hyper so and thanks again to rockhead for sending us these headphones if you want joys use the best buy link in the description and subscribe to chc crafts because we might fly people out for challenges or give these away to you guys so bye yeah subscribe you
Channel: ZHC Crafts
Views: 2,594,486
Rating: 4.9181514 out of 5
Id: ZoaN4P6RI74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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