BEST Controller Settings for Elden Ring | Fix Your Controls

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i'm sorry to tell you but you've been using the wrong controller for configuration in eldon ring the buttons in the default setting are wildly inefficient and i'm here to show you a new way to play elden ring so i have pulled up the default buttons here because i don't even know what they are anymore because i have changed my buttons a while ago if you're not familiar the the top shoulder buttons here are attack and strong attack which okay i see how they put the attack buttons together these buttons here are the the interact action event action dodge roll and jump i feel like this is starting to where it gets crazy dodge roll and jumper here and then you have used item over here and this obviously moves the camera around all that good stuff this moves your character around yeah yeah this button up here is guard right oh god i'm casting spells now and this is the skill action right so all of that is is now again those buttons don't match up to what i just showed you here but what do i have from a button setup why are these efficient and also of course you have the the directional pad over here which switches your your right hand left hand all that good stuff and cycles through all of your incantations cycles through all the stuff down here i didn't change any of that so the different or the similarities are i kept everything here the same this cycles through up here this cycles through down here all of that seems very very very standard okay i didn't mess with any of that that's fine and the controls these things are also fine how i move my character right here is obvious clicking is crouching yeah sure this moves the camera around locks on targets all that stuff's fine so all of these sections here are the same but here's where things start to get different i thought it was crazy that i have to dodge roll like this so if i'm running around i want to dodge roll or run i just actually use potion that's fine if i wanted that little insight into what my actual button is it's a potion okay yeah stay with me stay with me so i thought it was crazy whenever you're running around the world you have to hold this button down to run around the world and now i want to turn and i have to like do this but so then you have to do this claw grip thing you have seen this before this little claw grip no no that's i don't want to have to claw grip for something that's the base component of the game so my sprint button is here this is my sprint button right here dodge roll barrel roll it's all right here the same thumb that controls movement so here we go this thumb controls movement and it barrel rolls how obvious is that in my opinion okay again all this is my opinion i want to get to to uh do flamed here for but i think it just makes sense to me so my barrel roll dodging and then i hold the sprint so i barrel roll i barrel roll and i sprint it's very simple it's all in this trigger right here cool and then what's another thing you do all the time in elder ring jump so guess what the other trigger is jumping so when i'm running around all i need is this and i can jump and barrel roll to my heart's content with the triggers yay right that's the whole idea and it makes sense in my head i've never played dark souls before i've never played these type of games so i was like what makes sense to me i always remap and keep buying the crap out of everything probably my world of warcraft day showing but that's so far feels real great and now what do i ask what else are these bumpers so we got the triggers or my mobility stuff what about this this is my skill my big active skill that the sword uses that's the skill i'm not going to use it all the time right but when i do it's just right there and it's quick and easy to use and i i thought about having this be maybe a potion thing or maybe this be the mount button and using it but then the interface is already well set up for all of that so i didn't want to mess with that too much but anyway this is my skill or whatever and it uses it okay cool awesome right now this other bumper over here is my my left hand my which is actually normal i think it's yeah yeah the normal l1 i didn't mess with that because i feel like it was guard with a shield that makes sense or casting spell that makes sense so i kept this the same i kept that the same so that is one more final thing that is the same but now these buttons over here my interact button this is my interact button it just makes sense for me right the event action thing up here i kept pressing x on things because this just makes sense for maybe it's xbox my xbox day's showing nintendo i don't know but this makes sense to be the select button for me so select or event action is what they call it is this button right here okay now for these other three buttons here i'm gonna save these two for last because this button i already spoiled it this is my use potion button right whatever's currently here i'm gonna use that thing makes sense to me feels fine right there now i will say as a self-disclaimer sometimes if i'm backing out of a menu i might accidentally chug a potion or something that's been annoying but now i just am careful more careful with my backing out of menus that's the one inefficient thing i will self-admit for that but these other two buttons guess what they are they're my attacks because this just feels right to be a light attack and a heavy attack so there it is right there your light attack button is this one right here and my heavy attack button is this one up here and it's super simple and intuitive because if i'm exploring and running through the world i don't want to have to do some sort of claw grip and like jump if i want to go jump up this thing i would have to press x to jump and now i can't like turn and jump at the same time and now i can turn jump i can do all this stuff very very simply sorry i got you dizzy there but now when i lock onto an enemy i've locked onto an enemy now i don't have to worry about all those things i can still jump and do all this stuff right here but i can take my thumb off of this because i'm in combat mode i am i'm running i'm running combat mode i can take my thumb off of this now because when you're fighting bosses or whatever you're not having to manipulate your camera super all the time so i can shift into combat mode when i take my thumb off the joystick to press the actual combat buttons like attacking and strong attacking and my potion right see you see what i'm saying going with all this so now putting it into action here i can jump attack smash right and i did that by trigger pulling the trigger let me just show you real quick i'm going to pull the trigger right here and then attack so i lock on i'm barrel rolling with my left thumb i move over here i'm waiting for it i'm going to jump attack it was as simple as jump attack jump attack see it's it's i'm telling you try it out it's you're gonna struggle with it you're gonna struggle with it at first i'm running up here i'm going to attack okay this is probably not the best thing because i'm just going to kill everything in one hit here but you get the idea i'm attacking with these buttons i'm potioning with these buttons i'm casting spells up here all that good stuff and that's it it's really it's really cool i hope you like this concept that i want to show you guys i do love the setup it feels great i have no complaints about it and i want to share with you guys because i really did look for eldon ring videos on controller setup and there were none there was nobody else with any sort of crazy controller setup and i just thought it was absolutely nuts to have to do a claw grip for sprint and then x being a jump but i don't know when you're exploring and all the poor core you do in the world i don't want to be pressing jump button with x that's crazy to me so if you oh and i forgot to show this too i got forgot to show this mounting up with your horse whenever i hold down a i have it as uh uh i don't know if you're my hands are pretty big so i guess i can do this but whenever i hold this down i have my uh thumb here so whenever i if i want to mount up i just hold down the a button or i guess the x button right here and i swivel my hand and press the thumb with my with the base of my thumb while i still have my controller on the stick i'll show you in action but uh if i'm just running away and i want to mount up i can swivel my hand here and you can see the base of my thumb right here is at the down arrow so that's where i put my horse so i can just go like that and i mount up very very quickly because i kept seeing people like you're in combat and you're fighting or oh no oh no you're something's going on and then you want to get out and you're like peace you can very easily do it just with a simple little of the thumb right there i don't know if that's a big hand thing or not but there you go i know this is a weird and different video but if you like this kind of stuff like the video of a small channel here trying to grow and do some stuff so if you got help or insight or maybe you want to change one button or something that you like hope it helps you out there peace
Channel: Dungeon Coach Gaming
Views: 81,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeon Coach Gaming, elden ring, elden ring controls, elden ring controller settings, fix your elden ring controls, fix your elden ring controller, fix elden ring controller console, best console controls for elden ring, best elden ring key binds, elden ring button layout controller, elden ring controller button layout, best controller settings for elden ring
Id: tX2nn1Bs8i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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