Best Cholent Recipes | How to Make Cholent | JOY of KOSHER with Jamie Geller

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okay we are making the absolute most famous and I know I say this all the time most famous number one requested everyone's here Hadassah Tamar my hubby who usually is like not loved to be on camera Sofia wave this is the most famous recipe in the entire book it was in the New York Times I get rave and crazy reviews about it and it's not even mine and it was a secret to me forever our family heirloom cholent so I brought the expert ings I don't really make it and I just need him to like show his wares to make it so girls talk so we start with your potatoes right two potatoes now why why do we do the potatoes first potatoes in addition to having the potatoes in the Chand they also help as a liner on the bottom what can help prevent some burning right so it's for taste and fur why do you PLO why you why not the outsides are dirty so you can mean that you can clean them there's a lot of nutrients in there oh god you know what he didn't he's making shilling you know he's like in front of like two nutritionist mommy guys leave your skin on with your potatoes in your chillin yeah I use the red potatoes well the rest of all right what if I don't want something that everything yeah Oh me no leave the skin on now no we will give them a raise okay great now I never leave the skin on these I like it on red skin potatoes but not be isn't let me cut it up right little cook them vertically this is the man who taught me how to cook guys don't let it get out on you I don't hear sir chef usually you're mine if I start it in half and it's the same education this is like serious stuff so if you want smaller pieces you cut them fine if you want to see those pieces of onions and leave them bigger but I like I like with finer smaller onions to sting a little we're gonna keep putting it back so basically the stories like this we get married and who would not tell me what's in the Cholan but you would not like it was a secret family recipe that is right your father made your brother man remember to make it um good watched or what everybody can be measurements or anything and then one shot as he was sick I had to walk me through it and that's how I got the recipe cuz he said he was just gonna pass it on if we ever have a boy dead willing to him that's next that was yummy what are we using we were using flunkin why long can you want to use because it has bones okay and also because it has lots of fat in it so anytime you're using a crock-pot or some kind of meat that you going to cook for a long time you want that the fat in the meat and bones and the bones later if you're going to use sometimes you go to the butcher and you see a nice kind of meat and it's really nice and red boy ideas you don't want to get those because it will dry out by the time you eat your chon this is like we want soft and buttery fall apart you know no knife needed wow you use a lot of meat there's a lot of me cuz I slice also a during the week should you decide to eat your children again you want to have made again also otherwise it's like not really worth it I leave some I do different sizes because for me I know the pieces I put in and then when I'm eating it I'm working for those big pieces again to you and we know you but worst thing ever is when your guests are like searching and searching and searching for that piece you know I put it in in big chunks but I don't I don't use plunk and I use um which one I was a kosher they sell the chocolate meat right but it has no bones but I use marrow bones okay well you're adding loans and your children made has also fast publishing the same thing just with a different car and that's fine you know that what's taking we use for the Orient estate that know what's up Chuck's take works out good here to Chuck's takes just a little thinner yes a little thicker so it'll just last longer hey well I had a company we go for the flock right okay so now a lot of people put their spice in at the end I put my spice in in at the end except for the pepper the pepper I put it now because I want it to be on the meat because it so it'll help season of me for me this is the whole idea is you just throw every yeah and watch me in the kitchen with searing the meat and fries okay break so what are we doing next right so next we would do our beans and our barley barley usually comes depending upon the brand but they usually come in a bag like this so we usually use I would say probably a quarter to a third of the bag depending upon how much company are having and you can just put that in I'm not probably a lot of people we even go into half a bag sometimes I use 3/4 oh my gosh we're busy with the meat filling it up boys hey and those are things you learn in time with your own show on your own crock pot right look how big our crock pot is this is the dosage that we're making it is the second sport now it was up to me I go more beans but and we don't sell carbines you guys soak your beans now yeah plays a little surfer babes and we put in a little less beans than we do barley yeah but that's all to taste nobody next nibs okay so next we're going to add some of our spices do you want to tell me with it yes okay this is no MSG so enough what makes the chillin he's in charge he gets to use it it hurts me every time we'll use it and my new theory if I was like in charge of this chillin we a nothing mutually just choose to miss spoons of this and that fills it up with water I would use beef broth or chicken broth instead of the seasoning but this is how we love it and it's really really good and this is why it's great when the New York Times did the recipe they took this ingredient out and said chicken broth or beef broth so this is the authentic one a lot of times less healthy it is the better it tastes so we're going to use probably about one really heavy tablespoon and one not so heavy and just sprinkle it all around is it like our kitchens but now we get our paprika we love this this gives such good carlac has a nice color and you just want to lightly cover all of that yellow that we just put out and then we're really good now let's get her we could use our actually our honey first Thank You Amanda it so cute I love honey bit and I kind of like like I'm making a cinnamon bun I'm just going to go in a circle and just bring it all into the middle like I'm the is going to make it nice and sweet in addition it's going to help our consistency right we love sticky tacky charm right like phones put it on a spoon turn it up so that it might not come off yeah we won't be on a regional Sunday now when you go to the store we get our kishka kishka there's a lot of kitchen keeping everything else the ashram makes it or breaks it so we use the aah when they're out of it our chill is not the same we just cut it in the middle take our plastic throw up now some people put it in just like this this way they can have some nice slices you guys slicing them or you can we don't really especially what you know I can't believe I ate at your house just good for the children very well you're not coming in here shooting a whole bottle of barbecue sauce it's our turn to invite them you come to tomorrow we'll try it now you see ya and then we're just gonna place them in there no ketchup no barbecue sauce none we don't do any of those our secret ingredients are is the ocean and our brand of kitchen but specifically also the combo of the honey pepper and paprika I mean it's like the whole thing would you outside those are things that other people make as well those will overlap in people's rescue yeah but they ruin it with ketchup and barbecue sauce Viva Baron yes peanut butter catcher for the Balkan ketchup the ketchup in there barbecue sauce is really what's gonna make it sweet but that's not necessarily what we're going for in Ottawa okay so that's really all our ingredients not very difficult and now we're going to slide it over to the faucet now this is a very large product pot so we are not going to the time I put the water right over the Kiska this way it doesn't disturb the way that I've laid out all the other ingredients just layering the layering is very important so I'm just going to fill it up prolly until it just covers everything not not the kiss good just all the other ingredients for me and the beans and that's really it Oh baby dozen how do you do this okay so this is a dosa this is going in here we cook it on medium I'm like 18 or 20 hours our thing going for yeah about 18 to 20 yeah we're gonna play around here and here we've been working out here's the finished products are chillin pod this is 10 years old it's passed down from the brother Nomad the recipe from the father of this child this has been so good to us we jam-packed this thing and so we always put it on a little baking sheet because it's just that thing overflows but so it makes it good when we also get the UM serving thing that I'd love to put it in taking it out I'm gonna bring it over here so this has been cooking last night like 10 o'clock he was like oh my gosh we need to take the Chile's so we have something ready to show you guys look at this okay this has been cooking for 20 hours this is what people like look forward to all week pedasi will give us the French history lesson on chillin go that's why maybe some not it's not a proven fact but apparently children's is from two words in French show me which means hot it spelled z CH aut but I didn't know you don't pronounce the show is hot I don't mean slow so it's something that's hot and cooks slow so yeah right sure right chillin someone's not like that what pronunciation is that definitely not the official French I have no clue diet so we put everything in here while we're serving it the bones I mean if I see a big bone and nothing else it I'll probably leave it in the pot but the meat I like to like work in my kitchen you could take the kishka out and slice it I love the well-done pians at the top like I sort of to scrape them off and keep them for myself but um let me get this in can you smell a guy's as its nagas smells presently okay authentic right now for the best thing to do is let people serve it themselves yeah because there's so many different ingredients this way they can actually pick the things that they like yeah I don't want chunks of meat or potatoes and I want extra chunks of potatoes so sure sure let me guess go first sure okay fine go for it girlfriends do it tomorrow that's it don't look so excited tell everyone it's really amazing you just didn't want to be flesh right now that's your problem well if I eat this chillin and there's no pizza for lunch there's no milk in my coffee hello we're soy milk over there on the table behind you no no it's coffee isn't worth it with soy milk I love I love going over there I got the meat equal opportunity that's a taste there anymore it's a little insulting tomorrow we're gonna hang up for you my life I like the mush of the kishka barley and beans like I want those well-done beans that were at the top though I got a big chunk of meat hi hi baby yes I made this one I practice last night cuz I didn't know he was going to go on camera so he was sitting next to me and I actually made it you did good yeah very good proud good where's they don't make it this good this is delicious thank you though I enjoy guys check it out we'll put the recipe oh the recipe is it's in the first book quick and kosher recipes from abroad to new nothing online no joy of kosher calm in the New York Times yeah all good
Channel: Jamie Geller
Views: 337,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamie Geller, Quick & Kosher, Cholent, Chulent, Shabbat Cooking, Slowcooker Recipes, Crockpot Recipes, Food, cooking, shabbos, kosher, stew, jewish, beef, Recipe (Website Category), Slow Cooker (Culinary Tool), Kosher Food (Diet), Cooking (Interest), kosher recipe, joy of kosher, shabbat recipe, comfort food recipe, how to, jok tested, jewish food, jewish recipe, jewish cuisine, kosher main dish
Id: Ae2-lQVFsGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2011
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