Best Channel Catfish Bait

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from southern boy prayer and this is Ashley and today we're going to show you one of the best ways that we have found to make a bait to catch channel catfish now we have caught several blue cats on this and it's very easy to make I'm going to show you first how to set up the hook for it now some of you probably use this method before we use it with a bathing tool and we use hot dogs now I know that sometimes you can throw the hot dog off which is why we use this method this is a baiting tool it's just a coat hanger that's been folded over taped and there is a knotch salt into it you can buy these at a bait shop you can buy these at a fishing shop and some of you have probably use the regular snails with this well I've found that we have found that if you use a regular snail it will throw the hot dog off of the hook still so what we do is we make our own yeah best best yeah best to use a trouble trouble oh yes we use it so I'm sort of hosing on butter you can use just about any size just make sure that it is not too big no not too small you don't want your not most no yeah and then we use some wine and you just tie the line to the treble hook and I like to time I'm using a polymer not and then for the and you'll want to make a loop action and so you get your lawn yes about 18 inches alone and you get your hook you want to leave enough to tie it are you putting where you're tying to foam polymer nut no always tie these with a polymer so that's why I like to have an extra and then for the other side I just make a loop I just sort of loop it over like twice I count that a doctor's noise what I call love sure what you really call it well but you need there so you can pull the line through though and it's just like a snail the winner the only difference is now you have a trouble instead of a hook and you're very less likely to throw your hot dog off and so to bait this you just take you a hot dog really doesn't matter which way you do it but always kind of like to just run through the middle put the butt end of the hot dog down onto the hook now you just just don't yeah that's right through and you just tuck it into the bottom and when they by perfect yeah the more Rihanna sometimes I don't go by from the side of it but it'll go right in there yeah a lot of times I'll bite down and just hear you no trouble hook which I'm not every time I've lost a few but I'll say yeah ninety a 98% time your hook so let's show you how to make the hot dog face the ingredients are vinegar garlic and we use garlic salt you probably don't need the garlic salt but gives a little extra stink for the catfish they like that can never be too stinky for a catfish so what I do is I usually take these hot dogs and you can cut them in half if you want to use whole you probably could sometimes we quarter them but normally we just cut them in half they don't sing like they they held onto the hook a lot better when they're cut in halves and if you want to use a whole one of course you'll have to use a lot more line like it's gonna do and then we just type a big gallon bag I like the ones with the zippers cuz it makes it easier to get in and out of if I don't flip it the wrong way and we just put these in here and we basically pickle these because we use the vinegar and we leave them in the fridge overnight you could probably leave them outside but we find they say what farmers yeah like them a lot of people like to let them sit in the Sun for two three days but but we we like to leave them in a fridge because I seem to stay firmer and you can add and this is just like a pickle hot dog you just play with garlic which catfish love love garlic and we find the cats more channel cats with this then we do with chicken liver and you can be as stingy or as generous as you are these put another go put them that's good and then one message that should stank it up enough rocks and it's just like a garlic pickle we really love these now we have tried a couple other ones we've used the jello ones and your the strawberry or cherry flavored jello and just did seem to work so good the best ones facing the best the garlic and vinegar we've even tried garlic and jello and it just doesn't even you know we even got garlic and vegetable yes and then it didn't seem to work as good as darling just a better girl and yeah just put that in your fridge for about a day take them with you next time you go fishing you're guaranteed to catch a bunch yeah okay some channel cats for sure and we pelt some few blues but mostly channel cats channel Koslow these days happy fishing you
Channel: Kenny Wayne
Views: 445,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, channel catfishing, catfishing, cat fishing, channel cats, channel, channel cat fish, best bait for channels, best bait for channel catfish, hot dogs for channel catfishing, hty dogs f
Id: 1zYqyfSJ-iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2016
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