Best Cat Litter For Multiple Cats (Extremely Thoroughly Tested)

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I always hear people say, "Ah, my litter box stinks"! Well, it shouldn't. So today I'm going to test out a few litters for your viewing pleasure. This is a mixed cat litter "Streyant", 2.7 kilograms, 6 pounds, a lot smaller than what I'm used to. I'm used to a bag of litter being like 22 pounds. Composition of raw materials, key fiber, corn, sar, bamboo, charcoal essence. What's essence? Guar gum. Oh, almost looked like food. Okay. Golden ratio. Okay. Stronger absorption and clumping. How long does the bag last? 30 days for one cat. Not true. 15 days for two cats. Not true. 10 days for three cats. That is ... Even for one cat. That's impossible. This is a very small box. Just by eyeing it. This will not last you 30 days. It's not gonna happen. That is an overpromise just by looking at it already. Kitty woo, cat litter, 100% zero Dust, no stick to the pan. I find that hard to believe. You mean no sticking to the pan when it's dry or when it's wet? Also, very small box. This would actually fit like a tiny cat pan ...Agglomeration... I have no idea what that word means... Let me look it up after... Eco-friendly, dissolving in water , okay. It's not gonna block toilet, without any deodorant. Okay. No allergies. This one comes across as being quite environmentally caring. And look at it. It's endorsed by Jackson Galaxy. Hmm. And even the packaging, the feel of it and the stuff that it saids... it seems like they're doing some good for the environment overall... This one is made from hemp fibers, so it seems pretty natural at a glance. One side note, this was manufactured in Calgary. This one seems to promise a lot of things. Well, healthy is in the safest litter in the world. First thing they say is that cats love it. Okay. Does lightweight mean it's gonna fly all over the place? Mm, low tracking. All right we'll take your word for that. I never understood what they meant when they said 99% dust free, non GMO. Well, they're not eating it. So super observant, green renewable corp. Environmentally friendly, neutralizes, unpleasant odors, fast, absorbing, fragrance free and natural hemp fiber. Organic and easy cleanup. Okay, we'll take a look and see how that. This one is actually a much bigger box. It's 8.4 pounds when it came, some of the litter actually leaked out of here, so you can see how small the pellets are or the granules rather. Stops odor before it starts or clumps. Solid easy scoop. Also 99% dust free, delicate paws. Good. None of these. Oh wow! This reminds me of a maxi pad. You know how they have all the functions and stuff. Light flow, medium flow kind of reminds me of that. Well, I guess it is kind of like a Maxipad, in a way, except it's for cat pee! Stops odor, clumps solid... How solid? I hope this is true. European engineering sounds sophisticated and natural. Yep. It's actually a finite resource, isn't it? Yep. Yep. And, yep. So this is sawdust. Is it? Let's see. How long does it last? Wow. Really? One cat, two months. Wow. These things. Really? They say they last a long time. Do they not? That is interesting. Known to the day to cause cancer. Oh, thank you so much. This one's actually a litter pearl twice a week scoping. Ugh. It feels like the granules are kind of small. 8 pounds, decent size, multi cat formula, low dust, non-allergic, controls odors, soft on paws. Okay, so I guess these ones for delicate paws might be good for declawed cats, WHICH I DO NOT ADVOCATE DECLAWING CATS! But I know some people have adopted ones that were already declawed. Declawing is actually taking the first joint of their finger out's not taking their nails out. Just so you know. Silica gel, clumping agent. Interesting. So this is pretty synthetic, isn't it? Release it from the box. Okay. Let's see if this small box here can actually line the bottom of my litter box. It's supposed to be vacuum sealed, but somehow I think it got punctured already. Oh, it's a mix of something. Original "taste"? Interesting. Small pellets. So they got some dots. It's kind of slight fragrance. I'm guessing it's coming from these. How much did it has for like these? I don't know, but that's where the fragrance is coming from. Yep. About an inch and a half. Blue ones, ugrh? And they got these ones, but thing is, it doesn't tell you what these things are. Mystery ingredient doesn't say oh, buddy, you wanna check it out? Does it smell funky to you? You just sneezed I think... Buddy. What do you think? Does it irritate your nose? Oh, those are the fragrance dots. Let's take a look at this. The box actually fell apart quite easily, but inside there's other packaging, pretty solid brick. It doesn't smell like anything. Half the litter box. It's one and a half inches deep right now. Sustainably yours, big bag. And it creates about two and a half to three inches of litter in my pan upon closer inspection. What is it? Why does it look like a Hampster's wood shavings? Are you sure it's dust free? No, that's not dust free! This is sandstorm again. NO!!! It feels pretty fluffy, Pretty airy if you ask me, but yeah, it seems like the fine dust might be an issue. Oh my God, my allergies are acting up. Oh, I don't have a good feeling about this one. This one has a pretty robust packaging compared to some of the other ones that's in boxes. But, um, let's see what it's like when I look closer. Seem like the straps on these things don't really hold up. Yep. Before getting into the inside of the box, I can see little particles... Oh, okay. Oh, that's why. All right. Is this like, saw dust? Almost look like oatmeal, smells... kind of like wood. Um, okay. Well, because it is quite lightweight. And, um, it's quite powdery, so I'm gonna try to put this in the top loader boxes so that the tracking is less. That's what the top loaders are for. It says it's 99% dust-free. What is the definition of dust in this case? Wow, it's 99% dust free is this? Feels like there is a layer of fine baby powder on my fingers. Even when you look at the edge of the box, I don't know, is that really 99% dust free? Hmm. In terms of the dust... You guys could see this, but there's like a sandstorm dust coming out just from pouring this stuff. Oh my god... WOW! The particles in the air. Geez. No, no, no, no, no. Okay. The volume is okay.... I think you can line my large litter boxes by about three inches... Wow!! Whoa!. This is like a really fine litter. Let's see. How's the dust? Not too bad. Hmm. The residue feels kind of funny though. Hmm. Well, quite a big bag. Should be able to cover my, um, litterbox.... Nope. Doesn't smell like anything. Good... All right. Let's see if this is gonna cause a sandstorm! Ah! Miniature sandstorm. Well, I can see a very fine mist of dust. Okay. This can't be good. I'm not even that surprised that this one has a lot of dust. So after a sandstorm... I can feel some powder. Very fine powder. Wow. Very, very fine. Mm. Not as bad as the wood one, but wow. Does it even say dust free? Low dust formula? What's low anyway? Compared to an actual sandstorm? Let me see. Whoa. This can cover. This much. Wow. Almost four inches. Good. Okay. Hm. But the silica dust, it's irritating my nose. I think these are like decants. I wonder what that's like for my cats. Okay. I have this litter box, that litter box that and that the litter. So that leaves one of each style, at least this one, These ones.... And that one, and that one vacant, so that in case they absolutely hate these litter, there's still the original litter in all the varieties of litter box that they are used to. So there's no reason for them to go elsewhere, even if they hate these litter. Not all soy litter's created equal, so when you look at your clumps, this is for 5 minute old pee clumps. Okay? Seems like it clumped up. Okay. I think. Let's double check. Pour that out. Okay. Wait a minute. It was just a surface clump. Ooh. Ooh. What a messy litter box. I don't like that. It's supposed to leave it clean. The clumps are supposed to be clean. My speculation is that the fragrance thoughts are there to compensate for the fact that it's not doing its job at clumping properly nor deodorizing. It's kinda hard to scrape off at the bottom. That's kinda weird. Seems like, it seems like it was a bit stubborn and even when I scrape it off, there's some remnant poop. The ideal soy litter should leave you with little remnants on the scooper, on the box, and the scoops should look like Chicken McNuggets not like this. This looked like a half baked cookie or kind of raw dough if you ask me. This is overnight pee. Wow. It turned into like cement bricks! Huh? It's so hard to pry out. It shouldn't be like this. No... This is not an ideal clump for soy litter. A lot of people say that soy litter is bad. This is bad soy litter. Let's try another soy litter, and we got two willing cats who's doing #1. It's great to have 10 cats, by the way, and I want to see how this litter is clumping and how tidy my scooper,and the litter box is after these pee and or poo nuggets are formed. Thank you, sir Carlos, for that solid stream of urine. Thank you. Now may I just ask you to alight the box so that we can take a look at your masterpiece? Thank you very much. Looks like it clumped okay... We'll check back later. Okay. Let's see how this one performs. Not bad. Hm. Not bad. Actually. It doesn't have a smell. It could smell like soy, but it's like a very faint smell. It smells almost like flowers. Okay. Quite happy with this one. Still sticks to the side of the pan, which is normal, but it's very easily removed. I would have to say this one is acceptable. Although I did wish that there's more in the box. The tracking is just so great on this thing, and after having it for a while, I noticed that. It exhausted really fast, like it get used up really fast. And even after I scoop the poopoo and the peepee out, the litter doesn't smell nearly as fresh. But that said, when it comes to clumping, this is really good. This is the chicken McNuggets I was talking about. See how it just forms these nice clumps and there's no residue on the box itself? The thing is the pee doesn't really clump. Like, if you look at it, it doesn't clump. It just gets soaked and eventually gets blended into the rest of everything. So this thing is gonna stink up really fast. Okay. After using this for like five days, I had to get rid of it. It really stinks. Like it's a weird type of smell. It's, I guess this kind of masked the urine taste, but it doesn't do it completely. So it's like spraying perfume on B.O. Now you have hemp flavored cat pee! It's disgusting. And after pouring everything out, I notice that, there's a spot here that have really saturated that stuff, and it's saturated with cat pee. It smells really bad. It's disgusting that the cats are stepping repeatedly over it too. This is the wood litter. Completely untouched. Oh, ah. Really dusty. Okay. Nope. Completely untouched! Wow. Day two, somebody finally used the wooden litter. Guess for the wood litter, it doesn't really clump or anything. Nope. This is poo as well, I think. I think the clumping on poo poo depends on the moisture itself. It looks like breaded cat poo. You think this gotta be cat pee? Maybe not but it actually clumps okay. It's like a little croquette. I'm going to see if my cats will think this is fried chicken. And the ones for the wood dust. Surprisingly, it's really good for odor elimination. The only thing I don't like is the dust storm that's inside. Litter pearls. Let's see... Litter clumped okay... This is for the pee. Not bad. Not bad. It doesn't really stick to the side of the litter box. Somene's got really yellow pee. Show you. This one isn't bad, but it's just really dusty and just full of the granules. Good thing is that I can actually see my cat's urine color. With these, so that's good. And while I'm saying goodbye to this the crystal sand litter, there's two things I gotta point out. One, there's this really stubborn urine patty at the bottom, though it's very hard to get rid of. Unlike the soil litter. Not to mention that this actually has a slightly chemical smell, regardless, used or unused, more so when it's used, or activated. That said, you'll end up with little clumps like this. That'll fall through here. Personally, I'm not too thrilled about the bits of urine that gets left behind. It builds up the litterbox. Not so impressed with the overall tracking problem, but I noticed when you pour this stuff out is good to have the vacuum ready because there will be another. dust storm! Now this is with chemical decants and the dust is very fine. You don't wanna breathe that stuff in. So I find this part a bit messy. Again, if I was to pick, I would not like this flying around my house. With the hemp litter as expected, it's flying all over the place. I think Buddy's trying to get them off his paws and because it's so lightweight, it's basically everywhere. They travel pretty far. But the good thing is that it's kind of like straw so at least you're not dealing with powder or granules. Um, but then the tracking from the crystal letter, it's like all over the place. It's span over like all over. I'm sure some probably ended up in my fish tank too. Great. Okay. I've been using this stuff for about three or four days now, and I realize that I have to vacuum very often because there's just all this litter dust everywhere, particles, and yeah, they're all over the top of my litterboxes... So that's not fun. And they actually go pretty far. This actually means one of two things. More regular cleaning, and second of all, if it wasn't because of the carpet squares that's on the floor, my guess is my house would be infested with these particles. But thank God I have the mats on the floor, so I don't think they can actually travel that far. And boy was I ever wrong!? I see some here. This is only the tip of the "poo-berg". See a little bit here, but okay, not too far. That's not true! Look further, if you ask me, is this messy compared to my regular setup? Yes, because there's a lot of small particles flying all over the place. Here. Here. I find that it actually ended up on here as well. Sure get far! Here. You can see that the litter is tracked. So I guess the synthetic dots really do travel far. My guess is that it's been hidden in their paw pads. That's why Yellow Cat was trying to shake it off her feet before. Find them on my bed. Ugh. On my bay window. No no no no!!! These few weeks I've been sleeping on exfoliation dots on my bed, made from cat litter. Same thing with the soy litter, sand, just any small particles travel very far and get dispersed. After I pour out my wood litter. See the fish tank that was in the background I tried to do this. Look at, there's that sandstorm. I actually coated this with dust. Oh, geez. And I was vacuuming the air as I pour it already. I also noticed that these stick to their paws a lot more. I find them clawing on the edge of the litter box more so than before, trying to get it off of their paw pads. Note how it's stuck on her feet. Shake shake shake. Whoa,what a complete mess! And the funny thing is the granules actually carried over to the other places. Wow. It's insane. Do you think any got inside my fish tank? The hole's right there. I think this one has to go even before these expire. Because these dots are getting like everywhere. They're all over my floor. They're all over my couch. They're all over like everywhere. See, you could actually pick up these and they really get to the rest of the house. Please help keep our channel alive and help us help more animals in need. See the stuff we use and the perks we get. You might find it useful. Check out the links in the description. Your one click will make a huge difference. Thanks, meow. See you can pick these up here. If they're on my bed, it's horrible. Like I'm sleeping on granules of stuff. I can feel them like in my bed. And when I walk around the house, it feels like I'm walking on the beach or something. Not cool. Here we changed to black bedsheets just so that you can see what's happening. Do you see how the beach has moved onto my bed? Ah, if you think getting sand off of yourself from the beach is hard, well try sleeping on it. Yuck! Are the natural ones any better? Well, because they're so airy and light, so they travel in a different way. Buddy you're so covered in cat litter... Budbud.... It's all over you. My guess is with the hemp litter, it probably is attracted the things that create static or it creates the static itself. So Buddy always comes out coated like this and they get stuck on paw like never before, not pleasant. The fact that it stays on his body and he shakes it off wherever he goes, that will further distribute it in the comfort of my house. Yay. And if you think my kitchen was spared, nope. Although the desiccants didn't really make it on these smooth surfaces for whatever reason, it's the natural fibers that naturally got distributed onto my kitchen counters, Yippie! All right. Let's take a look at the best and the worst litter in all the different domains. For the best odor control first place, I would give it to the wooden litter. It naturally have this beautiful scent. It's not too overwhelming. The cats are okay with it, and it's surprisingly good at suppressing the smells. The second place I would have to say is the Sustainably Yours. It's not the best, that's why it's second place. But overall, it's not too bad as long as you don't let the little small urine pebbles build up. Okay. When it comes to smelly litter, mm, I would have to say number one, smelly is the Streyant one. The reason why it's number one is because although soy litters are supposed to be pretty good at absorbing smell, eh, this one didn't do it. The perfume pebbles that made it even worse. It's like spring perfume on B.O.. It makes it horrible. Now, second place in terms of being smelly is the hemp litter. That one..., eh? It because it wasn't even absorbent. So for the ammonia smell of the pee that really build up big time. That's what people talk about when they say their house smells like cats. Doesn't smell like. Smells like cat pee. This one makes your house smell like cat pee. Third place when it comes to smelly, smelly litter is not because it's not doing good at absorbing the smell, it's because it, it in itself have this synthetic smell. But when it comes to absorbency, I would have to say the sustainably yours. Quite good. As you can see that the clumps, both peepee and poopoo is pretty good. So it turned into those pretty nice looking nuggets. For the synthetic one- the pearls, I would've to say in terms of absorbency, pretty good for both, number one and number two, can't complain about that. So second place for them, tofu cat litter, the Kitty woo. It's not the best of the soy litter I've ever. But it's not too bad. In terms of absorbency, it's definitely above average. And in terms of no absorbency, I would call it non-existent absorbency. Again, number one would be Streyant. However you pronounce it. It's not that it's not absorbing at all, but again, for a soy litter, you'd expect to do a lot better. But as you can see from the slushy five minute Clumps, if you can even call it clumps or to the overnight cement that it turned into. I don't like it. Dun, dun, dun, dun dun. It's almost like it's either not absorbent or it's too absorbent, both in one. Not good. And in terms of second place, I would have to give it to the hemp glitter. As I mentioned before, it's like straw, so it doesn't really absorb anything. Okay, now moving on, Sandstorm number one is definitely the crystals, the synthetic litter. It makes it even worse when people buy, not the sand type, but the pebble type. They step on, it becomes powder. And as you can see, the tracking and all the dust that it brought all over the place when I was pouring it out. No good. You don't wanna breathe in that stuff. Also, for the wood litter, Okocat, it's wood dust and third place-- unfortunately, it went to sustainably yours because this is a finer grain one that I used. I know they have bigger grain ones. I have yet to put those to test, but according to this fine grain one, so far, still not my favorite. When it comes. Loading up a sandstorm, I guess, in no particular order, both the synthetic one and the fine soy litter one. Those ones, because of the sheer size of the granules, it's gonna go pretty far. It's like walking off the beach. And whereas for the natural ones the wood one and the hemp one, because they're so light, they're static, they'll stick to things, they'll stick to pause, stick to fur. Actually all of them stick to paws. Hmm. So... and last you're going to ask me, okay, which one would I bet my money on overall of all of these? So for volume and function, you're getting big enough of a bag and also what it does, I would definitely use sustainably yours again, I would try their bigger grain ones in the future, but so far this is gonna be my number one where I'm gonna bet my money on. And if you want a decent one that lasts quite a long time without having to pour out your litter. And that it still doesn't make your litter box stink, then okay, then the OKOcat one is okay, and these two are the exact winners that I would get. I know there's no perfect litter out there. Some people would wanna spend more money because it lasts a longer time. Some people would want ones that are more absorbent, some would want ones that are better for the environment. But for me personally, these two are the winners. Although the tracking isn't, but otherwise, these two performed okay as litters. So that's the hit that I have to take. In conclusion, there's a gazillion soy litters out there. Just a few takeaways. Not all soy litters are created the same. You really have to try them out to see what the clump actually look like and what they look like overnight as they absorb liquid and try to play around with a different grain size as well that could be different. And take it with a grain of salt whenever they say something is natural, 99% dust free, when it's supposed to be built for a number of litter boxes for a number of cats. Take that with a grain of salt. Really do try it. And word of sage advice really look into the whole tracking and dust situations because you have to roll around and breathe in that stuff on a regular basis. So that's it. Thank you so much for watching my review. If you like any of the products, they are in the description that is provided. I'll see you soon on my next review. Have fun with your cats.
Channel: MeloCat
Views: 38,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: melocat, best cat litter, best cat litter for 2 cats, best cat litter for multiple cats, best cat litter for multiple cats 2022, best cat litter for multiple cats odor, best kitty litter for multiple cats, crystal cat litter, crystal cat litter review, soy cat litter, soy cat litter review, soya cat litter, wood cat litter, wood cat litter pros and cons, wood cat litter reviews, cat litter sand, how to choose cat litter, best cat litter for odor control
Id: yywfM7l65eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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