BEST AI Chrome Extensions

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Hi everyone, Michael here. Today, we're going to  look at the five best Google Chrome AI extensions   available for you today. They can help you  do things like write and reply to emails.   They help you alongside Google searches, and  they can even summarize YouTube videos just   like this one. Please stick around though,  I want to show them to you. Unfortunately,   Google doesn't have any of this functionality  baked into their own consumer products yet,   unlike say Microsoft's Edge. However, there are  still a lot of third-party extensions that have   been developed that can bring about great  functionality available to you today. Let's   go check these out. To kick things off, I'm going  to show you the ChatGPT for Google extension. To   get that, we are going to head to the Chrome  web store and search for it. Additionally,   you can find it below in the description  as well as in the card up in the top right.   I will add that to Chrome, add the extension,  and get this going. Once we have the ChatGPT   for Google extension installed, we  can begin searching immediately,   no other steps are required. I am going to  search for, how do I make chocolate chip cookies?   If you're like me, you're probably used to  getting here and seeing all the blue links,   feeling a little bit overwhelmed by all the  possible content I could digest, no pun intended.   I noticed though that ChatGPT over here on the  right is starting to really spin up its magic in   this search experience. It's not only giving me  all of the ingredients, but the instructions on   how to bake these cookies. This is going to save  me a lot of time in the future, and this is what   I hope to see from all future searches when I'm  looking for something very specific. The second   extension for Chrome I'd like to highlight today  is called WebChatGPT. To access that, go up to   your extensions and click on the WebChatGPT icon.  This will actually take us directly to ChatGPT.   While ChatGPT is very useful and powerful,  it is a bit limited in that it doesn't have   any reference points after the year 2021. This  is where WebChatGPT’s extension comes in. It   allows us to reference the internet and current  events. So, for example, if I were to type in,   what is the Kevin Cookie Company today? It would  not really have any answers for me. However,   if I turn on this toggle called web access,  which allows us to reference current events,   I would actually get an answer from  ChatGPT that would summarize what it is.   And here we see a very good summary of the Kevin  Cookie Company based on recent information that's   available online. This is based off of three web  results down here. We can increase that all the   way up to 10. You can set it for different time  ranges, and you can limit it to specific regions   as well. Our third helpful extension is called  ChatGPT Writer. It can help you compose and reply   to emails. I'll show you how it works right now.  I see an email request from someone at my company.   Her name is Patti Fernandez. I'm going to take a  look at this. Oh, she asks if I can take a meeting   for her at 5 a.m. I've worked a lot this week and  I don't particularly want to do this. I'm going to   use ChatGPT Writer to reply. There's a little icon  here at the bottom with a lightning bolt in it.   This is the ChatGPT Writer icon. I will click on  that. Here you can see the email context is auto   filled in so the ChatGPT extension will know what  it's referencing. I'm going to ask it to write a   witty email saying that I'm unable to make this  time. Then I'll click generate reply. And there it   is. ChatGPT Writer has created a witty response  to Patti. Obviously, you want to do a quick   review of it yourself before hitting the insert  generated response button. Once you've done that,   you can send it off. It's important to note that  ChatGPT Writer has the best functionality within   Gmail, but you can use it anywhere else that  you'd like to. It just doesn't have the nice   insert functionality. If you'd like to use it  outside of Gmail, come up to the top right,   click on extensions which looks like the puzzle  piece and click on the ChatGPT Writer icon,   and it will bring up the prompt for you to use  on any site you'd like. Our fourth extension is   the YouTube Summary with ChatGPT. It is one of the  most powerful. If you have the attention span of a   hummingbird and can't stomach a two-minute video,  you're in luck by clicking on this button here,   you will be provided with the entire transcript as  well as the ability to summarize the contents of   the video. We will click on this view AI summary  button. This will open up ChatGPT where it will   say summarize the following at the bottom of the  screen. If I hit enter, it will summarize the   entire video for me so I don't have to bother  listening to Balmer talk about how the iPhone   isn't going to be as impactful as he thinks it is.  Our fifth and final Chrome extension that uses AI   is the Tactiq Meeting Transcript extension.  I would have loved something like this when I   was back in the office days and we were always  asked, is there a note taker available in this   meeting? What this does is right over here on  the right side, it transcribes everything that   went on in the meeting. After it's done, you  can go down to the bottom right and click the   open the transcript button. This will bring up  everything that was discussed in the meeting,   and you can also use it to generate an AI summary  of what was talked about. The summary that's   generated by ChatGPT is actually really on the  money and I'm very happy with it. You can also   use it to generate your next meeting agenda and  also action items for follow-ups. And there you   have it, five great Chrome extensions leveraging  AI that help make your job easy and hopefully   not redundant. Just kidding. Anyway, please  leave below in the comments, your favorite   AI extensions and also consider subscribing  to this channel. We'll see you again soon.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 96,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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