Best Affordable Vlogging Camera for 2023

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oh exciting camera has arrived the zv1 Mark II I don't know why I'm so excited about the Z1 Mark II is that we finally have a vlogging camera that you can literally just fit in your pocket you can take this guy literally with you everywhere now I did have the original Sony Z1 but it had some quirks to it the problem that I faced most was that I love vlogging so I want to have a really wide point of view but if I want to have stabilized footage it would automatically crop in and with the lens of 24 to 70 cropped in it kind of had that you know bubble head effect so I was ultimately having to choose don't want to have a wide point of view or do I want stabled footage but then it would look like a bubble head now I was able to figure out a fix to this problem by getting the lonzy wide angle lens so basically by attaching this lens to the zv1 I was able to get a wide enough point of view to Vlog while having the stabilization on but now we have the problem that this is pretty much just like a mirrorless dealer kind camera and you're not going to be just chucking this camera into your pocket so the whole thing about the zv1 being small and compact for vlogging was kind of defeated whereas now the zv1 Mark II has an 18 to 50 millimeter focal length which will give you a nice Wide Point of View while still being able to use the stabilization alright let's see how this camera Feels by turning it on and seeing just how wide it feels oh look at that much wider and a lot better [Music] everything we want a little small compact vlogging camera is right here so let's compare the focal length of the Z1 to zv1 Mark II I have them very unsign table on top of each other but yeah look the zv1 Mark II is definitely a lot wider you can definitely Vlog a lot more with this kind of setup interesting to compare the two how funny this looks with two of them on top of each other okay we've spent enough time here in the office just talking about this camera there's no better way than to get a real feel for a camera than to go and shoot and what better way than to go out for lunch and get some b-roll because today we've got a little bit of an international market here in Finland and you all know that I love food and one thing I've been missing is just International Food so let's go check it out we'll be back on the one we left for a long long winter it's interesting about St Nicky is that even though it's got 60 000 people it's called like the event City so basically in the summertime we have like an event every single weekend where that's like festivals or this International Food Market are literally there's always something happening even though there's like a small town but is what it is let's check out the zoom capabilities This Is 50 millimeters right now and now we are at 18 millimeters difference a lot of Broadway and jackets today should never know here in Finland just yesterday it was snowing here literally June 1st now looks like it's gonna start raining said for sunshine today but not gonna happen hello buddy look at that statue look at that Greenery behind you too you can't see Mel CD screen but it's trying to track on his head right now that's some good face recognition even on statues that is a very not impressive sign for the vent welcome to the international Grand Market supposedly we've got all these countries represented here see about that [Music] oh thank you sir delicious delicious [Music] oh man there's too many good food choices I don't know what to choose you know not often you could try all these different cultural Foods here in Finland because uh food is pretty limited here today I gotta Choose Wisely which I want right now I'm leaning towards Greek food or Mexican food look even the Australians are here at Australian barbecue oh this is the best stuff licorice oh this the goods right here licorice candies oh dang cash only this guy trusts the fins enough that he's gonna let me come pay later I will come back don't pay I promise what was your name Darius I promise I will be back it's in the video so it's documented I'm a YouTuber so it goes to 90 000 people so I have to go and pay and I'll come back I'll come back oh so trusting the fins I will come back and pay but he said enjoy my food first all right moment of truth how does it taste oh this tastes like back in Toronto such good Greek food everywhere 10 out of 10. it's so nice to eat some good Greek food after a long time so some of the obvious nice things about the zb1 Mark II is that it's really small it weighs a total of 292 grams so it's smallest to fit run your pocket you got the flipped LCD screen and now we have a wide enough focal length in order to actually Vlog we also got that real-time Auto tracking Focus which we love from Sony uh just earlier I was vlogging in the city filming a statue and even recognized the face of a statue and started focusing on that the zv1 Mark II as well has the three microphone system but now it uses AI in order to determine which microphone should use so if you're filming yourself talking to the camera it's gonna use the front microphone and then if you're behind the camera filming you know POV kind of shot then it's gonna use the back microphone which is really interesting that now Sony's incorporating artificial intelligence into its cameras to help you film and produce content easier we also now have the tally lamp which is nice because then you actually know that you're filming sometimes the camera you think you're recording and you're not and then afterwards you realize and then you gotta do it all over again so it's nice to have this little red square box around the LCD screen so you know you're recording as well as DB1 Mark II has a product feature mode so basically if you lift the product it's going to show and focus that instead of your face so you don't have to anymore put the you know phone in front of your face to track to that as well another really cool feature is that the Z Mark II actually full of lighting when you're Outdoors which is really cool that they're adding a built-in ND filter into such a small little camera another cool feature of the CB1 Mark II is that you can use it for a web camera now I know you could use the zv1 already for that but now you don't have to use some weird Sony app you can just literally Plug and Play into your computer and use the zv1 Mark II as your webcam camera for example in Zoom so it's going to automatically you know lift up the quality of your webcam calls which is really important because nowadays there's so many remote meetings and to stand out from everyone else by having high quality footage is important delicious food I'll go get my money now okay I promise I promise alright some downsides of the zv1 Mark II they have added s-log 2 and s-log 3 but because it's not a 10-bit camera you're not really benefiting from that because you don't get that dynamic range then from the flat picture profile so that's kind of a bummer as well it doesn't have the sine tone look which is the best profile you want so that's unfortunate as well I don't even know where I'm gonna get money from I don't even so funny being here feeling there is no cap or Apple pay and then you can just transfer money to other people with Mobile Pay but I guess they're from Greece so that's why they didn't have a you know Cash Card thing so I'm gonna go find an ATM somewhere you put a credit card ATM I don't know let's try ah here we are nostal that's our finish ATM company all right time to get some money from here okay never mind it's temp that's a bummer okay take two these guys from Greece better appreciate my honesty that I'm going through all the work of fighting two ATMs just to get some cash to pay them how hard is it nowadays to pay just I just want to pay someone I just want to pay them for my food I want to be an honest citizen I gotta come all the way to my local bank just to get some money out [Music] ah cash it may look all nice and green and sunny out here but it's cold it's cold in Phillips I went to two ATMs for you one was closed and this one is open I told you I made my word how much trust did you have did you think I was gonna come I was like uh 97. wow that that's uh confidence in me or in Finland in Finland okay okay that's hilarious I asked him do you think I was gonna come back he said 97 and he said the reason why is because I'm from Finland and that's in Greece would someone come back I said no I love cultural differences people are just really honest here in Finland nice to be back at the office where it's warm it was cold out there one thing that I forgot to mention is that they've actually uh moved the tripod holder thing right here onto the side because in the old zv1 Mark II if you had a little tripod mount here you can open the battery or the memory card slot so now it's on the side you can still open it up change your battery and everything while being on a little tripod stand so that's a nice little addition to that but overall this is really fun just vlogging out there shooting with the zv1 Mark II in my opinion this is a great beginner vlogging camera setup [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Teppo Haapoja
Views: 15,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best vlogging camera, affordable vlogging camera, best affordable vlogging camera of 2023, 2023 vlogging cameras, top vlogging cameras 2023, sony zv1 mark ii, sony zv1 II, sony zv1 ii review, sony zv1 mark2 review, vlogging camera, best camera for vlogging, beginner vlogging camera, vlogging camera for beginners, best vlogging cameras 2023, best vlogging camera for youtube, best vlogging camera for beginners, best camera for youtube beginners
Id: ttOjs5GoP7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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