Berlin airport to city center

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[Music] hi I'm Ally from Berlin travel tips and today I want to show you how to get from the Brandenburg Berlin airport into the center of the city the first thing I want you to do while you're still at home before you get here is download one of the transport apps there's several you can use my example uses the bvg far Info app and I'm going to give you a quick look at how the app works so you can figure out a out from the airport to wherever your hotel is and then I'm going to take you to the airport and show you what it looks like so you know how to get to the train and get into the city easy and cheap okay so now we're looking at the trip planner screen so you can see I've got the starting point and the destination with those green and red arrows and that's where you're going to put in the airport and then whatever train station you're going to or you can even put in the address of your hotel also note flu coffin that is the word for airport but if you just type in airport it knows that that's the flu coffin so you don't have to remember what the German word is you see this arrow pointing at depart now if you know you want to leave in an hour or whatever you can change that time or you can change it to be arrive by doesn't really help you when you're getting from the airport but for future trips then you get another screen that shows you a handful of route options some of them are one train and some of them involve having to make a switch somewhere if you're nervous about using the public transport system I definitely recommend taking one of the options that does not involve a switch even if it takes a little bit longer like the S9 takes 47 minutes which is slower than the option below it that has the FX train plus an espon but if you don't have to make any changes it's probably worth a little extra time to avoid the hassle you can also see underneath each of those trains there's a little bit of information it it tells you how long it takes it tells you if there's a change or not and then there's a price okay so I've clicked on one of the routes and then it goes to another screen where you can see more details about that one route so you can see here re8 towards vismar bhof that is the end destination of that train so you know which direction it's going and then underneath you can see that it takes 30 minutes that there's three stops on the side you can see that the platform number so in the airport you're looking for platform 2 and then when you arrive at friedr stasa it's platform 4 then at the bottom there again you can see that it's €4 if you do have to take a route that involves making any changes this is what you're going to look at you can see the FX train going towards Berlin Halal and you have to get out at oscs and that's where you make your switch and you're going to change to this S5 sbond if you're buying a ticket in the app this screen on the left is showing you a single ticket for it shows you the fair zone for Berlin ABC and it starts at the airport and then you were going to click that yellow button at the bottom where it says proceed to means of payment and you can do Apple pay credit card PayPal don't worry about the sepa thing that's for bank account transfers so don't worry about that so when you go into settings you can see your account info in here email at the top I've got mine blacked out and then there's this means of payment button so you go in there and put in your payment info so that you're just ready to go when you get to Berlin now that you understand the app a little bit better I want you to put in your starting point as the airport and your destination as your hotel address and see what routes it gives you and then take screenshots and then when you get to the airport it's going to be so much easier now I'm going to go to the airport and show you what it's like so now I'm at the Berlin Airport and I'm going to show you how to get from the arrivals area through the airport and down to the train platforms so that you can use public transport to get into the city so once you've collected your luggage you're going to walk through some doors that put you out to you know all the people with the signs who are picking people up in in private cars and whatever and look up and you'll see these signs in the airport that show you how to get around if you look at the bottom corner of that sign you'll see the little train icons just keep following those trains through the airport as you're getting closer to the trains you'll start seeing train departure boards so I'm going to show you what this means all the way to the left those are the departure times the next column over is the train number so you'll see some of those match up with the screenshots I was showing you earlier there's the FX which is the the airport express train there's the S9 which is one of the sonds that goes through the center of the city a few down from that is the re8 that's one of the regional trains that that goes from the airport into the city so this is why I want you to know what your train route options are before you ever even leave home cuz you can then look at this board and know the one or two or even three trains that are options for you find your train number and then find the platform number and you don't have to worry about figuring out the rest of this cuz that column underneath the clock is the destination the end station on that train and it's easy enough when you see Berlin but there's one here that says vismar and you might not know where that is or how that relates to where you're going but that's actually one of the trains that goes through the middle of Berlin that could be a really good option for you does show you in the middle of that board some of the intermediary stops but that's still not super helpful was only listing two or three stops for each of those trains so again download the app put in airport to your hotel address take screenshots make sure you know which trains go to where you're going and then you can look at this and find out when the next one leaves that you can use and then you look at the the platform number all the way over there to the right and that's it as you go down the escalators look around for these ticket machines there's quite a few of them they're bright red it's kind of hard to miss so if you don't see them in front of you turn around and look behind you okay so if you need to get a paper ticket it go here and you can see the languages at the bottom you can switch that to English okay and then to get into the city you need an ABC ticket so single ticket ABC you can get a 24-hour ticket if you know you're going to keep traveling for a while discount rate is for kids so if you have any kids that are six to 14 that's what you get for them so if you're an adult you pick that and then it wants your money and you just hit okay and that's that and then over here you have options for credit card and cash so it's really easy if you get confused sometimes there are some Deutsche Bond employees in these red vests for some reason they put these feet on the floor to sort of show you to the train but they don't show up until you're on the platform if you're already at the point where you see these feet you also see the [Music] trains
Channel: Berlin Travel Tips with Ali
Views: 6,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berlin, BerlinAirport
Id: 5M_-iwtiIbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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