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so he's telling me about the first big tree fell let's hear about it I was working in Santa Rosa for the solar tree service my Foreman was own name Jim Nicks Jim always Jim always fell the trees especially the big ones he had let me fall on that one but we got on a job with a bunch of little girls Douglas fir on it outside of Occidental on placing on Taylor lane we worked there for several days following several dozen trees they were bricked they were poultries rigged trees we had to pop some of them out but Jim got the fall the stubs so I told him one day I'm very much I said let me follow that tree I said I'm the one that rigged it I'm the one that topped it out let me fall it he says do you you don't have the experience I know Jim how am I gonna get experience if you don't let me do it yeah and i needled him until he pulled it and and he let me fall the tree of course he was right over my shoulder making me nervous the whole time you know so I'm site then the undercut I got a Mac 125 with a 72 inch bar on it mmm was a beast sprocket drive a half inch chain and of course the first thing you got to do is level that thing out to start the cut we didn't have pilots on and do it with and I could barely level that but I got it started on the level Jim approved and I dogged and started the undercut he's leaned on my shirt he said now look down the sights there look down the sides he says and my leg was right between stumps about 60 70 feet ahead which is kind of pluck there was it wasn't that far out you know but but they were very close together so it was a thread the needle shot and then Jim was looking down the sights with me and he said you know you gotta look down the sights you gotta you know he says you got it remember you're not that you look down the center of the tree you're looking down the left side of the tree good okay okay you know he's he's coaching me all the way like that leave me alone yeah I knew what the sights were you know and I I got down behind him and I peer to peer down those sights as I was cutting until they wind up right down to that left stop because the center of that tree was about the center of the book between the two stops I knew that Jim Jim coached me well and and I kept all I wanted to do was get out of there let me do it by myself but anyway with him there I was I was sure to get it right and upon next to get into the back cut and and give him the signal pull the tree it went dead between the stumps without braking and Jim said beginner's luck boy I had a feather in my cap and I you know make that call right now give me another one oh heck yeah yeah that's the good stuff yeah I loved it it was a great experience here's a good question I know you had an injury that pretty much put a damper on tree work I'm not asking you to go into the injury if you don't want to but if you could tell me something positive that happened as a result of a serious injury yeah well my career did not go without injuries I'll tell you and I healed up from them all and I I come to the end of my rope once call 40 feet was knocked unconscious before that pause we have a lot of similar this is this is new this is new to me now he's saying he fell 40 feet which is exactly how far I fell in 1995 by coming through I came to the end of my row through the end of my rope that's how I did it and I was lucky because I landed him the Redwood duck which is probably better in the foot thick in between an old broken top and some limbs laying on the ground there was a spot that was just big enough for me to fit in without no wood in it or all and I landed right in that duck knocked me unconscious for about 10 or 15 minutes I was lucky I was I was really lucky I it was about a about a two mile walk out of there and it took almost two hours to do it yeah there was no broken bones but the shock to my body was severe enough that I was walking like a man it's like getting punched by a fist the size of your body I fell and I wasn't able to walk away from it but really similar what what did for me is it made me I know this isn't my interview but it's so similar I gotta I gotta say it I was I went back to climbing a month and a half later when I was healed up enough to do it and I was the safest climber in the world I'm too safe for for several years and and then I slowly kind of balanced out I went from being a total cowboy unsafe not saying you were but I was to being injured and then way way overboard safe and paranoid to then balancing out and having good systems to keep myself safe well the thought before that if I ever fell out of a tree would I lose the nerve to find again and no I did not it made me a lot careful planner much American climber I always watched the end of my bit of crewmate maybe work smarter because I'll even you know more efficient the injury that ended my career which by the way I was getting ready to retire anyway I was hired to like actually my saw was hired and I came I was to cut out a tree in Sacramento and it was actually the tree had already been felled it was the log they needed it ripped they wanted it done right and they needed a stop cut and we I did I did what they wanted me to do and that was my job well it was getting late the day and they were everybody was gonna the crew was going to go home but the fellow that was running the crane wanted to load load the logs and get them unloaded that Pat had a yard we've had did they had planned on doing the back State and they asked me well you know do you want to go home Jer or do you want to stick around and help on well the the proprietor wanted he would he was you know he convinced the crew that they were going to do it and so I said okay I'll stick around I'll give you guys a hand because if I said no I want to go home well then that would have you know I understand well Jerry was riding with them so yeah so I so I went along with it and of course we got the logs loaded and went over to the yard started unloading them the operator of the truck decided he wanted to reposition to unload some logs and he got back in position and I felt like you know everybody was working except me and I felt like I should get up there and do something they had expediate this and get it up there so I went up there and started long doing binders truck trailer while the operator was setting the outriggers he did not have an audio deeper tone so the ends of the truck was running but I did not could not tell that the outriggers were being lowered and I was leaning right up of my belly against the truck reaching up and I'm doing a chain binder my foot got pinned and sewing foot pinned down into the outrigger pad and you know I I felt a lot of pain and that will hurt pretty doggone bad when he was setting it and truck was moving around and Paul my foot and but you know but what really hurt is when he started leveling the truck out and put more pressure down on my foot oh I was howling to be hurt but he couldn't hear me because he was deaf and and the truck was mad high rpm and when some somebody would've told us you better you better lift those outriggers because yeah Jerry's pinned underneath one on the other side it was terrible that ended my career I lost three toes out of it and kinda robbed at the major nerve damage I can't I can't I can't wear a spurt I can't stand him Spurs from it I can't even stand on the rung on a ladder thirty seconds because of the nerve damage and so I was a production climber there there attended and I was late at home wondering what was I going to do you know Terry a night just got married and what are we gonna do here to make some money I had about seven years of helmet cam video archived and tapes DVDs that I was planning to make educational video series on how to do tree work educational video series on how to do a tree work since I had all this spare time and I had the computers already so this is a question responding to did anything good happen from an injury it took one year for me to get to build a video series one out and that's through entering the tree throwing techniques and entering the tree I proved a very good seller they took off right away and it couldn't happen at a better time because we really needed the money yeah yeah that's a tough thing to go through right after getting married huh yeah I was seriously while wondering what we were going to do how I was gonna make ends meet and being laid up and not being able to work was really had me worried yeah I got the working climber series off the ground and right now I'm doing better through the sales of my books in my videos then I was when I was working it did a complete turnaround I would never have guessed it but it did and the only way it did it was what determination sitting down and doing yeah you couldn't leave I had to do something Wow it saved him to overcome everything that had happened to him and changed his life maybe even some stuff in the past to produce working climber so how was it on the new marriage Terry was worried we have more time sorry to go so deep on yo foot well it's real stuff yeah butch below and just you know just a couple of months before I had my accident butch below had a treehouse a crane accident master-blaster home calm got his right foot crushed by Wyatt sling a sling I slipped on a pick and on a stump cut when they picked up the cut moved it over it dropped on his foot how much of your foot always seems to get in the way of stuff when it drops I feel like pulling my feet in right now okay and so butch butch gon heard about what happened to me and he contacted me the members of the tree house in 2007 and right after that accident they they donated a saw and put it up for auction to send me the proceeds know the auction cool of course the the saw sold for twice as much as it was worth you know and I know this is a this is form people like that I didn't even know but they they did this for me of you for sure and I told him I asked butcher says you know I says like I said I'll never be able to run my big sock in not in earnest I said you know I says you know I'll put it up for auction somebody would like to buy it and that was them oh and I know that popped out the rockport tree so the one that willy gang has yes uh-huh good job Willy well well let that cause an immediate sensation on the tree house and inside of a week bids were going up I'm through a couple thousand dollar range Joe this one from Mississippi called Carl Rutherford lumberjack LJ is Momo his screen name he'll and based on all their bids and put one up there for five thousand dollars and it needless to say it upset most of the more members of the forum that you could not just knock the socks off their bid so you wanted to play it out a little bit to see where we're going well anyway Carl got the saw go Carl Carl says you know II says I really don't want the song he says I'm going to send it up for auction again and whoever gets it well will get it Wow lassie guy yeah it's all class so Carl put this the o9t up for auction again and that's how really got it that's how I got it yeah so that that's that's all it's got a lot of history behind it sure does and it's right here in Oregon now yes yeah only about thirty miles away from me I think it would be smart to talk just a little more about the working climber series this is man it's a beautiful project where can we get this you can get the working climber video series through Bailey's Incorporated westburn corporated up in Bellingham Washington Bailey's is out of Woodland California and through tree stuff awesome this is epic content I'll show some of the content in the realm in a nutshell for video sets 12 disks 20 hours 22 hours 22 hours how much does it cost there the retail for 7995 but the the resellers will list them they're put on sale especially around this time of year they you can pick them up for around 50 or 60 dollars for your video set for one set and they they will so sell them in in dual sets chapters of series three and four or the whole set or a significant discount this it goes into great detail on falling trees climbing trees rigging you cannot watch it 22 hours worth of training video it actually you get tired you get tired III wasn't in the me flat my lips for 22 hours you know it's not really that just so there's a lot of work going on there's a lot coverage and your brain fills up that's what it is you bring maybe I'm not that smart but but I feel like like I sit there and watch these things and my brain fills up and I just gotta take a break for a while cuz it's just really good stuff gotta got young climbers out there and maybe not heard of it man you gotta get your hands on a copy of this working climber series working clamors series tree stuff calm I think Bailey's Bailey's helped out with this book too yes I've been done without him Thank You Nick and built so that was cool let's go on to he's got a new book the new park is in a format just like hi climbers it's a it's a coffee table book full color but it's about second growth redwoods basically second growth trees a second growth forest near Fort Bragg to column Navarro Redwoods State Park which was logged originally logged in the 1860s which makes the the redwoods in there the second growth was in there approximately a hundred fifty years old today and they're spectacular there's trees in there that are average 7 8 foot in diameter by over 260 feet tall some of the forest settings in there are you would not be able to tell them from old-growth except for the overall stumps they're in there what's the second growth trees are almost as big as the old-growth stump so far already now and the the premise that forests activists and environmentalists present that that of the forest once logged it's gone forever it will never recover back to a climax condition or a low growth condition that's the premise of I countered what they say because Baro redwoods proves it can come back and it doesn't it can do it faster much faster and then anybody ever realized now you know of course it's going to upset the people who disagree with me but but you hear in the news and in the media more from beat the doomsdayers that you do from somebody in the industry that can show or prove it otherwise and that's me I feel like I need to tell the world about how these forests can't recover they're dynamic they're resilient they they might have been logged over but they can recover to be it become an old-growth forest again they're altered other kinds you know they're a second growth but they don't just give it time it will come back the wall redwoods proves the point that I want to get across in that respect and it's 160 pages long and it's very short narrative mostly photographs all the biggest the tallest and the most unusual second growth redwood and and nabarro redwood state park so it's it was a labor of love and now I'm going to get back to more constructive writing and you got off my bandwagon and and my rants okay you know because I know I get up on saying no this is the way it really is you know you know don't listen to the boom stairs alright those there's sorry guys just oppose you okay so final I guess finally what advice would you give some new climber some like really zealous guys like how we were we were like let me climb that thing you know like me I started my own company so that I could climb because nobody would let me climb Jerry's in Vietnam by the way my dad was in Vietnam he was a pole climbing guy in Vietnam same as Jerry I thought that was interesting but what what advice would you give a new zealous climber somebody who would Hoover up these books and videos and once the new gear and is looking for a chance to climb a tree what would you tell them well my advice is is to get as much educational material as you can and draw your own conclusions on it weigh it up because what some people say in their educational videos and books you know if you're doing any other way than the way we say it you're doing it wrong I do not say that in my videos and books I cite the reasons why you might do it another way which of course many others say is the wrong way but I get I cite the reasons why they say it's the wrong way and you know I'll let you make up your own mind whether it is or not so Jerry's advice is wisdom and a multitude of counsel so that's the kind of advice I trust so I guess that ends it so take this time to say thanks to Terry thanks Jerry and thanks for service to the country too industry Thank You August and thanks for the hospitality and the introduction and all the support really appreciated my honor to be here and past with you well thank you this is a bucket-list event for Augustana thank you yeah you
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 17,638
Rating: 4.9328537 out of 5
Id: Ap9PggQ2VnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2016
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