Bents Woodworking | Shop Tour

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and what's up guys we are in northern Georgia this is Jason bent Jason bent bent woodworking and of course Jeremy's over here too we're gonna do a little bit of a shop tour and let me forewarn you guys this shop is really really awesome so before we get started who paid for all these tools I did and how did you pay for them with profits so there you go work your butt off and you guys can get anything that you want to get so I'm gonna switch around at this other side of the camera here and so this shop it what's the size of the shop 24 by 2024 by 20 so left and right on the screen is 20 and this way is 24 we're going to just basically move around the shop cover everything and talk about all the stuff so over here in this corner you've got this awesome assembly table that you recently just completed right yes just recently and this is most of your Festool stuff all of your festival stuff in this corner right most of it yeah on the with the exception of the new MFT car yeah that's that's pretty much everything a lot of natural light over here and I just love this space this is also a dedicated shop this is specifically for this shop and all of your layout stuff over here on the wall clamps behind it and moving over to the miter saw station on this wall yeah you might recognize it a little bit look yeah somewhat similar somewhat similar to this guy that I know yeah so do you have plans for drawers at all or so I did originally I was actually just talking about this this morning so my original plan was to build drawers I bought all the slides and I did everything and then I decided after I finished building it I just want to start woodworking again yeah so I kind of just said screw it and I would go ahead and start doing some other woodworking projects and it kind of just never happened and I just started putting different stuff in there and the things that were in those little cubbies have changed multiple times but it is what it is it works very good I'm not a huge fan of drawers if I'm being totally honest but really so I'm the opposite I am a drawers over doors kind of guy well also drawers a4 mostly storage stuff but of course there's open cubbies that are nice to see the thing that I like about the open cubbies in the top for me it was that was a huge benefit for me for the lumber storage mm-hmm because originally I had like a this crappy shelf or whatever that housed all of my scraps and I wanted to get rid of that so being able to separate things by types of wood for my cut-offs that to me was a huge benefit and it used to be a lot more full and then I kind of started downgrading and which is why I made one of them just for additional stuff that I use you know the sandpaper of the bandsaw blades that kind of stuff but now I can kind of separate you know the types of wood based off of what I use it for right on so let's walk through this hole do how do you like your California air air compressor uh I love it it's extremely quiet compared to the one I had before and that was my biggest selling point for that it used to be Houston my assembly table that I had previously mm-hmm but it actually didn't mate really made no difference in terms of like how loud it was out of it out of the assembly table versus now it's out in the open right now what kind of new ovens you have up here I have got a porter cable 18 gauge and then I have the grex correct so that's the one I was like yeah recognize that one that's the pin nailer and that's that's pretty much all I use now I honestly I can't even remember the last time I used the 18 gauge last year the woodworking show actually I met one of the reps from grex and they recommended like you really don't need an 18 gauge the pin nailer will give all the holding power I only use it really for to put keep stuff in place until I actually go ahead and get clamps on it so the pin nailer is more than enough power right right and the whole point of for the most part the whole point of Brad nails is to hold stuff while the glue dries yep loose s up right on well walk us through the rest of this going around the shop this way okay so as you come away from my assembler my miter saw station I've got my bandsaw here and the reason that I chose to put my bandsaw here was because one I have the space on the backside and I feel like I have enough space I've never run into the scenario where I actually needed to move this but I did place here and I made my hose long enough where I could kind of pull it out but I I never very rarely ever cut anything that's so long that it actually extends into here so I just kind of wanted it out of the way but at the same time like my drill press and my bandsaw are co-located near my table-saw because I feel like I do things in conjunction with each other yeah right so you know if I might cut something down to a rough size I can immediately turn around and I can take it to my table saw and I'll be good to go or if I'm using some of the drill press I'm cutting it on the miter saw I'm taking over my drill press so right on and it's on a mobile base too so if it is on a mobile base yeah so if I do need to move it it's very very easy to move I just loosen these little locking casters here and I can pull it away wherever I need to pull it to I've never had that happen not once so here I've got my drill press I place this here kind of for the same reason I just wanted them out of the way but kind of close to anywhere where I might take it after you know milling something I can take it here this does have dust collection on it and it actually has its own dedicated four-inch line that runs all the way to the drill NATO drill NATO yeah yes which is one of the greatest inventions ever so you really like it I really do this is actually I bought this last year at the woodworking show in Atlanta for like 40 bucks and this is still the original PVC piece that comes with and I actually have a replacement for it but I've just never knew had the need to replace it right on and then woodpecker spent something I do I've got the woodpeckers drill press table this thing is really really great it has really come in handy on recently we've been doing a lot of champagne riddling racks mm-hmm and having the ability to move this to 45 degrees and then clamp it down with these really really nice clamps has really paid dividends so we've got a little jig that we set up on that and it it works really well that's probably what it gets used for the most of me honest with you real quick on the wall right here is your ink were cross cut sled yes and how do you like it I love it I is it the incra it's like the mitre 5000 crosscut sled I like it a lot I haven't used it a ton yet but the times that I have used I was very glad that I had it yeah I mean anything incra really is just great because the the ability to make such fine adjustments and for me with incre that it's like the guarantee that the minute you put it back on something it's on the same exact thing yeah so by the way guys I don't know if this looks like I'm looking up to Jason but he's much taller than I am I'm not sure I can I can lower down it's all good so moving it off in the corner we've got a jet dust collective that's quite small it's a little tiny dust very very small yeah this thing's huge right on it's the three horsepower dust collector unit and it's really good it just takes up a really big footprint and that's one of the downsides in my opinion to this dust collector it does have I want to say it's a 1/8 inch port that comes off and branches down into 3/4 inch splits yep and originally I only had one hose coming off of that and I had the other two capped but when I actually changed my dust collection layout I decided to use all three and just operate off blast gates which I was operating off glass gates before but I figured if I have if I have the extra hose I what I didn't want to do is I didn't want to redo my entire dust collection and that that was the concern if I would have you know all the different changes that I made to the shop I would have had to change every single one of the dust collection setups but now I just ran one hose off for my table-saw and join her and then one for my drill press right on so you've got a every all the major tools here are dedicated desk collection they all do everything yeah every major tool has dedicated desk collection from the the jet dust collection unit itself and then you know some of the smaller tools have separate smaller desk collection you know like shot packs or or whatever and you do have an air filtration system above your head right there I do I've got that jet air filtration system I've been eyeballing the new Powermatic air filtration system lately but this one has worked really really really good I don't know since I ran this PVC here if that changes anything if I'm being totally honest I don't run this super often only when I'm doing stuff that really is creating a lot of dust or at the end of the day sometimes I'll turn that on and put it on a timer and just kind of let it run so so we along the 24 foot length here the center on that wall is a set of double doors and right behind me over here is another door how often do you do you work much with the doors open I I do but not necessarily because of like temperature or anything so now that I've insulated the shop it actually stays really warm or really cool the reason that I put my table saw where I did is because of that door it allows me if I need to I can open up that door and I can run longer pieces anything that's like eight feet or longer oh yeah and it's kind of in line with my saw blade so it just kind of works out good because I used to have my table saw over here because of the double doors I could bring full sheets of plywood up and I can actually run it through the table saw but then who likes running full sheets of plywood through a table saw so not I now that I have the track saw I have no need for that right on so you've got a little bit of mechanic's tool chest and the rigid oscillating spindle slash belt sander that I know people seem to have a lot of people seem to really enjoy this thing I do the desk collection is horrible but there there's it's a love-hate relationship I love it every time I use it it just creates a lot of fine dust and I end up blowing it off and having to clean it all off but it does exactly what I wanted to do all right on so I am one of the few people who have it who don't have a TV in my shop it seems like Shane seems like TVs are so popular in shops nowadays you ever is it always on most the time no actually almost never except for football season the only reason that's in here is because when it is time for football season I do like to watch football for fantasy football reasons yeah there you go so I'm the one I'm one of those that like if the TV's on and it's going in the shop that means I can't get any work done because I'm so easily so easily distracted well there's usually so much noise that I've tried to watch TV shows and stuff at least have a playin but you know as soon as you turn to dust collection on you can't hear it anymore anyway so very very very true so next up on this wall is the power Maddux at a 15 or 16 inch it is the 15 inch 15 inch okay right on and that's brand new brand new smell still smells like the shipping grease yes yeah so it has some on it somewhere but that is the helical head version it is and you have experience with both helical head and straight knives yes and what would you say a hundred percent helical head yes another one but it's not even it's not even a question absolutely there's such a difference and like the longevity of the blades and then the the cut quality it cut quality and no sharpening no index and the cut quality is when I bought the jointer the cut quality was so good it almost feels like you don't even have to sand that afterwards and I was so impressed that I just said I got a upgrade and do this in less than that do the planer for sure cuz I'd have one side that was really really nice one face and I run it through my Dewalt not that the DeWalt did a bad job it's you could just tell one side was on a helical head one side was not go ahead I completely understand that observation completely understand it next up after that is your really nice router table this is uh is this a full incra set up the whole thing it is so it's the anchor works package and then the base with the drawers and the cabinet and all that stuff the dust collection Milton that's all inspired from a guide Dunlap from guys wood shop to include the assembly table as is based off of the design that he had recently published but I just love the incra system I love anything that incre makes really and I like the way that that router table was set up as opposed to traditional router tables the thing that I like the most I guess you could say about the incre stuff is that if you have to make a cut on something and change the measurement then go back and make the cut at the original measurement you know every single time that that stuff is like perfect yeah just because of the way that their their system is set up so it is a phenomenal router table and the dust collection on it is ridiculous so you've got these these just some feed rollers here to keep this stuff tied up against the fence I noticed you have it on the table saw as well what do you think of those they're great I haven't had a chance to use the ones on the router table just yet my wife got me those for Christmas because she's super awesome but the ones on the table saw I I assume that these are gonna work just as good as those the ones on the table saw are invaluable it's one of the best purchases I've made for my table saw or really for anything for that matter we're not and then in this corner you have the top line of the dust dust collection running running to a Rockler dust right hose with a couple attachments correct that in my shop is one of the handiest things I've had for several years now just cleaning up because I prefer to clean up with suction rather than a broom which throws crap in the air whenever possible I'd rather vacuum something up and then sweep you know right typically I do the same thing the obviously the better your dust collection gets I feel like the less your mess that you have to clean up is so typically what I'll do is I'll sweep stuff into a small pile in the area that I created it and then I'll use that hose and that hose will reach just about anywhere in this shop I don't really like the location that it's in right now but it with so many changes I've made in my desk collection system that kind of just ended up being the location for it but again that hose is so long it really stretches to any where I need it to and then I really like the attachment that's hanging up there as well because it's got the little felt stuff on the end or whatever the way you can like run it over all your tools and stuff and it's not scratching it or anything like that so that's how I'll get all the real fine dust off of everything right now and then some just miscellaneous boards over here you guys any cool projects up coming with these uh no actually yeah I got a lot of walnut there which is all common walnut and my local lumber supplier every once in a while we'll get common walnut which I only have to pay like 229 a board foot what yeah yeah that's you twenty-nine a board foot for the for the common tube walnut you'll get some knots and stuff in it but if you pick through them any time that that happens I buy a lot because typically it's about 750 a board foot for first and seconds so that's and then every once in a while they'll have that that real nice curly maple and that was a really really good curly maple board that I bought yeah that's a nice and that was actually only about two dollars and thirty cents a board foot I just went blank there two dollars and thirty cents a board foot yeah it's the prices of lumber apparently are pretty good in Georgia that's a nice piece of wood it's a really very very it's it's it's rare that we get pieces that have that much curl in it and then when I saw that I immediately had to buy it so really we just with my obsession lately with building stuff out of walnut in my shop like clamp racks or assembly tables or chisel holders or whatever else that's really why I have that because I just keep new ideas every day that I think might be beneficial to my whole design so right on and then this is your newest addition I think you just said newest addition yeah I just finished it up this past week it is my mobile cart for my MFT mobile cart for the MFT table and you have one of these very very interesting vac systems the vac pods that what they're called axis axis yeah one of the coolest things I've bought yeah a very very adaptable vise I guess you could say well for a flat stock yes absolutely and there's all kinds of different cool things that you can do with it I like having it there because one I could I can take it out anytime I want to and I can place it on a flat surface and the pump itself actually is a suction as well or that that whole clamp system itself will suction to any surface which is nice because you can move it and put it on new service than that that alone will keep it steady but I made this little holder for it and the whole idea behind the MFT cart was I love the MFT and I love the idea of the MFT the whole issue behind it was because I had the the vac sis and the vacuum underneath it if I ever had to move the actual MFT itself I also had to try to drag all of those things along with it like so by putting everything in one location not only did it make the table a lot more stable because now it's not resting on the legs its resting on the platform in which I don't for it but now all of the cables all of the hoses everything is housed in one location so all I have to do is unlock my casters and I can move it over and I built it to be the same height actually I take that back just slightly higher than my assembly table itself because now my assembly table will act as both an in feed or an outfeed support for that when I need to use it this is you're pretty handy dandy dragonfly woodworking abran yes I like the color combo you went with on yours I originally had no intention on going dual color yeah and I actually asked them about that and they said that it could do it so I was all for it a little bit of a was that a magnet holder right there it is to hold all the bits and some of that has really been a great great addition yeah alright so the lighting is probably killing my camera here as far as an exposure for a little bit but I was telling Jason one of the cool things about one of the things I really like about his shop is the the amount of natural light that he gets coming in here and he actually put these walnut boards here to stop some of the light coming through as we're recording but and natural light is it can be a blessing or a detriment as far as like video recording but if it wasn't for video I would want to have as much natural light as possible coming through this coming through into a shop and being able to actually see outside as you're working occasionally that's it just makes you feel less confined like like I am typically in my shop so I really like the amount of natural light here now if do you want to run through this assembly table real quick I just glossed right over at the beginning sure so my whole idea behind the assembly table is that by the the sustainers that I had were taking up entirely too much space and I wasn't using the sustainers for what they were designed for so it kind of it really served no purpose so I was watching a youtube video from guide Dunlap from guys wood shop and he had a really really cool video with a very very similar design on a mobile assembly table that he made for his shop that housed all of his sustainers so when I saw that I started thinking how I could incorporate that into my shop and I wanted to be able to house basically all my sustainers but at the same time all of the major items that I used on a regular basis in to be housed in a smaller amount of drawers that everything would fit and then as you can see on the side there I've started to incorporate things on the side things that I use on a regular basis so I don't even have to worry about grabbing them out of drawer so it's really just one basically house for all of the different sustainers and now I can actually use the sustainers for what they're designed for which is to hold the equipment so well with their little cutouts that like how's everything exactly the way they're supposed to be so I just kind of felt like I was wasting the sustainers and they were spending taking up a bunch of space so I wanted to actually start using them and that's that's kind of where this whole idea came from yeah it totally makes sense yeah absolutely how do you like these woodworker chisels I like him a lot the ones on the right the longer ones those I've actually used fairly often the ones on the left hand side I recently just purchased because I found that some of the longer ones it's harder to do some of the spine detail work and I wanted something a little bit shorter so I actually just purchased those and then I made that little mount for all of them right on and this guide the was a gr 5 GRS I came what does that GS TSO products yes the square recently purchased out I've had opportunity to use it a few times and I really really really liked it that's interesting to me that if you guys haven't seen one of these they clip on to the Festool track or the Triton track or like I think they also do the makita and then kewal yeah they basically clip onto all the tracks of the track saws and it's basically turning your track into a giant speed square which makes cutting 90 degrees quick and easy and I've always thought that that concept is just it's just brilliant it just makes so much sense it's I've used it now a few times and it's it's really really really handy tab I do have the Festool ones that they come with but they're a little bit more cumbersome mm-hmm I wanted something a little bit smaller especially for the smaller tracks and that thing has been perfect right on and then you have the festival over arm dust collection for the assembly area over here so basically whatever you're working on that thing it can reach you know have power and dust collection for all the tools so this is a nice little organized convenient little corner this I really like it over here thank you it's the it's the corner I spend the most time in my shop so I I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what would make it more efficient for me in this corner and it's just been a constant change every you know every week or two I'm thinking of something new too to put something somewhere and have it ease it more easily accessible right on well the coolest thing about this whole shop is like I said at the very beginning you bought all this stuff all of your hard work is been reinvested back into this stuff and yeah this is the benefits of fruits of your labor yeah yeah but anyway Jason bent bits woodworking if you guys are on instagram be sure to follow him I'll have a link in the description but what's your Instagram tag bench woodworking that's woodworking and then also on YouTube good stuff thumbs up you guys take care I'll have links to follow him on all the social media and all that good stuff you guys take care if you guys have any questions for Jason leave them in the comments and we'll be sure to to answer them as they come in so you guys take care have a great day and I'll talk to you next time I'm sure you noticed that we completely forgot to talk about the center tool area in a shop we just got carried away talking and it completely forgot about it so this is the area where jason has his table saw and his jointer the table saw is a saw stop pcs table saw with the folding outfeed table and I believe these were the 36 inch cut capacity rails which if I were to do it over again I think I would go with this length rails I have the 52 inch cut capacity and rarely do I use the full length so I think this is this is pretty much the sweet spot he also had the just some in feed rollers or the feed rollers I'm not sure exactly what they're called but they keep the stock down and up against the fence as you're pushing it through the saw this is the first time I saw those in person and I'm thinking about picking up a set of those they look pretty interesting he also has a cut he also has a cabinet under the extension wing of the solve for a dado stack blade guard and other accessories like push sticks and whatnot to the right of the saw is his Powermatic 8 inch helical jointer which he mentioned he really really liked it and again recommended he local head over straight knife setups this is like I said a helical head jointer and behind the jointer is the dust collection drop that splits to two independent blast gates for both the table saw and the jointer that's gonna do it for this shop tour Jason is pretty active on social media and also YouTube so I'll have all of his links in the video description and in the article for this video and if you have any questions or comments for Jason be sure to leave them and he will check back in occasionally to answer them for you that's it you guys take care have a great day and I'll talk to you in the next video
Channel: Jay Bates 2 - Vlog and Non Project Videos
Views: 174,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jayscustomcreations, update, woodworking, jaybates, vlog
Id: e9LXMlgdXkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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