Benoit B. Mandelbrot, MIT 2001 - Fractals in Science, Engineering and Finance (Roughness and Beauty)

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[MUSIC PLAYING] LORENZ: Indeed, a pleasure to introduce to you this afternoon Dr. Benoit Mandelbrot, who presently is Sterling professor of mathematical sciences at Yale University and research fellow emeritus at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Professor Mandelbrot is truly a man from many nations. He was born in Warsaw, Poland and in the second decade moved to France, where he subsequently received his doctorate from the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Paris. And he has spent most of the latter half of his life in this country. Many people, however, associate him more closely with another country, Great Britain, because he asked in the title of one of his widely-known papers, "How Long is the Coast of Britain?" Here, he points out that the coastline is self-similar under a magnification so that its measured length will depend upon the length of the measuring stick. The shorter the stick, the longer the coast. And, indeed, if it were not for the incessant waves and tide so an arbitrarily short stick could be used, the length could go to infinity. His continuing pursuit of the phenomenon of self-similarity, which he has recognized not just in coastlines, but in a wide variety of natural systems, ultimately led him to coin a word that is now familiar to nearly everyone, fractals. And today, his lecture title will be Fractals in Science, Engineering, and Finance, Roughness and Beauty. His list of honorary degrees and medals and other honors is far too long for me to have memorized. I could read it to you, but this would cut deeply into the speaking time that is rightfully his. So if you need further evidence of the stature that he has attained, simply look around at the crowd that had filled every seat 10 minutes ago. Without further ado then, let me introduce Professor Mandelbrot. [APPLAUSE] MANDELBROT: It is, indeed, a delight to be here among you and, in particular, a delight to be introduced by Ed Lorenz. We met actually around the '64 when a mutual friend Erik Mollo-Christensen told me, well, there is another man in dog house not quite yours, but a bit further. And so you two lost souls may find some interests in common. Well, Erik was very, very, very clear-sighted. Because, indeed, the work of Professor Lorenz and mine have very many points in common, even though they never quite [INAUDIBLE] the same field. Now, the title you see on the screen here is one which, in a certain sense, summarizes my whole life. I've been writing papers for about 50 years, which is a fairly long period of time. And as time went on, many people asked themselves what was the leading thought which permeated all my changes of interest from one field to another. And frankly, my answers were rather cumbersome. It's only lately that I realized that everything was very simple. All my life I've been working towards what may perhaps become a sphere of roughness. Now, let me describe this phenomenon of roughness. If we think of which shapes in our ordinary evidence are smooth, well, there are very few-- a plane, perhaps, for a child, a primitive man, a child once upon a time. A quiet piece of water without wind. A circle-- well, full moon, the pupil in the iris of the eye, a few more shapes like that. Straight lines-- very few. On the other side, the rough shapes are absolutely without number. Wherever we look, we see shapes which are very, very complicated. Now, the history of science, as I see today after experience in many sciences, very definitely continues to be dominated by its origin. And science began with our sensations, senses-- the eye, the ear, the feeling of hot, the feeling of heavy, the feeling of rough, the feeling of sweet or sour or acid. And each of these senses except one gave rise in due time, early on actually, into a science. More precisely, each went through three stages. For example, in acoustics, the idea of sound was known from time immemorial since music always existed. And scales were known, also. But the association of sound with frequency is the beginning of acoustics and developed in a very strong fashion. It developed mostly by a procedure which I'm trying to describe, which is very important I think. Acoustics did not try to represent all sounds. That's impossible. It focused on the sound of idealized strings or pipes and did a marvelous job with them. For drums, for concert halls, acoustics is not so terribly perfect. But that is not a criticism. A science does not have to be perfect. A science must find in one aspect of the mess of our senses some substantial part for which a theory can be done. And this theory must also give insights about the cases to which it does not strictly apply. And at this point in time, much of the effort of many scientists is still, naturally enough, devoted to developing those senses which I described and also, of course, to link them. For example-- unified field theory proposed to link the feelings of heavy and the feeling of light, light and weight. But in all this extraordinary effort, one sense has become totally deprived of implementation in science. And that's the sense of roughness. The problem goes very, very far back. Being very much one of those nuts who read the old books, I was very impressed to find in Plato, one of his dialogues, a list of the senses and what I just said, the sciences corresponding to it. And then he says, roughness is-- well, he didn't say much about it. And roughness, indeed, turns out to be far more complicated than the other sciences to require mathematics which is a markedly higher level of complication end of difficulty. So what my whole life has aimed at was to find irregularities, invariances-- since science is only study of invariances-- invariances in our experience of roughness, which might apply throughout and might provide tools for attacking roughness in all its aspects. So when I say that fractals-- which is the word I coined for a certain kind of orderly roughness-- they occur in mathematics, I will give you at least one example. The sciences I will give you a few examples in passing-- engineering, finance. I'll spend some time in finance. Now, sometimes one wonders why all these various topics are brought together. They're not brought together for any fundamental reason except that they all exemplify, once again, these very simple and fundamental issue, the question of roughness. So as I see on the first line, fractals are simple, complex, and open-ended. What do I mean by that? If one begins to define fractals without the kind of cloud of sophistication, rigor, and mathematical elusiveness which was given to them for quite a while when they are purely part of mathematics, if one forgets about these complications, axiom is simple. In fact, children are taught the ideas very, very early on. But these very simple rules create extraordinarily complex reality and very rapidly, as I will show you shortly. And it's open-ended in a sense that one very rapidly goes to problems of such extraordinary difficulty that the best minds are struggling to cover them. Now, everybody knows me for pictures. And for some, pictures were quite glamorous. I'm very, very happy about them. I'm delighted that an instrument like the computer, which at that time was devoted entirely to arithmetic operations and the like, had been tamed for the purpose so different from its original purpose. But my experience is that if I started showing you pictures, I will never end. Great fun for you for me, but it's out of place. So I will simply not dwell on them. I will just show you this one. [LAUGHTER] Well, let's now get to my point. What is roughness and how to handle it? Well, it's very appropriate that this auditorium is in a building of Earth Sciences, because an Earth scientist, [INAUDIBLE],, gave me this picture. He told me that when he teaches geology to his students, he's very careful to tell them at every given time always put them into scale. Because if you don't put them into scale, you'll forget how big the thing was after [INAUDIBLE] photographed. So you put yourself, the camera cap, or something in it. And then you remember how big it is. Otherwise, you forget. You confuse a pile of rocks and a mountain. Well, here is an example, indeed-- [LAUGHTER] --of this confusion. This one's cheating. It's very easy to cheat. Because, indeed, this type of terrain is the same at all scales. Now, to be the same at all scales is, at this level, an element of purely folklore. And I'll hasten to go ahead and speak of finance, since I spent many, many years of my life both in the '60s and again recently in studying financial crisis. In finance, there is also a piece of folklore which says that, if you put a price graph somewhere, be careful to put a scale of time. Because, otherwise, one would not know whether the price changes or price is every minute, every second-- well, that's recent-- or every day, or every year. It's all the same, goes up and down, zigzags and so on. This is folklore. And I'm not at all ashamed or embarrassed to speak of folklore. Because in a field like optics, folklore has been, how to say, taken advantage of a long, long time ago. In the fields which I'm interested in, in fact very often, very little was known. Therefore, folklore is very, very essential, especially if the folklore can be, how to say, changed, modified to fit the other purposes. Now, what is this folklore about primarily? Now, this edible vegetable indicates its structure. It is called cauliflower, obviously. Its most striking feature, as everyone knows, is that one takes a floret as opposed to whole cauliflower and drops everything else, the floret looks exactly like a small cauliflower. And then I can do it again, again several times. Well, it's very interesting that this feature was known to everyone, but I found very little mention of it until my work, perhaps. The cauliflowers are very interesting. They look not from side, but from the top. And there are all kinds of Fibonacci series, all kinds of structures in them. These attracted very much attention. But I'm not interested here in how to say precise description of the arrangement the florets-- on something much, much more important, which is the roughness. Certainly, surface of this vegetable is very rough. It's very rough in a very excessive fashion. That is hierarchical, the hierarchy, a big thing made of parts identical to big thing and so on and so on. The parts are well-defined. Now, the world in general is not that simple. And in general, this idea of large and small scale parts is, of course, all mixed up and confused. Now, this marvelous graphic is due to my friend Richard Voss to implement a model of mountains that I put forward way back in the early '70s before computer was able to do anything of this sort. Now, it is not a picture, photograph. It is not a painting. It is the implementation of a mathematical idea. And the mathematical idea is so abstract and so, how to say, devoid of substance that I was very much [? attacked ?] on this account. The idea is simply that there is an invariance between the roughness of mountains in big, small, and very small scales. Now, again, it was not something which I, how to say, quote unquote "invented." Explorers of the mountains-- Whymper, who climbed the one Matterhorn, at least was the first man recorded as climbing Matterhorn, wrote about his rambles in the Alps that a small part of the landscape is the same as a big part. And he had all kinds of philosophical consequences from it. But it was certainly not taken seriously. So what I did here was just to embody this idea of this wisdom of folklore and replace by invariance. Now, one knows the invariance which occur in relativity theory, quantum mechanics, and so on. Here, the invariances are those of dilation and reduction. If you dilate it and reduce it appropriately, it doesn't change. Well, we can go on forever. But I would like, first of all, to give an idea of the nature of the problem and just how it's passed. Fractal is a word I coined in 1975. The idea of fractality did not exist before, but an intuition of fractality and, in fact, examples of use of fractality go back absolutely to time immemorial. This picture here is that of a village in Tanzania of a nation which I don't think lives there. It's a ruin. But if one looks at this village carefully, if one looks mostly from the top which is less nice photograph but more telling, one realizes that's made entirely in hierarchical fashion. There's a whole village here. This thing you see here, which is the harem of the king, then the king's house and so on, everything is on the same pattern, but more or less big. Humanity has always known of that, but this was decorative device. And the decorative device was known, again, to every country. I chose Africa. I might have chosen just as well temples in many parts of the world. Now, we get to a point, or two points, rather. To the right of this picture, you see the celebrated Face of War of Dalí. I don't think Dalí knew about fractals. To the left, you see this [INAUDIBLE] which has a long history. I first discovered it myself-- "discovered," quote unquote, "invented," quote unquote. And then I realized that a man named Sierpinski had written a paper about it. And [INAUDIBLE] a name called Sierpinski gasket to make it sort of nice. So it has become a very important shape in physics. You see exactly how it's built. I don't know [INAUDIBLE] to tell you. You take a triangle. You take away small triangles. Now, the most astounding fact is that you go to the Sistine Chapel, you find approximations of it on the pavement. If you go to churches, you find these kind of structures all the time. It has been all along a very long decorative design. So to summarize, fractals have, on the one hand, a very, very old history. And then this shape, the triangle, was drawn first around 1900. Then there was a period in which mathematicians started distilling them. Did they know about the uses of fractals in decoration I don't know. There is no record of the telling. However, Cantor, who was one of the greatest among them, did write the record in writing of his thinking. And he certainly wrote to his friend [INAUDIBLE] repeatedly that we mathematician are of a divine race, and we can devise shapes that nature does not know. So at least some of them thought they were inventing something. In fact, they were not. They were putting in a very, very precise form some structures which humanity had been always familiar with. And so then the question arises, if you want to begin a science, you certainly must need numbers for it. And the astounding finding was the case at least 15 years ago that whereas, of course, loudness had been measured very well-- a pitch can be measured very well by frequency and same thing for visual impressions. Weight has been measured. Temperature had been measured. That was actual invention in history by Galileo. There was no measurement of roughness. And I wrote in the mid-'80s an article with some metallurgist friend about roughness. And he showed me after many examples that in the literature of broken metals or fractures of metals, there are all kinds of measurements of roughness which are very, very imperfect and very, very unsatisfactory. Well, so I introduced in science a notion which I call fractal dimension, which takes many shapes. I'm going to go very quickly through it. It is a simplification of something which had been used before, used only in mathematical esoterica by Hausdorff. And that simplification, that Hausdorff dimension is impossible in science. There is no way to measure it, because operations it embodies. The other dimensions are, indeed, measurable. And in fact, something very interesting happened. You will see here these dimensions can be fractions. And after several years of working with them, in fact doing nothing else except using them in one context or another, I didn't [INAUDIBLE] I taught myself about roughness. Because everybody, I think, knows about that. I taught myself a correspondence between roughness and this number. An anecdote-- at one time, a friend came to visit me-- I had then two programmers-- to show us a beautiful new construction. And he asked me to guess dimension. My two programmers who had no experience of it, one said 1.2 and the other said 1.8 just out of their hats. And I said, it's a little bit short of 1.5. It was 1.48. And then I'll come back to an example where I guess dimensions for [? thirds, ?] because of being attuned to it. Again, I don't think that I have a skill which is unique. I established myself a correspondence between this number. Now, how this number come? It starts with a very, very trivial property of dimension in ordinary cases. You divide a string into n parts or a square handkerchief in n parts. In each case, dimension is the ratio of log of n divide by log 1 over r. Whenever I publish that in scientific journal, an idiot editor tells me which [? base. ?] [LAUGHTER] Of course, it doesn't matter, because the ratio. Now, instead of putting the usual shapes, you take an interval. You replace it by the zigzag, [INAUDIBLE] four parts. And you repeat again, again. Well, here, if you take log n over log 1 over r, you get 1.26, et cetera. In the middle part, you get 1.5 exactly. In the right part, you get 2.0. I'm not going to go into details of it. It will take forever. However, these [INAUDIBLE] quantities have been totally tamed to be measured. They can be measured sometimes with exquisite precision. In one object to which my current latest paper is devoted, the dimension is a 1.71 with some uncertainty about the next decimal. It's, well, a little bit uncertain, not much. But it's astounding that the notion which is so abstract when properly generalized and so on becomes so completely measurable. And so let me now bring this matter [INAUDIBLE].. Now, this picture is in my book. I forgot which page. I was very much in this Brown motion. Brown motion is one of the center of probability theory. Of course, it's a process which was defined by Norbert Wiener in '20s and was his greatest claim to fame for a long time. It's a drunkard's walk. And you see this black line goes around. So I was drawing these things all the time. And in a certain sense, I was fishing. What I mean by fishing? Well, I have very strong impression that my colleagues and friends just underestimate the power of their eye. Well, there's something else to it. People are more or less good at it with the eye. I mean, it's very clear. Scientists are [INAUDIBLE] mostly on exams, which measure ability to do algebra fast and correctly. So it's not necessarily the case that scientists have very good eye, at least not in mathematics and physics. Certainly, in other fields, the answer is yes. But I do have a great dependence on my eye. And I was playing, and playing, and playing, and then decided that this thing was a bit too diffuse. And the Brownian motion was [INAUDIBLE] here and going around, around, around, ending here. So everything I was looking for was invisible. Everything I was looking at had been known before. So I decided, first of all, to have the snake bite its tail by having Brownian motion come back to where it started. And that's, again, idea of Norbert Wiener. It's called a Brownian bridge. And then I decided to color it. Color doesn't mean I put fancy colorful things like on these mountains on the Mandelbrot set. It's just very simply to make a difference between inside and outside. So all the points which could be gotten from outside are white. All the points which are not accessible are put in gray. When I saw this picture first on screen, I tell you I [INAUDIBLE] speechless. This picture screamed at me. I am an island-- [LAUGHTER] --a very complicated island. Now, as Ed has said, the "How Long the Coast Of Britain?--" and you can replace any island as you wish in it-- is the very basic issue. And the length is quite irrelevant, because it depends upon how you measure it. The roughness is measured by dimension. And so I've seen many islands, real ones and fake ones. And this one was very, very irregular. So my first reaction was about the most difficult islands I've seen were for 4/3. 1.5, it goes beyond. 4/3 was the kind of magic number. 4/3 was the islands I was very much pleased with as being sort of irregular. They measured it, because man can measure it. And the answer was that the dimension was 1.33336. Well, this is a humongous simulation, so you can get these things very accurately. It was 4/3. Now, the most extraordinary thing about that is that, if you begin to be attuned to it, you look in these kind of contours for all kinds of shapes. And some people claim that the left part of it is Spain, which had been sort of made bigger, that England, of course, had been vanished [INAUDIBLE] different island. Scandinavia was there a bit out of whack. Anyhow, people begin to see actual geographical features very easily. And that's sort of almost automatic. You do curves of this dimension, and you find it. Well, 4/3 was for a long time a conjecture for 80 years. Then a friend of mine, [? Bertoli Brontier, ?] gave a demonstration of the 4/3 which was very beautiful, but not rigorous. He calls that exact, but not rigorous. It uses alternate techniques of physics, which are probably correct, but are not certified as such. And then shortly afterwards, Schramm, Lawler, and Werner proved it. Now, what is interesting here is not that the theorem was proven. Actually, the proof takes several hundred pages. It's extremely difficult, techniques of every kind. It's some overwhelming thing. The interesting thing was the extraordinary short path between a childishly simple thing, namely a drunkard going around, and then a question which is very difficult, which for 20 years baffled the most brilliant among my friends and was topic of great despair. First of all, they said, I'm going to do it overnight, then next week, next month, next year. Finally, it took a millennium. Well, it didn't take a millennium, but it had to wait until next millennium. It's very often the case. And I think that actually it is representative of a feature what I say about roughness, that roughness have not been explored systematically for itself. I mean, I made a lifetime devotion to it, but was not. Therefore, it is not a case in which simple problems have been solved long ago and the only difficult ones remain. Simple to state, I mean. It is also a field which is not very old. So there are very few cases in which a problem arose out of previous problem. Problems, mathematical questions arise out of things which are very, very common. And I will tell you at the end more about my very gay commitment now to education. And one of the aspects of education is to realize that even adolescents, sometimes your small children, junior high and so on, are very comfortable with the concepts that describe roughness, the concept of self-similarity, the concept of algorithm. I mean, if no obfuscation is added, they understand very well. And then when they see that by a little manipulation from these very, very simple things, one gets these very complicated matters, I think that we make them understand to at least some extent this notion of extraordinary fruitfulness of science in creating problems as it develops. And, well, it's a course at Yale, which I expressed a very [INAUDIBLE]. I will tell you more about that. It said the last line, "token of the value of the eye's recent return into pure mathematics." Expression of that is that-- there's an article about that in the French edition of Scientific American. And the illustrator felt obliged to mark the boundary of this object. The whole point-- that the boundary didn't have to be marked. The boundary was visible without being marked. You didn't have to mark it. Well, all that cries out for simpler proofs. And I'm going to go further. The critical application clusters I would not go into details of what it is. But the general idea is very close to what the structure of magnet [INAUDIBLE].. A magnet is made of little magnets going up or down. And our critical percolation clusters complicate shapes. And they, too, have boundaries of dimensions, 4/3 and also 7/4, because depending what you look at, you get either 4/3 or 7/4. It was the object of great fascination. [INAUDIBLE] measured after I [INAUDIBLE] 4/3. And, again, [INAUDIBLE] did something about it. And [? Stan Smirnov ?] proved it earlier this year. It's a whole field which has arisen which now is completely independent of the eye, of course, but which would not have arisen without the eye. And I really think that it's very important from a viewpoint of an understanding of science to realize what has happened. The reason why the eye went out of the hard sciences was not a, how do you say, decision by some committee to neglect it. It was observation that, as time went on, new questions did not come from the eye. New questions came from old questions. Also, the fact that once those sciences were established, again, the simplest things were very rapidly done. And then the more complicated things came from simpler things in the field itself. But in the case of the prices of roughness and of the topics I've discussed all my life, situation is very different. It's still very, very close to the initial basic issues. And therefore, the eye had been absolutely indispensable, the eye and sometimes even hearing. In many cases, I have transformed some signals into noises which are audible and discovered, in so doing, that phenomena which previous analysis had declared to be identical. They were, in fact, very, very different. They sound very different. Now, I would like to just make one rapid step back to the Mandelbrot set, which I didn't want to spend all my time on, in fact almost no time. When I became fascinated by the subject, discovered it and described it around '79, '80, I started with a definition which is different from the one which everybody now uses. And it turned out that it's very difficult to do numerically on the computer at a time, very clumsy. And so I changed definition, which is a process mathematicians like. But in this case, I changed definitions thinking the two definitions were identical. And the second definition is one everybody knows. It's very easy to program. And all these incredible riches came out pouring. And observations made on the pictures became mathematical conjectures. And they're modified, proven with great success. But the initial idea that the two definitions are identical, where one set is the closure of the other, that assumption, conjecture, whatever, is still not proven. We use that and Brownian cluster in this course at Yale on fractals for non-mathematician and also in workshops for high school teachers, because there is nothing there which has to be left unexplained. Everything is there will explain in great detail. And they understand very well the nature of some problems, which otherwise would not be understood. Now, let me change topic substantially, but not so brutally. Because what I'm going to say applies not only to prices, but also to many noises, many phenomena in nature in many fields. But this corresponds to one of my earliest fascinations with financial prices in the early '60s and then a topic which I very much devote a very big part of my life to at present. Now, prices, of course, go up and down. That was known to everybody. And there are all kinds of nice maxims about it. In 1900, an incredible genius looked at a problem. His name was Louis Bachelier. Nobody noticed him. He had a very miserable life. But he wrote in 1900 a PhD thesis in mathematics, believe it or not, called the Theory of Speculation. Speculation meant speculation on the stock market or bond market. And he introduced for the first time, in loose and incomplete fashion, the Brownian motion which Wiener later made into a central mathematical topic and which [INAUDIBLE] Einstein and others made the central physical topic. Now, the idea of Bachelier was more or less that prices vary at random. You can't predict them. You toss a coin. If it's heads, your price go up. It's tails, price goes down. And you go on and on and on. Well, you can approximate that by sequence of independent Gaussian variables. And you see it on top very clearly. The sequence of independent Gaussian variables, which are the increments of Brownian motion, it's called also white noise, carelessly called white noise, which we call Gaussian, Gaussian white noise. It makes a very big difference I am going to argue in a second. Now, much later, a whole theory of stock market occurred on the basis that this model Bachelier is indeed a representation of reality. And the size of these increments of price, this size is what's called volatility. The model assumes constant volatility. And indeed, if once you've seen a little piece of this line on top, you have seen them all. They're all very much alike. And if you average it, if you take averages, moving averages, this whole thing goes to zero very, very quickly. Now, look immediately at the bottom five lines. Skip two, I'll come back to them later. At least one of them is a real price series, price changes. Or at least one of them is an illustration of my current forgery, which is called the multi-fractal model of price variation. Now, I'm sure that many, many people here are such great geniuses that you guess immediately which is which, but you are exceptional. Most people can't do it. Because all these phenomena have a very strange characteristic. They have very big peaks all the time. And the peaks don't arise by themselves. They arise in the middle of periods of great volatility, then there are periods of very, very low volatility. There are periods where volatility suddenly changes. Volatility, as you try to grab it in these sequences, either the fake or the real ones, is something very, very, very elusive. In fact, it's impossible to grasp. And so how are we going to be represent that [INAUDIBLE] phenomena? And I put this example in particular, because it puts in contrast very, very sharply the approach to roughness which has been used by, I think, most authors before fractals and the approach to roughness which I've been advocating. And I would like to emphasize differences without going into long calculations. The approach which more people have been advocating is, if a constant volatility phenomenon doesn't work, then replace it by something which is a variable volatility. And if that doesn't work, then replace it by something at discontinuities or jumps. Well, this is very much the spirit of the celebrated model of the motion of planets due to Ptolemaeus. In the Ptolemaic model, the planets go around circles and then there are epicycles, which are-- and then the epicycles, planet is going on circles, which center of which goes another circle. And then in addition, we must assume that the center of the basic circle is not identical to the center of the universe. In fact, there are three factors. Everybody knows how Kepler replaced that by a different formula which later Newton transformed by explaining it through gravitation. But the main fact is that there are two approaches to this phenomenon, either that the prices which are in the lower part are just other examples of something complicated, unpleasant which are just combinations of the simple, or that there is something radically new which is involved. And I'll tell you about how radically new this thing has to be. Many of these very big peaks we see on the five lower lines exceed, well, something which is defined as standard deviation. Actually, I don't know how to exactly measure it, but sort of 10 times bigger than the standard deviation of most examples, the quote "10-sigma events." Now, 10-sigma events in the Gaussian process, Gaussian independent process on top, the probability would be one millionth, a millionth, a millionth, a millionth. The inverse of Avogadro' number, it's a very small number. If that were the case, these things will never happen. But as you see here, they happened all the time. So it's not a matter of adding a little bit of large values, because one gets in a situation in which the large values dominate everything very strongly. As matter of fact, I'm going to go a bit illogically to make a point early on. The central aspect of statistical physics, statistical thermodynamics, is that a big system evolves in a certain way, namely entropy increases with probability one. With probability zero, entropy is going to decrease. But the events of probability zero are totally negligible. The events which count are those of probability one. Average, of course, converge. The past and the future are independent. All kinds of beautiful theorems apply. But if you go to financial prices, it's, again, part of folklore. If you look at last 10 years and wonder, assuming that somebody with miraculous powers of seeing in the dark some devil would pick the days that matter, you realize that the days that matter were just 10 days out of last 10 years. Very few days matter. And the great fortunes were made in very few days. Great ruins happened very few days. So one gets ultimately the situation which is very, very unsettling. That is, in this context, already very few rare events count overwhelmingly. And the rest doesn't count hardly at all. It's a context in which one must review one's intuition very strongly. But reviewing and reviewing, it's best not to abandon [INAUDIBLE] and abandon the primary principle of modeling, which is that of invariance. It becomes almost a joke-- I said to you before-- to others, to what extent some scientists, I am one of them, emphasizes that basic trick of science is invariance. You find the right invariance. And in fundamental physics, you look for all kinds of new invariances. And the lucky ones or the [INAUDIBLE] ones are the ones who find better theories. In this case, the matter was to find the right invariance. And so I'm giving you the key. The forgeries which I introduced in among these lines were not chosen by taking the line on top and adding this, adding that, adding this, adding that until the thing looked more or less reasonable. It can be done, but I don't do it this way. The key is to find the right invariance. And lo and behold, the right invariance gives this result. Now, let me again take a step back, because it's a lesson which not only applies to this, financial prices, but too many other phenomena. Believe it or not, but the five bottom lines are all white noises. I repeat. They have a spectrum, which is constant. There's no correlation. But [INAUDIBLE] it's full of very interesting structures. How can a white noise be so interesting? I'm used to white noise like on top, which is boring, which is like you've seen one Redwood you've seen them all, like former President Reagan said. At the bottom, everything is different. Well, the fact is that the bottom five lines are not Gaussian. Therefore, if not Gaussian, whiteness does not imply boredom. Whiteness implies, very often, a very rough ride. So a tool of science, namely the spectrum, which had been marvelous is not applicable in this context. It doesn't work. I mean, again, Wiener was very clear when he described spectral analysis early on-- as you realize, Wiener was one of my intellectual heroes-- when he described the condition which spectra are good. But these conditions that are not satisfied for these data. Now, is that a new finding by [INAUDIBLE] Mandelbrot that these are white? By no means. I remember when spectrum became usable after the Fast Fourier Transform was discovered, rediscovered-- rediscovered, actually. Everybody went on to spectral analyze everything in sight. And prices were spectral analyzed. They turned out to be white, price changes. And the result was absolute, absolute horror. How can it be? If it's white, it should be like line on top. Now, every book of mathematics says that independence and orthogonality are the same for Gaussian processes. Orthogonality means a white spectrum in this case. But nobody paid attention to it, because the examples given when they are different are very made up examples. These are not made up examples. They are examples made by culture in so far as stock market is not part of nature, therefore it's part of culture, or made by me which is also cultural. But so you can have structures in this fashion. Now, the other thing is the habit came from thermodynamics that, if you take a big enough system, then fluctuation does not matter. In fact, the whole thing was proving larger, bigger and bigger system. Ultimately, fluctuations don't matter, and they average out. But look at this thing on the left. It is not quite the same thing. On the right, it's squares of it. And there's some hanky-panky to it, but it's about, roughly speaking, variation of prices over a century. If these little things right were just fleeting defects which average out, then over a century they've been very, very smooth indeed and certainly not smooth at all. So we did a phenomena in which averaging does not really make any simpler. And that's, again, the signature of an invariant processes, the same as small scale, big scale. Self-similarity or variance thereof enter into the game. So the models I'm going to need to say a few more words about that multi-fractal models. But the second line on top was my first model of prices. I call it mesofractal. Now, it's a new term, because I need these terms for various reason. At that time, I was so focused on large values that I neglected the dependence between prices. The bottom lines show you the prices have enormous dependence. I mean, that's why people can-- there's a [INAUDIBLE] of prediction actually possible-- well, in one form or another, but that's a different issue here. But the second line was independence, had these very long peaks. And that took care of one of the problems which is the long term dependence, the long tails, the large values. Then I had another way. The second line took care of long-term dependence. But only multi-fractals took care of both. It's interesting that multi-fractals and multi-fractality is a notion which I introduced about the time I met Ed Lorenz, a matter of fact, a little bit later to explain the nature of dissipation of turbulence-- not explain, I'm sorry. I take it back-- describe it. Explain is a big word. Describe, because it's a topic in which truly the natural tools borrowed from other successful sciences have been quite unsuccessful. Now, let me explain to you how here this matter of self-sameness which is no longer self-similarity, but self-affinity, entered [INAUDIBLE]. So this is not a model of price change. It's a cartoon. What's a cartoon? A cartoon is something which has recognizably same features, but which is simpler to draw and to behold. So on top, you have a straight line trend which the price changed from beginning to end. I was told, by all means, it must be going up. So it's going up. And then there is this variation of this price, which is the second line, which I call generator. It goes up, up, down, up. And to simplify it, I make it symmetric. Then for each of the next stages, what I do is we take this generator and squeeze it. But, you see, you must squeeze it in different ratios this way and that way. If the ratio of squeezing were the same both directions, you would deal with similarity. And the [INAUDIBLE] is self-similar. We squeeze the different rates this way and this way. It is an affinity mathematically. Therefore, these things are self-affine. And if it goes down, you turn the thing back. You do it again, again. Now, after a while, you get this jagged curve, which has a certain amount of boring regularity. So you inject the minimum amount of randomness into this. So you simply, before you introduce generator, you choose at random between two possibilities, down up, up, up, down, up, or up, up, down, very easy to simulate. And then here is what you get with different [INAUDIBLE].. On top, with the values you saw in previous picture, you get the sequence which is more or less what Bachelier was saying, more or less what the conventional so-called theory of the market supposes, coin tossing or a variant thereof. Then what you do is-- to come back to previous thing-- you move this top point a little bit to the left. So you have one parameter here, [INAUDIBLE] one point parameter. The point parameter is the first break determines the generator. And so as you do it, you realize that suddenly this thing becomes more and more irregular. Now, this is all there is to it. It is not an incredible accumulation of cycles, epicycles, not-centered circles, et cetera, et cetera. It simply is an affinity. These curves are increments of a self-affined process which is self-affined by construction, because you do it by recursive process which has the minimum amount of randomness, namely shuffling. And at the end, you get something which is no longer realistic for stock market, because it seldom happens that you have these periods where almost nothing happens. If you went further, you get even further. So you can go beyond what you observe in stock market. Now, I don't say it's a model. I just say that it's a case in which the first investment gives a high yield. And I have been in many sciences. And I'm also history nut, so I read records of many early days or many successful theories in science. And there is one theme which runs through them, which is that the first stage was awfully simple and it gave interesting results. Then, well, bells and whistles were added, but only gradually. And that those theories, which began by design which was full of bells and whistles to make it look right, never take off. They are just too overburdened to begin with. Now, I don't say this one is going to take off. It's very widely respected. It's very widely criticized. It's very widely hated. It's very widely et cetera, et cetera. But the point is that it provides what I think was necessary in this context, to have an extremely short no bells, no whistles path between folklore and a quantitative measurable and also realistic representation of data. But, now, here is something which is very disquieting. So you see on top of these things, this is zigzag? It's not the same as before. But, again, you just take zigzag, and you do it recursively by changing the sequence each time. And so these eight sequences or increments are identical from viewpoint [INAUDIBLE] process generates them. And here we get into one of the most constant and the most, in fact, perturbing features of fractal phenomena. And perhaps I would first-- or, no. Let me just comment on that. If you apply to these eight processes, the usual techniques which are applied to randomly varying phenomena, you find that they're all different. The variance is different. The correlation's different. Well, in this case, they're not even white, because I didn't make sure they're white. It's very complicated. If you apply the right techniques, which are techniques of multi-fractal analysis which is developed for the purpose of measuring roughness, then all these eight are the same. Let me come back now to this matter of metals I mentioned earlier. So [? Don Pesoga, ?] who was a metallurgist, was getting from the National Bureau of Standards-- or maybe it was already a different name-- sort of finger-shaped piece of metal. In fact, they came in large numbers. So the National Bureau took a piece of metal and had an extraordinary careful treatment, was very expensive piece of metal. They very carefully treat it at constant temperature or for a long time, certainly homogeneous. Then they're cut into five pieces and sent to different laboratories who ordered them. We [INAUDIBLE] them bang, bang, bang, bang. We measured the roughness as the book of metallurgy said it should be done. And that measurement was, lo and behold, exactly the same as the measurement advocate in the books of finance. That is you approximate this mess by straight line or by plane or whatever and took at the root-mean-square deviation from that level. And you assume the root-mean-square deviation is a measure of non-flatness. Well, it is a measure of non-flatness. But the horrible fact was that we had five samples which the National Bureau of Standards guaranteed to be identical. And the measures of roughness were all over the landscape. So they didn't measure anything. If you measure the root-mean-square on these things, you get results completely all over landscape. These things are totally different. This suggests an extraordinary level of variability. However, if then measured for these fractures when you measure the fractal dimension-- not quite as simple as what I wrote to you, but the next simplest algorithm which makes it measurable-- we found in all cases, lo and behold, hold your breath, 4/3. Well, not quite 4/3-- 4/3 for lines. And it's normal dimensional line is one, a curve. So it's a plus 1/3. And for surface, it was 2 plus 1/3. And then people redid the experiment on very much longer samples. And they found that, indeed, the 4/3 [INAUDIBLE] were five orders of magnitude. That is here is a case of roughness in the most, if you forgive me, the roughest form, the roughness of broken piece of metal. By looking at the wrong measurements, you get values all over landscape. By looking at the right measurement, you find that a certain value can be measured over five or more orders of magnitude. The heat treatment only changes the crossovers at the end and makes this range bigger or smaller. But the precision of that is absolutely incredible. It's also true for glasses. It's true for a variety of extraordinary different surfaces. Rough surfaces have this property of plus 1/3. Now, I view that has being, first of all, an example of a mixture of nature reduced to a manageable, concise, and clean conjecture. It is not a complicated statement about structure of metals. It's a simple statement. That thing is 4/3. And it is, of course, the greatest clear success, greatest token of success for a model, which says that this is the way to measuring it. Now, after having given you this example, this construction, I want to describe these diagrams. In physics, it's very important that once you have a certain model to change some characteristics, temperature and something else, into a phase diagram in which one sees how the properties of a system vary. And so these are three ways of showing it for the symmetric-- again, coming back the prices of symmetric generators. And, well, let me show you this and then come back to the previous thing. This is, on the left and the right, a test which tests whether price changes indeed [INAUDIBLE] follow the multi-fractal model. Here, the price in question is the exchange rate between the dollar and Deutsche Mark which had the advantage of being a rather clean finite sample, since on January 1st it will stop, since the Deutsche Mark will vanish. But it is known for many periods with excruciating precision every 20 seconds. You can have data in this context which are data like one never thought one could find in the context of economics or finance, the data like in physics in the best cases. So one does this diagram. And the tau of q is the conventional name now for the slopes of that thing. I don't want take time for that. On the right, there is this envelope of these lines. And this envelope is called f of alpha. And these things are the fundamental characteristics of the processes. So to come back to these, if one did the same analysis on these eight, you find the same results. Again, every analysis [INAUDIBLE] you find very different results. So here is this matter of a Manichaean view of the world. When I described to you in the beginning that rough versus smooth, of course I have in mind the fact that even though smoothness is so rare in our experience it was transformed into geometry in a marvelous fashion. And I was, myself as a young man, totally immersed in classical geometry, the most wonderful thing one could imagine. And by this kind of extraordinary miracle, it gave rise to a description of nature beginning by apsis being good for Kepler for describing planet's motion, et cetera, et cetera. The whole of science is dominated by a mathematics which is that of the smooth. And that mathematics arose early on. Derivatives, of course, are part of it very strongly. And most differential manifolds and so on, you find these words differentiable all the time. These are the primary objects of mathematics and, in particular, of science in gravitation and light. But, now, we have the situation that in some parts of nature things don't fit in this mold at all. So by this belated process, which started with very, very abstract mathematics, was trying to get separate from physics. Again, remember these words of Cantor, which I find totally extraordinary, that mathematicians can free themselves from nature. By trying to free themselves from nature, they introduce these concepts and related ideas which were called mathematical monsters and the like. Poincaré was making fun of Cantor and [INAUDIBLE] by saying that in the past mathematicians were inventing new shapes to help us understand nature, but today they invent new shapes just to annoy me. [LAUGHTER] Well, it was the case. And so the central point of fractal geometry is that actually Cantor was just plain dead wrong, that these shapes were not-- the way they're invented is irrelevant. Whether he knew of decorative schemes or not is irrelevant. These mathematics was actually necessary to take the first step for study of roughness. And so that brings, again, into very strong relief this question of averaging, which destroys randomness. The classical pattern was that of thermodynamics. I don't know that anybody teaches that any longer or classical thermodynamics in which randomness [? didn't ?] exist. And then there was statistical thermodynamics in which energy was not a constant, but was fluctuating a little bit-- but so little. Only refined electronic measurements could pick the thermal noise. And that was discovered only rather recently, namely about the time I was born. For everybody, that is the definition of recently. But the phenomena we deal here are not like that. Things don't average out. And so what I have developed increasingly over the years gradually, but focus now very strongly, is-- which I would like to give you more or less to finish this talk-- of states of randomness. Now, in mechanics, we all agree that the laws of mechanics are unique. Well, forget about details for the phenomena we are looking at. It's all classical mechanics, Newton and so on. Laws are unique. However, if you look at an assembly of molecules, it matters very much whether the temperature and pressure as such, that the whole thing is a liquid, a gas, or a crystal, or a solid as I'm used to saying. It matters very greatly. So one does not begin by studying everything at the initial. When first it's a gas, I know which tools to use. It's a liquid. I know which tools use even though liquids are pretty horrible stuff. And solid, I know which tools to use. Now, in randomness, this was not at all emphasized that there is a beautiful axiomatic good for everybody. But then once you go to practice, especially practice in physics and engineering and finance, one always look to phenomenon which averages everything so they're averaged out to limits very quickly. There was no randomness after a certain time. But the phenomena which I study, whether it is in nature-- and that means turbulence or whatever-- or in culture that is stock market or everywhere, these phenomena do not give any evidence of being averaging. I call them widely random. And the very simple formulas in that context give very, very complicated structures. I would like to end up by one thing. I said I was ending, but let me just add another point. At one point, I was very much attacked by my friends, mostly my friends. My enemies did not even bother. Because I was describing an alternative view of nature, which was so different from the view based on smoothness. Smoothness include, of course, everything which is ruled by partial differential equations, Laplace, Fourier, Poisson, Levy, Stokes. And this thing had no differential, no derivatives, had strange behavior, and so on. So do these things belong to different universes? Well, I don't think you do. I think it's just very unified. I think that partial differential equations, if pushed beyond the stringent conditions under which solutions are unique and smooth and differential and everything, they give rise to very complicated behaviors. And one example of it is that if you take a large assembly of particles interacting by inverse square root attraction a la Newton, if you start with a Poisson distribution or just a lattice and put some pinch of energy to start with, after a very short time, you see that these particles become extraordinary complicated and reassemble themselves into a fractal universe. I didn't mention fractal universe until now, but I will like to say two words about it. The solution of galaxies in this universe is fractal. There is no density. All kinds of things occur which are quite new. Well, that would suggest that the clustering of galaxies could very well not be due to specific complicated forces, which we don't know, but the simple behavior of particles under 1 over r square attraction. And so that raise the question, is clustering up there in the sky? Or is it up there in the head? Well, it may well be in your head. I don't know, but it's a question which has to be discussed. In fact, one finds that many of these questions become very, very much revised. Now, if one begins to include the fractal of the universe-- oh, yes. It's a fact. Early on, which is sort of 20 years ago when I wrote my book, the universe was expected to be fractal up to 5 megaparsecs, 50 million light years depth. It's nothing by universal standards. But then it crept to 20 to 50 to 100. I don't know. It's between 200 and 300 for most people now. And many people believe it's 1,000, which is pretty far. So if it is true that the universe is fractal up to that level, then fractality will insert itself into cosmology in a very strong fashion. Therefore, not only fractality will be a result of very simple laws of physics, like 1 over r squared possibly, but will affect our understanding about [INAUDIBLE].. Well, I must stop here, because things got more complicated, become very complicated. And this is not for this lecture. I've been writing on this topic for a very long time, as you see. And, also, for those who are interested in finance, the Journal of Quantitative Finance has several papers in the current year on that. I publish right and left. That's my book on finance, my book on [INAUDIBLE] noise. I would like to end by this one, which is coming out in a few weeks or a few days perhaps by Frame and myself on mathematics education. We find to our utter amazement that humans like fractals. [LAUGHTER] And I won't mention anything about art, but this was the result of a very, very, very poor programmers work. He had some bug, a semicolon or something dreadful. It gives the result. He start apologizing, fearing to be fired. I start thanking from bottom of my heart. Before correcting the bug, we had his picture taken. It's something around the Mandelbrot set mistake was made. But it's a whole topic unto itself that humans seem to be happy with roughness. You must have the same experience as I do. Because you say a mathematician, oh, people say, I find mathematics utterly dry and dull. Well, I don't, but they do. But this is one part of mathematics. And that's mathematics of the flat and the smooth. The mathematics of the rough, as developed by many people 100 years ago and now it's galloping development on all sides, never gets this reaction. In fact, they say, if only I had that in high school, I would have loved mathematics. Well, you don't need to be told that, that mathematics is lovable. But it's only at my old age that I dare present my life and the story of science as being a conflict between two forces, one force good and bad, the evil. You choose which one's which, smooth and rough. But I think it has illuminated my view of how things occurred. And the reason why roughness came so late, why so difficult, is because it simply is more difficult. It requires difficult mathematics which was developed only very recently, which is developed now for the purpose of this investigation. It requires just a different viewpoint. But it is, I think, definitely a frontier of scientific investigation. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] MODERATOR: Thank you, Professor Mandelbrot. We have time for a few questions. We have two microphones up here, but you've managed to fill in the density of the auditorium sufficiently high that we may have some trouble getting to them. So if you want to ask without the benefit of amplification, please speak out as well as you can. Do we have any questions? One over here AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] Mandelbrot, as a high school teacher who is trying to get all students to be good mathematicians, to apply themselves and so on, how much of practical [INAUDIBLE] can I do? MANDELBROT: [INAUDIBLE]. I think much more than you think and much more than I thought not so long ago. We have now for several years at Yale a workshop during the summer for high school teachers. So we get the cream of Connecticut. So they are the best. But they tell us stories which are quite incredible. And they ask us about how early can I bring it. Is junior high right time? Some people say elementary school. One of our friends-- we have a kind of network of friends around who have been using these techniques. Some of our friends have tried with the kindergarten children. They put them blocks. The blocks had O or I or X. And children played with that. Then you put other fractal things. And the challenge is to rebuild the fractal by putting these things in order. The kids become so absorbed, apparently, that they are lost in. Because that's a real task. It is not a task which you, the teacher, has imposed. It's a task that nature has imposed on humanity forever and forever. And so in junior high, it's very easy. Everybody who's anybody knows how to promote at 11, which puts me to shame because I never did learn to program. So it should be early. In a certain sense, the question of whether this is the right mathematics to begin with is the wrong question, because the mathematics with smooth had been so elaborated, had become very, very far from experience. And the questions it asks are so refined that it is not questions which come naturally. They're not questions about anything [INAUDIBLE] had thought. The Pascal theorem about the circles-- I was a geometry nut. I loved that. But I was the only one who loved it. For all the others, it was artificial thing that somebody names Pascal just meant to bother them. But the question about mastering roughness which I have to-- again, the rule and not the exception. Smoothness is engineering. This table is smooth, well, not quite so smooth, because it's already several years there. So it has some roughness, I'm sure fractal. But with approximation, it's smooth. It's engineering, which is cold, which is dry, et cetera, et cetera. So if mathematics can go back to its origins-- and it is not even something which is artificial. For example, I mean, give an example why. I'm discussing that with a friend the other day. I introduced a notion which was taken as being the end of madness, that of negative dimension. Now, you measure things, so you measure roughness. And, now, you can also measure vacuity, emptiness. So listen to that. If you take two lines in [INAUDIBLE] space, their intersection-- well, they [INAUDIBLE] intersect, of course. But intersection of lines is less empty than intersection of line and a point or of two points. That looks like science fiction. Actually, it's a question which arose when friends of mine were looking at intermittency of turbulence in the laboratory, because-- I could explain why. It's a long story. But then to explain it, we must understand that lines are not lines. Lines the little tubes. And lines being little tubes is not the only invention of me. It's the invention of Minkowski, who was a very great man in 1900 and who point out that one gets away from all kinds of horrible paradoxes in mathematics by never thinking of lines are lines or of surface as surface, but thinking of lines as being tubes, surfaces as being [INAUDIBLE] et cetera, et cetera. So one goes back to these things. Not only one goes back to Mother Earth to get strength again, but one does in a fashion which are fruitful. Because without this element of going back into epsilon neighborhoods, to call them by a fancy term, one could not make sense of the negative dimension. And negative dimension is something you can measure and which is a useful thing in the study of turbulence. MODERATOR: Do we have another question? AUDIENCE: Are there any human behavior in fractal terms? MANDELBROT: Well, certainly, stock market is human behavior. As a matter of fact, I have come to use the word culture in a sense, which is perhaps not smooth to some ears speaking fractal geometry of nature and then giving an example like stock market. But take example of internet. It's human behavior. It's not exactly what you think of human behavior. But a large number of very brilliant people working at cross purposes put this thing together. And it works marvelous most of the time. And every so often, it's terrible and your messages don't go through. So people first try to apply to the internet the techniques which had worked for telephones with Poisson behavior and so on. It was absolutely off the mark. It is a multi-fractal. And it has to be multi-fractal. Now, after the fact, it's understood. So here is human behavior. I mean, because design of this very informal, and noisy, and messy design of this huge system, which for reasons which are, after the fact, sort of vaguely understood, is multi-fractal. But you don't have to understand it to live with it, because you have to live with it. And so if you're making equipment, you better test whether its properties behaves well in the face of it. But I was trying to start with human behavior, which is not usually called as such. But art is certainly human behavior. And so does art have fractal aspects? Certainly. And let me give you an example of that, which I still find mind-boggling. My friend Richard Voss found experimentally that music is 1 over F noise like these things I was showing you here. He's always a physicist. And he is not a loud person, so it didn't become very widely known. But then I was approached independently by two composers, one in New York and one in Europe. And you must know the names, Charles Warren and Gyorgy Ligeti, who told me that looking at my pictures made them understand nature of their craft. And I asked for each day, how come? And they say, well, I-- I speak in the voice of either, because exactly the same explanation. I have been trained in a very classical conservatory tradition, so I knew very well about all the instruments, their values, about everything. But I was not told one basic thing, which is what distinguishes a piece of music from a collection of noises. And I learned, each of them said, by trial and error. I brought a composition to my teacher. He said, oh, too busy. And I brought another composition. It's not decorated enough. And another proposition, it just goes up and down too much, doesn't go up and not too much. After a while, I finally understood what to do. And I've been doing that very well. And I am sure that you know Ligeti, and Warren. They are very famous people. And then I look at the picture, I say, but it's obvious. It's obvious, except nobody told me that. It's multi-fractal. That is a sonata, 21 minutes, three movements, allegro, lento, presto, different. Each movement-- loud, soft, very loud. So the thing must have structure at all scales. Something will be changing at every scale. And that's it. If you get that, you get at least bad music. [LAUGHTER] And bad music is much better than noise. And everybody think by music. And Voss was telling a story about he did some pentatonic music and the Chinese say it's bad Korean music, Korean bad Japanese music, Japanese bad Thai music, whatever, but it was music of some barbarian race. So that essence, it's not at all fundamental, again, good and bad music [INAUDIBLE] together. Now, so I can go on and on. Painting-- so in the classical landscape, which is very artificial form of art both in oriental and European tradition, so there was big tree which framed it and then this little man and so on. There are all these rules of composition. And you look at it-- one big thing. And most of these books of art did speak of design. And I tell you what I did discover. Oh, I do my own covers for my books. It's kind of-- well, I like to do it. So this book for teaching has every single cliche of composition, because I felt it would be effective. But on the other hand, I was looking at the film of Kandinsky painting on his paintings. It looked exactly like a program to do fractals would look. He would look at this piece of a thing and then boom, a big line, solid line. You see that in all kinds of composition. Then he would set small lines. When the film ends, has a small brush and he's adding little things all over the place. So he puts big and small and medium and so on elements of scale which is exactly the kind of basic bottom multi-fractality. I could go on forever and forever. This, I'm speaking of current behavior. But if you look at this African village-- so this behavior is not in the sense of a physiologist, but a sense of the artist. Now, physiologist, that's another matter. Now, many of my friends tell me that they have a [INAUDIBLE] recordings look like these things I showed. I'd be very much interested in seeing them. But I know very well that if you describe some surfaces in the body that is certainly human behavior. Some surfaces are meant to be as small as possible given their volume and others as big as possible. The skin should be smooth and taught, like a young child's skin. And the lung inside must be as confused as possible. So the two criteria of design lead to either smooth shapes or to extremely convoluted shapes, which happen to have fractal features. The human lung, for example, is branching fractal on 23 levels. 23 levels is a very healthy bifurcation. It's a very healthy number. It's a [? million. ?] MODERATOR: I think we're going to need to wrap up right now, but I'll invite all of you who want to stay to come on down and speak with Professor Mandelbrot for a few minutes. And I'd like to conclude by thanking Professor Lorenz for joining us today. [APPLAUSE] And let's give thanks to Professor Mandelbrot. [APPLAUSE]
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Keywords: MIT, video, education, science, math, business, massachusetts, institute, of, technology, school, college, university, fractal, geometry, mathematics
Id: ock9Gk_aqw4
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Length: 80min 43sec (4843 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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