Benny Hinn 2016, Secrets of the Anointing HD

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look to our precious Jesus today who say heals delivers prosperous and blesses this is your day for a mirror whoa and that from say Oh Oh I know now came the south like a mighty rushing wind fill the hearts we sing it give a piece within the spirit girl is that going on here he said from your Livi will love Eva No saints of God on yesterday's program pastor Benny Hinn began a message on two divisions of the anointing of God the anointing in you which comes as a result of salvation and the anointing on you for ministry and service if you miss the program be sure to watch it at anytime online today pastor Benny continues his message by sharing secrets of activating and protecting the anointing which he's learned in more than 40 years of ministry later in the program he'll release an impartation of the anointing and give you the opportunity to ask God for a greater outpouring on your life and you'll also hear an inspiring word about the power that can be yours when you completely yield yourself to the Lord's will and plan for your life now join pastor Benny as he shares how to activate the anointing beginning with recognizing the importance of the correct atmosphere Jesus chose certain places to perform his greatest miracles the temple the Sea of Galilee it's all about atmosphere could not function in Nazareth because was no atmosphere and when when the Lord ministered he understood this because the greatest miracles happen in places in Israel today if you go there you see incredible atmosphere when when we had the the great meetings in the stadiums we would build the atmosphere with music the choir builds atmosphere the sound the way it is sound the lights everything builds atmosphere for the miraculous the anointing also can be challenged I've told you that already but I gotta say it again and the most deadly people are the people on the front row because they can challenge the anointing that's why I make very very sure whoever is on the front row is one in the spirit with you otherwise they'll challenge you anybody that challenges you get them out of there I've done that believe I won come come come sit over there I want to see him Jesus was challenged in the synagogue when He healed the man with the withered arm and when he knew they wanted to kill him what did he what did he do he walked out of the synagogue and they all followed him and healed all of them now wait a second he could have healed all in oh no he could not he healed that one man with her hand remember that and they all said let's kill him for it he walks out because of challenge the crowd follows him outside where there is no challenge he heals them all everyone is healed if there is no challenge if there's unity resist not the Holy Spirit grieve not the Holy Spirit quench not the Holy Ghost why he will not stay if there's challenge he is a dove the Bible says challenge the devil not the Holy Ghost resist the devil not the Holy Ghost the anointing is released by focus we must understand the power of focus look upon me look on us she said to the man at the gate silver and gold have I none man his eyes were burning by that look on us focus Paul set his eyes upon him focus get up he said power focus under that that and only something always happens to my eyes they become like lions the Bible says boldness hit you on the data no neck but no bonus will come if you're not in the right atmosphere challenged God wants to use every one of you in these last days but you have to learn something you have to learn how to siphon the Noa out of God's glory and presence because see once it is siphoned and I didn't even talk about that because the anointing of God that's within you comes at salvation and that abides as long as you walk with God naturally but the anointing on your on your office is siphoned how surrender when you when you surrender it's siphons it comes and that's Habakkuk of course 3 verse 4 that the anointing is hidden in the glory and it's siphoned by by by surrender he made him right on the high places of the earth where he siphoned oil so you you come to those places of the Spirit how many are still following what I'm talking about put your hands up high well it's these are secrets not everybody knows them but when you begin to go to those high places because see now you'll the minute you're saved and the Lord has anointed you the spirit you and there's hunger in your life and there's faith in your life and there's love Lord in your life there'll be many many times when you'll go to high places in the spirit and you'll begin to experience the reality of that world and when you're experiencing that reality the Word of God becomes a holy hot bread you know in those places it's not stale bread it's hot and delicious bread and so he's siphoned what honey that's the word that's Deuteronomy 32 13 and then he also Simon oil out of the rock which is Christ Jesus begins to release that oil because he is the anointed one who releases the oil in high places the anointing is not released in the low valleys it's released in high places places of the Spirit it means so they are the anointing starts to flow out of the rock and you siphon by surrender surrender is the only way you siphon the anointing so when you surrender to the Lord in those early early days as always to the Lord thank God I'm still doing it by the Lord he becomes so real I surrender but there is a danger which happened to other man they're no longer surrender to the Lord they be the active the gift basically which is possible to and quite dangerous but when you surrender to the Lord his presence is still with you and backs you up his presence will convict people his presence will do the work that you cannot do about changing people's lives and that blessed anointing begins to heal the sick but all glory goes to him you know how you know when that blessed presence is gone there's very little said about the Lord but when it's all about Jesus that's what we all want lift your hands to him come on at the conclusion of his message pastor Benny began a powerful time of worship which caused the anointing to descend upon the audience pastor Benny released this anointing on specific individuals as he was directed by the Holy Spirit and then he began to minister to you and others watching by television in your homes receive it in your bedrooms receive it whatever you all receive it the hour has come that we believe God for a higher place in the spirit will not are you satisfied of course we're not satisfied we want more say more more solid and there is so much more so much more Why ask for a couple when the ocean is ours are you people listening what I'm saying here easy there Jim is it there Reggie Why ask for a a cupful when the ocean is ours out of your innermost being shall flow what say it did he say how many no he said rivers let me hear the word rivers again okay we've only experienced just a few not many really what do you what do you think about it living water he didn't say just water he said living water put your hands on your on your body all of you come on you in your arms here all of you put put put friends say there's rivers many rivers in my life God Almighty has promised these rivers will flow out living waters not just waters living waters whatever they go wherever they go they'll bring life deliverance miracles supernatural power God has promised me say God has promised me these rivers in my life now lift your hands and ask for it come on all of you say father I'm ready just say father I'm ready I'm ready for the rivers right now now tomorrow not next week now I want a new anointing on my life now I want a fresh revelation of you Lord in my life now I want that I'm going to intensify grow increase and thicken like thick oil ha ha thick oil God is sending thick oil not just oil thick oil would you all pray just a little bit longer in the Holy Ghost come on all the way pray pray pray Michelle Michelle here Michelle come here keep praying in the Holy Ghost come on I wanna know more about the elijah elijah transform you know pastor I'm sorry Tony yes you know this is an Elisha generation you know why Elijah is a prophetic prefiguring of what is going to happen in the endtime Church Elijah began to walk and write when it came down to the Jordan he was caught up to meet the Lord in the air I don't know if you know what I'm talking about but he prophetically prefigures the endtime church that will be alive when the Lord Jesus returns I don't know about you but I'm ready to go up in that rupture somebody ought to give God the praise and give God's people yeah you know you know I'm just gonna tell you something pastor please though those who want the mantle it doesn't come cheap you've got to constrain that anointing the sons of the prophets knew he was going to be taken but they didn't want to press to the next level and stay near their master they had the revelation they knew he was going to leave but there was only one who said you know what I'm not going to leave you they knew exactly when he was going to go they knew he was going to be taken but they didn't have enough of the Holy Spirit within them that poll to say you know what I'm not going to be denied that again because that is so important about constraining fully yes demanding it all mostly exactly that is the whole elijah teaching you know the minute elijah met elijah when he threw his mantle on him and when he said I'm gonna go and bury first let me go and take care of my father and and say goodbye he said get back what have I done to you why because the anointing is not second choice you cannot have the Holy Ghost as an afterthought he will never take second place in your life he must be first and foremost above anything else in your life you know and and that was the instruction that Elijah got from the very beginning he said get back what have I done for you what have I done to you you know what why why did he say that because because he wanted to go back say bye to his power and he said no way am I gonna let this mantle that that is so glorious fall on you when you're using it as the second thought well wait wait wait wait say it again yeah no way is this mantle gonna fall on you when you are take it when you have the attitude I can take it or leave it when I'm not gonna pay a price for it when I'm not willing to leave every shelter I'm not willing to leave everything including family including saved by your family exactly because that's what that's what Elijah what wanted to do you know he wanted and you know really pastor and in Hebraic idiom it really meant let me say goodbye to my father didn't just mean let me kiss him goodbye and I'll see you later it meant let me spend time with him till he passes away so he was so double minded about it and that's why Elijah said get back what have I done to you you're the wrong candidate but you know something Elijah got it and he went back to the yoke Russia wave wave at that guy quick quick quick quick just just wave in Jesus name keep talking keep going no no you Bellantoni it's stronger yeah dueces oh my god so what we need to understand they're people of God as the anointing is not a take-it-or-leave-it thing there is a price to pay for that anointing when he came back to the yoke of oxen he knew that was his bondage he broke it he boiled it and he ran after Elijah and ministered to him till the moment he was taken up to heaven and even at the very end Elijah kept saying stay here that was his ministerial training technique to say you can stay in a permissible place you can stay in that place you don't have to give it all you don't have to go to the next level that was his training technique but he pressed Elijah that was a way of Elijah pressing Elijah to the next level anything no we're not saying yeah that's also us that was that's what he kept saying stay behind yeah he wanted him to press for something yes it was a training technique to constrain the anointing somebody shouts something please say hallelujah because you know it came across it came across as oh he was being fired as exactly it was exactly the same weakness that he had from the beginning now at the end Elijah still pulling that that desire for everything you've got if you really want this anointing you best a hard thing not a hard thing for God but a hard thing for yourself because you have to pay the price lay everything down for the gospel it's that why you just brought something to my heart is that why Jesus said to Peter do you love me it had to be yes he was pulling something out of it pulling something out of it yep right exactly and now that really was if you today we're with you don't have to be with the Prophet Elisha today the Holy Spirit the legacy is left in the word you know it doesn't record everything Elijah said it just records that and it records that time after time after time three times in second Kings and one time in first Kings why because it's a pattern because God wants us to see these were the words of Elijah if you want to go to the place that God has for you you have to press not when it's permissible not when it's permissible not when they say okay you can stay back then I think I will then I think today I'll just do my little plan job you better not do your little plan if you want to get to the next level you better press it you better go you better give up everything you better stay in your position you better not stay home cuz you had a sore thumb you better get forward and do the work of God now everyone lift to voice and pray out loud just for another minute come on loud Michelle pray for them right now right now father for those who want the anointing more than anything else for those that are not going to be like the sons of the prophets who got a revelation on our satisfied we're just using the Holy Spirit just for knowledge but for those who will say I'll never use the Holy Spirit for my own self but today those who say I'm willing to pay the price and I will finish my assignment till God takes the man or the woman of God that I'm assigned you to heaven in the name of Jesus father right now we release that anointing on pastor's on armor bearers on those in ministry father gives to the spirit father shift the atmosphere and let an Elijah anointing for God you said before the great and terrible day of the Lord I will send the prophet Elijah Lord not in the flesh but the Spirit and the power of Elijah in end times for Jesus sake we pray and everybody said to Jesus be the praise for the anointing I'm sensing in the studio you sweet people have just heard the Word of God on on the on the anointing dear Todd is here we just finished a half-hour program I'm still feeling it all over me god it's all yours come on talk to the people that was strong Psalms chapter 23 is David's testimony of the goodness of God and boy it's still on me right now my older brother passed away of 56 i sat in the funeral home and I was going to teach on proverbs chapter 4 I got up as a second afterthought and I began to teach Psalms 23 as I began to teach Psalms 23 I saw what I had never seen before I began to realize that this was not something you preach at funerals this was David's personal testimony about the goodness of God David was a shepherd boy David understood the responsibility of being a shepherd he understood all that entailed and being a good shepherd and when he began to talk about God he related to God as being a good shepherd you know Psalms chapter 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside calm waters he restores my soul we know the scripture yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death he'll be with me his rod and his staff they comfort me why because the rod beat off enemies and the staff guided them he said God anoints me with oil my cup runs over because God is a good god he's good he's good all the time he's not good part of the time he's good all the time and as David begin to understand the goodness of God read the Psalms David's always talking about the goodness of God to have great faith to move in two levels of faith you've got to understand this about the character of God that he's good he's good not part of the time not some of the time every faint good has come from God and everything bad has come from the devil I don't know what you're going through I don't know what you're facing today but there's a powerful anointing on my life right now for breakthrough for turn around talk quickly about the covenant faith and the harvest three things always on the mind of God covenant faith and harvesting it was God's idea to establish a covenant so he could bless us how do we access the covenant through faith by believing him God says if you'll believe him there's nothing he won't do in number three harvesting is always on the mind of God why cuz he's a good God he doesn't describe himself as God of the seed he says I'm Lord of the harvest and looked into God always is thinking about a harvest that's why I want to pray for you today because in order to access a harvest from God or access the covenant of blessings that God's promised you and I as a believer we have to do it by faith how do we do it by faith the Bible says in Genesis 822 as long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest galatians 6:7 be not deceived God is not mocked whatever you sow you'll reap Luke 6:38 given we'll be giving back to you good measure pressed down shaken together well God give to those who give Malachi 3 well a man Rob God yet you robbed me of tithes and offering return the tithe and the offering see if I won't open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing and why because he's a god that's good I want to pray for a very specific seed that I never talked about until this year I believe that 2016 is going to be the greatest year a financial blessing you've ever experienced I'm an open doors promotion favored a man debt free cancellation it's your year I'm for financial blessing and it's accessed through the Covenant by faith because he's a God that thinks about harvest it's a 360 dollar see can you believe for the people for property - yeah I believe with you for property because I believe this is a year that God wants you to own your home God wants to give you your dream home if anybody should own property it's the believer the first gift God gave Adam and Eve was property in Genesis and and Abraham and Abraham Isaac operate all property God wants to give you property I'm going to ask you to activate the Covenant activate the harvest access what I'm saying believe the words that I'm speaking by sowing a $360 turnaround see my 360 that's $1 a day if harvest is always on the mind of God then when you plant a 360 dollar seed that means you have a dollar a day in the ground and for those that cannot give the 360 do 30 a month each month for 12 months father I release it in the name of Jesus Lord I release this in the name of Jesus mom Lord this is a word that spoker the 360 dollar turnaround seat is a prophetic word it's a powerful word it's a word that's going to activate the harvest and I decree over your life today in the name of Jesus for favor for open doors for real-estate miracles for property I decree for radical amounts of money like you've never known to come into your life as you obey the voice of God and you plant the dollar a day the 360 dollar seed in Jesus name according to the Word of God I'll let go of a seed and God will let go of a harvest amen before you go I'm feeling they're known in here stretch your hands towards me right now Jesus Ness you sweet people on in the name of Jesus we come into agreement right now Lord right now right now right now everyone who's so seated a more sort over the next 12 months yes we'll see property abundance debt cancellation in Jesus mighty name people I'm telling you I'm feeling a strong and honest powerful receive it in the name of Jesus God be the greatest year of your life in Jesus name 2016 is the best you're known in Jesus name Amen everything the enemy took from you is coming back to ie in Jesus name yes yes and Lord new property for your people in Jesus name I'm telling you so that's it or not it's strong here yeah it's really strong call the number on the screen do it online you can text it in BHM four five seven seven seven please follow me on periscope soon on Facebook live but you saw that see it right now and watch what God will do with you this has been amazing amen thank God for the anointing on you you sweet Saints you keep sowing that seed and believe God praise Him right now just audibly praise the Lord I thank you yes this is the best year of my life I thank you want to get a new home yeah I praise you're gonna get new land new property that's a pastor praying for new land so you can build a new sanctuary it's coming in the name of the Lord High great angry oh man keep calling I will see you tomorrow for another fantastic program you you
Channel: This Is Your Day - BennyHinn
Views: 95,252
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Keywords: This is your day with Benny Hinn, Benny Hinn, Benny Hinn 2015, Pastor Benny Hinn, Benny Hinn songs, benny hinn ministries, benny hinn healing, benny hinn miracles, benny hinn online, bennyhinnonline, BennyHinnOnline, bennyhinntv1, benny hinn, christ life, benny hinn education, christ education, yt:quality=high, benny hinn 2016, Secrets of the Anointing, benny hinn monday night service
Id: BwXkd64VSW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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