BENNY GOODMAN PLAYS SOME BEBOP with Clark, Zoot, Gene, Hank, Milt, Ed.

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[Music] time [Music] how do you do ladies and gentlemen you know this part of the program called the art of performing will be about improvisation and according to webster's dictionary uh to improvise is to recite or to compose or to speak without preparation so to do it offhand and that's exactly what we're going to do right now i think first of all the camera crew is going to improvise because they don't know exactly who's going to play solos i think the sound department is going to improvise and although all the players here are very expert as you probably know from their names as a group we've never played together before and so we're just going to improvise and see what happens first of all i'd like to at least pick one tune we can improvise on and i want hank to play we decided this beforehand i want hank to play irving berlin's always in its original form two [Music] thank you very much i think everybody knows that tune quite well and um now this time we'd like to play the jazz version and improvise would you give us a little introduction about this temple [Music] me [Music] huh [Music] my [Music] me [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] me [Music] so do [Music] so [Music] thank you i guess you see uh one has to be very dexterous to have a lot rather have a lot of dexterity on his instrument and a lot of imagination one can improvise on many tunes and in many different tempos i think that was a sort of a medium tempo and now we'd like to improvise on a another song called rose room and i might add that in in improvising a player might develop another song and i think this actually happened in this song if i'm not uh mistaken isn't that right hank that's true what song came out of rose row [Music] well let's play uh rose room and see if we can fit them both in together all right oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] me [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] uh [Music] baby and then so [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] me [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] thank you [Music] hmm [Music] thank you gentlemen uh you know there's been quite a movement in jazz over the years first there was the swing era and 19 1930s and the late 30s and then one man came along who who really revolutionized the um the jazz era and i think that was charlie parker and i would like to give you an illustration of some of the things he did he also was a great improviser to the extent that he actually made another song out of his improvisations we'd like to give you an example of that on a tune called um how high the moon first we'll play the original song [Music] foreign do [Music] and in charlie's improvisations here is the song that he came up with that what was his call later on soon ornithology he called it ornithology instead of um how high the moon don't take it too [Music] fast [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] be [Music] oh [Music] do [Music] so [Music] me uh [Music] so [Music] then [Music] uh [Music] what happened tell me zoot what are your feelings about jazz i mean what do you feel like what do you feel when you play uh usually pretty happy you do you have to feel happy to play the gym well it helps you better feel happy it's not like the blues where you're feeling melancholy and um you get more uh inspiration i don't think so you don't think so what about you uh clark what what what i think about jazz yeah well i think jazz i saw him the other day going in jim and andy's i just got back from europe what about you eddie it's a great kick danny i think the older i get the more i enjoy it really though yeah what do you think about i mean what do you actually think about when you're improvising on the drums i've never really gone into that oh well kind of try to think about first of all i think a swinging pulse a happy pulse you know which i think all drummers think about all over the world no matter what kind of guns you play and then after you feel the happy pulse going you try to create something that maybe is interesting uh contrast color but most of all the feeling so even if you play something simple you try to do it with a good feeling well tell me something what about the basically the the technique of playing drums does it help you to know all the technical parts of playing drums i mean yeah i think yeah sure i think so just like any other instrument so that uh when you go to think of something uh there's not a block in between what you think of and feel and what you'd like to get out i mean if you'd like to go over the drums and make a sound that sounds like uh well if it takes you five seconds to get do that you're not going to make it it's nice to meet you your imagination can't run away with your technique unless you can uh actually perform well i'll tell you i started with you when i was very young right and you had the good graces to bear with me and i think uh as you grow older learning what not to play is just as important as what to play well it's pretty good very good or as fat swallowers once said that immortal remark was uh [Music] talking about jazz's swing he said if you have to mess with it and think about it forget about it well what did we play to wind up with anybody got any idea how about avalon avalon yeah it's nice now what about good enough to keep all right air mail special okay you really like that piece you know what i think you think you do okay that's closer now you start you just start on something there's another question i want to ask what what does the rhythm section do when we're doing all this stuff probably the people would be interested well i think the rhythm session lays down a basic feat it tries to complement whatever the solos whatever the lead instruments are doing uh the basic function of the rhythm section of course is to provide rhythm and a chord structure underneath the uh the harmonic line over the melodic line for the solo line and i think that a good rhythm section tries to go along with it tries to follow instead of lead sort of helps the player who's playing because i feed him tries not to get in the way not get in the way well hank i don't know once or twice you have you know good enough to keep [Music] uh hmm [Music] uh [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] huh [Music] mm-hmm [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] so thank you
Channel: milan simich
Views: 20,977
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Id: UeUxx13mtas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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