Ben Speer - Til the Storm Passes By [Live]
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Channel: GaitherVEVO
Views: 268,674
Rating: 4.8743963 out of 5
Keywords: Bill, Gloria, Gaither, Til, the, Storm, Passes, By, (feat., Ben, Speer), [Live], Spring, House, (HSE), Christian, till the storm passes by gaither, ben speer till the storm passes by, ben speer, til the storm passes by, keep me safe till the storm passes by, Ben Speer, Til the Storm Passes By [Live], Whispering Hope, Gloria Gaither, Bill Gaither, Gaither Vevo, Gospel, Gaither Gospel, Gaither Music, Gaither Homecoming, Homecoming, Tent Revival, Revival, memory, Ben Speer singsing
Id: ValuirjNdCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 28sec (208 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2012
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