Ben Foster Meets Jack Grealish | What Haaland's REALLY Like, SLOW Bernardo Silva & Pep's Advice

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you know he has to go gym at certain time he has to do this do that whereas yeah I'm just chilled we just eatting my beans on toes with Scotty Carson Jack greish is the absolute boy and he's just walking and he just went and he just went and kicked the door buring him on the doors up here he's the craziest guy I've ever met baller on the pitch do you know what I even think I've got so much more to give and a proper laugh off it cuz he's so slow but then he gets put up against I say he's so slow he's so slow him he knows it as well Jack greish what a blow hey I'm we lucky you a I ain't nicking anything I swear I swear nice to see you mate you okay how are you mate yeah loveely come and sit down I want to have a nice little chat mate this is the places look at this mate do you ever wait so I was looking at some stats earlier yeah you played over a 100 games in the football league yeah I'm not talking about Premier League champ in the football league right is there ever any times where you sort of just sit here now as a man City player England player and you look around and see some of these names and just thinkof wow uh yeah of course especially at the start um now you know I've been here for a few years and stuff I'm a lot more used to it um but do you know what though like you say that about like the football league like that was that's like what's like made you know do you think so yeah yeah like what who I am today you know especially as a footballer and um it's like the other day for example I don't know if this was in the press or not uh but we were meant to go to Luton on Saturday night we had the game Sunday at 2:00 and the flight got cancelled so we had to go we had to go Sunday morning and um well the day of the game the day the game yeah and uh because me I'm just like a bit go with the flow like I just i w Really i i w really bothered but some people you know they have like set routines and stuff um and we didn't get to the hotel till I think it was was it half1 bar mind we had an eat yeah so the games at two so the games in two and a half hours yeah you meant to have pre-match what four hours before a game um so 2 and a half hours and we still hadn't eaten but I was just like laughing at people cuz people were getting stressed and stuff and uh after I says I says nah that's proper that like that reminded me of like when I was back at KN County and um and like yeah I remember n county one time like we woke up at like 9:00 a.m. and got a coach to car a 4our journey 5 Hour Jour on the day of the game yeah and it's proper a it it's like and then we go and play at Luton and like Bernardo and some of the guys are like a like you know cuz lon's like a small stadium all tucked in and that and I says n this what it's about man it's it's ledge playing in these obv obviously listen it's unbelievable been in changing rooms like this and playing with players you know on the biggest stage but um yeah I can't I can't ever forget about the times when I was playing in the football league man I loved it that gave you a grounded didn't you so so is that what you're liking on a match there are you so like let's set the scene right kickoffs in I don't know an hour's time or whatever what are you liking here are you nice and Cher are you trying to like are you playing on your phone are you even allowed your phones yeah yeah yeah you can go on your phone do whatever you want the managers so chill basically I think in his head he thinks you do whatever you need to do to make sure you're ready you know as soon as you're on the pitch um and yeah I'm just chilled anyone would anyone would tell you you know I just eat when I'm ready to eat I eat what like you know like some people have a set time they have the exact food that they at for years like me I just eat what sometimes you eat beans on toast sometimes yeah just whatever I just yeah just go is anyone got any sort of quirky pre-match rituals is there anybody that has to do it by the letter of the law they have to have a certain rub at a certain time or Str in reuben reuben would be like he's so like does every he has to do everything I don't know what he what he actually does but I know for a fact that he does about 100 stuff like you know he has to go gym at certain time he has to do this do that whereas yeah I'm just chilled we just eating my beans on toes with Scotty Carson I love that the boy the main man he's the best shirt that's the best shirt out of all of these you want any of these shirts grab that one seriously well can can we talk about a few of these Lads can we go and have a look at the shirt I want to just I want to pick your brains just about I'll tell you about everyone if you want so the first one I want to start with goalkeeper we got to have a bit of goalkeeper love right yeah this guy here for me Edison has been like he's like a game changer for goalkeeping not only in the Premier League like World football the way he plays I've heard apparently he could slot in Midfield and do a job as well is that is that what he's like yeah yeah is um he's M you know he's he's crazy Geer like but I think that helps him like the the way he is you know what I mean you know cuz the way like calmal he's so calm but then off the pitch he's just like he's just mad honestly like M I don't know I don't just like we'll be walking through like a door and I seen him do it the other week and I was like what and like obviously the door like what this hard and we're going like walking through the hotel to go to a meeting and he bearing in mind I've got the stiffest hamstrings ever and he's just walking and he just went and he just went and kicked the door burning him on like the door's like here like the top of it and he'll just kick it and then like in training and stuff he'll just be walking around blasting balls and just he's just crazy he's the craziest guy I've ever met honestly he's just mad but he's I've never seen anyone that can that can he's obviously got the whack to the other side but passing just to like like his pass appreciation for a keeper for like say he's there and Kyle Walker here the manager is so big on like pass appreciation you know for for you to pass it into someone's path so they can go and him every time he don't give it to Kyle here so Kyle has to like te aouch stop and look yeah it's like every into his path B and then we're just away you know what I mean he's he's frightening man honestly he's and he's got one of the best penalty kicks I've ever seen as well I don't know why he don't te pep mate sort it out I want to see him take penalty right then let's go over to this side right there's a couple players over here um we got to start with a big man um Erin Harland um he's a good mate of yours right yeah I get on really well with him yeah um just from the start really we just clicked uh we both like you know a joke and and winding people is he is he like I get the impression he's nice and he's he's a bit like you chill calm don't really think about football too much it's just he's just unbelievable at doing it yeah he's he's he's unbelievable I I think he has a lot of stuff that he does he ain't told me this this is what I'm thinking that he does at home that helps him I don't know like yeah I think gym work and stuff no not really gym work but I think he like well he's mentioned hasn't he before that he drinks all these he mad stuff and that like kidney I don't know what yeah I yeah yeah but do you know like them little percents that can help you I think um but no do you know what I think some people always ask me about him and say like what's he actually like as as a person because you know sometimes if they're s him in an interview he looks not blunt but like he comes across as a bit like but no honestly he's a great guy he's so good to have around the changing room and loves joking and and bantering and stuff and he get he gets him into trouble all the time yeah um Kyle Walker is he I get this impression that he's probably one of the leaders in the dressing room you know he wears a captain Armand now and then is he like that in the change room as well yeah he's especially this year as well I'm so so close with him uh you know we we have a lot in common we're very good friends and um and yeah he's just I was gutted man when he was like getting linked and stuff with like he want to go no not one bit not one bit um you have played against him a few times yeah yeah he would have been a nightmare to play against horrible yeah horrible I played against him one time and after 10 minutes I went up for an Eder and kneed him in the side of of his leg he was off was him 15 minutes he was off but no just yeah this year yeah he's really stepped up with his like you know with his like captaincy side should I say um yeah great talker and I don't know what you think but for me he's sorry going EV but he's I think he's the best right back of I've SE in the pr M don't even apologize I 100% agree with you as well and then the little wizard he he's possibly one of my favorite people I ever met in footballing people I love that I like that yeah he's just he's just right up my street man he'd love him I swear he's um a magician with the ball um the way you can just I don't know he can just run a game yeah run a game from any position that he's in and cuz he's so slow but then he gets put up against can't say he's so slow he's so slow him he's so slow he knows it as well but then like for example in the semi-final and the quarterfinal last year he's up against kaminga in one game and Alonso Davis in the off you think came over for him I think him om away legs in the two games I think he got like two man at the match he's out of four or something and and he just goes about his business as well goes about his business sing and dance about it does n if you'd see what what he wears and that his gear is honking he comes in what are the Birkins yeah Birkin I wear bur I'm a dad though to wear no but like I could see you like swagging them out quite nice like him I swear you should see what he wears and with a honking but he just don't care but but then also to have him in the changing room he's the best guy like he's so good for the changer yeah I love that uh Johnny Stones absolute player right unbelievable again uh rollsroyce you know I don't think it's I seen a stat at the end of last year and one of my friends showed it me I can't believe it he got like the most dribbles in a Champions League final since Messi and like and I'm like what he's a center back um but he's unbelievable he can play center back right back holding Midfield eight um the way he takes the ball you know under pressure and and him and Ruben to be fair to him I've always said this the one thing that people that they don't don't get enough credit for they're the two best blockers of the ball I've getting in the way seen but yeah but they have like an art of do it's not just oh yeah luckily I'm here I blocked it you know what I mean they have like a way of doing it like it's a skill it's a skill I know me I don't get how like yeah they're just him and Ruben are the best two I've ever seen up blocking a ball I love so on the odd occasion and I know you won't have many of these but say you're getting at halftime you're losing the team ain't doing very well well what's it like in the Chang room what's pep like is he is he a Ranter and a raver cuz I'm sure you've seen a few of them as well yeah no it depends it depends how the game's gone it's it's weird because sometimes I've had games with the manager where like where we're doing really well and I come in I'm not expecting like mad praise and we get battered and then sometimes I'm thinking oh we're honking here we're com in at half time thinking to get B and like we get a bit of pra so uh no it's different all the time and you know we have certain people people like I said you know Kyle Ruben um rodri uh Kev you know that like to speak um you know if if if some's going bad but I think even Scotty Carson you know would would 100% you know say say what he thinks and you know as you'd know that's what you need you know in a team you want people to to be there to to speak you know and and help at a half time when when it's not going your way all right we're going to go down the tunnel I do want to speak about Scotty Carson now right yeah this guy is he like is he like the dad of the changing rooms is he yeah the dad of the changing rooms and do you know what's mad like everyone just loves him though like yeah everyone loves him even like whether it be like the young Lads you know you come straight in um say if they come straight in to the to the team uh like if they've been bought from somewhere else and and um obviously Scotty is you know he's third keeper but just everything that he does he does Unbelievable you know train profession yeah yeah proper professionally and it's just it's what you need and I think that's why the manager loves him you know because you can have all the talent in the world but everyone needs a Scotty Carson in right that's a that's a motto to live by everybody needs a Scotty Caron right let's go down the tunnel come on right then mate we're about to walk down into the tunnel yeah game kicks off in what 10 minutes time is this the point here for you where it starts to get real do you actually do you actually start thinking about the game and what you want to do um yeah you could say that but do you know what fzy I'm actually so chilled like I'm not really I'm mad like overthinker or I don't know how to explain it yeah I'm just quite chilled before games I understand that everyone has their own ways where they like they need to get into a Zone you know even I've played with with world class players you know better than me he like Bernardo for example but and he says to me before he was like before some some games like towards the end of last season he was oh was so n whereas yeah whereas you won't really expect it from him do you know what I mean but yeah I'm just quite chill actually before games and stuff I um I uh you know as soon as we get here now obviously we we're with the opposition and and you know you can always see because you can see through here like the I know they're meant to be fully blacked out but they're not I can always see fans like poking through with their phones and stuff see this is this is the bit I find this so weird right so you I don't know if you guys can see this but behind the sort of glass it's like a they it's a Hospitality so there's Hospitality there and Hospitality there and when you're lining up for game and when you coming in at half timee and fulltime everybody's having food but watching the players come in it's mad isn't it and as an opposing player I've been on the end of I've been on the end of an eight nil here Jack yeah you're walking down for it is the worst feeling in the world honestly it's absolutely Ely bral are you aware of just how intimidating it is as an opposition player about to go out on that ety had pitch yeah because well I've done it you know a few times for Villa um I actually made my debut here um when I was 18 so um but I just feel like for us as players when we're when we're at home we do feel in really honestly like proper like on our own pitch you know our own fans and stuff like that it's I think it gets in everybody else's head as well mate honestly I do the amount of times I've been here just thinking mate even a even a 4-n today I'm sorry I'll take a 4-0 today that's like a win mate it's like a win do you start to really get the sort of adrenaline rush now yeah yeah definitely last season towards towards the end man I swear it was it was unbelievable you know like once we felt like the treble was there yeah and there was just the atmosphere honestly for when you come out and that and like the whole whole of this stand here was like full of like a massive um big banner yeah but like filling from top to bottom whole thing and it was just it was unbelievable like cuz we had so many big games like in that April we had like Arsenal here which was like for the league then we had Bayern Munich League we had Real Madrid here then um and yeah there was certain games from then that stick out and yeah they just they there you know as you as you'd know memories that just you have certain memories in football that just stick with you you know forever and and that'll definitely be one and um being a left Winger right so you remember Tony Peis yeah so Tony pis right what he used to do he told me this mad story right you remember Adat already he said he said so what I used to do was say the dugouts here he said I'd have a Dhat trer on the left wing in the first half so I could shout at him and get into him yeah he said and then in the second half I'd bring him back over right is that what Pep's like with you so when he sat here can you hear him sort of chattering away at you and sort trying to help you through the game or he just leave you to it no he all I can just hear him but then like it's like it's mad because I can hear his voice for everything yeah do you know what I mean like I don't know I don't know why I can just hear his voice for everything like um obviously you can imagine on a match day all the all the sounds that you can hear the fans everything and you kind like block that out well I do anyway I don't block it out I just cuz I'm just so Zone like in the zone I can't really hear it do you know what I mean I can't really hear fans shouting and that but yeah I can always I can always hear pet hear that little pet Guardiola voice you've got to listen to it you know and and he's only shouting on you know to give you good advice so um so yeah but yeah I can I can always hear it there's no chance I'm blanking it [Music] out okay mate from from where I sit yeah and watch it seems to me like you've almost got like the dream job you know you're playing left wing for Man City for England and you're putting balls into the box for people like ering Highland and Harry Kane um do you have to think about trying to put it into a certain space or when you're talking about a striker of that caliber are you just like May I'll stick that somewhere in there and I know you'll be there yeah it's different because obviously you have to listen it's unbelievable you know to play with these type of guys first of all but it's different then the way you'd adapt you know to different Strikers um whereas Harry likes to drop deep and when Harry drops deep you know like you you you think of Harry and you think of him and like son with Harry dropping deep and Sun going in behind so so sometimes you know you have to you have to mix it up and then you have erling who don't wouldn't really drop deep who stays High you know and then you have to like look for him in behind whereas Harry you know you wouldn't really look for him in behind because obviously ering has so in that case you're going to be cutting it back for for him a bit more or even just trying to play into the middle or yeah yeah yeah and but listen when you're in the final third they're both just frightening they're both just as good as each other don't go asking me who who would win um but yeah I don't actually know I I'm actually thinking who would actually win um they're both unbelievable Strikers and and you know me playing in this team I've been luy enough you know now I've been here for two and a half years and I've played with some unbelievable Strikers you know even Gabby Jus when he was here um you know we obviously had Raz as a Winger Riad MZ one of the best players of I've ever played with um and then yeah now earling and obviously you know I'm I'm so lucky to have played with these players and you know they can help my game and I can help theirs Yeah you mentioned you've been here two and a half years now um is it fair to say that it it probably took the best part of a year to see the proper Jack greish yeah definitely um I even think do you know what I even think I've got so much more to give like even last season I felt like I was playing well but I felt like I I had another level to go up even though I was playing in all these big games and and like I said you're doing well in them I still just felt like yeah I had a more to give and that's what you know I want to do this season um the first year was so difficult do you know what's mad yet I remember saying to um to Conor horran you remember with at vill and I says to him um can't Li when I knew that I was going to city or I think had already gone and I was like oh yeah get so many goals and assist like in this team like imagine how many I got a villa and I'm coming here but it weren like that it was so much more difficult than I thought you know like you're at Villa and and um I don't know what it is I don't know whether I was more like I don't know like whereas say for example you're at city now every time you get the ball two people bam yeah on you do you know what I mean you can I can imagine like what Manny just say in in the as soon as their Wingers get the ball need two people Winger getting back our Winger getting back and helping out 15 teams out of 20 that you play in the Premier League they just dropped into a low block and it's like you keep passing it around and you're like come on I need something here so it's a different style of football for you then basically completely different yeah and and and at vill you know it weren't really like that um I'm not I'm not trying to compare the two because listen I'm here now um but it was just so much more difficult than than I originally thought and and I've been at villain my whole life and I never knew like how many clubs did you play for 10 maybe 10 yeah so so you obviously knew what it was like you know going into new changing me I've never been away from Villa I've been sat in this corner of the Villa Chang in my little corner for so long for eight years or whatever and then I come to a new CH and I just cuz I was just thinking about the move I weren't thinking about everything else and and you know just going into a new change and going into like a new culture a new manager moving City I swear f it was so much difficult than than than I thought well more difficult than I thought it it's a massive life change isn't it you're comfy at Villa you're the main man at Villa you're trusted it's almost like I got the impression when you were at Villa that they just go right Jack just stay out on that left wing yeah and just go and do what you do yeah you get the ball go and do what you do and then all of a sudden you come to a Man City and it's like you've been asked to play as part of a team in a structure and you do this and you do that and that's it and that must be that must Boggle your head a little bit as well yeah no that's what it is and obviously because you've you know what I mean you're so experienced in the game you know what it's like and you can and and and I think you can imagine of of how it would be um but yeah like I said yeah it was so much more difficult than I thought but then the second year I don't know I remember I worked so hard man after that um I had a really good summer like I was trying a comeback and um and we played Bayern Munich first game in pre-season I got we won one0 I got assist for earing and uh yeah I just felt good in that second in that second season and then especially after the World Cup I I was um yeah I was I was on fire and I think that was probably the most confident I've been since like I've been here mate that was world class thank you no thank you geese onwards and upwards mate I hope so the best I love that and don't forget you can watch Man City and all the other Premier League matches on boxing day the 27th and the 28th of December only on Prime video
Channel: Amazon Prime Video Sport
Views: 615,912
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Keywords: Amazon Prime Video Sport, Premier League, Sports, Football, jack grealish, man city, manchester city, jack, grealish, grealish man city, grealish manchester city, jack grealish man city, jack grealish manchester city, ben foster, ben foster meets, ben, foster, ben foster wrexham, wrexham fc, foster wrexham, ben foster meets jack grealish, foster meets grealish, foster grealish, ben foster grealish, ben foster jack grealish, grealish foster, jack grealish meets ben foster
Id: a4XSH7gJSjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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