Ben Folds Five - Freaking Out (1999)
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Channel: urbster1
Views: 28,059
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Id: FjjP8_cLQ4w
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Length: 90min 0sec (5400 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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Besides the end freak-out, the rest of the concert this is one of their very best performances.
The extra instrumentation is an evolution of the Messner album. Ben is playing two pianos and Robert is playing the synth. As a band, they’re as tight as ever and there’s more improv within the songs than ever before.
They have a lot of energy and although Ben looks angry during a few songs (he breaks a string on the piano at one point), there are moments where they smile and laugh w/ each other (Jackson Cannery).
I love seeing those moments of camaraderie considering they’d break up only a few months later - it’s bittersweet.
A few notable moments:
-In Army, Robert sings “God, I’ve got a huge erection” instead of “God, please spare me more rejection.”
-Watching Ben play both pianos at once is incredible. And his solos go to some new and jazzier places through the show. Partially because he breaks a string on the traditional piano, not the tack piano.
-Ben gives Darren side-eye whenever he speeds up the tempo.
-Robert doesn’t miss a note or harmony throughout the entire show. And he’s having fun the entire time. He deserves a lot more credit than he gets, not only from Ben, but the music world.
-Darren, as always, is playing great and looks like the coolest member of BF5.
Oooh, Ben does not like this memory
I haven't seen this since my VCR worked, so like probably 20 years ago... Thank you~!
this is cool- i just discovered this band myself a couple of days ago. i was drunk for 20 years and these guys have me wondering what other great music did i just never hear? it’s cool to finally hear this stuff- it’s SO good!