Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Big People Alert | 1Hour | HD Cartoons for Kids

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and gets stepped on by big people it is not nice there are some big people here too she's a big girl Lucy these are aliens they're here on holiday Hey hello aliens you are me aren't you are they more like you there's my mum and dad we're having a picnic over there so there are three big people on this planet Oh No there's loads millions millions most of them bigger than me hmm perhaps it is time for end of holiday okay let's go and see if your flying saucer is mended ah just in time I've ended the flying saucer well done wise old elf all those tubes and things made it a bit like plumbing and elves are good at plumbing oh that's not right it sounds like on a cold day yes it does a bit of magical help start the ferry car no you must never mix magic and plumbing Oh nonsense sounds good thanks to me being an excellent plumber thanks to my magic fairy dust you mean now let's say elf skill mended the engine and fairy magic got it started [Music] don't tell me elves and fairies again aliens of course we must be Holly would you like good it looks like a normal tree here we are you can tell an oak tree by the shape of the leaves do all trees have little people living in them what of course not tick oak tree on your lists everyone [Music] phew that was close you're telling me right next on the list is insects this way children follow their thing straight for the little castle we have to get there first wait for me [Music] good now we're completely hidden hmm but what about the castle perhaps they won't notice it well no gives it won't notice it a little fairy castle with a flag on top I know I'll just magic the castle invisible brilliant nanny invisible invisible castle disappear invisible invisible disappear a castle this field is a perfect place for insects to live I think I just saw a castle then it went 'visible Oh what fantastic imaginations you children have what that does seem to be something here I can feel a tower with a flag on top oh oh yes insect that's what we're looking for [Music] [Music] and you never know where they're gonna step with them's big feet hello everyone it's your big holy magic dust big and we're going to stay big that's very nice but would you mind lifting your footer oh sorry mr. mayor that's quite all right princess Holly but if you're going to stay big you'll need to watch those feet of yours and that's my mum see you tomorrow feet feet feet oops that was close sorry it's okay mum it's me Oh Ben how did you get so big holy magic to me bigger well you can't come inside like that can Holly make you small again I don't want her to I've decided to stay big forever oh well it's your life I suppose do you want some dinner yes please you've got a lovely large pie for dinner today there you go haven't you got anything bigger what are you talking about that's a huge pie oh I think my tummy is a bit bigger than it was well your tummy might have to go without I'm used to feeding Ben the elf not Ben Vijayan you're not supposed to see us who are you I'm Holly I'm a fairy princess a real fairy princess with wings and a wand and everything yes and this is Ben he's an elf hi Holly hi Ben oh I wrote you a letter thank you oh it's so little it's terrible signal wise Old Town's nanny plum don't you know what time it is I didn't call to RC the time we're in a big house and the windows closed I need some elves to rescue us I see how many else do you need all of them we came in through the window but now it's shot thanks Lucy it was nice meeting you Lucy but we weren't supposed to wake here it's okay I'll pretend to be asleep bye bye hmm I see you wait the little girl up we didn't mean to oh it's okay they always wake up now where's this window that needs opening you just came through it that's an open window yes we've done it ourselves does it need you anymore sorry sorry you just dragged every elf in the kingdom from their beds shush can you be quiet of course I can elves are very good at being quiet and we're this is why elves can't be tooth fairies yes it's luck we won't meet any big people but if we do please keep calm no panicking wise old elf is that one of the big people bus me put us down it's okay it's Lucy she's just a little girl she's ginormous fairies I'll have you know I'm not a fairy I'm an elf has got wings penny fly elves do not fly can you do magic spells elves don't do magic Oh elves do lots of things ones away please there is a farm is no place for magic as you can see Lucy this is a rather bossy where the milk comes from chickens yes we know and we know what chickens give us don't we children chickens are quite stupid creatures because they are so big yes sorry Lucy ah yes and who can tell me what sheep give us who knows what kind of animal fluffy is a hamster yes but what sort of animal is a hamster oh he's a mammal you see a mammal yes well done Lucy its proper name is mess Oh crickey to us our artists its proper name is mess Oh creepy tiss our artists goodness I think we'll just stick with fluffy Oh No yes don't smelt the bananas he likes bananas yes Don here boy stop come back nature is all around us like this pretty little insect does anyone know what she's called Gaston and he's a boy very funny Lucy is it a ladybird yes or you could call her a ladybug and what does she eat Gaston like spice and spaghetti bolognaise pies and spaghetti bolognaise no lady birds eat things like green flies let's keep the Lady Bird in this jar I know Gaston's trapped we'll let her go later I hope Gaston will be all right don't worry I'll get him out of the jar but you'll be saved it's all right then I'll be very careful miss cookie there's a fairy wall here across my desk a fairy let's have a look nonny the teachers coming pretend to be a toy oh yes I'm a toy Oh a little fairy godmother whose toy is this um it's mine do you remember our rule is that's right I'll pop the dolly in my drawer and you can have it back at the end of the lesson alright yes miss cookie pie miss cookie it was a real fairy Thank You Katey let's carry on shall we oh what's this she's got nannies wand how can we hide the treasure with all the dwarves around I know I'm good at voices this is the dwarf boss gobo loves those go go go that's brilliant now watch this [Music] well done nanny plum no probs right let's hide this treasure quickly now dwarves never stop digging for long this diamond tier have we found this treasure well done lads hey what do you mean keep digging in cases more treasure of course we always did twice as hard when we find treasure Oh No what are you doing here anyway this is a dwarf only area we put the treasure there for you to find what we thought you'd stop digging we thought you'd be happy why how thoughtful of you and we thought you'd stop making that racket well I suppose all the noise could be a bit upsetting yes yes it is and that's why we apologize in advance come on lads let's get digging but foolish digging is made me quite tired [Music] [Applause] they've tired themselves out no I know it boss know it knowledge good now they'll sleep for years they'll sleep and sleep and my goodness you've all come em welcome here's a balloon hold on tight or it'll fly away [Music] hey no Gaston bad ladybird that's for later come on everyone party time let's get started with a bit of a boogie [Music] musical statues when the music stops [Music] Katie you moved I nearly stepped on this toy oh I'll just pop at the toy over here with the rest of the toys what are you doing Barnaby sorry Lucy's mom Barnaby we're supposed to stay here but I love to boogie no Lucy's dad is going to do some magic tricks oh goody I love magic it won't be real magic just magic tricks what's a magic tricks you'll say hello and welcome to the magic show you see that's a magic trick it's a trick wand that was really good my dad's been practicing and now I will make a rabbit come out of my hat hey presto it's not nice to see you oh that's a shame normally I'm very popular are you know everyone hates me well I'm not surprised you've beaten our strawberries and our apples and now you're eating our blackberries - oh dear I'm terribly sorry oh we didn't realize they were yours hmm delicious stop it stop it stop eating everything I can help it sorry he's really good at picking blackberries yes the thorns don't bother me oh you have a thick skin why don't you ask 9 if he'll pick blackberries for us clever Holly then we can still have a harvest and I'll harvest dance harvest dance boy dancing can I come no I'll type that as a yes what time does it start mr. 9 you can come to the dance if he picks some blackberries for us it's a deal we'd like this truck filled up with blackberries thank you no problem one blackberry coming up oh it's a nice one not in your mouth in the truck oh yes sorry don't worry this time I'll oh a blackberry Yeow no no no no no this isn't going to work if you keep eating them whoops-a-daisy Oh to apologize this time I'll make sure I oh sorry oh yeah it again ah this is useless every time he has food in his hand he just eats it that's just what gnomes do they eat and eat and eat right it's time for Plan B what's plan B you'll see I'll be back in a moment no but if it's the wise old elf who's come up with it it's bound to be very clever [Music] problem solved frogs can't build fences my dad forever oh no he didn't wear off after a while and he'll be back to his old self again but won't he just start building the fence again oh I never thought of that where was I oh yes I was building a fence it's been ages how long does it take to turn someone into a frog hmm maybe I should go and see how nanny plum is doing good idea off you go then there's a good elf so how is the brilliant plan going I turned the farmer into a frog then he turned back again and he's still building the friends no worries all tournaments for frog again from time no nanny this plan is silly all right smarty pants what's your plan man maybe Lucy's mum can stop the farmer but you said we can't talk to grown-up big people we can't but Lucy can yes I could ask my mom to stop dad come on the important thing is Lucy not to mention elves and fairies Lucy I thought you were helping dad today I was but but what Oh mummy can't dad put the cow somewhere else Lucy whatever has got you so upset it's just that my friends the owl some fairies live there oh no she's telling her everything elves and fairies Oh lovely it's right there really are elves and fairies I know there are darling do you time Oh nanny plum hello mommy how do you know nanny plums name because I remember her from when I was a little girl where is the Queen somehow she shrank down inside the castle I see Oh to sort this mess out myself it let's give father Christmas a ring get me out of this raka still one more box of crackers let's get them loaded [Music] daddy's taking a long time it's funny we never see who delivers them Oh trapped in a cracker oh oh well at least I can phone for help oh yes it's not a phone it's a lump of plastic get me out of this cracker trays delivery of christmas trays wow that's a big Christmas tree [Music] stacked up in a garden center how embarrassing I need to get ready for my Christmas deliveries one last point we wrapped Kings is all trapped in a cracker the wise old elf stuck in a Christmas tree Queen thistle wrapped up as a present what will happen next join us again as our Christmas adventure continues make these seats more comfortable you could make tasty cakes oh I'm sorry I had to free his nanny plum she was very rude to me I don't think mommy meant to be rude mrs. witch maybe not but she was are you going to keep nanny frozen forever no nanny says sorry she can go mummy say sorry to mrs. witch I will not say sorry I was only trying to help you out your grumpy old witch oh so you won't let me go nope we should get help is it all right if we guy misses which of course you have been denied full company what's your plan we have to get the king yes Daddy can tell the wait jar then she'll let nanny go bye-bye yes thank you mrs. rich goodbye bye [Music] mrs. which really angry as now not he's frozen like a statue oh dear daddy if we don't do something the nanny was they frozen forever hmm we'll never see nanny again Oh sad I'm happy no more lovely dinners led to do ctt oh my goodness Rex what's she doing here it's moaning you could grow big again any second [Music] what's all the noise about you woke us up only where's Lucy Shh she's gonna say play [Music] Oh too late oh that's a funny way to wake up Lucy are you alright I'm fine thank you morning all is Lucy around yes I just wanted to say sorry about smashing our houses and stepping on us that's quite all right I couldn't have been stepped on by a [Music] [Music] there you are hi Lucy did you have a nice time it was the best hello mr. Christmas can I speak to the wise old elf get him right away telephone call for the wise old ello princess Holly hello rise out elf it's father Christmas oh excuse me a moment hello oh wise old elf will those dolls be ready in time for Christmas yes mr. Christmas we'll definitely have the dolls ready today and you will make sure they have a pretty red dress won't you yes she'll have a lovely red dress thank you goodbye is this the doll you made for father Christmas yes we're making hundreds of them and they have to be ready today let me see how you make them of course this way we'll be taking the train all aboard first stop level 1 the computer room Oh tight everyone the computer robe it made my tummy all funny good wasn't it and it will be even better next time what do you mean next time you'll say follow me this is where we decide what the toys will look like no no no the toys are designed to the very last detail nothing is left to chance gosh it seems like a lot of hard work for me we pride ourselves on our thoroughness this one's called croissant some mum no cancer mum how did you know that it's on the label oh how odd this star choose labels - and this one this plans got a price on it $4.99 that's good something very strange is going on here everything it's raining this isn't the jungle gastos brought us to the wrong place Paul Redbeard is hundreds of miles away in the real jungle and we're stuck in a garden center we're a bit far from the jungle oh yes whereabouts right now we're in a garden centre in a pot of daffodils oh I can see you I thought you said you'd gone to the jungle it is a jungle in here come and see oh this is ridiculous oh well I suppose we better rescue him anyway carefully now we must not be spotted by the big people why were in the magic door open it's not a magic door you just stand in front of it and it opens but we're too small for the door to notice us time for a bit of magic [Music] now that's what I call a magic door am i pleased to see you me parties don't you me hearty me do you realize how much of our time you've wasted made up a song about him would you like to hear it no I'll take that as a yes oh look I think he's coming Oh is he I'm joy look he's my hat on straight oh it's you I thought you'd gone yes well boy just that is to say I that's the first time I've seen a gnome lost for words would you like to hear a song I've written yes or you take that as a yes all my loyalty gnome eyes lot so lovely air and lots of fruity eyes blimey you're so fair no I'm Gloria they're friends now Gloria will you be my own lady now and live with me forever in the Little Kingdom yes oh well come my dear I'll show you your new house here we are this is where we'll be living Oh whose idea was it to get them together nanny plum your majesty it wasn't it was your idea well you made the breakfast trees you tell me to stop stop what are we going to do about it we can have a big wedding hello again I'm afraid we have some bad news what is it now we've had a look at the elf tree and Gloria feels it's a bit tiny I'm sorry we didn't design our elf tree for gnomes to live in nice of you to apologize but it's still too small and your castle isn't really tore out taste it's too old-fashioned Oh and I'm drafty so I'm afraid we'll have to find somewhere else err well goodbye it's a shame we won't see you ever again oh don't worry we'll be back for our holidays hey why are you so tiny honestly it's not hard to look after Daisy and poppy you just have to play with them but what Daisy like most is their baby doll now where is it where have you put your baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello mrs. elf speaking Oh Ben you sound different yes we need a bit of help please come quick right oh I wonder what the matter can be can you tell me where the big children are the aliens can show us where the seaside is there is no sea on the moon only sand we can still build sandcastles yes no don't start digging up the moon you'll upset the aliens the aliens love building sandcastles [Music] I'm a bit hungry later time for the picnic no magic basket please magic nanny plum are you waving your magic wand around I haven't got my wand remember it wasn't allowed on your silly elf mission ah yes anyway the magic picnic basket doesn't need a wand to work you just ask it for what you want magic basket please make us sandwiches with ham and cheese pudding magic jelly nanny plum we don't want another jelly flood Oh it'll be fine nanny plum I want you to think very carefully about what you are doing whatever magic basket please jelly jelly [Music] what's he doing oh no I forgot to say not a lot [Music] [Applause] what's happening nanny plum has flooded the Sea of Tranquility with jelly daddy plum all the maps of the mood will have to be changed the Sea of Tranquility is now the sea of jelly Thor a keep still pretend to be a statue that's odd some of the decorations have fallen off the tree this little elf must go here and this pretty fairy should be at the top of the tree let's deliver Lucy's presents [Music] you're supposed to be excited about Christmas what are you doing here we're delivering your Christmas present slow to elves and fairies get presents as well no but tonight we have the elf and fairy feast lovely music that sounds nice it's beautiful we'd better go Santa's waiting on your roof delicious this even better we can't start the elf and fairy feast until the others are back well where are they father Christmas gave us a lift on his sleigh thank you father Christmas would you like to stay for our elf and fairy feast no time I'm afraid I have to deliver presents to all the children of the world how many deliveries have you done so far one he's tiny yes on Planet fun we get smaller as we get older who said that daddy oh hello everybody the great leader is very old it is a fantastic honor for you to meet him say hello Gaston Gaston even the great leader naughty Gaston spits the great leader out terribly sorry he's not very house trained yes as our special guests we will now welcome you with a song boys when are you going to start playing the tune save us why do you live on the ground once planet bong was covered in plants everywhere was green and beautiful and the people were happy then the plants began to die out it became too hard to live on the surface so we moved underground everyone lives on the ground yes even the animals animals just a flower gurgles frog gurgles what is so cute mommy can we take the flower gurkel flats blog back home with us please I think it is much happier living here darling um when do we go to the beach [Music] bitch you for helping tidy my house nanny plum no problem mrs. rich my goodness what a lot of cobwebs let's March Eve them away I don't know what I'll do without you nanny but mrs. witch why can't you just use your own magic to tidy your house the thing is I don't do much magic these days I'm retired yeah still got your name Joe cat I say don't feel good about muggy I say cat but it's just a bag of fleas really please mrs. witch you've turned nanny to stone so you can do magic oh listen boss nanny was being very rude about Paula cat can you turn nanny back if she says sorry sorry and say sorry Tamaki sorry Margot oh I forgot she's so touchy about her cat hello are you mrs. which that's me I'm Wendy witch hello Wendy witch I'm so excited to be standing here with you you're famous Emma I was brought up on stories of you doing the fastest spells in the West that was all a long time ago I'm retired now and what a lovely witchy house I can't believe I'll be living here ah what was that I'll be living in your house but this only room in this house for one witch yes now you're retired you'll be going to the old witch's home you'll be very happy there it's full of other old witches watching telly all day you know what I said I was retired I meant I'm not retired goodbye I'm going home now but I want you to stay here and tidy the castle it looks like it's doing a very good job must tidy up must tidy up I think I prefer the traditional fairy way [Music] ah I expect the robot has come to serve us our dinner I think we should tell this robot to stop we can't the robot only listens to Ben so what can we do then tell the robot to tidy the whole castle so maybe we should go to bed and let the robot finish good idea honey the robot should have finished tidying by morning bust tidy up bus tidy up [Music] what is it morning already what's happening is tidying up everything yes including us it's a monster how do we stop it only pen can stop it hello mrs. elf speaking sorry it is a bit late but this is an emergency she's an onion pie thank you very much very big eyes would you like me to tell you an amazing fact about elves I'll take that as a yes the owl is in fact a bird it has big eyes for seeing things 6 o'clock time for bed I'll put the fire out it's dangerous to leave a fire going princess Holly that's right don't go to bed till the fire is out and don't go to bed with a Charlotte on your head then Holly you get in the tent and go to sleep mr. gnome you have to go home camping is not meant to be fun bedtime is at 6 o'clock not the middle of the night oh oh you know a song about the middle of the night would you like to hear it I'll take that as a yes Oh bed it was lovely meeting you mr. gnome but now we need to get some sleep oh yes a good night's sleep is very important [Music] hello mr. gnome I've called you here to get rid of some moles it will be my pleasure Oh trees they're not Lloyd Pease custard creeps order or you seek my song and strum along with that was easy wasn't it Thank You gnome how much do I owe you oh I'm not finished yet your majesty if I go now the mole will come back what then you must stay as long as it takes of course getting rid of moles uses a lot of energy on my tummy is very empty nanny plump and get this gnome some food very well your majesty i sack of cheese sandwiches with a bucket of tea I say you are hungry I will also need some workers absolutely wise old elf i command you to do whatever the gnome says as you wish sigh you your majesty not at all just let me know when you're finished so I can pay my goal of course your royalness I am the wise old elf I look after this royal golf course and my knowledge of it is second to none can you use a shovel yes good the first job is to flatten these hills my name's Ben but you can call me Holly that's nice you can call me mr. gnome I need a deck chair and a fishing rod why do you need a fishing rod on a golf course so I can pretend to fish there's me faithful parrot this is Polly she alone was my companion as we sailed through the endless waters the conversation must have been riveting why are you an evil nasty bad pirate well no the thing is it's quite hard to be a pirate when you're as small as an elf all the other folks are so big so you didn't there any pirates see things a soul of course I did what would any self-respecting pirate be without treasure and here's me treasure map Wow now then somewhere on this map is the hidden treasure Kingdom all right that's just a start my shipmates they'll be a big search with lots of clues no need for a big search and a lot of old fuss I can majid you some treasure rides here abracadabra no that's cheating yes that's true nanny plum it's not as exciting all right just trying to save a bit of time there's an accent meadow is that where the treasure is there's only one way to find out meadow wait we may need a stained pirate's treasure is often buried in the ground [Music] me hearties I'm red beard to the elf pirate and this is me friend Polly looking for hidden treasure sent us this flowery letter asking for a feast yes well if I just drop in boy I find people usually send me away but if I send a letter is King Leopold I get a bit bored of a welcome and a dinner it works the first time anyway can I have this POI yes I suppose sit very nice we know a fact about boys do you want to hear it no I'll take that as a yes toys are never found in the wild though you have to be made by someone turns out to be the new yes it's an outrage King and you've all been making such a fuss about a very important person coming daddy is right yes wish is there welcome King Leopold especially after all our practice let's enjoy ourselves we put a party with music and lovely food yes I suppose things haven't worked out too badly King and Queen marigolds are here oh no more poise what's this it's spaghetti vongole okay I'll give it a go what will the Marigold say when they see that their loss and blow and blow and well he's there he's at Niren King look he doesn't even wear a crown oh boy keep it under me act oh I'm not he is how modern oh I feel positively overdressed me true from now on I'm going to wear oh yes the crystal ball is showing us what Gaston did yesterday and then we can work out where he is not just a pretty face a where's she going that's me feeding Gaston yesterday me to feed you [Music] Gaston that's my mum here's your breakfast I thought it was just me who fed him he's at the grades health tree and that's the yl I haven't forgotten you here's your breakfast that's another break fast Gaston's off the gang you can't these anymore breakfast and that's missus father in jail here's your porridge Susan Susan could Carol Susan by my reckoning that's for breakfast I think Gaston is lots of food because he does lots of running about surprised after all that eating no this bit can you skip past it okay I'll fast forward that's the sound of big people quick get out of the bin huh what was that not a bean it's the great elf tower just get out of there you silly old oh excuse me hello smelly little fairy I am NOT a smelly little fairy I'm a smelly little elf we're having a picnic look Gaston it's Rex because you're smelly charmed I'm sure your friends this isn't fairy land it's the Little Kingdom load the elf trucks right ho why do you want all the stuff we use it to make toys it makes lovely compost for the elf spa back to the elf tree [Music] let's get these down to the elf factory without windows you've seen the elves and fairies - dad I've been thinking about it and I've decided I imagined it all there are no such things as fairies or elves Lucy's dad yeah an elf in a submarine we're fishing yes we were just having a quiet morning's fishing it's big berry the fish is called berry yes the biggest baddest fish in the lake whoa what whopper of course I will but but just take a photo so I can show my friends there you go Barry we've got another fish oh well this isn't a fish yes it's from the bottom of the lake so it can't belong to anyone cool okay well is it it's been nice chatting to you little folk but I think it's time to go home do you think the mirror is magic dad I hope not I've seen enough magic for one day [Music] listen somebody's crying it's a girl hello what are you doing in the leg I live here you live in the light yes I'm a mermaid my name is Oceana why were you crying I've lost my mirror that must be the mirror Lucy found and where is this Lucy she's a big girl so she'll probably be on her way to school bye Lucy Nick you up later right let's make sure we're not around when that happens Wow look at all those frogs then what's this sorry about this but I'm going to have to turn you all into frogs just prepared friends well it's going to happen at some point anyway so I thought it's a bit it's how I just learn how looks live into frogs all the big people in the museum you've turned them all into frogs that's right I knew you'd be pleased huh what happened where am I this museum man he's turned back to himself again yes and he's confused I think this is as good a time as any to leave [Music] next chopped that Little Kingdom [Music] well all-in-all that didn't go too badly we survived and the museum wasn't destroyed you see all you have to do is trust the little darlings and they will repay your trust she's really in a world of her own she never learns and next time I thought we could visit a next time yes we'll visit a big castle you know I've always wanted to live in the times of knights in armor let's bring her back abracadabra on second thoughts I never want to live in the time of knights in armor I think the safest nicest time is right here and now [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 274,426
Rating: 3.8673718 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: y785_cXM7co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 28sec (4048 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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