Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 🎈 It's Christmas Party Time! 🎄 1Hour | HD Cartoons for Kids

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everyone is here even Gaston brother Tony with and the little Gaston here's your present it's a squeaky toy [Music] hello I'm sorry do you have an invitation I don't need one I'm King thistle king fish salt King thistle no your name's not on here what but it's my party now it's not mine it's Gaston the lady Birds party what take it easy fella it's supposed to be a happy occasion it's all right he's with us you said you didn't want a party I know I said that but what I really meant was I don't want a party I'm sure Gaston won't mind sharing his party with you Gaston be nice and share your present with King thistle Gaston that's not how to behave on your birthday for me how kind it's a squeaky toy yes for you to chase and now it's time for the birthday song it's about Gaston daddy [Music] maybe birthday parties aren't that bad noise yeah really easy yeah it's amazing what can be done without using magic yes nanny plum it is now quick will you be late for Ben's birthday party [Music] Ben's going to love his birthday card [Music] hi olli happy birthday Ben thanks ollie Ben's had lots of lovely cards today I made my cards but magic well I made my card with a computer oh I brought mine from a shop that's nice Holly can I have your card now please ah it isn't very good I didn't use magic or a computer or buy it from a shop I made it myself you mean you didn't just use magic wow it's fantastic actually bang I did forget your birthday yes I know you always forget my birthday do i yes but it doesn't matter you're still my best friend that's just the wise old elf I'm not just the wise old elf I'm also a children's entertainer [Music] [Applause] especially when they do magic there won't be any magic at this party I'll put the toddler's ones into the library where they can't cause any trouble very clever let's get this party started musical statues when the music stops you have to stand as still as a statue I saw you move and you little that's because they haven't been turned to stone yet you've magic them into real statues of course that's how we fairies play musical statues this is not a fairy party turn them back to normal okay the big Children's ones are going into the library with the others now it's time to play stick the tail on the donkey yes the donkey looks like a cabbage or a duck it's a donkey now I will blindfold little elf and she'll try to stick this tail on the donkey [Music] again it's a stupid game anyway you need to be drunkards to stick the tail on [Music] [Applause] Oh looks like the twins party has started party time let's get started with a bit of a bougie [Music] musical statues when the music stops [Music] Katie you moved I nearly stepped on this toy No oh I'll just pop up the toy over here with the rest of the toys what are you doing Barnaby sorry Lucy's mom Barnaby we're supposed to stay here but I love to boogie no Lucy's dad is going to do some magic tricks oh goody I love magic it won't be real magic just magic tricks what's a magic tricks you'll say hello and welcome to the magic show you see that's a magic trick it's a trick wand that was really good my dad's been practicing and now I will make a rabbit come out of my hat Hey rest oh I can't Lucy only has one rabbit oh maybe he needs a bit of help no strawberry rabbits rabbits rabbits how many gold coins have I earned for being a sailor you earned one gold coin but for sinking the ship we'll have to take it back for working in the factory you earned one gold coin but for causing a dark flood we'll have to take it back and for working on the farm you earned one gold coin but for making the pumpkin explode we'll have to take it back but I need a gold coin I suppose I'll just have to come back to work tomorrow ah take the gold coin and don't come back tomorrow what gold coin I earned it all myself oh well done darling we just chuck it in the magic money chest well done daddy he worked so hard today it was fun well I'm off don't want to be late where are you going daddy back to work I decided to work evenings but we have the money daddy there's more to work than money hollien the elves need me your majesty we need you you see we want you to be the King to gain but Kings don't work I want to be useful but kings are useful we needed a king to launch the OU ship that's true you launched the elf ship daddy even though you saw two sank it as well we couldn't make our toys if a king didn't inspect them and most importantly a king has to start our harvest dance I see well in that case start the harvest dance [Music] [Applause] maybe not over my best it looks a bit funny if you ask me it is the traditional Viking boat oh no it isn't I'll show you a traditional Viking boat mr. elf please bring out our boat right Oh Oh what's wrong we can't get the boat through the door it's too big oh that's a bit embarrassing I suppose you want some ferry out getting it out yes please well I suppose we might be able to fix it in time Oh hello everyone have you finished my boat yes your majesty what's that your boat so I told you to make me a boat that wouldn't be laughed at and this is what you made yes your majesty whose idea was the hippo head that was my idea I thought of the flames and the legs my idea are your majesty Oh I voted the chicken wings I am going to be a complete laughingstock I can't wait to see what King whistles boat looks like oh is that your boat King thistle yes why I know I know it seemed most amazing built we've ever seen it's fantastic well thank you it is the finest built in the cards presence cake and this is nothing to do with my birthday no well I suppose it's not really a birthday then as long as the elf band doesn't turn up one more surprise daddy oh I love surprises you have to close your eyes okay you can open your eyes now [Music] I said no birthday party it's not a birthday party darling it's just a surprise party oh well then I suppose happy birth I mean congratulations your majesty on being such an excellent King well done oh thank you and now for the giant firework it's as big as a carrot I love fireworks and now your majesty the elf band will sing a special song in your honor King thistle is a very old king and he's one year older two days Oh King Sicilies old and gray happy happy happy birthday of course the song isn't actually about you it's about a different King Your Majesty I came far away from here whose birthday it is today in that case it was a very nice song [Applause] [Music] it's breathing in here yes this room must be kept well below freezing temperature at all time all these lovely things have made of ice they look very beautiful Queen Mary girl yes they're cool please don't touch are they made with magic yeah that would be too easy they're made from ice that froze over a thousand years ago Wow and hand-carved by Norwegian mining Dixieland these sculptures are one-of-a-kind and simply irreplaceable whoo I swore nuts now I select ones oh dear what have you done you've broken my swans head off it's all right I'm magic another one abracadabra make me a bird's ice thingy that's not a swan looks like a hand or a duck maybe it looks lovely I like ducks this way Dukey Bob this is our finest and most treasured collection of all antique toys amazing you must play in here all the time I could play here forever this monkey is over a hundred yes and this clown is over 200 years old apparently they were made at the elf factory by someone called the wise old elf we know the wise old elf huh Jordan know the wise old elf what's him like he's wise now it's not make it [Music] [Music] nanny plum it's snowing in the sitting room is this your doing yes it is inside is for sitting in armchairs and reading outside is for snow inside outside whatever nanny plum you're fired 10v silly I'm taking away your wand until you learn how to control your spells better but what about the snout another word everyone out [Music] now daddy's taking nanny plum swarmed she won't be up to magic any snore now we won't have any snow for Christmas there's always a chance it might snow anyway I can hear something is it snow no it's the elf thing dad's back from the North Pole [Music] that's the last delivery done yes lots of it enough snow to last me a lifetime now you've finished your work mr. Ralph I on holiday holiday no it's Christmas Eve oh yes well soon be home yes and it's good to see that the kingdom isn't flooded with frogs or jelly or anything yes Bali must be behaving herself [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I did try to stop him Manny but he got worse well thank goodness the king and queen aren't here to see all this mess [Music] it's the king and queen it's very nice of you all to welcome us home like this may I be the first to say how pleased we are to see you back again your Majesties while you were away yes yes I'm a bit tired so if you'll excuse me ah stop uh maybe you should go for a little walk Your Majesty I've just got a bit of tidying up to do inside Thank You nanny plum but all I want to do now is have a nice bar [Music] I'll slice the orange how do I just pick knives away it's the smell gnomes hate the smell of oranges oh now we're safe next on the list collect sticks for the campfire okay that's enough sticks hello there a gnome mind if I join you well thank you I'll only stay for a week or two but we had an orange yes we wouldn't have found you if it weren't for the smell of this orange hate oranges normally yes but I'm on a balanced diet you see before ye ten poise and twenty steamed puddings I need to balance that boy in fruit let's make a fire how do you make a fire mr. elf rub two sticks together really fast like this you have to rub the sticks a little bit faster would you like to hear the interesting thing I know about sticks sticks grow on trees I nice room now that's because fire is hot I'm hungry me too what a surprise I badly eaten anything today I've only had 10 poise a skip full of chips 30 apple tarts what's she doing no no I forgot to say not [Music] [Applause] what's happening nanny plum has flooded the Sea of Tranquility with jelly daddy plum all the maps of the mood will have to be changed the Sea of Tranquility is down the sea of jelly sorry sorry the aliens will be very upset like the jelly babies he older they love it I better make some more magic bah No nanny plum I forbid you to make any more jelly on this mission but look at the aliens sad little faces they're still hungry no more magic jelly okay hmm I was looking forward to having a bit of journey myself Oh mummy we can't eat the picnic anyway our space helmets are in the way that's the last straw no water in the sea and we can't eat food what kind of picnic is this it's not okay let's go home nanny plums right it's time to go well that's what I've been saying [Music] I like aliens yes they're lovely everybody get ready for takeoff I will set the controls for let's deliver Lucy's presents Christmas what are you doing here we're delivering your Christmas present slow to elves and fairies get presents as well no but tonight we have the elf and fairy face as lovely music and lanterns and the trees that sounds nice it's beautiful we'd better go Santa's waiting on your roof little snack down there old Santa was a mince pies delicious this drink even better [Music] we can't start the elf and fairy feast until the others are back well where are they father Christmas gave us a lift on his sleigh Thank You father Christmas would you like to stay for our elf and fairy feast no time I'm afraid I have to deliver presents to all the children of the world how many deliveries have you done so far one well good luck good now we're all here Christmas can begin children what does the cow give us a big lick yes and what else [Music] watch me be very gentle and there you have it that's where milk comes from a cow another interesting thing about cows is they always sit down when it's going to rain Oh daddy plum that's just a silly fairy tale it's true cow sit down when it's going to rain yes yes what a superb example of a female bovine quadruped head I just felt a teeny drop of rain these are the cows udders yes [Music] only I could take it loose and open oh dear it's raining and I haven't got my umbrella what about the wise old elf oh he's under a cow at least he's dry under there Lucy could you get busy to stand up I'm sorry cows never get up when it's raining daddy plum you may now use magic if you wish I didn't think you know it's magic just get me out if you're sure I'm sure what's the ingredients a potato and onion some beef and cheese but that's what I would normally cook yes the ingredients are simple but the way we cook them is not now boil a pot of water just put it on onion and cheese boil for one minute then collect this Jane it's a very delicate dish it's such short notice no trouble at all we can't wait to see what's the best cook in the world course for dinner sorry that's my tummy I'm just say looking for me enjoy your meal Majesties yes such a delicate flavor so subtle nanny your majesty what's this called cloud of vegetable soup it's just steamed sartre sensitive dish Oh wonderful okay bad you taste it does it come with any potatoes Oh No I'm hungry no problem these leftover potatoes carrots onions peas and cheese have made a lovely soup this scheme is delicious of course but will there be anything else before yes it's very filling I could eat have tiny something more I could eat a lot lot more what that lovely smell coming from the kitchen [Music] Thanks nice thank you mrs. which we've already eaten mrs. which can we ask you some questions about being a witch of course anything you like are you any good at magic well I don't like to use magic these days because I told you which is the no good at magic and they never use it anyway these days I'm retired so you don't chase elves or fairies anymore then oh no I just look witches don't do anything they just smell a bit funny and make horrible cakes what has the magic they're completely harmless she probably can't even do a simple transformation spell that's okay then why don't you change this horrible wallpaper I'll make these seats more comfortable you could make tasty cakes or get some new clothes makeup I'm sorry I had to free his nanny plum she was very rude to me I don't think mammy meant to be rude mrs. which maybe not but she was are you going to keep nanny frozen forever know if nanny says sorry she can go no me say sorry to missus which I will not say sorry I was only trying to help you out your grumpy old which I prefer cheese sandwiches one bucket of tea mr. Nam needs a deck chair and a fishing rod quickly so he can pretend to fish oh dear I thought this might happen we have flattened all the hills so goodbye thank you boys all else or you will also believe in a windmill what a working windmill is a very difficult thing to build oh it mustn't actually work no just pretend but with sails the go round alright we're building a pretend windmill for the Nome yes it mustn't actually work it's just silly but it looks fun cannoli and I help you oh yes please now we can fix the sails [Music] ah is it dinner time already not really could you get me a bucket of custard and a big jar of pickles please oh and some plastic flowers oh they're a bit small they are quite little aren't they yes we'll need more okay let's try this basket baskets more more MORE phew for a moment there I thought we were going to have another jelly flood [Music] stop it daddy Saddam's shipping magic slave stronger spell I could use the stock magic spell but that's only for royal emergency I declare this a royal emergency Manny where's our food sorry I had to stop all the magic and that included our magic picnic that's strange my food is still here that's because it wasn't made by magic and luckily I've enough for everyone thank you burn but nanny you said fairies don't eat our food uh yes thank you for reminding me princess Holly we can have a nice time without a picnic let's sit and enjoy the view yummy it could be our lunch first the main course the tomato [Music] hmm delicious pudding the strawberry scrumptious yo yeah they're both so very tasty they both win so where's the trophy hope I'm not too late your majesty no you're just in time well done jolly good show hi dad hi Holly bye ollie that was delicious now I'd like a little nap I'm sorry Your Majesty there's no time for that but I'm tired nanny you must make another speech at the festival of elf and fairy dancing oh I don't know anything about dancing how can I make a speech about it daddy I can do a speech I've been watching you do it all day excellent you can make the speech Holly [Music] princess Holly and King thistle hi olli that was the last delivery now we can play you might have finished Ben but I'm still working hurry it's time for your speech good show good show fairy cake hmm these cakes are amazing yum yum yum delicious of course they are magical fairy gay mummy why can't we have magic cakes like this we don't need to do everything by magic darling honestly it's as if your parents think the magic will run out if they use it too much Cedric no not eating will you have a fairy cake well alright put me down oh well if you enforce magic always leads to trouble but you used to love magic that was a long time ago thank goodness none of you could see me then oh I think I've got some old pictures somewhere [Applause] [Music] in those days I wasn't the wise old elf I was a foolish young elf we had such fun you simply are soul magic yes but that was before the incident of the monkey kittens kittens what happened I think I've got a picture of that too No well another time now for the party games we still have to finish hide and seek from last time we never found grandpa paw he's been hiding for a year hiding the whole yeah yes he does take the game very seriously we'll find him leave it to us no problem careful nanny plum Oh mr. elf stop fussing jelly jelly a little bit more mommy oh goodness me woopi-hey okay I just have to make a lot more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] daddy is showing us the way I can hear something what's that what are they shouting Jerry fat watts Jerry firt Jerry blood [Music] and the ants have got all the jelly bacony channels taken a bit about bashing I'm glad that's not my piano actually Your Majesty it is your piano I was just delivering it to you with high notes I know you have this poi SI suppose that very noise I know a fact about boys do you want to hear it no I'll take that as a yes toys are never found in the wild though you have to be made by someone kingly a boat turns out to be the new yes it's an outrage still a king and you've all been making such a fuss about a very important person coming daddy is right yes where is there welcome King Leopold especially after all our practice let's enjoy ourselves we've got a party with music and lovely food yes I suppose things haven't worked out too badly King and Queen marigolds are here [Music] oh no more poise what's this it's spaghetti vongole okay I'll give it a go what will the Marigold say when they see that fell off and blow and blow well he's there he that nearer me King look he doesn't even wear a crown oh boy TP don't do me at harm not he is how modern oh I feel positively overdressed me true from now on I'm going to wear a sack oh yes King Leopold may I present the elf and fairy band lovely can I have this poi SI suppose sit very nice oh no a fact about boys do you want to hear it no I'll take that as a yes toys are never found in the wild though you have to be made by someone turns out to be the new yes it's an outrage he's still a king and you've all been making such a fuss about a very important person coming daddy is right yes where is there welcome King Leopold especially after all our practice let's enjoy ourselves we've got a party with music and lovely food yes I suppose things haven't worked out too badly King and Queen marigolds are here oh no more poise what's this it's spaghetti vongole okay I'll give it a go what will the Marigold say when they see that fell off and blow and blow and blow well he's there he that nearly King look he doesn't even wear a crown oh boy keep it under me act huh I'm not he is how modern oh I feel positively overdressed me true from now on I'm going to wear a sack oh yes and King Leopold may I present the elf and fairy band lovely DOS that was amazing would you like a cup of tea yes please biscuit Oh Ginger Snaps my favorite thank you so much think nothing of it nanny plum it's all in a day's work for rescue [Music] thank you not at all whenever you need us just call well we'd better start fixing me boats and we'd better go home oh but too tired to walk shall we fly that's even more tiring it's not that far nanny plum I'd feel better about it if I had a biscuit maybe I'll call alfresco but nanny I don't think elf rescue is really forgiving people lift Oh nonsense the wise old owl said whenever you need us just call alfresco stop you say hang on we'll be right there elf rescue our girl [Music] what seems to be the problem my legs are tired can I have a lift home what nanny plum the elf Rescue Service is for emergencies only Kieran can you give me a lift or not hmm this is the way to travel tea biscuits and a great view dad can I have a go at flying no Ben you're not a grown-up it's not all the fun we want to rescue people you're just going to have to wait till you're older oh here we go again hey there mr. newm look down here I'm a PI oh this is going to be a long afternoon weren't earthkam maybe it's been ages and we can't start the harvest dance without them well it looks like we can't on a dance then here we are with a fruit harvest blackberry's what happened to the strawberries the gnome ate them no oh no what about the apples the gnome ate them too well I'd like to give this no but talking to you can if you like he's here what's he doing here he helped pick the black breeze for us so he invited him to the dance 8,000 blackberries but we got 10 for us knowing oh I won on the way here sorry anyway there's still enough for a big pie excellent then let the harvest dance commence [Applause] [Music] this is a big boring let's get this party started take your honors please swing to the left step to the relief weaken your hips and get it kitty its traditional that the first slice of pie goes to the person who picked the most fruit Oh who's that then oh thank you very much now watch a beekeeper at work calm safe and sensible I'm a bee buzz buzz buzz noemi in I'm inside take me down all thanks for a jar of honey yes it's very exciting now left to beat the peas will wake up soon if he doesn't get a move on I need position quick wise old out come safe and sensible a nice bees just borrowing a page of honey and I'm a bee buzz buzz hold me up [Music] mission accomplished Tom safe and sensible what are those bees doing that hey they seem to be pulling head ah bee swarm get me out of here maybe they think he's the queen bee we're almost at the little parcel thank goodness the windows open hmm bit of a draft in here let's close the window yeah goodness me wise old elf what are you ah my jar of honey what an amazing delivery service big time who wants to try my lovely cakes [Applause] I've got Rock cakes fudge cake and gingerbread they look lovely in fact they look too good to eat no no I can't wait to try them have a ROC cake no I said oh is it nice it's inedible I mean incredible maybe I'll save it for later try the fudge cake ah isn't it someone else's turn course I do what do you think no no of course not darling it's amazing oh good try the gingerbread dunk it in your coffee that will make it all soft and yummy the coffee has just rolled off it it's completely dried take apply it you know maybe I'll save this one for later okay well I can't stand around chatting I've got loads more cakes to bake rock hard rock cakes super sticky fudge waterproof gingerbread [Music] you never said that you just said watch them you watch them wonder off into the night yes oh all right Cowboys let's round up the chickens Danny remember no sudden loud noises we don't want to chicken Stampede all right you aren't exactly quiet yourself ha else are good at being quiet off at the pass what does that be no idea but they say it in all the cowboy films [Music] which way did the chickens go they went thataway yes that's what they say in cowboy films as well they went thataway [Music] so lovely to wake up to the song of a little bird chickens doing here you said you wanted to check in daddy I didn't expect you to take me seriously you're the king of course we take you seriously what are they doing to my flower garden eating it your majesty if you are going to keep chickens you have to say goodbye to flower gardens [Music] now let's have a nice normal Christmas no weird magical stuff last I'm out of that cracker what what is that it's King thistle he's our friend from the Little Kingdom dad ah magical weirdness it's happening again hello Lucy's dad and hello allow me the honor of reading you the cracker joke what's at the North Pole and has two humps hmm a lost camel good isn't it huh I wrote it myself Lucy you haven't opened your present oh yes Wow a tiny fairy castle so what you doing in there um it's a bit complicated but basically this isn't a toy it's the real little parcel shrunk down are you okay I'll be fine once I'm my own size again um are there any more of you fairies around here [Music] what's that noise hello hello everybody and is that all of you now there are the pine elves - pine elves what are they living now Christmas tree pine elves yes of course why didn't I think of that goodness it looks like just about everyone from the Little Kingdom is here I'll oh um hello we are the Christmas party was around your place this year [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 457,635
Rating: 3.7745099 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: 5z54yr21NeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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