Ben 10 | He's No Ordinary Kid

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all you do is press this button then when the ring pops up just twist it until you see the guy you want to be slam it down and bamoo you're one of 10 super cool alien dudes hey hello how do you do Shady durags here yes yes I know I am once again the savior of the internet for at last reviewing one of your favorite childhood shows you may bask in my greatness yeah ever since I became the superhero guy I've been getting requests after request after request to talk about one of if not the most pivotal superhero show of millennial Zumer childhood Ben 10 so why did it take me so long to finally get to it well if you seen my latest Batman video you should be aware that there are a bunch of shows you intellectuals want me to review that I haven't seen in a hot minute and benen is one of them actually need to sit down and rewatch the dog on thing which I'm really looking forward to cuz I have nothing but good memories of it but I figured hey I can at least give you intellectual something to chew on So today we're starting from the very beginning and looking at the series premiere and then there were 10 yo starts in the middle of space where two ships are in the middle of combat way to hook literally every sci-fi fan and 10-year-old boy in existence with your first scene I'm guessing Star Wars inspired hold damage 20% I have come too far to be denied holy the Dongo Caitlyn really did summon cthulu this is vilg the guy in charge of the big ship though they don't actually say his name in this episode if you're looking at this tentacle face menacing conqueror and thinking to yourself that's definitely the bad guy first of all you're racist second of all you're correct this is indeed the big bad of the show and it speaks to Great Character design that it's so easy to tell that it also helps that his ship and its crew are red a pretty generic bad guy color the Omnitrix shall be mine and there is not a being in the Galaxy that dare stand in my way classic ironic setup there though the dialogue is a little shaky whoever's flying that ship is already standing in vilgax's way what he should have said was and there's not a be in the Galaxy that can stand in my way with the transition we get our first look at our protagonist Benjamin Tennyson who is shown throwing a paper airplane at his teacher instantly demonstrating a part of his character we now know Ben is a bit of a troublemaker and not too studious time for the theme [Music] song I've always liked this one it's not my fave but I think it does a good job summarizing what you're in for using stereotypical alien uh is it whistling now I'm not sure what that noise is but when you hear it you know aliens are involved same goes for the clicking these two play right before the meat of the intro immediately setting its theme as well as the shows mixing these with a catchy song and some decent visuals it all works with setting things up as well as getting you hyped though there could have been more emphasis on the other characters who aren't Ben personally this is an intro I wouldn't have played in the first episode since it's got a few spoilers in it but this was back before streaming was mainstream so who knows if they even had a choice in the matter back to the episode oh yeah that's right men of action made this wait wasn't this the first show they ever did well would you look at that this episode's history in the making for those of you out of the loop Man of Action Entertainment is a creative studio and writer Collective that made a good chunk of praiseworthy projects it's actually not the first time we've seen them here on the channel as they were also responsible for Earth's Mightiest Heroes and I just want to remind you all that I will be teaching summer school this year and it's not too late to sign up yeah right yes yes we all know about now that I'm a ter strong Fanboy what's more interesting is Jennifer hail I'm always shocked to hear recognizable voices in small roles even though that happens all the freaking time and there's no way they did this on purpose but having fem be one of the first voices in a show about aliens is pretty fitting the bell rings and Ben exclaims how excited he is for the start of summer vacation we transition to outside where a couple of bullies are doing what bullies do Ben steps up telling them to back off what are you going to do about a Tennyson way to break stereotypes I would not have guessed that kid was a bully Ben charges in but only winds up making things worse I was just trying to help next time you want to play Hero make sure you can back it up and with that little scene we finish setting up Ben's core characteristics he's no angel but he is willing to stand up for the little guy he saw someone else in trouble and went to help completely disregarding his own safety in the matter the boy's got a heroic Spirit even if he lacks the skills and maturity to back it up in short he's a good kid a mobile home shows up and we get introduced to our other main characters Maxwell Tennyson Ben's grandfather and gwendelyn Tennyson Ben's cousin what is she doing here somebody convinced my mom that going camping for the summer would be a good experience for me I thought it would be fun if your cousin came along with us this summer I feel like that was an awful idea Max Gwen didn't want to go Ben did want to go and Ben didn't want Gwen there it feels like this makes no one happy and only causes problems also from Ben's reaction this is extremely short notice some people need mental preparation for extra company it's difficult to angry though Max just wants his family to spend time with each other I can sympathize with that I wait all school year to go on this trip and now the queen of Cooties is along for the ride now that we've got both of them on the screen I want to say that Ben and Gwen have fantastic designs I think how they look here is my favorite iteration of the characters especially Gwen even if the cat logo annoys me a little bit I'm not too Savvy on Art so it's difficult for me to describe in technical terms exactly what I like about the designs but the best way I can put it into words is that it feels like I'm eating candy with my eyes and no not eye candy that's a completely different thing you might notice that both Ben and Gwen are spotting green eyes if there's a lore reason for this like they get it from their alien DNA or something I'm not aware of it I just know that green is a go-to color when it comes to aliens so I think it's a nice touch oh yeah uh Ben and Gwen both have alien ancestry ignore that for now I had my own vacation already all planned out too you know each activity is colorcoded so I never did the same thing two days in a row just going to add Gwen to the list there there we go yeah despite me not being a girl last I checked Gwen has always been my favorite character in this iteration of Ben 10 I'm drawn to her for similar Reasons I'm drawn to gear from static shock doesn't matter your race or your sex if you're the more nerdy one of the characters you have a better chance of me liking you although in this case I'm actually drawn more to Gwen than I am gear because she's also a goody two shoes yes boys stereotypically are bigger troublemakers than girls but that was a stereotype I did not meet so Gwen tended to be my comfort character whenever Ben would act out also I didn't know this until recently but apparently a lot of people had a crush on gwy and I don't mean gwy throughout the series I mean they crushed on this specific version of the character nothing wrong with that it's just I wasn't aware of it I knew about characters like the Teen Titans girls and the Totally Spies girls but Gwen came as a complete surprise to me then again I was 14 when this show came out so none of my peers would have crushed on her or at the very least they wouldn't have admitted to it the episod continues and it's Max's turn to get some characterization so he tries to get the kids to eat the exotic food he prepared if these don't sound good I've got some smoked sheep's tongue in the fridge I would definitely try tongue before Downing alive worms I got a half eaten bag of corn chips and a candy bar in my backpack some rice cakes and hard candy think we can make them last the whole summer M so far the episode's doing a really good job letting us get to know the characters it's only been about 5 minutes and we've learned a lot about these guys and it's all pretty much been shown rather than told like here what we just witnessed was that even though W and B get under each other's skin there's still a sense of camaraderie between them they may have their differences but at the end of the day they're both kids back in space vilga and the Mystery ship are still going at it the two managed to get critical blows on each other with vilgax's Bridge getting blown up and the Mystery ship having its propulsion system damaged the mystery ship eventually gets destroyed but in its damaged State still manages to send out a probe back on Earth who wants to roast marshmallows okay um I get that betting gwend is like each other so it makes sense that they don't want to even try to bond but the last scene we were shown was them willing to come together to eat food their very next scene being them not willing to come together to eat food is contradictory Ben decides to take a walk just to get away from Gwen and heads into the woods during his journey the probe that we saw get launched comes crashing down Ben goes to inspect the crash and finds what we've all been waiting to see a watch yes it tells time and nothing else Ben reaches for the so-called watch with his left hand for some reason and as soon as he does the alien device sticks itself upon his wrist apparently it's got some secrets that it's hiding Ben's been gone a while unless he wound up bare food I Can Dream can't I nah so Gwen would also choose the bear Ben tries to Pride the device off himself but the pit boy is stubborn while he can't get it off he does manage to turn it on that is the correct response hey I'm on fire and I'm okay Steve bloom all goodness I did not know he was in this he's also the voice of Vilgax what the Bey Earth being that is keeping the onri for me oh wow I didn't even catch that check it out I'm totally hot all right Gwen's still my favorite but Ben does have his moments Ben now realizing he can blast heat does with just about any t y old boy with no forethought would do wait stop it's my D andd players when they realize Fireball is an AOE not a targeted spell this would be so cool if it weren't so not cool H I see what you did there Max and gwy can see the fire from where they are and immediately get scared that Ben might have caused it better take this okay Max I get that you want to rescue Ben but why are you bringing Gwen she's a 10-year-old girl tell her to stay in the camper where it's safe and now she's by herself why I repeat she's 10 years [Music] old again that is the correct response there's no reason to be scared okay Gwen's a very capable 10-year-old girl but still don't even think about it freak Ben freak was not the best choice of words there the writer should have had Ben called GW CTI queen or something else very specific that would give away his identity what [Music] happened when are you all right what in blazes H I also see what you did there it's me Grand up Ben Max tells Ben to use his new powers to start another fire ahead of the flame so they'll cancel each other out back in space we see the results of vilg he's a bit cranky because the space battle almost killed him wuss also his men can't find a device he wanted it landed on the planet blow go bring it to me we cut back to Earth where the tenisons are trying to figure out exactly what's going on he's not a monster he's an alien I I mean look at him good foreshadowing of things to come Ben starts to think he'll be stuck as what he is forever however before he can get too worry the device on him starts flashing and he turns back into a human Max tells the kids not to mess with the device anymore and that he's going to check the crash site meanwhile ad said crash site do you feel better about yourself what exactly did that accomplish ah see better that might actually do something back to the camp jeez there are a lot of cuts here Ben is actively disobeying Max's orders what did it feel like going all alien like that it was like I was me but it was also like I was somebody else scenes like this where the characters are just expressing themselves are important they might not necessarily Advance the plot but they do Advance character and help the audience empathize case in point if I can figure this thing out maybe I can help people not just you know make things worse you do have to be careful not to relate too much information though to avoid getting Talking Heads scenes in this particular case this scene does advance the plot because Ben figures out how to transform again what good is this one I can't see after showing off his abilities and teasing Gwen Ben heads off into the woods to test out his new form I'm going to tell Grandpa that you turned into some freaky animal monster thing and went swinging around the forest when he told you not to wow what a tattletail no wonder she's my comfort character Ben eventually runs into one of the floating robot Scouts thanks to his new form the kid is able to tear apart the robot but he inadvertently changes back right before the second one appears back off Spark okay giving you points for making sure Gwen is not a useless character however this kind of undermines Ben's new abilities what you're effectively showing us is that Ben's dog form is just as dangerous as a 10-year-old girl with a shovel I was worried that you might get popular with that thing on your wrist sorry grandpa but at least I figured out how to make it work with a device as powerful as that watch clamped on you my guess is we better help you learn I'm starting to think you might be a bad influence Max the responsible thing to do would be to contact Ben's parents tell them the trip is off and let them know what's happening before beining it to Mount Rushmore why Mount Rushmore uh reasons suddenly the Tennison get a distress call on their radio about a robot attack Ben thinks that maybe he'll be able to help now that he's partially figured out how the watch works here goes so what can this guy do I don't know but I bet it's going to be cool probably should have started with one you already know how to use I'm actually Ben doesn't have total control over which alien he's going to become um actually he doesn't even try here the tenyson head over to the campground and superhero Shenanigans ens Su you want somebody to pick on try me what is going on here you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you now come on did they just make her do an anime girl run for a split second why was that easier to animate as the fight goes on Ben adapts to his new body he learns that he's durable can morph himself and is able to reflect lasers what comes around goes around the child in me is very satisfied that was awesome way to go be um Diamond headed guy is there a reason he needs a secret identity especially with a name like Ben the robots are tracking him because he's wearing alien Tech the next day as Max and Gwen are packing up Ben demonstrates another one of his aliens this time one with the power of super speed part of the fun with shows like this was waiting to to see what powers would be discovered so it's interesting that this first episode was willing to reveal four aliens right off the bat just had to take care of a couple of things before our vacation really got rolling hey somebody anybody uh Ben you're pushing Man of Steel territory there and I just did a video about how I don't like that he's a kid I guess I could let it slide and that was and then there were 10 freaking fantastic episode it excellently does what a series premiere is supposed to do all the basic information we need to learn about these characters in this world is delivered insanely well while still leaving plenty of room for us to learn more as the series goes on not only that but there were a plethora of action scenes and they all felt organic we even get to see the big bad and he's given a logical reason as to why he won't immediately go after the hero directly there are projects that exist who owe their success solely to execution like they sound awful on paper but how they were implemented turned them into successes it's no wonder Ben 10 got as big as it did because it was both amazing on arrival and well executed 10 superhero aliens being controlled by a 10-year-old kid with his wise grandfather and his no-- all cousin even without good writing you would have to try spectacularly hard to mess up a concept that brilliant thankfully not only did Man of Action not do that but they delivered a product so well that it would be popular for over a decade though let's be real here the main reason this show keeps coming back is that literally every version of Ben comes with at least 10 alien toys that can be sold to kids still with this fantastic execution to an already promising idea it makes perfect sense that greatness for Ben 10 would not be an alien concept this has been Shady durags So Long Farewell not be thean goodbye [Music] w
Channel: Shady Doorags
Views: 89,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: montrel, mccall, shady, doorags, durags
Id: mY9ok3zOP2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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