Below Mount Manaslu - Samagaon, Birthplace of Tsoknyi Rinpoche

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[Music] for over 500 years silk knee Rinpoche's family has called samogon home it is a remote village in the high Himalayas at the foot of mana Slough the eighth highest mountain in the world [Music] Oh [Applause] yeah my mother site they come from Tibet so they're left upper part of the Tibet so slowly they settle here then later 1959 just little bit before the China communist some problem in Tibet my father to vision which she left Tibet and before he left I think something jumps at all him we should go to newly this area to meet Lama Tashi Thursday which is my grandfather my mother's father they met here and slowly slowly to unity come stay almost six seven months maybe one year and then I come into the being now I'm also newly have no rehab division the place is just lovely I have a very good memory [Music] when I was in about eight nine years old I come here because my house is very close sometimes we shout from top and then the I sold our friends come we gather here we play play maybe a little bit we go to the other side of the river and play with a mind-blower the water this water to speak water they also I think it's very healthy to play childhood I remember that yeah yeah [Music] despite the stunning landscape the villagers live in grinding poverty village women's lives entail back-breaking labor from sunup to sundown food and goods not grown or sourced locally can require weeks of transport family homes are oft in one room lack indoor plumbing and are black with soot from indoor cooking fires access to health care remains limited [Music] young women have few opportunities beyond marriage childbearing and working in the fields so kini Rinpoche offers young Nepali women up half to a better life through the school and nunnery he founded soap chuckling two of the nuns Yeshe Paul mo and trimly pomo accompanied him during his visit they visited their families for the first time in several years when she was seven years old she could become nun little sheep in LA for eight years and this is first time coming home ah [Music] [Music] [Music] Trin lipoma and Yoshi pomo are continuing their studies at sock chuckling with many other girls and young women from sama gone and new Bri in 2020 Trin lipoma was among the first group of nuns to graduate from silk magic exedra a nine year University in Buddhist philosophy it's an important milestone the soap mega chuckling campus continues to expand to meet its ever-growing student population [Music] however the student body continues to grow and is outpacing construction of the facilities at soup mega Jack's school all the young nuns receive an exceptional secular education as well as traditional monastic training the education health care and opportunities afforded here address many of the persistent problems in high Himalayan villages please join us in supporting Sulc new Rinpoche's vision to give young women the opportunity to train in this rich transformative spiritual tradition [Music]
Channel: Tsoknyi Nuns
Views: 32,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j081VwwRyLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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