Believe Me, We Earthlings Will Never Colonize Mars!

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Believe me, we Earthlings  will never colonize Mars! A now very near future in which humans will  establish lasting colonies on Mars is something   many of us now take for granted. Believing this is  part of the optimism to which our faith in science   and technology has accustomed us. But in the case of Mars,   that compared to the Moon is a world thousand  times more distant and equally inhospitable,   are we really sure of what we are told every day? Elon Musk thinks Mars is like Earth?   But who would like to live in underground  tunnels lit by anti-depression lamps,   feeding on lettuce grown under UV lights? Who among us would be willing to live in   a place where he could no longer  breathe the air outside, and where   he would have to wear a spacesuit all the time,  knowing that out there the slightest accident   would be enough to find himself dead in less than  a minute? Sure, for an astronaut to walk on Mars   would be an amazing and profound experience.  But visiting the planet to expand the frontier   of our knowledge is very different from living  there permanently by forming bases and colonies.   Mars is not made for humans. Mars will kill you! And now I will explain why... The Red Planet is a cold, dead place, with an  atmosphere about 100 times thinner than Earth’s.   The paltry amount of air that does exist on Mars  is primarily composed of noxious carbon dioxide,   which does little to protect the  surface from the Sun’s harmful rays.   Air pressure on Mars is only about 0.6 percent  that of Earth. You might as well be exposed to   the vacuum of space, resulting in a severe form  of the bends—including ruptured lungs, dangerously   swollen skin and body tissue, and ultimately  death. The thin atmosphere also means that heat   cannot be retained at the surface. The average  temperature on Mars is -63 degrees Celsius,   with temperatures dropping as low as -126. By contrast, the coldest temperature ever   recorded on Earth was at Vostok Station in  Antarctica, at -89 degrees on June 23, 1982.  Once temperatures get below -40 degrees, people  who aren’t properly dressed for the occasion   can expect hypothermia to set in  within about five to seven minutes.  Mars also has less mass than is typically  appreciated. Gravity on the Red Planet is   just a third of the Earth's, which means a 70 kg  person on Earth would weigh a scant 25 kg on Mars.  While that might sound appealing, this  low-gravity environment would likely   wreak havoc to human health in the long term, and  possibly have negative impacts on human fertility.  Yet despite these and many other issues, there’s  this popular idea floating around that we’ll soon   be able to set up colonies on Mars with ease. Elon Musk is projecting colonies on Mars as early   as the 2050s, while astrobiologist Lewis Darnell,  a professor at the University of Westminster,   has offered a more modest estimate, saying  it’ll be about 50 to 100 years before   “substantial numbers of people have moved  to Mars to live in self-sustaining towns.”  The United Arab Emirates is aiming to build a  Martian city of 600,000 occupants by 2117, in   one of the more ambitious visions of the future. Sadly, this is literally science fiction. While   there’s no doubt in my mind that humans will  eventually visit Mars and even build a base or   two, the notion that we’ll soon set up colonies  inhabited by hundreds or thousands of people is   pure nonsense, and an unmitigated denial of the  tremendous challenges posed by such a prospect. Pioneering astronautics engineer Louis Friedman,  co-founder of the Planetary Society, likens   this unfounded enthusiasm to the unfulfilled  visions proposed during the 1940s and 1950s.   “Back then, cover stories of magazines like  Popular Mechanics and Popular Science showed   colonies under the oceans and in the Antarctic -  Friedman told. The feeling was that humans would   find a way to occupy every nook and cranny of the  planet, no matter how challenging or inhospitable,   but this just hasn’t happened. We make occasional  visits to Antarctica and we even have some bases   there, but that’s about it. Under the oceans it’s  even worse, with some limited human operations,   but in reality it’s really very, very little.” After the Moon landings, Friedman said he and   his colleagues were hugely optimistic  about the future, believing we would do   more and more things, such as place colonies  on Mars and the Moon, but the fact is,   no human spaceflight program, whether Apollo,  the Space Shuttle Program, or the International   Space Station, has established the necessary  groundwork for setting up colonies on Mars,   such as building the required infrastructure,  finding safe and viable ways of sourcing food   and water, mitigating the deleterious effects of  radiation and low gravity, among other issues.  Unlike other fields, development  into human spaceflight, he said,   “has become static.” Friedman agreed that  we’ll likely build bases on Mars, but the   “evidence of history” suggests colonization  is unlikely for the foreseeable future.  NASA and other space agencies are currently  working very hard to create and test   countermeasures for the various negative impacts  of living on Mars. For example, astronauts on   the ISS, who are subject to tremendous muscle and  bone loss, try to counteract the effects by doing   strength and aerobic training while up in space,  but we’re not there yet... is still not enough.  In his latest book, On the Future: Prospects for  Humanity, cosmologist and astrophysicist Martin   Rees addressed the issue of colonizing Mars rather  succinctly: "Don’t ever expect mass emigration   from Earth. It’s a dangerous delusion to think  that space offers an escape from Earth’s problems.   We’ve got to solve these problems here. Coping  with climate change may seem daunting, but it’s   a doddle compared to terraforming Mars. No place  in our solar system offers an environment even as   clement as the Antarctic or the  top of Everest. There’s no ‘Planet   B’ for ordinary risk-averse people". By terraforming, scientists are referring   to the hypothetical prospect of geoengineering a  planet to make it habitable for humans and other   life. For Mars, that would mean the injection  of oxygen and other gases into the atmosphere   to raise surface temperature and air pressure,  among other interventions. A common argument in   favor of colonizing Mars is that it’ll allow us to  begin the process of transforming the planet to a   habitable state. But, as Friedman told, “that’s  thousands of years in the making at least.”  To be clear, terraforming is not  necessarily an impossibility, but the   timeframes and technologies required preclude  the possibility of sustaining large, vibrant   colonies on Mars for the foreseeable future. Until such time, an un-terraformed Mars will   present a hostile setting for venturing pioneers.  First and foremost there’s the intense radiation   to deal with, which will confront the  colonists with a constant health burden.  There are many other big challenges to colonizing  Mars, with radiation exposure being one of them.   This is an “issue that a lot of folks, including  those at SpaceX, aren’t thinking about too   clearly. Living underground or in shielded bases  may be an option, but we have to expect that   cancer rates will still be “an order of magnitude  greater” given the added exposure over time.  We could quantify the risks for about a  year, but not over the super long term.   The problem is that you can’t stay underground  or in bases forever. As soon as you go outside   to do anything, you’re in trouble! In principle, we could create artificial   environments on Mars, whether by building domes  or underground dwellings, and so the radiation   problem may be solvable, but the problems  are still huge, and in a sense anti-human.  Life in a Martian colony,  in fact, would be miserable,   with people forced to live in artificially  lit underground bases, or in thickly protected   surface stations with severely minimized access  to the outdoors. Life in this closed environment,   with limited access to the surface, could result  in other health issues related to exclusive   indoor living, such as depression, boredom from  lack of stimulus, an inability to concentrate,   poor eyesight, and high blood pressure - not  to mention a complete disconnect from nature.  And like the International Space Station, Martian  habitats will likely be a microbial desert,   hosting only a tiny sample of the bacteria  needed to maintain a healthy human microbiome. "Hey guys, just a moment before we continue...  BE sure to join the Insane Curiosity Channel...   Click on the bell, you will help us to  make products of ever-higher quality!" Another issue has to do with motivation. As  Friedman pointed out earlier, we don’t see   colonists living in Antarctica or under the  sea, so why should we expect troves of people   to want to live in a place that’s considerably  more unpleasant? It seems a poor alternative to   living on Earth, and certainly a major step  down in terms of quality of life. A strong   case could even be made that, for prospective  families hoping to spawn future generations   of Martian colonists, it’s borderline cruelty. And that’s assuming humans could even reproduce   on Mars, which is an open question. Casting  aside the deleterious effects of radiation   on the developing fetus, there’s the issue  of conception to consider in the context   of living in a minimal gravity environment. We  don’t know how sperm and egg will act on Mars,   or how the first critical stages of conception  will occur. And most of all, we don’t know how   low gravity will affect the mother and fetus. The issue of human gestation on Mars is a   troublesome unknown. The low gravity may  also “confuse” the gestational process,   delaying or interfering with critical  phases of the fetus’ development.  On Earth, bones, muscles, the circulatory  system, and other aspects of human physiology   develop by working against gravity. The  human body might adapt to the low-gravity   situation on Mars, but we simply don’t know. A strong case can be made that any attempt to   procreate on Mars should be forbidden until more  is known. Enforcing such a policy on a planet   that’s 34 million miles away at its  closest is another question entirely,   though one would hope that Martian societies won’t  regress to lawlessness and a complete disregard of   public safety and established ethical standards. Astronauts who return from long-duration missions   have a rough go for the first few days back  on Earth, experiencing nausea, dizziness, and   weakness. Some of them, like NASA’s Scott Kelly,  never feel like their old selves again, including   declines in cognitive test scores and altered  gene function. The recovery time is proportionate   to the length of the mission - the longer the  mission, the longer the recovery. Disturbingly,   we have no data for microgravity exposure beyond  a year or so, and it’s an open question as to   the effects of low gravity on the human body  after years, or even decades, of exposure.  With this in mind, it’s an open question as to  how Martian colonists might fare upon a return   visit to Earth. It might actually be a brutal  experience, especially after having experienced   years in a partial gravity environment.  Children born on Mars (if that’s even a   possibility) might never be able to visit  the planet where their species originated. Finally, there’s the day-to-day  survival to consider.   Limited access to fundamental  resources, like food and water,   could place further constraints on a  colony’s ability to grow and thrive.  Establishing stable resources to live off  for a long period of time is possible,   but it’ll be tough. We’ll want to be close to  water and water ice, but for that we’ll have   to go pretty far north. But the further north you  go, the rougher the conditions get on the surface.   The winters are cold, and there’s less sunlight. Colonists will also need stable food sources, and   figure out a way to keep plants away from  radiation. The regolith, or soil, on Mars is   toxic, containing dangerous perchlorate chemicals,  so that also needs to be avoided. To grow crops,   colonists will likely build subterranean  hydroponic greenhouses. This will require   specialized lighting, genetically modified  plants designed specifically for Mars,   and plenty of water, the latter of which  will be difficult to source on Mars.  Technological solutions to these problems  may exist, as are medical interventions to   treat Martian-specific diseases. But again,  nothing that we could possibly develop soon.   And even if we do develop therapies to treat  humans living on Mars, these interventions are   likely to be limited in scope, with patients  requiring constant care and attention.  As Martin Rees pointed out, Mars and other space  environments are “inherently hostile for humans,”   but as he wrote in his book, we (and our progeny  here on Earth) should cheer on the brave space   adventurers, because they will have a pivotal  role in spearheading the post-human future   and determining what happens in the  twenty-second century and beyond.  By post-human future, Rees is  referring to a hypothetical   future era in which humans have  undergone extensive biological   and cybernetic modifications such that they  can no longer be classified as human. So   while Mars will remain inaccessible to  ordinary, run-of-the-mill Homo sapiens,   the Red Planet could become available to those  who dare to modify themselves and their progeny.  A possible solution is to radically modify human  biology to make Martian colonists specially   adapted to live, work, and procreate on the  Red Planet. As Rees wrote in On the Future:  This might be the first step towards  divergence into a new species.   Genetic modification would be supplemented  by cyborg technology - indeed there may be a   transition to fully inorganic intelligence.  So, it’s these spacefaring adventurers,   not those of us comfortably adapted to life on  Earth, who will spearhead the posthuman era.  Indeed, modifying humans to make them adaptable  to living on Mars will require dramatic changes.  Our DNA would have to be tailored specifically  to enable a long, healthy life on Mars, including   genetic tweaks for good muscle, bone, and brain  health. These traits could be made heritable,   such that Martian colonists could pass down the  characteristics to their offspring. In cases where   biology is not up for the task, scientists could  use cybernetic enhancements, including artificial   neurons or synthetic skin capable of fending off  dangerous UV rays. Nanotechnology in the form of   molecular machines could deliver medicines,  perform repair work, and eliminate the need   for breathing and eating. Collectively, these  changes would result in an entirely new species   of humans - one built specifically for Mars. Like some of the other solutions proposed,   this won’t happen any time soon, nor  will it be easy. And it may not even   happen. Which brings a rather discouraging  prospect to mind: We may be stuck on Earth. As Friedman pointed out, this carries some rather  heavy existential and philosophical implications.   If humans can’t make it to Mars, it means we’re  destined to be “a single-planet species,” he said.   What’s more, it suggests extraterrestrial  civilizations might be in the same boat,   and that the potential for “intelligent  life to spread throughout the universe   is very, very gloomy.” “If we can’t make it to a   nearby planet with an atmosphere, water, and a  stable surface - which in principle suggests we   could do it - then certainly we’re not going to  make it much beyond that - said Friedman - But   if we’re doomed to be a single-planet  species, then we need to recognize both   psychologically and technologically that we’re  going to have live within the limits of Earth.” Which is a good point. That we may eventually  become an interplanetary or interstellar species   remains an open question. We must work to make  this futuristic prospect a reality, but until   then, we have to make sure that Earth - the only  habitable planet we know of - remains that way.
Channel: Insane Curiosity
Views: 366,849
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Keywords: we will never colonize mars, mars colonization, colonizing mars, why we can't colonize mars, mars base, can we live on mars, space colonization, why is it hard to colonize mars, mars colony, colonization of mars, going to mars, mars atmosphere, mars, living on mars, mars mission, colonize mars, Louis Friedman, life on mars, mission to mars, can we colonize mars, why colonize mars, red planet, terraforming mars, mars terraformation, space, astronomy, insane curiosity
Id: OzBhpDUJqds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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