Beleriand at War | Of the Battle for Beleriand : Silmarillion Explained - Part 1 of 3

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it's the greatest battle yet maya gavin and melanie and welcome to a brand new talking untangled syllabi really on explained series over the next few weeks i will be talking about the fifth battle of belarian a battle so massive and so important to the history of the first age that i need a whole trilogy of videos to talk about it and this is the battle that will decide the fate of everything that's to come up until the very end of the age it is an absolute turning point in the silmarillion [Music] however before i talk about this fifth battle i should probably briefly recap the previous four and kind of lay the groundwork of what's going on in belarian during this period and who we got here so i guess the first thing to reiterate is that pretty much everything i've talked about in these similarly unexplained videos and everything i'll go on to talk about before the second age takes place here in the lands of beleriand which are a part of middle earth but they're not the part that we're familiar with from the lord of the rings and the hobbit belarian is a vast area but it only exists in the first age and the story of what happens to it and why middle earth looks so drastically different in the second and third ages is basically what the cuenta silo marillion is all about but for the purposes of this video there are four great battles that have so far made up the war for belarian and as with every single war that takes place before the end of the first age the villain the guy that our heroes are fighting against is morgoth the original dark lord the guy who first created the orcs who corrupted sauron and the balrogs into his service who stole the titular syllables from the noldor of the uttermost west and who came to middle earth with the intention of conquering ruining and utterly destroying all the elves who live there and so the first battle of belarian takes place pretty much immediately after morgoth arrives there and at this time there are no noldor in valerian there are no high elves no caliquendi no elves of the uttermost west who in future battles will go on to be the main characters instead the first battle is fought between the armies of morogoth and the indigenous dark elves of belarian and there are three factions of dark elves who fight in this battle first are the forest dwelling green elves the lioquendi who are by all accounts the least mighty elves to appear in the silmarillion i mean they're generally really nice but they're not warriors and they suffer huge casualties in this battle not least among them they lose their king and they never take another after second there are the falathrim the maritime elves of the coastal havens and these guys are among my favorites their lord is the one and only kierdon the shipwright one of the greatest legacy characters in all of tolkien's entire legendarium not only does he show up right at the beginning of elvish history but he's also present 10 000 years later right at the end of it on the final page of the final chapter of the final book of the lord of the rings kia dhan is an absolute legend however the third and mightiest faction of valerian's dark elves are the cinder the grey elves who are ruled by their high king elu thingol and his angelic maya wife melian a being of the same order as sauron now thanks to a bit of help from the dwarves of valerian the sindar and their allies are able to resist morgoth to an extent in this first battle but they cannot beat him and eventually the three elephant factions are separated and each beleaguered and if given enough time i think each one would have been wiped out entirely but they're not and that is due to the arrival of the noldor and thus the outbreak of the second battle of balariand now i go into full detail on this first battle in this video so check that out after this if you haven't already but whereas the first battle doesn't really end in like victory or defeat for the free peoples the second battle very much does this second battle is remembered as the nui giliath which means the battle beneath the stars and kind of confusingly this is the first battle in the war of the jewels this is the first battle to feature the high elvenoldor of the uttermost west this is the video i talked about that in full but the short version of it is that feyenoorth the creator of the silly murals and the guy who kind of gets the story going he journeyed to valerian to take vengeance on morgoth for the murder of his father and the theft of his beloved siloamarils and compared to the dark elves of middle earth the moraquindi the noldor are kind of like super elves they are enriched by the light of the uttermost west and so morgoth's walks are absolutely no match whatsoever for their military might the noldor obliterate their enemy and the dagon gilead is a stunning victory for our elven heroes i mean feyenoord does die immediately after it but to be honest that's not too much of a loss he was kind of a terrible person by the end of his life anyway 60 years after it comes the third battle for valerian the dargor aglareb which is translated into english as the battle of glory and as the name suggests this is another astounding victory for our noldorine heroes after feyenoord's death his half-brother phoenix golovin becomes the new high king of the noldor and under his leadership the noldor settle in valerian they build realms and very complex alliances with the local dark elves and when morgoth sees an opportunity to exacerbate conflict among them he takes it and he launches another great assault upon the noldor in which his armies are absolutely annihilated upon the battlefield the rival factions of the noldor finally unite and like a hammer upon an anvil they obliterate the orcs and slay every one down to the least and last in fact the victory of the dagor aglareb is so all-encompassing that for 400 years afterwards morgoth and his armies are locked away and besieged within their underground fortress of angband this is the video where i talk about that but during the 400 year long siege of angband everything is pretty awesome in valerian it's a great time to be alive except eventually the long piece does end and the fourth battle of balerion begins the dargor bragolak the battle of sudden flame now the previous three battles were all a big deal but the dagor bragalak is up until the fifth battle in a league of its own this is huge in his opening gambit morgoth sent rivers of flame from the peaks of sangorodrim the three tallest mountains in middle-earth and these fires destroy the noldor's defenses and they break the eleven siege outside of angban's gates they burn the grassy meadow of aadgalan into a desert of ash known as arn fauglith the gasping dust and after the flames and the poisonous fumes subside morgoth's army emerges to lay ruin to the north of balerion and turns out morgoth has learned a few lessons from his epic failures in the dagon gilead and the dagor aguilarebe and this time he has far fouler things than just orcs fighting in his battle if we look at a map we will see that there are three main eleven realms at this time in the north and each one is ruled by a different branch of the noldorine royal family in the west there is heathlam the lands belonging to fingolfin and his eldest son finagon in the middle is dorthonion where two of galadriel's brothers rule from the highland forest and in the east are the lands of the sons of feyenoor now i don't want to get too bogged down with details here there's a huge amount to say about this battle and i definitely recommend this video to learn all about it but what matters right now is that it is an absolute disaster for the elves and their new manish allies in the east the sons of feyenoor are assaulted and although feyenoord's eldest son maya the ross the tall and absolute legend who will be very important over the course of the series he stays put in his fortress atop the hill of him ring and he continues to resist morgot's armies like an unstoppable force of nature but all the lands around his solitary hill are burned by the dragon fire of glaurung who is also pretty central to what i'll talk about both in this series and in the next one he is one of the first aegis most iconic villains so apart from maya's ross's hill of himmering all the rest of the north east falls under the shadow of the dark lord and in the middle things go even worse dorthonion is entirely overrun and the eleven lords androd and i ignore are both slain defending their homes which is of course a big deal because angrad and eignor are both brothers of galadriel her eldest brother fiendra falagund does march north from his secret stronghold of nagathrond to lend aid to angrod and ignore but he's too late to save them and he is almost slain himself in this battle the forest of dorthonion is corrupted into an evil place known forever after as tower newfound the forest under nightshade which as of the last time we saw him is now home to sauron who interestingly fled there in a vampire's form after being ousted from the island of werewolves by luthien tinuviel anyway finally in the north west morgoth strikes here the realm of fingolfin now unlike dorphonion and the lands of the sons of feyenoor fini golfing's realm of heathlum doesn't actually fall in the dagor bragalac but its inhabitants do suffer an immense defeat nevertheless heathlum is home to both elves and men and during this battle the men of the house of hador that's the elf friends who follow fingolfin lose a huge number of their warriors their women and children do remain safe behind the mountains of shadow but the chieftain of these men hador lorendoll is slain and so his leadership passes to his eldest son galdor the tall who i will talk more about just a little later in this video but as you'll know if you saw last week's video the most significant consequence of the dagor bragalak is the death of high king fien golfing the unbelievable badass who gave his life to inflict seven permanent wounds on the dark lord himself and so this is the post-fini golfing balerion that we now find ourselves in the long piece that followed the glorious dagor aglareb is well and truly a thing of the past the entire tone of the story has shifted and things are now destined to get an awful lot darker in fact tolkien tells us after the fourth battle there was never again peace in valerian war never ceased from this moment the north has fallen and now orcs wander freely far and wide and although there are still bastions of elvish resistance as well as some manish and dwavish resistance in valerian the pendulum has very much swung in morgoth's favor now in the next two videos i will talk all about the specifics of this epic fifth battle and how it changes everything but for the rest of this video i want to focus on the 17 years that take place between the fourth battle and the fifth in some ways this period kind of represents the aftermath of the dagor bragalak but in other ways it is kind of a prelude to the fifth battle and i'll begin by taking a look at what's left of valerian after the smoke of the dagor bragalak clears so right in the center of the map we have the great cindarine kingdom of doriath the realm that is ruled by high king elu thingol and his wife melian the maya and doriath is of course unique in that it is protected by the divine power of melian back in the day she cast a sort of defensive barrier around her husband's realm known as the girdle of melian and this unseen wall of shadow and bewilderment as tolkien calls it prevents anyone from entering the guarded realm without the permission of the king or queen and so unlike pretty much everywhere else in beleriand doriath is relatively untouched by the darkhor bragalak however melian's protection only extends so far as her magical barrier does and the woods that lie outside of it are very vulnerable to the rampaging orcs that are now free to roam into central valerian either by the part of syrian in the west or the past of argelon in the east and tolkien gives us a really sinister detail here that honestly kind of keeps me up at night if i think too much about it we are told that morgoth's forces pursued his foes relentlessly but what's especially horrible is that not all of the noldor and cindar that they came upon were killed many they took captive and led to unbanned and made them thralls forcing them to use their skills and their knowledge in the service of morgoth but elvish slavery in the pits of angband which literally translates to hell of iron by the way isn't even the worst part of this after the dagor bragalak morgoth sent out spies that were clad in false forms and deceit was in their speech these spies used lies and cunning words to spread fear among the free elves and to convince them that their greatest peril was of treachery one to another and so the hearts and minds of many elves in valerian became clouded with despair and with fear and thanks to the now long dead feyenoor this fear of treason by kin unto kin does contain a measure of truth so many elves become really paranoid of their own people which is especially tragic for the thralls that morgoth enslaved in angband we are told that after being forced to labor in his hellish pits some of these elven thralls were used for other evil purposes morgoth feigned to give them liberty and he sent them abroad and allowed them to go back to their homes and back to their people but because of the spies that he sent out before them the free elves feared these former slaves for their wills were still chained to morgoths therefore if any of the thralls actually did escape for real they would be outcast by their own people and they'd have no choice but to wander as desperate outlaws or to go back to the dark lord who enslaved them just imagine being one of those elves you know you belong to a race of people who are generally so joyous and take such delight in nature and singing and music and poetry but then you were seized by orcs and enslaved in what is pretty objectively the worst place in the world and then even if you do manage to escape even if you do seize your freedom you have no one to go back to other people's fear has made you an outcast and you are doomed to either wander alone or return to the absolute monster who did this to you it's such a downward spiral of ruin and it's reason 10 0001 why morgoth is just the most despicable character ever anyway this is primarily a problem for the elves living in the undefended wilds but in the northwest of beleriand the realm that once belonged to fenegolfine is now ruled by his firstborn son the new high king fiengon and despite the fact that his realm of hethalon is pretty close to angband it is very well protected by the mountains of shadow the aired wetherine and so for now the people living there are relatively safe however fiendigon does seem to realize that this will not forever be the case and the reason we know this is because pretty immediately after the dagor bragalac finagon made the decision to send his son his heir away from hithlam to go and live in the coastal havens of the south where kierdon the shipwright rules the falafereme and so throughout the rest of the first age finigon's very young son who also happens to be the noldor's future high king is raised by kierdon and fostered safely under his wing and the reason that this is such a cool detail is because fiengon's very very young son is none other than the noldorine hero who will one day go on to be called gilgalad the last high king of the noldor who will rule throughout the second age and alongside ellen deal he will lead the armies of the last alliance against sauron in about three and a half thousand years time however as i say this my youtuber sense is tingling and i feel that at this very moment there may be one or two of you very knowledgeable people who are currently writing out a comment telling me how wrong i am it's okay put your keyboards down i am aware that the question of gilgalad's parentage is a very complicated one and i don't want to be found guilty of spreading misinformation so in the next few weeks i will release a whole video explaining the two potential origins of gili galad and how i believe the question of who his father is fundamentally changes his character but for now what the sillimarian tells us is that gila gallard is the son of finigon and after the death of his grandfather fina golfing he was sent away to the havens of kierdon the shipwright to be fostered by him throughout the rest of the first age anyway interesting as that might be it doesn't have a huge amount to do with the fifth battle of valerian so i will swiftly move on and turn the focus of this video onto the men of belarian you see it was during this period of the first age that a fourth group of men first entered beleriand and became a relevant part of the story prior to this we only had three kindreds the house of baal the house of holleth and the house of hardour all of whom i will talk about in just a sec but first i want to talk about the coming of the easterlings now i guess the first thing to say about the easterlings is that although tolkien uses the same name for the much more familiar group of men in the lord of the rings the easterlings of the first age are not those easterlings those easterlings are men of rune and during the third age they serve sauron and fight against the men of gondor and also the men of dale and the dwarves of arable in the war of the ring however the easterlings of the silimarillion are quite different we're not actually told exactly where they hail from but they arrive in the north east of valerian so my assumption would be that they probably hail from lands that will in the second and third age be the far north of middle earth perhaps they share heritage with the snowmen or foragel or potentially even the men of angmar anyway there are two specific easterling chieftains to mention by name and they are the greatest two willaphang and boar although fun fact both ulefang and boar are elvish names which means they almost certainly weren't the names that the actual characters would use and call themselves they are simply the names by which the elephant historian who supposedly chronicled their role in the silmarillion knew them by and these disparate groups of men from lands east of valerian are a pretty interesting bunch they're really quite different from the three houses of bail and huddle and halath and tolkien tells us they were short and broad long and strong in the arm and some had greater liking for the dwarves of the mountains than for the elves now i guess the oliphant in the room here is that they are also described as swarthy men with skin that is swart or sallow and neither swart nor sallow would be particularly sensitive words if they were used in the 21st century although i do want to point out that i think the reason they are used instead of more common words like bronze or tanned is entirely to do with how much of a word nerd j.r.r tolkien really was you know professor of philology and anglo-saxon and it has very little to do with early modern ideas of race both swart and sallow are cognates of the german word schwarz whereas both bronze and tanned have old french in their etymologies and the truth is that in most cases tolkien simply preferred to use words that were of a germanic anglo-saxon origin rather than french words that entered the english language through the norman conquests which brought an end to anglo-saxon culture and tolkien famously really didn't like so i definitely think this part of his writings is best viewed through a very early medieval lens of language instead of the much more recent early modern lens of race anyway these easterlings unsurprisingly settle in the east of balarion and that is where the sons of feyenoor live now the eldest son of feyenoor and in my opinion the most interesting is maya ross the tall and with the possible exceptions of his dead father and his dead uncle there is no one in all balerion who hates morgoth more than maya ross maya the ross is a massively important character in the story of the fifth battle and he is the first elf to make an alliance with these newly arrived men of the east mayathros takes boar and his sons borlad borlach and borthand into his service and for the rest of their lives these men are faithful friends to maya ross and his lovely younger brother maglor however the other easterling chief ulefang along with his sons ulafast ulduath and ullor enter the service of mayathros's far dodgier brother corinthia the dark and they settle in his lands and swear allegiance to him but the truth is these easterlings don't really have very much of a relationship at all with the edine while they build lives for themselves in east valerian the three houses of the airdyne are moving further and further west to try and escape the horrific aftermath of the dargor bragolac as i've already mentioned in the middle of the north dorthonion is entirely overrun by evil things and all the men and elves that once lived there are now gone some of the men of the house of baal followed a lady called emel dear that's the mother of baron and they fled south as refugees to the woodlands of bretheel where they lived among the forest-dwelling halidine that's men of the house of halath while others followed the cousins morowen and ryan west into the lands of dolomin which were originally gifted to the house of hador by fiengon himself and so in dorlo mean a small scattering of the house of baal do continue to exist within the protection of fingon's northern realm of hithlam but the point i'm making is that every member of the house of baal is either dead or living as a refugee their homeland is entirely conquered by the enemy and those two women that i mentioned morwen and ryan they are both going to be really quite important in the near future so keep them in your minds morwen will be the mother of the children of hurin but before i move on from dolomin i will quickly circle back to that guy galdor the tall son of hador lorendoll who is now chieftain of the house of hador and the most important thing to know right now about galdor is his family and how it relates to another manish family in valerian you see galdor had a sister called gloridel and he has a wife called hareth and hareth has a brother called haldir not to be confused with the elf chaldea from the lord of the rings and haldia brother of her wreth has a wife called glorithel sister of galdor so basically what we have here is a brother and a sister from one family marrying a sister and a brother from another family and whereas galdor and gloridale were the children of hador and so they are effectively the heirs to the house of hador haldia and hareth are the great great nephew and niece of the lady halath and so they are kind of heirs to the house of halath which means any children that these two unions may produce would have a very awesome blend of heritage from both hador and haleth's houses and as it goes they do have children haldia and gloridale have a son who doesn't really matter right now but their grandson will matter a little bit later and galdor and hereth have two sons and they are basically the main characters of this entire trilogy of videos along with finigon and maya theros their names are whorin and huwar and they are both super important but hoorin is of course the guy who features in the title of that stand-alone novel the children of whorin so remember these guys too in fact the reason that i said to remember maudwen and andrian a moment ago is because those two cousins from the house of baor are going to go on to marry these two brothers from the houses of hador and halath anyway although hurin and huw are born to galador and hareth in dolomin they actually spend their youths being fostered by their uncle haldir and living among their mothers people the woodland dwelling haladeen within their forest of bretheel now the haladine of the house of halath are quite a bit different from their fellow men in the houses of huddle and bale and whereas the other two houses lived predominantly within the noldor's sphere of influence the halidine live within the sphere of the cinder they are entirely independent but when the going gets tough it is to the alpha realm of doriath that they turn and to the high king elu thingol who rules there we are told that one year after the fourth battle and the 16 years before the fifth battle a war band of orcs broke into central balerion and there was a battle between them and the woodsmen of bretheel but the halidine were stout-hearted men and would not lightly forsake the woods that they loved and amid the tale of defeats of that time the deeds of the halladine are remembered with honor and there's a small but incredibly cool detail here tolkien writes that the lord of the halladin halamir that's whorin and who's grandfather sent swift word to his friend king elu thingol and ellu thingol sent to halamia cinderine warriors of doriath who were led by an epic character called belleg couthalion now belleg is one of my top five favorite elven characters i have been incredibly excited to talk about him since i first started this channel and it's so nearly the right time to go into full detail on why he is so awesome but he won't become properly relevant until a few videos time so i will wait just a little bit longer for that however i will say that in this battle the great strength of cindering warriors under belleg's command are described as fighting with elven axes and elves with axes is not something we see a huge amount of in tolkien's legendarium but we do see it here and i think it's a very cool detail that gives a dash of variety to our elven warriors these ones from doriath use axes and we are told that with these acts wielding cinda and the stout-hearted halladine bellag and halamir took an orc legion at unawares and destroyed it in fact their defense of bretheel was so well thought that thereafter the black tide out of the north was stemmed in that region and the orcs dared not cross the river tagline for many years after so although the house of harleth may not be quite as iconic as the houses of hador and bale they are incredibly badass and so are their foster sons hoorene and who or two young brothers who both encounter an utterly unique set of circumstances quite early on in their lives and as a result they experienced something that no mortal has ever seen before and only one shall ever see again so during that battle that i just mentioned with belleg and halamir who or was only 13 years old and yet he and hurin went off with their uncle and their grandfather to fight the orcs and to defend their adopted home however during the fighting the two boys were part of a host that was cut off from the rest and together they were pursued north to the ford of britiak and here they would have been taken or slain but they weren't and that is due to the power of a god well a valor little g god it's been a pretty long time since we've last seen any of the valar in this story they were a very big deal right in the beginning but when the naldor journeyed away from the undying lands it was decreed that the valar would lend neither help nor hindrance the official valar company line was to leave the people of middle-earth alone however there was one valor who thought in the light of this whole morgoth thing that is a bit of a ludicrous policy and so time and again he does get involved in the affairs of middle earth and he gives a few nudges to a few characters that just kind of give the good guys a bit of a helping hand and this is one of those moments so the valar that i'm talking about is one of the greatest of them all ulmo the lord of waters and as the lord of waters ulamo is able to raise a mist from the river that conceals whorin and whoa from the pursuing orcs and it allows them to escape from the ford however instead of returning south to their home the boys head north and they wander among the hills beneath the sheer mountain walls of cressia green and because the boys did not know this land and also because they're children who is 16 who or is 13 they swiftly become lost and bewildered and they know not the way to go on nor to return but beneath the peaks of cressia green hoorin and huwor are being watched for it is in these encircling mountains that the great eagles of marnway build their eeries and the lord of all these eagles is called thorindor so thorindor sent two of his subjects to fly down and to bear the boys over the mountains and beyond to the secret veil of tomb laden upon which is built the super secret elephant city of gondolin which no man yet had seen now the king and also founder of gondolin is of course turagon the younger brother of high king fiengon and when turigon found that thorindor's eagles had brought him a pair of mortal children to take care of he received them well for turgon had been given messages and dreams from ulmo he'd been warned by the valar that woe would one day come to his people but he must deal kindly with the sons of the house of hador from whom help should come to him at need and so the woodland dwelling boys whoreen and huwar dwelt as guests of king turgon in the greatest elven city ever to exist in middle earth during their stay they learned much law of the elves and turgon took great liking for the sons of galdor and spoke much with them and he wished indeed to keep them in gondolin out of love and there are two interesting things that come to mind here first i can't help thinking of aragorn when i read this part of the story he too was raised by an elf who loved him dearly in fact he was raised by turigon's great grandson elrond and aragon himself is a direct descendant of so i think there is a really cool parallel between ardagon's time in rivendell and huo and hurin's time in gondolin but the second thing is the way that ulemo fits into all of this it was ulamo who gave turagon the vision or the warning or the instructions the guidance to build gondolin in the first place it was ulamo who saved hurin and hua which allowed for their coming to gondolin and without wanting to spoil what's going to happen ultimo will have one more really really important intervention in valerian's history and that intervention is the direct cause of who or son becoming one of the main characters in the later gondolin storyline it seems that throughout the silmarillion turgon city of gondolin ulamo the lord of waters and the bloodline of huwor son of galdor are three points of an incredibly mythological triangle there's a really important connection there anyway after well night a year of living as guests in gondolin hurin and hua voiced their desire to leave turogon city and to return to their own people who must now surely think they are dead however there is a complication here turagon really wants them to stay and not just because he loves having them around although that is a big part of it but there's also actually a law that prevents them from leaving as i mentioned gondolin is super secret and no one but its inhabitants and also the eagles know exactly where it is in order to keep that secret there is a city-wide law that no stranger whether elf or man was ever allowed to look upon gondolin and then depart it with the knowledge however turagon is not a tyrant and hurin and huwar both make some very good points about why they should be the exception first they point out that as mortals they don't have the luxury of waiting around for a far distant day when turgon will make gondolin's existence public no matter what they do they'll eventually grow old and die such is the complicated gift of men and instead of waiting out all the battles that are afflicting their people they want to join them and fight while they still have the strength to the other point they make is that technically neither hurene nor who or do know the location of gondolin they know they were lost in the hills north of brithyak and then an eagle flew them into the sky but we are told that they were brought to the city in fear and wonder and in mercy our eyes were veiled so turgon gives the brothers leave to return to their own people but there are two conditions first they must go back the way they came aka an eagle and second they must convince the people of gondolin that they will never reveal to anyone the councils of turgon and they will forever keep the secret that they have seen by volunteering to swear an oath hurin and huwa achieve this and so with the king's permission the brothers leave although just before they do turgon says to them i grieve at this parting yet in a little while as the eldar account it we may meet again and spoiler they do anyway by night two eagles bear hurine and huwor away from gondolin forever and they bring them back to the lands of their father daw lomine and of course when the brothers return everyone is astounded and overjoyed for the halidine had told galdor that his sons were missing and presumed dead after being last seen running the wrong way from orcs so everyone wants to know like where they've been and they ask some good questions such as did you really live in the wilds for a year because you look well fed and you're wearing really nice clothes and also you look more like young princes than waves of the wood but to all these questions hurin and hua say nothing save that their return was permitted only by an oath of silence and so the questions stop and the heirs of dolomin settle in the lands of their parents and they never speak to anyone of their unconventional year in gondolin however unfortunately this is a dark time in valerian's history and only three years after their return hoorin and huwar now aged 21 and 18 respectively find themselves involved in another battle with invading orcs and this one has a fair share of tragedy to it you see seven years after the end of the fourth battle morgoth sent a great force of orcs against the only large elephant realm left standing in the north fiend gone's kingdom of heathlam and during this attempted invasion the men of dorlomine fight with the high king fiengon just as they fought with fenegolfine in the fourth battle and outside the exact same fortress where hadou lauren doll was killed in the dagor bragalac his son galdor the tall is also slain by an orc arrow and this means that the lordship of the house of hador now passes to garlador's son hurin he's only newly come to manhood but we are told that hurin was great in strength both in mind and body and he drove the orcs with heavy slaughter far across the sands of anne faugleeth now while that was all happening high king fenigon was busy fighting orcs on the other side of his realm and interestingly despite the fact that he was outnumbered he ultimately won this fight due to the arrival of kierdon the shipwright and his warriors from the coastal havens of eglarest and brethomba who sailed in such great strength that the orcs broke and fled before them until they were hunted down by fiendagon's horse riding archers so after this mini battle which isn't considered one of the main five hurin chief of the house of hador swears loyalty and service to high king finagon which is very very cool because phoenigan is of course the elder brother of turagon which means the two mortal sons of galdor have now both sworn loyalty to the two immortal sons of the late high king finn golfing but neither elf knows it about the other anyway not long after their father's death both hurin and hua get married and their wives are those two cousins morowen and ryan of the house of baal who led their people to dorlamine after the fall of dorthonion now you don't need me to tell you how iconic the children of whorin are going to be and i promise i will talk all about them in the relatively near future but this is where i will leave hoorin and huw for now because there is just one more thing that i need to talk about before the end of this video and that is the single event which galvanizes these murky 16 years of general conflict into the decisive fifth battle the event that fundamentally changes how the enemies of morgoth view their war you see for the first 10 years pretty much everything that happens in beleriand is an aftermath of the dagor bragalac but then in the year 466 of the first age while all the other things i've talked about in this video were going on a single mortal man and a single elf maiden literally walked up to the gates of angband they snuck inside and they stole a syllable i mean there's a lot more to it than that i have 11 videos explaining it but together these two individuals baron and his beloved luthien accomplished something that all the combined armies of the noldor and cinder and falathrim and all the houses of men and all the clans of dwarfs have so far failed to do they proved to all belarian that morgoth is not untouchable he's not unconquerable and all hope is not yet lost and if one guy and one elf can come together to steal a silly reel from the crown atop morgoth's head in his own fortress while he's sleeping then what could be achieved if all free peoples united what could be won if every single enemy of morgoth made an alliance if they combined their might and fought as one well that question is what turns the aftermath of the fourth battle into the prelude for the fifth and i will talk all about it in my next video i'll begin the tale of the deciding battle for the future of valerian so to make sure you don't miss it hit subscribe if you haven't already and click like and leave a comment on this video if you want to however until next time as always my dear friends much love stay groovy and nevia melanine [Music] you
Channel: Tolkien Untangled
Views: 51,759
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Id: ZWgkaNqD1tE
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Length: 44min 24sec (2664 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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