Being Followed in a Car (Personal Safety / Lone Working)

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so you finish your day's work and you're heading home you're close to the area where you live you turn into the area and you realize that there's a car behind you still you've noticed it's some miles back you've noticed it because of its color you've noticed it because perhaps it's nighttime it's the headlights and as you turn into the area and close to home you start to think have you had road rage and not realized it is it somebody that knows you is it something connected to your personal life or your professional life but you start to get agitated frustrated possibly even scared the question i'm asking you what do you think you'd do now [Music] so the reason for this video is is quite simple um i did a course last week on virtual classroom training on personal safety and at the end when i asked for questions as always one of them said well what would you do will yourself if you're being followed and i actually have been actually followed her in my careers uh by people trying to intimidate me and what i said was well i'll tell you what we'll do um me and you have a private chat and everyone went everyone was great and then me and the person had a quick chat chat about it and at the end of the conversation they agreed with the points i'm gonna share with you but what was interesting for me was about a couple of hours later i actually got separate emails from people asking me the same question it was obviously pondering in their mind after i finished the presentation so what i did was i said look i'll make a quick video simple as that as i've discussed to you in the past if i get enough questions around the same subject to make a short video and then when people actually get in touch with me i send them the video link or they go onto youtube and they actually see what i've said there's no believe it or not um golden rules to do when someone's following you it's very personal the way each one of us will react differently but what i did was i put a selection of ideas together to show you so let's see what i thought so you're being followed now there's many ways to confirm you're actually being followed changing direction going on to a roundabout but i always joke make sure it's a large roundabout go around a couple of times um stop the vehicle pull over put your hazards on see if it will scare the person there's so many things that you can possibly do to see if that person's following you but again don't forget it could be coincidence also then think to yourself right don't panic it's easy to say to you and i know this but don't panic a high percentage of the time the person who's following you's aim is to intimidate you and again your aim is to not panic or stress in that context first things first obviously if you are close to home don't go home i would highly recommend not going home i would highly recommend not going to even a friend's house nothing personal if necessary if you're close to work go to work if necessary and i've done it myself pull outside a police station it usually deters the person so the first thing is let's not panic okay then do little certain things to make you feel feel confident lock your car door make sure it's locked okay if safe take as many details of the person as you possibly can i.e the vehicle make the color uh even if there's anybody in the vehicle there's a one or two people any form of details like that i've also said to people in the past right okay well let's try and be censored about this um if you're near shall we say a petrol station a large petrol station um pull in and people you still jokingly said why do that well and i said well a high percentage of petrol stations have a npr automatic number plate recognition and therefore when you pull in the garage will register your registration and if the person follows you well they're going to do the same either so again there should be a registration recorded on that system so if you do feel it's serious enough well once you've passed it up to your line manager or you even possibly pass it to the police there is something that can be tracked back to see if this person's done it and a high percentage of the time i found out myself that the person that has been following somebody has done it to somebody else then start to think to yourself right okay then where is the safe zone i can go to are you in an area you're familiar with if you're not drive to an area you're not familiar with if necessary i can always say pull over just pull over get your phone out look to yourself if you're not familiar in the area where's the local police station where is somewhere you can go that you will feel safe is there another client is a part of your organization that might have offices close by now what i also say is this if you're gonna ring somebody think to yourself who is the person that you're going to ring now i have had experiences myself of dealing with shall we say instance and talking to people after instance of where they have rang their loved one um their their spouse and their spouses panicked got in the car and driven rapidly to join the person and nearly getting themselves into accidents or being stopped by the police so we've got to think to ourselves what are we logically going to do and as i said before again making sure all times we're keeping ourselves safe we're keeping the speed limit we're keeping as a log of what's going on as best as possible if necessary i've spoken to people and they've activated their phone recording and recorded everything like a transcript of what they're doing i've also said to people if that's good drive to populate areas if you can go on to a busy road and what i mean is because it's going to be busy it'll be harder to negotiate the person who's possibly following you um to get through the traffic as much because you could be changing lanes or other vehicles will be interfering in it and above all above everything else is this if you think you are being followed and if you genuinely feel unsafe ring 999 that's it ring 999 pull over ring 999 or do it safely when you're driving on your car phone but don't take a chance because as i said before remember somebody that is following you has done it to somebody else stay safe whatever you're doing please continue to watch the videos please like share and obviously comment if you feel get in touch if you've got any ideas for videos because i've got a vast amount of ideas of videos now but i'm plowing my way through as best as possible thank you for watching stay safe whatever you're doing and bye for now you
Channel: Quell Training
Views: 3,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lone working, lone worker, safety, workplace violence, safetytips, risk, risk assessment, Situational awareness, personal safety awareness, personal safety training, personal safety, stalker, being followed, being followed in a car, stalked, stay safe, being stalked, being followed in car, suspicious car, quell training, situational awareness, best safety tips, best safety tips for the workplace, behind you, lone working devices, lone working policy, lone working procedure
Id: tzoq0dJ2ces
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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