Behold, The Salmon Cannon - TechNewsDay

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this week's episode of tech news day sponsored by Vince arrow and by drop now this being a show about tech we of course must discuss the biggest most viral tech innovation sensation from this past week and it's got nothing to do with phones of the internet it's the salmon cannon one of several fine products from the folks over at woosh innovations Wow and yes that's woosh with two H's at the end for some reason the first woosh was taken those bastards mm-hmm they're not even shooting salmon out of a cannon no what a waste they're telling jokes that go over everyone's heads yeah the salmon cannons actually been around for several years now and has occasionally attracted attention online during that time I think I've seen it on reddit a couple times but for whatever reason it really took off on Twitter this week because holy crap just look at this thing it's like a subway but fish ride in it mm-hmm well rather than a subway you might more accurately call it a hyper loop for fish since the salmon cannon relies on pneumatic pressure and low friction to transport these fish long distances at 18 miles per hour cruising the Hyperloop is still just a concept though and it would be even more accurate to compare what's happening to these fish to the pneumatic tube systems that were common in banks and large office buildings before everything was digital sure except unlike those systems the salmon cannon spits the fish out at the end like a slider a water park or a cannon well whatever you want to compare it to the main question is still why the hell these fish are being transported at all much less through comically long - yeah well the answer is man-made dams they're great for electricity but a real problem for fish that migrate upstream to spawn eggs the traditional solution to this problem is what are called fish ladders which should have been named fish staircases because they're way more similar to stairs than ladders but whatever they're basically a separate structure built around dams to let fish bypass the dam and actually make their way upstream anyways it turns out that simply trapping fish at the bottom of a dam and then shooting them through a tube to the other side of the dam is a lot cheaper and more effective than building and maintaining a fish ladder and it's a lot easier on the fish at least physically mentally it's got to be a toss-up between holy shit this is awesome and holy shit what the fuck I'm going to die yeah if they can even think at all hmm regardless though way cooler than a lame fish ladder yes and more exciting to watch yeah it's fun mm-hmm you just gotta win watch out for the smartest bear of the bunch who sits at the end with his mouth open yeah you gotta check this out it's amazing yeah yeah it's and apparently it's this is a great invention and they're they're using it also to trap invasive species and assume shoot them into the Sun or something yeah great they could do that shoot them away all the mosquitoes that we've had in Los Angeles the past two years and I don't know about a mosquito to be very thin yeah they also the other one making the rounds right now is because of this it's another thing that's happened for a long long time but because of the fairies there there's a video going around yeah with the plane dropping all the video uh just looks like it's taking a giant wet crap yeah hey too many fish they had all-you-can-eat at the sushi place too much Wow looks like a relief for the plane though yeah yeah and for the fish again either terrifying or the funnest moment of their life or nothing because fish can't think who knows anyway with this week's fish news finally let's move on to some tumblr news wait tumblr yeah now tom blur was at one point only a few years back considered a major player in the social media space as evidenced by the fact that in 2013 Yahoo bought it for 1.1 billion dollars in cash a wise investment of course it's gonna pay off he at the time tumblers user base was constantly growing and it was arguably the most popular blogging network around so in yahoo's eyes this was a solid investment and CEO Marissa Mayer justified the exorbitant price they were paying by pointing out that this was just the going rate for sites like tumblr as Facebook had similarly purchased Instagram for a billion dollars just a year earlier yeah that's just what websites cost they set the tone and everyone else has to abide by it mm-hmm well we all know how ya turned out Yahoo was at one point a major player right alongside Google providing services like email advertising news video and so on but thanks to poor management and poor return on investment from the tumbler purchase Yahoo put itself up for sale and was purchased by Verizon in 2017 for four point four eight billion discount on the original asking price because Bryson almost backed out of the deal once it came out that Yahoo had experienced two colossal data breaches affecting billions of accounts here in the middle of buying it and they're like hold on you're gonna take some some money off that price for us right a literal fire system since we're buying your fucking mess yeah so we didn't know about when we first offered to buy you guys hmm all right cool they did the inspection they found some irregularities yeah well Verizon then merged their Yahoo purchase with a previous dumb purchase that they've made AOL as a subsidiary they made a subsidiary called oath incorporated and that lasted about two years before Verizon just changed the name to Verizon media we got top men running all these companies yeah so yeah anyway back to tumblr a site which well never spectacularly profitable maintained a strong and dedicated user base despite being eaten by one big rotten diseased fish that was quickly eaten up by an even bigger rotten diseased fish this it's a life cycle of yeah every it's a Human Centipede of tech companies a good comparison a tumblr was pretty low on the list of reasons Verizon would want to purchase Yahoo but they owned it now so you'd assume they might as well try to make the most of it but you'd be wrong in assuming that because they managed tumblr so poorly that loads of child porn ended up hosted on their site and then they did the typical social media company response of wildly over correcting their initial completely avoidable error in this case by banning all adult content which of course was largely accomplished algorithmically and therefore involved a lot of false flagging which ended up targeting a lot of LGBTQ content which for many users was specifically what they came to tumblr for basically this is what happened uh-oh some kiddie porn made it its way onto our site that's just fucking nuke anything that might be considered even remotely subversive and alienate a huge chunk of our user base who had absolutely nothing to do with that child porn that we let onto our site because we're bad at our jobs and yeah there you go anyways you might imagine this caused a mass exodus of users with a 30% drop in traffic in the three months following the December 2018 smut purge Verizon then of course decided to just sell-off tumblr and despite pornhub making a pretty good case for selling it to them this week it was announced that Verizon is selling tumblr to automatic Inc the owners of WordPress and this is for an undisclosed amount but it's rumored to be at around or probably less than three million dollars hike so if that three million dollar figure is correct that means tumblr is selling for less than two point seven percent of what it sold for back in 2013 great ROI great ROI what could be done with all of those millions upon millions upon millions of dollars in a positive way instead of just squandering and wasting at all I'm just amazed that tumblr ended up getting sold for less money than machinima cut what is fucking mind-boggling to me yeah and they were both worthless yeah both absolutely worthless yeah oh by the way the WordPress people say that they have no plans to reverse any of the adult content policies that made the site cheap enough for them to purchase so the cycle continues they bought it because some person in charge there just wanted to own a piece of internet history yeah I mean look it's three million I got that much in my fucking wallet yeah I own tumblr yeah yeah I got Stumbler whatever anyway the story of tumblr and all the companies that it's been passed between over the years is an enlightening look and into just how utterly incompetent much of the tech sector is and that's largely thanks to deeply ingrained Silicon Valley notions of treating profitability as something that you can just worry about later movie passes of course the greatest example of this with their entire business model built around just literally giving money away but the same is true for seemingly successful companies like uber and lyft the two ride-sharing companies are ubiquitous at this point but neither of them has ever actually turned a profit and now that they've both recently become publicly traded companies we've got the data to back that up both uber and lyft reported their quarterly earnings last week and both companies are bleeding money like crazy in just three months uber lost 5.2 billion dollars that's like so many tumblers shots a lot of time and while lifts quarterly loss of six hundred and forty four million seems great in comparison it's still an absurd amount of money but that's okay because both companies are still swimming in venture capital investments and the end goal of both these company to stay afloat until autonomous cars are ready for primetime and they no longer have to hire and compensate human drivers cut out the human workforce and you've got a perpetual money machine on your hands and you just need to survive long enough tik-tok yeah but they also Hoover in the wake of this like cut a bunch of R&D jobs yeah but that was just for software not not for autonomous cars okay they are they're fully committed to that because it's their only way out of this whole true anyway similarly snack aka snapchat is another company that has never managed to turn a profit and their latest attempt at figuring out a way out of their debt is the third incarnation of spectacles hmm the glasses with a camera built-in so you can both short first-person video clips to snapchat now smart glasses are one of those things that have appeared in science fiction enough times to convince some people that this is something the general public would ever actually want but the lukewarm or even hostile reactions to Google glass and snapchats first and second gen spectacles they say otherwise regardless though Snap is back at it again with a new wireframe design featuring not one the two cameras which allows for a much better tracking of filter stickers and whatnot and lets users take 3d photos that snapchat converts into wiggle grams what's up fuck is a widow Graham oh Michael Graham is a term that's been around a lot longer than this we're like actual like actual cameras that you could buy with multiple laughs okay and you can view them in a way a lot of people turn them into gifts they're they're quite fun Wow the snapchat basically does this like using an algorithm where it stitches the pictures together it's a cool feature sounds like a children's show where the wiggle Graham's anyway yeah it's cool there's like every generation of this I'm like all right cool design I owned the first gen they were fine how many how many times did you take about quite a bit when I first got them but I didn't necessarily use it for snapchat it recorded the videos and like kept them on like my Google Drive yeah all right rode a roller coaster with my dad that's a memory up forever is it cool enough to pay 380 dollars for this time around though no which is a lot more I think they were like $200 the first time it was like 150 actually well these are a lot more yes so is anyone actually gonna do it or are hundreds of thousands of these things gonna end up just sitting in a warehouse like they did last time I would venture to say that the the latter is warehouse yeah yeah yes but what do you think anyway speaking of products you can spend money on it's time for a word from this week's sponsor starting within cero watches right now you can celebrate five years in business with Vince arrow because they're having a huge blowout sale everything on the site is on sale no exclusions and that includes the all-new altitude collection that they just released Vince arrow they create exceptionally crafted timepieces at a fair price the products are both uncompromising and the best value in their industry thanks to cutting out the middleman and selling directly to the customer have you been waiting to get one of these and you're hesitant on it and you've watched the show and you're like now is the time it's on sale then Sara offers six collections for men and four collections for women each with their own unique look with plenty of colorways available in each collection and interchangeable straps on all their watches you're sure to find a watch that matches your style head over to Vince Sara watches dot-com slash today sale to take advantage of their biggest sale of the year these are great watches and there's no better time than now to pick one up for yourself again that's been Sara watches comm slash today sale this episode is also sponsored by drop here they come they are formerly known as mass drop they recently sent us the PC 37 X gaming headset which is a collaboration between them and San Heiser and we've been working with it obviously we you've heard us talk about it before they are a fantastic headset they're great for gaming and in our case doing lots of internet and you know browsing and editing lots of very long studies yeah it's getting hot these days obviously so the fact that these headphones have an open back design that lets in air and it stops things from getting sweaty so it's great they're very comfy headphones that you aren't gonna drive you crazy during a long gaming session - I do quality is great Sennheiser has been making high quality audio products for over 80 years and it shows when you're in game you can hear exactly where the footsteps are coming from and whatnot and the microphone quality is shockingly good here's a quick sample that I record it at home directly through the mic oh hey it's me at home testing out that microphone for your ears so if you're in the market for a new set of gaming cans we highly recommend the PC 37 X by drop-in sennheiser it's got over 10,000 purchases on drop and loads of five-star reviews head over to link down in the description get $20 off your purchase of the PC 37 X again if you're in the market for a great set of headphones order the master op X sennheiser pc 37 X by clicking the link down the description all right you need to keep them on for the rest of the time no well at least your ears aren't sweating clean ears anyways let's get through some more tech news here starting with YouTube news your hair sit down you're on the site let's hear about it if you've ever gotten the impression that this website plays favorites and enforces its Community Guidelines selectively depending on how much ad revenue a channel is bringing in well you've got a million reasons to think that and the latest reason is that YouTube's moderators straight up admit to it oh well at least we know case closed last week the Washington Post ran an article in which they spoke to eleven current and former YouTube content moderators who all said that popular channels get special treatment when it comes to rules about hate speech bullying graphic content stuff like that and they point specifically at examples like logan paul steven crowder and pewdiepie yeah according to these unnamed moderators the way content moderation at YouTube works is different than other sites in that a lot of the moderation is limited to just making recommendations about a course of action to take which is then sent up the chain to higher-ups who then make the ultimate decision the mods say that their recommendations are frequently overruled by these higher-ups when the videos involve higher profile creators who generate a lot of ad revenue the mods also quote describe a demoralizing work environment marked by ad hoc decisions constantly shifting policies and a widespread perception of arbitrary standards when it came to offensive content yeah I guarantee you anyone in a higher position there is just clicking no on everything well my job is done yeah every time I approve something we lose money and then I go to go to a meeting at the end of the month and explain where all the money went one former moderator told the post when I started this job I thought I'm gonna help get bad content away from kids our responsibility was never to the creators or to the users it was to the advertisers ah in the wake of the whole Logan Paul suicide forest debacle which resulted in merely a two-week ad suspension one mod says it felt like a slap in the face you're told you have specific policies for monetization that are extremely strict and then Logan Paul broke one of their biggest policies and it became like it never happened Oh the article also gives some new insight into how exactly moderation decisions are made or at least supposed to be made there's apparently a rating system similar to the MPA a movie rating system that you're used to and that ensures family friendly advertisers don't get paired with r-rated content also the software used to automate moderation tasks apparently breaks down or stalls constantly and when that happens mods are given unrealistic quotas that they can't possibly meet without quickly skipping through a lot of content anyways absolutely none of what's in the article is surprising at all or should be surprising to you though um so it's pretty obvious that YouTube is in the money-making business and obviously that comes first I wonder what our rating is I want to meet our mod pg-13 or maybe I want to meet our YouTube mod I want to meet our FBI agent yeah I wave at them all the time when you look at my phone on the toilet yeah hey FBI no you saw me but yeah it's that I mean that part is interesting is it did stand the reason that they have a rating system like that but it that it's so directly similar to the MPAA system it seems like everyone would benefit from like channels getting like quarterly or annual sort of feedback letting you know what category you're being placed in or what brand honor things you can do specifically to help your case yeah it's all just so opaque and it's like we get to monetize all the time three times three times the last week and it's like sometimes like I understand like sure Fair Play YouTube we know we're not even gonna request it yeah but a lot of times and just like I have no idea what could possibly be the reason yeah so thanks to our patreon supporters YouTube members and of course the sponsors the sponsor the show because otherwise again the show would be over by now because yeah the amount of revenue that we get off of YouTube is negligible thank you to Vance arrow and mass drop for subsidizing our lewd behavior and crass language and of course the patreon supporters and YouTube members thank you anyways moving on to some politics news if you're American and you live in a rural or tribal area with shit internet where the Hogs are just going wide they bit down on my damn internet again they're carrying around those big giant balls and just wrecking your farmland well Elizabeth Warren has got a plan for that in the existing system big telecoms they basically have no incentive to expand broadband access into less populated areas because they're in the business of making money first and providing services second like YouTube setting up broadband infrastructure in rural areas just isn't worth it to their bottom line so why do it yeah they can't complain they can't even connect to the Internet what are you gonna do about it la la la la la can't hear your complaints cuz you can't make them meanwhile though they fight tooth and nail to keep local and municipal broadband companies from setting up shop because that would make the big telecoms existing terrible rural monopolies obsolete and in 26 states they've made municipal broadband illegal yeah it's basically like if I run the one restaurant in town and I'm serving literal dogshit as the food and people are like this is terrible and I'm like well I I've got a monopoly I'm the only restaurant in town then someone's like well I'll start my own restaurant where we serve actual food and I'm like hold on excuse me yes mr. mayor can you please make it illegal for this new restaurant to open up like I could choose to serve like decent food but that would cost me money I'd rather just keep serving shit I don't have any company I'd rather give you a small percentage of the money that I would lose me hire to stop this there you have anything else I'll cut you in on my meager profits mm-hmm anyways Elizabeth Warren's proposal to fix that if she's elected president is to set up a dedicated office of broadband access in her proposed Department of Economic Development which would distribute 85 billion dollars to utilities nonprofits tribes and local governments to lay fiber in unserved areas underserved areas or areas with minimal competition I can just take all the loss from uber and then deploy this that's how it works yeah I would also of course overturn those laws that ban municipal Internet which Congress has tried to do repeatedly especially in the last few years but fail that every time because Republicans consider that to be socialism not everyone the internet is not right yeah apparently not anyways most of the major dem candidates have floated similar policies but warrens is so far the most detailed the Trump administration and Ajit PI's their solution to the rural problem is 5g which is like not here yet yeah I mean I never thought I would solve a lot of problems it would there but like at this point it's like we don't even know if and when it's coming because so much of establishing a 5g infrastructure is dependent on having a good trade relationship with China where most of this technology is coming from you know and we currently don't I just love the fact that like people in rural municipalities literally if this 5g dream becomes a reality had to wait decades for technology to be invented multiple times over mmm to gain access to what everyone else has had for 20 years yeah yeah well that's the sacrifice you make yeah oh you you wanted to go live off the grid and now you're asking for some grid yeah well which is it great or no grid but a lot of the majority people aren't living off the grid yeah it was yeah if it would not be hard to set up broadband in these places but the you know the cost versus profit of doing so would be quite slim compared to what these telecoms are used to so they just don't fucking do it mm-hmm and companies that are okay coming in and making a meager profit off of it aren't allowed to do it what a great system we've got here yeah it's almost like it's rigged rigged anyways that's it for tech news day this week be sure to check out our other videos we just did a video about with Jay Qualls back in the news crazier than ever yeah we missed right when that video went up he got caught doing some some other stuff oh wow he's on the case okay Epstein Oh anyways I check that out check out our latest episode of weekly weird news they'll pop up in a second also if you want to hear us just fucking go wild on Epstein can conspiracy theories we did that in our exclusive podcast this week which you get if you are a patreon supporter or a YouTube member so head to the patreon link in the description below if you want to sign up for that and check out that podcast actually YouTube members now they get it as like a video and exclusive video it's not a video yeah it seemed like a cool feature but for some reason background play doesn't works I don't know what you're thinking shit out it's technology dumb patreon stopped allowing us to like direct link to another you think he's like a token hash system so like every link is unique for every 5 to 10 minutes yeah brilliant we'll figure it out well we might host it on our podcast hosting service that we use for the other shows and then just do a private link or so then anyways we'll get it figured out but if you want to hear us like just ramble on about epstein conspiracy theories that's where you can do it now now check out those other videos right here and we'll see you guys very soon bye bye
Channel: Internet Today
Views: 93,626
Rating: 4.9290957 out of 5
Keywords: salmon cannon, whooshh innovations, fish tube, fish ladder, verizon sells tumblr, tumblr sold to wordpress, verizon, yahoo, uber losing money, lyft losing money, snapchat spectacles 3, youtube moderators, elizabeth warren, rural broadband, isp monopolies, tech news, internet today, etc show, eliot dewberry, rickyftw
Id: gRsnrEt88-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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