Behind the scenes of Raw Reunion: WWE The Day Of (WWE Network Exclusive)

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I can't believe it. I brought Steve Austin's Broken Skull IPA all the way from Los Angeles, California, and then I have an accident, a global melt down. Get the beer, get the beer, get the beer. This is precious cargo, all the way from El Segundo, California to Tampa, Florida, I must regain my composure now. [MUSIC] What's happening? You'd think somebody died around here. Isn't anybody excited like me? I'm the happiest son of backstage right now. [CROSSTALK] like man, I don't wanna stay up too late because I know I got TV. [LAUGH] I don't have no time, I been hanging out in person with you, so I come back. Alive to be telling the stories, I ain't going nowhere. When you look at what the WWE is, its rich history, how far it's come, how far the business has come, and to be a part of that, to be one of the people among the many that are here, Hall of Fame people and everybody on the crew,from holding cameras to holding cables, anything. It's just been all one mass effort of human beings and spotlighting many different human beings inside that 20 by 20 squared circle. Somebody say a reunion? To see the guys that I've worked with my whole life, see the guys face-to-face that I used to face off with in the ring, and realize that some of those guys are in such good shape, we could go out there right now and tear it down. Well, it flows right back, but it's really hard to take, too. Because I'm back here, and the real magic is out there. Being in that ring, that's the only time I really felt totally at peace, was being in that ring. And I just felt at home out there. Coming out of the ring is like coming off heaven. One, two, three. It's like a big family reunion. I've had a big smile on my face all day. It's just so great to see everyone. It's been years since we've all been together. It's just super exciting and just sitting around and kinda reminiscing with all the girls, we felt like this is circa 2009. Like nothing has changed, not a day has gone by. [CROSSTALK] How are you? How you doing, man? I'm glad to see you. You got a second? Do I go in there? [CROSSTALK] Good to see you. Everything good? You look good, man. I suck. [CROSSTALK] I'm proud of you. Thank you very much. It means a lot. So I'm very glad you got that on camera, because that just melted my heart. Steve Austin saying that about me is really cool. Yeah I think you'll have a lot of fun. And I would be overjoyed to go to see the Lion King that night. Let's do it, all right? That's a date night. Yes 100%, so excited. All right, thanks, Becky. I'll look forward to it. I'm excited to see my old friends from the Attitude Era, but I've just run into some of the NXT superstars and that's been a lot of fun. I try to impart a little wisdom on them, I exaggerate some of my older ring stories, and they seem to understand that and know it. [CROSSTALK] You acting like a big boss like I can't do what you can do it but I go there in 20 minutes- I do not. And they need somebody. It's hard for me. Now you've got to call my name. Please I need some help. [CROSSTALK] Don't think I won't come in there. [CROSSTALK] I need some help. [CROSSTALK] if they call me. [CROSSTALK] No one likes me- I'll do it. [LAUGH] Don't tempt me I'll do it. Yeah I need it I need it. Good to see you. Good seeing you buddy. Have fun tonight. Bischoff. [LAUGH] How are you doing, it's quite a while. How are you? Who'd have thunk it, right? God damn. [LAUGH] Mr Patterson. Yes sir, how are you? Good, buddy, how you doing? Good. I just got here, today is my first day. [LAUGH] really? Yeah, I moved to Stamford, Connecticut. Good. [LAUGH] Coming to get you. [LAUGH] You know son, you get one chance to make a first impression. Doesn't look like you're about to make a good one. All right kid, six minutes. Go out there and get him. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] You ever go down to that performance center? Every once in a while. Yeah? I'll stop in. How many people are running down there? Probably about over 100. God damn. Most people they've ever had under this, ever. [SOUND] I'm losing weight. I always want to be ready in case they call me. Nice. The man has invited me to tag along to watch The Lion King with you guys in Raleigh. Are you in- Are you okay with that? Yeah, no. Okay. Absolutely, that'd be great. Yeah are you at the sign [CROSSTALK] thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah- Sweet. So I know how busy things are but- Yeah. Let me do it one more time. Yeah dude- Okay, cool. You're more than welcome- All right, good I'll be [CROSSTALK] That's great. How about that? The Lion King with hardcore legend. [LAUGH] Give me a tip. Give you what? Can you give me a tip? No. Are you sure? Yeah. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] Yeah, I'm good. Okay. No, I'm good. I ain't got no itch. Darn. [LAUGH You and me at 36 and Main, I could do that. I could do a match at [CROSSTALK] I'm teasing. Did you catch that? [LAUGH] Crud. What are we doing? What are we doing? What are we doing? What are we doing? It's a very exciting night. It's just like it sounds. Back stage, a lot of us are really happy to see each other and a lot of us haven't seen each other in a long time. I, myself, haven't been on WWE television at all since 2014. At least five years. And the fans aren't expecting to see me so I think they'll be very excited. Hey Road Dog. Yeah? Are you ready? No, no, no. I think the question is, are you ready? Welcome to the Monday Night Raw Reunion live from Tampa, Florida. It was January 11, 1993 that this program went on the air here on the USA Network and tonight marks episode 1,365, the longest running weekly episodic television show in history. Here we go. There he is. Here we go. A reunion. I'll take a tuna on whole wheat. No, I mean, I offered to eat a tuna sandwich. It's fantastic, it's wholesome. What do I have to drink, you ask? I think maybe still water. What time is Raw Reunion, what time does it start, it's now, what time do i go, now? It's RAW Reunion, [MUSIC] Kicking off the RAW Reunion with the 16 time WWE champion. John Cena is lit up, as is this capacity crown here in Tampa. You're telling me all I needed to do was become a part of the RAW Reunion and then you guys would all be nice to me? So without further ado let's get some energy in the building. Let's get this show on the road. The Hall of Famer, Uso's daddy, Rikishi. [LAUGH] My god, testify. Over here with your head going in a circle- You- It's the RAW Reunion in here, and the OGs is up in here. Who do you think you learn from? Man, you better stay in the room. The fans are gonna got nuts, the fans are gonna go nuts And I'm expecting an extra big pop for RVD. I got your back, Ray Ray. I got your back. Hey, look. [APPLAUSE] Hold on, hold on. My God. Look who's here. It's Mr. Monday night. Rob Van Dam. The Hall of Famer. The former World Champion Sergeant Slaughter. [MUSIC] [LAUGH] This is how Sami Zayn learned some respect. Do you guys have like a special vehicle for super heroes? [MUSIC] And another Hall of Famer, the legendary Kurt Angle. RAW Reunion has been all about the legends, and there are still many more to come. It's a toast to Monday Night RAW tonight. [CROSSTALK] [CROSSTALK] thank you [CROSSTALK] Thank you, thank you. So look, every generation moves on. Every generation says, jeez, the old guys are here again. It is chaos a lot of the time when you get all of us in one group, but that's what makes it fun and so special for all of us. And now there's Carl Anderson running some interference up on the apron, and look at this, like a pack of hyenas headed towards Seth Rollins. [MUSIC] [APPLAUSE] What a minute. Triple H and the birthday boy Shawn Michaels. It's live what can go wrong? [MUSIC] And it's this thing, right, something like that. There you go, that one, right? Yeah it's good. Well, it's a start. They'll do a survey and it will all be fine. [LAUGH] Wait, this is Tampa. [SOUND] Styles and Rollins, the brawl is on. [MUSIC] And the OC is upset. Yeah, and steel chairs in hand, and now the odds have turned against DX and Rollins. Boys, my place is to get to stepping, and get to stepping quick. Hey OC, if you're knocked down again, we got two words for you. [APPLAUSE] Thank you. I appreciate it, man, thank you. A bit hard to be a killjoy, Seth, you had a good run. [LAUGH] Thank you. [CROSSTALK] Thank you. Dude, it was so quick. Hey, Bert. If you can get down low. Hey guys, look over here again. I think I played the role of Billy tonight. Maybe, I think. Which is somewhat appropriate in a weird way. But yeah, it was cool, man. You know you look around the ring and there's Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Outsiders. One two three, you know what I mean? Like you're in the ring and you're the one saying if you're not down with that we got, you know what I mean? Now that I'm sitting and reflecting on it, that's bucket list stuff, dude. My 14 year old self would have never believed that was ever a possibility. So dreams are still coming true. Still checking off boxes at 33, man. This is like kind of a main event at Wrestlemania. This is a built match. So once that glass breaks, it should be nothing but pure chaos and adrenaline and I'm looking forward to it. And when I come back here, I'm gonna be satisfied either way but I'll know whether that was a Stone Cold Steve Austin bad ass pop or a Stone Cold Steve Austin good pop. There's a big difference, and anybody who's ever been in the building when I went out there knows it. All right, she stole it again girl. [LAUGH] I got [CROSSTALK] See ya. Nikki Cross, my favorite. [SOUND] No, my voice, my voice doesn't- [MUSIC] We are going to line you up single file, okay? John's got the list. Like we did in rehearsal. Flair out, he does a little something. Hogan is gonna come out. Hogan's gonna milk it. Road Warrior pop- Be quiet. There you go, baby. Don't do it. No. [SOUND] The two time Hall of Famer. The sixteen time World Champion. And, now the other rest of the WWE legends that are joining us here tonight, coming out on stage. Of course, to pay respect to the nature boy Ric Flair. You never know what to expect out there. That's the great unknown, so I'm getting a little jittery. A little sweat starting to bead up under the bald head here. So it’s gonna be fun, I can tell you that much. [APPLAUSE] [NOISE] You know guys, it is so great to be here to celebrate the RAW Reunion with all my friends and all my Hulkamaniacs. What you gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you, brother? What a moment here on Monday Night RAW, the legendary Hulk Hogan, the nature boy Ric Flair and the dozens of Hall of Famers that have joined us and legends here tonight to celebrate Monday Night RAW. Here we go. And we're not done yet. The Texas Rattlesnake, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Give it hell, yeah. [NOISE] Look at all of the people over on that stage. Every single person over there has either bled, sweat, cried tears, hell, damn near crapped himself, pissed himself, riding up and down the road. Hell, that's my damn family. Everybody around the damn world is watching this show right now, guess what, you're all a part of the WWE family. How about you guys come down here to the ring and let's drink a couple of cold ones. And then, while, you're on your way, I want to post a toast right now to every single sumbitch in this arena. They hanging from the roof. It was a legit sellout, people tuned in around the world because it's Monday Night RAW. And when Stone Cold Steve Austin and the family is at Monday Night RAW, it's gonna be a damn good time. And that's all I got to say about that. [APPLAUSE] Gimme some cold beer. I'm posting a toast to Tampa. [MUSIC] [APPLAUSE] Thank you. That was so fun. [APPLAUSE] It's still in there. Believe me, I'm ready for a beer. [MUSIC] Camera guy's probably asking, god dang, Stone Cold, how'd that feel? Bill Dawson got a little bit nervous about going out because I haven't been out here in a long time. So I got to get in Stone Cold mode. So as soon as I start tasting that beer, and I felt that rush of adrenaline from that crowd, I just settled into my own, and just started creating, free flowing. I didn't know what I was going to say. What I said is said from the heart. These are my brothers and sisters out here, people that blaze down the road with me and the people that are blazing down the road nowadays, the current scene, the new superstars. So all the respect, but biggest thanks to you guys that watch us. You're part of the family, damn right. So, that's important moving forward. Appreciate you. [MUSIC]
Channel: WWE
Views: 2,193,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wwe, world wrestling entertainment, wrestling, wrestler, wrestle, superstars, कुश्ती, पहलवान, डब्लू डब्लू ई, मैच, सुपरस्टार, व्यावसायिक कुश्ती, مصارعه, wwe 2019, WWE Day Of, Stone Cold Steve Austin, John Cena, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan, Kelly Kelly, Seth Rollins, Rob Van Dam, Road Dogg, Jerry Lawler, Ric Flair, Alexa Bliss, Godfather, X-Pac, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Christian, Triple H, Booker T, D-Generation X, raw 25, wwe raw, wwe backstage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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