Behind the scenes! Max Verstappen shreds Mad Mikes FLAME THROWING RX7

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I told you it's the best you actually  see what goes in to make these clips I   don't know who's getting set up here whether  it's me or Max but right now it feels like me [Music] Max good stepping hey we're out here  at Millbrook this amazing freaking facility so   tomorrow Maxwell Staffing rolls into town he  reached out and wanted to learn how to drift   before Mad Bull fully rebuilt Mad Bull from  ground up so it's still the beat up battle   scarred wounds everywhere underneath with a  bit of satin black I mean every single part   that's gone on to it is brand new it's not  the most crazy horsepower doesn't have the   most crazy grip in my vision this is the  best car for showcasing drifting period   I'm actually really intrigued myself to see  just how fast he picks it up we're dealing   with the Formula One World Champ so it should  be pretty freaking good you'd think mm-hmm [Music] yeah so it was an interesting end to the day  there was a couple of little gremlins popping   up in the car we had to get a new ECU out here  from Hell Tech get it plugged in literally last   night rewired the entire heltech R3 and put  the new Nexus 5 in which we already have a   lot of knowledge of that ECU so that's literally  the brain that runs the entire car this car got   fully rewired last night to swap that out it's  pretty stressful for the guys but fire it up   right now we're we're about eight o'clock in the  morning so about an hour away before it all kind   of kicks off so it was easy everyone would be  doing it love the pressure love the challenge thank you oh yeah Max is uh he's gonna he's gonna  love it there's no one better than Mad   Mike to give him that first taste and I'm  really look forward to see what Max can   do I was asked earlier what's important to  me at the end of the shoot and it's those   two things really it's having got the things  that we set out to achieve for machine point   of view and that everybody is happy and  had a pretty decent time well we're gonna   get ready for his arrival he should  be here in 20 minutes so uh yeah okay titles wires everywhere another day in the  office Another Day in Paradise ah if he's   going to come into His intro what's up I'm  Max Stefan he's gonna stand there and I'm   going to just go and Brook some Donuts around  him whilst he's trying to do the intro foreign [Music] my God don't worry it was just I was like yeah I  just started yeah I don't know what you've done   to him but he's not the same as he was half  an hour I just gave him a freestyle session   let's put a set of tires let's go and do what  you need to do I knew within like 20 seconds   he was going to pick it up so yeah we just got  straight into it man he just he ripped [Music] [Music] I just want to know how my pet crew are  they as fast they did very good good stop oh crush it Max good stepping hey it's a new name  let's not use it too much on the track let's   just keep it on here it's a Max's first run man  he ripped straight out the back I mean I didn't   know what to expect but I was really surprised by  the grip but the car had really cool to experience   that straight away and I also see the inputs  of Mike you know what he was doing and that   helped me a lot to to get started myself it's  looking good Max is uh I wouldn't say surprise   to everyone he's impressed everyone he's come  to it as an absolutely natural and by the looks   of the guys faces they're having a real good  time in that car it's been a race set for the   zip ties every Drifter needs a zip tie and a race  tape sponsor man that's the first thing you need   to be doing a proposal for Maxwell go give him  some tips mate he's got the right energy drink   we've wiped out a few cones so he's got that  close we just wiped a few out but I know what   we've set up this is the Horner Corner so we've  replaced the cones with Christian Hornets so the   big boss man we've got some oversized hands  so it makes a little bit easier for him to   get the proximity but the idea here there's 10 of  them he's got to try knock them all off [Music] [Music] look at that you got you got his van broke you  got his hand oh look at that look at that thank   you very much Christian reckons dude this thing  sounds [ __ ] incredible from the outside it's   from the outside in my life except for this fella  reverending it in the shop all day every day   I saw this pitch in there Echo like you just what  when I was standing there you were drifting around   me I could hear that yeah I'm feeling great  I mean I didn't know what to expect but this   has been a great day for me I probably want  to do more now oh man what a freaking crazy   day honestly I think the best part about today  was actually witnessing the sound of this car   for the very first time from the outside hearing  the response the Echo and then seeing just the   response on people's faces just as it's revving so  that was really cool moment for me because this is   hands down if I had to get rid of my entire  fleet and I was only allowed to keep one car   this would be it the Mad Bull because if I  was a car that's me right there the Mad Bull
Channel: Mad Mike Whiddett
Views: 62,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cj39Fjg4PRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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