Behind the Counter at a Local Japanese Miso Ramen Restaurant

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this is behind the counter at a local Japanese family-owned miso Ramen Shop [Music] so I'm back with another behind the counter and this time we are in a visu and I'm taking you to a special one this one is a local miso Ramen Shop that's run by a husband and wife I just love being able to show you these pockets of Japanese life but before I take you inside if you guys want to see what I'm doing on the daily check out my Instagram account if you guys want to help me with the channel then definitely check out my Tokyo and Japan merch and if you have any questions about Japan or your Japan travels check out my Discord community that said we are a little bit early muratasan should be coming shortly we just gotta wait so today I'm going behind the counter at Ramen kakitagawa hibari just a three minute walk from Tokyo's Jr ibisu West exit and literally right in front of the ibizuhipia line Subway exit 4. this hole in the wall through the corridor would never know it even existed hidden Japanese ramen shop is exactly why I love doing these videos and there he is the owner of the shop he usually is the first one to arrive in the morning the shop was originally opened in shizoka and relocated to ibizu at the start of 2021 it had a fairly quiet start but quickly picked up a reputation and these days more often than not has a line out the door oh he's preparing one of the several tashu used in the ramen this is the chicken breast chashu so is there anything special about the meat you use it okay you've got my attention after slicing the meat he goes over each slice and trims the edges to make it perfect what did you do before opening the shaft apparently he met his wife around this time which helped motivate him to pursue a more stable career path [Music] he started his Ramen career at a miso Ramen Shop in Ginza called domiso after only studying for 10 months he was able to get the owner's permission to start his own Ramen Shop using similar ingredients and techniques but of his own creation that's a lot of eggs they use about 80 to 100 eggs every day and usually cooks it before the store gets busy a lot of things need to happen all at once in a short period of time so it's important to manage his time efficiently was it tough to get permission to open your own shop guys so what happened apparently he offered to work from early morning until late at night even at a lesser wage compared to other staff to prove to the owner of his commitment to learning how to craft beautiful Ramen with a goal to eventually get the owner's blessing to start his own shop oh that's a pork shoulder Joshua look at that deep coloring I could just eat that alone the shop uses pork fat in their miso Ramen which adds to the already thick soup so he chooses to use a leaner pork shoulder to balance out the bowl [Music] now he's starting the soup prep although the delivery for the bone and meat ingredients haven't arrived yet today he prepped the soup as much as he can so it's ready for when the ingredients arrived wow that's a lot of Saya Buddha also known as pork back fat this is used specifically for finishing off the ramen soup that's in the ramen no wonder why it tastes so good what's the difference in the pots so this shop uses the sugitashi method to prepare its soup which means that it continually adds new crafted soup to the existing one quite a common technique for many Japanese ramen shops oh that's kombu sui kelp water which is used in one of their popular menu items it's Cayman a dipping Ramen in fact kelp is an integral part of Japanese Cuisine commonly used in home cooking as well as Michelin restaurants what's the most popular Ramen here so how did you decide on the menu apparently in Japan these days miso Ramen is not as popular as it once was but rather Japanese are turning towards more light elegant and Chic versions of ramen which is why muratasan also created his own signature kelp water Ramen which was naturally a hit by the way are there any secrets that you can share about the ramen industry full stop oh it seems like the noodles have been delivered the shop uses the same domiso noodles from kaikoro I specialize as saksa based noodle producer the noodles itself are made from a blend of two types of flour and tapioca to create its characteristic springy texture and sweetness pairing perfectly with a shop strong and Rich miso soup nice other Chef in his four month pregnant wife have arrived how's the pregnancy going takes care of their toddler in the morning then works at the shop to greet and serve customers while also doing other tasks like visiting the bank to get change now that the other Chef is here muratasan steps out for a quick visit to the neighboring shrine since his shop is relatively new in the avisa area he prays here to the local God every day to receive its blessing so what did he do before this it says dope can you tell me a joke [Music] that was perfect oh great timing the meat delivery is here the delivery consists of various Meats used in the soup such as gingkotsu pork bones chicken bones and pork feet all these ingredients are combined based on the Shop's own ratio and slow cooked throughout the entire day to produce its own unique signature prop so what do you like about this job foreign foreign as well as helping with accounting for her uncle's company but after he decided to open up a Ramen Shop she decided to work with him so that they could build a restaurant together is there a specific type of ramen that you love me [Music] before we continue I want to give a quick shout out to my regular sponsor boksu if you all don't really know a book supervisor Gourmet experience of Japanese snacks delivered to your front door they work with traditional Japanese factories some over 100 years old provided with authentic Japanese flavors and each monthly box has its own unique theme so you get new snacks each and every time first time users will get a Seasons of Japan box and after that they'll get a theme box like this one and look at that right when you open up the box you get this nice booklet that takes you through each snack as well as information on Japan and Japanese culture you get 10 to 25 snacks in your box depending on the package you choose and one of my favorites that are all hand-picked from all over Japan to deliver you unique and local Japanese flavors get 15 off your own authentic Japanese snack box subscription from booksu by using my code paolo15 and Link in description what flower is that he continues on with the topping prep such as eggs meat Etc and places each one in its designated spots so their bowls of ramen can quickly be made as each new customer arrives are you married what do you guys do for fun at home can you show me your moves all right my man got some moves what do you think [Laughter] finishing up [Music] what are you gonna do now before opening they prepare the spices for about 20 bowls to minimize the customer's wait time oh and that's despite infused oil called komi abuda which includes 12 different kinds of herbs like garlic and ginger [Music] now the store is open for business here comes the first customer oh and this video wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention their key ingredient miso they blend five kinds of raw miso without adding heat to preserve as much of its flavor as possible a distinct saltiness paired perfectly with the sweetness from the pork backpack creating their signature bowl of ramen [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] damn right after opening it's already busy oh Morata says wife is helping out with the toppings now I guess they all know the system so well that they can fill in for each other when needed truly a family run shop whoa this one looks good as well it's Iron Man hot noodles pre-mixed in a thick sauce [Music] excuse me can I ask you a few questions why did you come here today so what do you like about the shop which one why do you like it so much [Music] oh that's a Schemin using kelp water it's served with cold noodles preferred by many Japanese in the summer so although this shop is tucked away from view from the Main Street muratasan says that it's not as big of a deal compared to many years ago when chopped relied heavily on foot traffic these days as long as the shop can create a high quality food experience the internet and social media traffic will ultimately uncover even the most hidden spots so the shop doesn't close down between lunch and dinner like many other Japanese restaurants but they make use of the slower times to catch up on dishes and cleaning a great example of a Japanese family working hard to craft their beautiful Ramen and that's another one in the books if you want to visit this shop and experience it yourself I'll be sure to leave a link in the description so that's behind the counter at a local Japanese miso Ramen Shop if you guys like this video help me out and hit that like button if you guys want to see more videos like this or anything related to Japan hit that subscribe button and the bell button I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Paolo fromTOKYO
Views: 1,612,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paolo, Japan, Japan guide, Japan travel, tokyo, tokyo guide, tokyo travel, japan behind the counter, japanese food tour, japan food, japan food tour, japan ramen, japanese food eating, tokyo ramen, japanese ramen, japan food documentary, behind the counter paolo, behind the counter japan, miso ramen, how to make ramen, ramen tour, ramen noodles, japanese food, japan ramen noodles, japanese ramen restaurant, ramen, ramen restaurant, Kakitagawa Hibari, tokyo hidden gem
Id: yxVPJoCMWgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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