Beginners MS Access Database Tutorial 1 - Introduction and Creating Database

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hello guys from this video I will be starting a new video series on Access database tutorial for beginners and they in this first tutorial I'm going to show you how you can create a new database and how you can create tables inside your database and how you can give it columns to the tables and how you can insert data to the tables and I will be creating these videos on Access 2007 but if you are using a Access 2010 or Access 2013 also you can follow these videos because there is not much difference in those two versions of access so let's get started first of all we need to create a database and what is a database a database is an organized collection of data right so let's create a database in Access now if you have already installed access and you don't know how you can start access you can just go to your Start button and search for access here and you will see somewhere in the search result Microsoft Office access and the version you have just open it and it will open this for you Microsoft or exes now search for the option called blank database we are going to create a blank database there are several templates also for the databases which you can choose but I am going to teach you the basics so we will start with the blank database so just search for the option called blank database which is this and in here on the right bottom side you will be able to see this file name so this is the name of the database you are going to care okay so here you need to give the name of the database so for example I want to create a database of the employee information so I will give the name to the database as employee info database okay employee info so I will be creating this database and I will insert some table in my employee information database or employee info database and you can save your database in the specified location by default it will save your database in your Documents folder but you can change this default location by just clicking this button and you can just change the location for example I will create a new folder here and I will name it as Access database okay so once gain access database okay and inside this folder I am going to save my employee info database okay so we click OK and then I will click this button call create and once you click this button you will be presented with this screen and here we will be creating the tables we will be creating the columns in the table and we can insert even the data into the table now whenever you create a table for example this is default table which access is created for us but for example you click this button and you click this button without saving it then if this will not be saved inside your database so I click this cancel button and now you have the blank perspective yeah so because we haven't saved this table it will not be included in your database now let's create a new table in the employee info database for that you will see here some tabs right and so these are called tabs and in here there is a toolbar and you can choose any tool to create or do different stuff here so what I am going to do is I will go to this create tab and I will choose a table and when I choose this table it will create a table for us but first of all before creating a table we want to design our table first right so I will just click this button design table and you will be presented with this prospector and in here this is the field name data type and description field name is the title of your column of the table and the data type is the form in which your columns will take the input I will describe the star type in detail when I create some column and the description by the name you know if you want to give the description to your column you can give it here so let's get started so for example I want to create a table called the employee employee data table for example right so employee data table what it can contain it can contain employee ID employee name employer name phone number country city whatever you want to have in your table so we will start it employee ID so I will say this table will contain a ID which means employee ID and the data type of this employee ID will be a number right employee ID can be a number or it's better to give it auto number what auto number does is it will increment automatically and you don't need to increment it by yourself I will show the demonstration and you will understand so this means the data type is the form in which your column will take the input so this employee ID will take input in the form of number right and because it's auto number it will be generated automatically you can give text data type mamo number date time currency there are many different data types here but employee ID is an odd for example auto number and here you can give description for now I am NOT giving any description here the second column name for example I will give is name and it's not necessary that you will you know give this name in capital letters or small letters you can give it in any case but just remember don't give any space like name whatever name name so don't give any space in between it's not a good practice okay so just give the name of the column like this or you can give the name of the column like first name so I haven't left any space in between these two words right and this first name data type will be 'text yes because data type for first name names are the strings of words right so for word so this will be our text data type now the last name will also be a text right because last name is also a string now for example we want to give the date of birth of an employee right so I will name my column name as DOB which stands for date of birth so I can give the description here DOB stands for date of birth right and date of birth is a date so data type will be date/time here now you can do certain things with your data the data type assume when you select this row here which is DOB you will be able to see this general for property fields here and first feel here is the format in which you want to show that date okay so there are different format you can show your date you can show a date like 19-0 6-2 thousands and the time also you can show this like this 19 and the full month name in text and then the year 2007 or you can have different format so for example I have choose this format called medium date okay now there is a way in which you can also input the value which is called input mask okay so for example I want to input the value in the form in some form just select this and just click this three-dot button and you need to save your table first for that so I will say yes and I will give the name of my table here okay so I will say my table name is employee data okay and I will click OK and I will say yes so you immediately see here my table name change to employee data here right and now I have input mask wizard and in here I can choose this input like this you can choose in which form you want to give your input and it will show in the form you choose in the format so I will choose the same input as I have given the form format here but you can choose any input type here and I will click finishing okay now we create for example country employees country so this country will be a text and for example you your employees or your company is located in a specific country for example you are USA then what you can do is you can give a default value to column also so for example I choose this country row or column yeah and I go to the properties and there is a property called default value and I can give the default value to my column so that it will always show this default value for example us a right and I will add some more columns here but let's see how our table looks like till now so you can go to this view button here and just click it and it will ask you to save the changes you say yes and you are now in the view of the table so you can see here we have e ID name last name date of birth and the country column has default value USA which we have given default value now there is a concept called primary key so if you don't if you have noticed that this in Eid has this small key symbol before it it's not necessary that you need to give only this to Earth to your this key to your column but what this primary key does is it is a row or it is a column which uniquely identifies your row data okay because each employee ID will be different or unique in itself to employee ID cannot be same and that's the primary of purpose of primary key so primary key is a identifier which is unique in itself okay so employee ID in our case is a unique column which will distinguish the data and you can remove this primary key but by this clicking this word button once again you see here now there is no primary key you can give the primary key to any column for example this one or you can change it to this one once again but try to choosing the primary key which is unique so which contains the unique data and you will be able to differentiate your raw data on the basis of this primary key so two primary key cannot be same okay as a rule of thumb pocket now we go to we will save this and we will go to the view okay and when you see here because it's auto increment when I click here in this first name column and I enter some value for example mark this is auto-generated because you you see here it's Auto number so it is automatically generated even if you don't give any value to it okay so it has taken the value one last name for example some name date of birth you see here it takes the input in some format we have given in which we have given so it takes the format we will give the format 19 June 8 e8 for example and the default value for the country is already USA and once you enter the data for the table you can save your daughter and this data will be saved right you can once again go to the design section and you can add more values here right so what else we can give we can give telephone number for example so I will say phone and you can give phone number as a numerical value so naturally you will think that if it's a telephone number you can enter the numerical value but for example if you want to give your phone number in brackets with your country codes or some city codes then you can always choose it text and you can would go to the property and you can choose your input mask so I will leave it as a text and I will go to input mask and I will click this button once again and I will say yes and there are some default input types which you can choose for example password phone number or you can create your input types also so for example you want to create a input type for your phone number I hope already have this input type phone number but for example I want to create a new input type or a phone number what I can do is I can add it list I can just click this button and it and I will say next because phone number one phone number already exists and then I can give a new input type in this list so for example I want to enter new telephone number and the input mask so input mask is the form of data in which you want to enter your daughter so this can be seen from the help how you can give input mask just click your help here and it will open this page here and you can scroll down and there is a table here and this will give you an idea what is what so whenever you give 0 here user must enter or digit when you give 9 here user can enter a digit digit or whenever you give L here user must enter a letter and you can read this list what is what so for example I will give the C rows here so that user must enter the values because the phone number cam must contain a certain number of digits right for example I will give this bracket and inside this I will give 0 0 0 so I will give bracket 0 0 0 once again a bracket and then a normal number so this 3 number will be for example city code and outside the bracket will be the phone number so I will give for example 5 digit phone number or 6 digit phone number so I will add 6 six zeros here okay and once you are done just close it and it says P cannot be empty sample data you can give sample data for example the city code is two to two and the phone number is one two three four five six okay of five I have entered only five zeros I can add one more and I can add one more six game and I will close it and you can see our data type is added here in the list and you can finish it now whenever you go to view then I just need to save it and you can see here you can enter the number in the format you have provided some number okay now for example your employee comes from different countries and you know the list of the countries you want in this country column so just go to your design just select your country column and there is a data type called lookup wizard which enables you to give a list or list of values you want to provides so just choose this I will type in the values that I want just choose the second option and click Next and here you can give the list of values you want to see for example first value of the country is us a second will be UK third may be India both may be Germany China and branch for example and just click Next and click finish so now when you go to view here you save it you and when you want to add at this country you will have this combo box and you can see you have the list and you can choose the values from the list okay so for example I choose China and I save the data and I give one more data for example some name so the name and the date of birth mmm see what can I give date of birth and the telephone number starts from here and I will just save the data so in this way you can create a database you can create a table you can create a column inside the table and you can punch in data in your tables so I think that's enough for this video in the next video I will discuss some more features of Access database so I hope you will be watching these videos and I hope you have enjoyed this video please rate comment subscribe and bye for now
Channel: ProgrammingKnowledge
Views: 1,701,768
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Keywords: Microsoft Access (Software), Microsoft (Business Operation), Database (File Format Genre), Tutorial (Industry), Software (Musical Album), Help, Intro, Tips, Database (Software Genre), Microsoft Corporation (Venture Funded Company), Tutorial (Media Genre), Software (album), Introduction, Need, Tricks, New
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 16 2014
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