Beginners guide to starting the Antonov AN-2 from Cold and Dark in Microsoft Flight Simulator

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hello so the Antonov an2 has been released for Microsoft flight simulator I think it's been developed by at simulations and I have to say they have done an absolutely fantastic job on it it's you can call this study level everything seems to work and everything seems to react as you would imagine it should and I say imagine obviously I've never seen the real aircraft so all I have to go on is cripping from videos of the real thing they're all over YouTube and the various instructions you can find for previous versions of this aircraft in other simulators so I've gone and worked my way backwards and learned my way around bits and pieces of the cockpit just enough to get the aircraft up and running okay so as you can see it's absolutely wonderfully modeled so what we're going to do is just go through the startup sequence to get this up and running from cold and dark as I said so if we go and jump inside the quality of modeling continues inside it's absolutely fantastic but you'll see the biggest hill we have to climb here is everything is written in Russian so I'm going to be quite slow as I go around the switches because I'm looking for them as well and I'm going to be explaining what things are not in too much detail but also I'll be referring to notes so there will be pauses as I read my own notes make sense of them and then show you in the cockpit where something is okay so where do we get started with this aircraft the master power switch is this one that stood up at the front of the pedestal and we push it forwards yeah and the light comes on on the panel to show us that we have power to the aircraft the next thing we do is turn on the com radios that's the two switches over here on the the top of the panel okay so obviously the reason for sending those on so early is so you can communicate with the tower for example to let them know that you ought to ask them if you have clearance to start your engines so then you go down to the console in the middle and you go for the fuel shutoff valve which is the the big red lever over here then we go and open the pneumatic valve that will be used to start the engine that's this giant um knob at the side of the cockpit so you turn that and you hear the hiss as it releases um you make sure the fuel selector is on both so that means when this is left or right and both so we need to turn this to face the direction the aircraft's going basically and then down the side of the cockpit down here if we get the Yoke out of the way so we can see this those are the beacon light switches okay next we go and turn on the anti-fire system so on the Left Bank of these switches on the second Row the fourth switch I think I've got this right one two three let's see yep the anti-fart light has come on okay so then on the pedestal we go and turn the sixth switch to one which is the engine gauge power so one two three four five six there we go and the fuel quantity power switch so what we're really doing here these are switches for ancillary systems so for the gauges many sections of the cockpit have actually got separate wiring looms I'm guessing so you'll actually you know it's similar to the an225 in that respect they continued on with this way of having breaker switches for different systems so then in terms of the levers we're going to move the propeller to high RPM which is this wedge-shaped lever when we're going to move the mixture to Rich so that's the blue lever and it has to be back back is rich then on the floor down the side of the pilot there is a lever here we're going to pump it so this is pulling fuel into the system you hand hand priming the systems really so we give that a few Wiggles I have no idea how many I've not really practiced this much yet so I don't know what the minimums are on these things and then behind the pilot there's the primer yeah to pull fuel into the carburetor I guess to start the engine okay so we've done that we've done that so then we go and look at the I'm just reading my own notes here so we turn back around so magnetos are directly in front of the pilot so we turn that to one plus two we turn on the start master switch now this is the bit that that foxed me for quite a while we have to watch this gauge and we're going to hold the left Mouse button down and drag this switch and keep the mouse button down the whole time so we're going to drag left so this is spinning up the flywheel that will start the engine so you can see on that gauge at the bottom right I can't point the mouse at it because I'm holding this switch on when that needle gets to about eight and I'm going to crack the throttle open while we're doing this when it gets to about eight you can drag right violently and that when we were holding left it was doing the flywheel when we held it right it released the clutch on the flywheel onto the engine and the big bang you heard was ignition and now the engine is quietly purring away okay so the immediate thing we do then we turn off the master start switch we put the parking brake on for we turn off the master start switch again I didn't go through the full checklist did I so parking brake would have been on the checklist and we turn off the air pressure that was used to spin up the flywheel okay so we now have an engine running so the most difficult part of this is done if we go and look outside it sounds wonderful so if we sit on the parking brake and rev It Up foreign the cockpit now now we've got the engine running is go and turn on the alternator so on the yellow strip at the top of here you remember there was the master power switch the alternator is next to it um we turn the inverter on so to the right of the V meter the next switch is the inverter then all of the left switches go on at the top of here so again these are breakout power switches for the various systems around the aircraft um second row the left two switches go on the on the pedestal the rest of the switches go on the panel the nav lights now come on so that's the and have light is that one taxi light is the right one and these are the landing lights so we are essentially now ready to go something else you'll need to know about is the control for the um the cowl flaps which is these two so this is the oil uh flaps and the cow flaps okay so you just hold them in position and they will open and close the oil and cow flaps okay so that is the very Basics to get this thing up and running obviously we're going to do more videos taking it for flights and flying around we're going to do a very quick circuit just to see that happen so I'm going to move the flaps to take off position we're going to release the parking brake so look how far we rolled when I had the parking brake on so we're going to turn it's worth pointing out there is a switch here in the cockpit it's right here which locks or unlocks a tail wheel so I have not flown this yet so all I've done is got the engine up and running I've just talked myself into doing this while talking to you foreign of a test flight I've got live weather on so I have no idea what the weather's doing let's have a look at the wind sock we're going the wrong way for the wind so I'm going to tax you down and turn around oh no we are going the right way for the wind okay this is a short takeoff aircraft so we'll let the tail come up the wind is trying to get into the wing and we're up immediately we've got no payload obviously so the aircraft's very light I was only on three quarters throttle then as well so we're going to pull up the flaps we've taken off from Booker Airfield by the way or Wickham Air Park so you can see this is unbelievably modeled it's like looking at a photograph wherever you look as things work as well so you can see as well you know you can move the covers around they do cast shadows as they should you can see you can see like the the lights reflecting in the mirrors how cool is that so all we're going to do is a very very quick circuit I've not looked at any of the stats on how you should fly the aircraft so this is me feeling it out basically I'm a 50 throttle at the moment just coming around to 60 degrees at Wickham we've gone the wrong way for the circuit by the way most circuits of working you should turn right going on Runway two four fly out over the fields the reason for that is doing this way we fly over Villages full of wealthy people who will ring the Airfield and complain and they will complain bitterly okay let's get the flaps back in cut the throttle it's really nice visibility as well has to be said and before anybody asks I haven't found the switches for the fans yet but obviously I will be recording many more videos with this aircraft so we'll see how we go obviously everything's in metric because this is from Russia so speed indicated their speed is in kilometers per hour not miles per hour or knots so you need to have that in mind so I am judging this purely on how much backstick I'm having to use so I have no idea what what stool speed is So Gone to full flaps speed is kind of holding 150 kilometers an hour I didn't calibrate the altimeter but there's not much point because this was just a very visual circuit again this is almost a test flight never having set foot in this before I'm going to just skid myself sideways away from that pillar let's get over the runway sit up the game this is all visual now there we go we just touched the wheels turn the aircraft around there's a bit of a crosswind today pull the tail wheel down onto the floor with the elevators it's the wheel brakes I've noticed if you if you use the wheel brakes you extend you you use the pressure built up to to engage them and then you can't use them a second time so you need to be definite about how you do things or at least there are procedures you must follow to do things properly so there we go I'm just going to taxi back to the the painted line in the grass isn't it fantastic it's worth pointing out if you start the engine from the outside view all kinds of smoke belges out of the exhausts as the engine fires up it's very very cool which flaps back up on the way back in right rather than make you sit through me taxing all the way back in I'm going to bring it to a stop on the grass or not yeah I've run out of that pressure so there's obviously a system there to manage pressure for the wheel brakes which I have not managed properly so what I'm going to do is just turn the aircraft which is obviously run it out of speed and there it goes so let's pull the mixture and we should kill the engine and there it goes how fantastic is that okay so obviously there is a proper procedure to switching everything back off we're not going to get into it today so that was just a very quick first look at the Antonov an2 and a cold and dark startup so hopefully you enjoyed that and I'll be back again soon I will write up these notes but obviously I'll have to have screenshots in them and all sorts to to guide you through it so I'll see you again soon
Channel: Jonathan Beckett
Views: 16,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2paqqubMv3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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