Beginner's Guide to Red/Purple Luffy! (Three Captains OP 4.5) | Deck Breakdown & Gameplay

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welcome back to another one piece car game video and we're going to go and continue the three captains coverage it's a little late I just came back from passadena but today we're going to go through the red purple Luffy if you haven't checked out the other decks uh I'm going to have like a little thing at the top right here law was great I still have to do kid and then I want to do uh mcelin and a couple others but if you have any suggestions let me know in the comments and be sure to subscribe so let's first talk about the leader which has two very unique things to him the first one is that he is a 6K leader so with Whitebeard band and obviously we H we are making a deck uh post band list with Whitebeard gone and him coming back op5 we have historically known that 6K is pretty dang good against most decks it just becomes more difficult for any deck to deal with and just to plan around but the other thing that is more unique about this leader is that he only has three life now this immediately means that he is a worse Whitebeard but he could feel a couple gaps and become a pretty strong leader see the activate main for him is that you add a dawn if you have zero which plays more into to 10 drop Luffy and op5 and uh if you have eight or more you can add a dawn as well so that means any of your minus Dawn effects after eight Dawn become pretty much for free so your whole goal with this deck is that you want to ramp as much as possible get into the higher end and then protect yourself throughout so that way you don't die at through life see the interesting thing about this leader is that it really teaches you some defense like all the leaders out of the ultimate deck or the ultra deck is actually kind of difficult to play they their their ceiling is uh pretty high and the learning curve is a little bit weird like they're not like when you once you really have a pretty decent build for it and you really start playing it you have to kind of learn um the the curve for them perfect it and make sure that you don't make mistakes because any of the leaders especially Luffy will punish you for it now the other thing is that um in Japan in Asia you know any anywhere that doesn't have the ban list uh Edward Newgate is pretty much the prominent thing about this deck that the whole reason that you want to ramp is that you get to eight you add one and then you throw down nine cost Whitebeard to get to an 8K leader but you really can't do that in this format you have to wait until it gets unbanned hopefully well maybe never but but we will see instead you have to ramp into uh other important and little less effective things starting with the ramp cards we do have a few first one is Miss all Sunday which is great on curve like if you're going first uh you do get that draw which you really desperately do need in this deck um you do end up having a 5k body there's a couple other things that you can do as well with that trigger effect we do also have genan Bart which is also out of the ultimate Ultra deck um he is an onplay basically a five cost where you pay for four you play on on play for one and then you add one as active which is super important because your leader is a 6K you you want that actual or you want that extra Dawn in active mode so that way you swing seven and it makes a little bit more awkward and more difficult for your opponent and then we also have Allstars or whatever it's called lead performer performer disasters the four cost extra card I've been very back and forth about this card but I think what I found is that if you're playing nine drop kaido or if you're if you're going second really it just ends up being a better card there is the alternate um uh basil Hawkins the purple one in which you can pay for and ramp one in uh in rest and that's really what you you know find out with basil it is only a 2K weeny uh it could be an extra attack to take game right in the in the right circumstances and he also is counterpower but the fact that you can draw off of this on the trigger and as well as on play ends up being pretty decent and I think with you comb comine this with wire and as well as Queen you can just pitch it anytime and then finally my very I don't know if anybody else is playing this card but Paulie I like Paulie quite a lot uh I played at three and uh he is pretty good on seven Dawn because again there's going to be times that if you don't have a queen or if you don't have something else to play on seven Dawn you end up playing paully you get that extra Dawn you can ramp one with your leader keep one active for guard point or something else and then also uh swing seven or whatever else with that extra dawn after you use poly plus the KO effect is pretty cool I mean at the end of the day he is only he is a 56 I mean the the theme of keeping sixes on board and on your face is usually what you want to do real question is uh if you're going to be ramping so much what are you ramping to right there there are some replacements for Whitebeard right I I think what it comes down to you have Shanks kaido and then the 10 drop Luffy and not so much in that order it it really depends on what you what you want to do and what you are going against right so you have those three but then you also have the seven cost kid which effectively Makes Your Leader a 7K leader for two turns which is pretty awesome uh people really love getting rid of uh the seven cost kid but you know you're still that 7K leader and you still can be aggressive and Def defensive um at the same time because of it Jinx gets around things like Queen and is just a nine cost uh big swing immediately um and if you are at nine and you can ramp one then you can just use S Shanks and then have one open the the the previous turn with seven uh or paying the seven clost kid that's pretty much the ideal point that you want to be in now we played the other two uh excluding the nine cost new gate it's one of we should all know that we should be playing that anyway just throw it in the deck um the 10 cost Luffy ex pretty much uh makes a a really interesting board State uh for your opponent right everything except for black uh basically says you can't block unless you want to lose two things if you want to block the 10 or the 11k swing you're going to end up losing something else you can clear a board very quickly which you'll probably see in the gameplay as well now Luffy is great it's just that it is a really big commitment and when you when you don't want to use all 10 of your Dawn and you can't minus anything unless you use the seven CA to do that then the kaido is going to be there in a pinch which you can pop anything um six or less which could be any kind of blocker like a five cost uh law or whatever it may be and then swing that 10 and now taking a look at the full deck list in the Sim which I'll hopefully remember to put in the description below um we have uh pretty much everything that you need to now I I would say to cycle through the deck to uh ramp and to get to your top end basically and um it's going to be it's very interesting where you start playing this deck and you value more of your 1K counters versus your 2K counters because it it you know it feels bad to 2K out of a 6K swing and people usually just go to 6K instead and it's feels pretty good when someone swings at seven to your six because you can just pitch a 2K but um overall you have the ultama which I'll move my camera over here uh the otama we have the the Gordon otama is cool because you can swing into anything that has two or minus 2K is just a utility uh red um uh 2K and along with Gordon which you have a lot of things that you can't counter with things that you just need to cycle through which Gordon allows you to do that along with the queen along with the wire and wire has a few different targets is not a a huge ton but I think because he is a three cost um blocker he is a 1K and a in a pinch as well as the once per turn is not too bad you can even have um probably like hell's judgment instead of uh some of these other event cards that you might want to use or you don't want to use I should say um the other lower end I found that Nami because you don't have too many turn one plays or just plays in general that has a lowc cost Dawn Nami has been really good because again it's that onek counter you you need more of those and you are basically a sevenk swing every single turn and with the kid obviously you're an eight uh on attack and you know that type of thing but Nami has been great if if we still had Nami the one cost uh top five I would probably put this the four just simply because you you need that one um uh that that turned one play and she just is very useful I haven't put this at four to see it because sometimes you draw an ny late game doesn't really do too much for you uh so if you see it you see it if you can use it for counter you can use it for counter this is definitely a f spot for yourself the things that we didn't really talk about again is our the queen you know like I said you can minus one trigger the um uh the wire which effectively draw two pitch one and draw one pitch one you draw three cards you get rid of any of the cards that are in your hand that you really don't want like the leaf form of disaster Etc and another concept for that is going to be the bad maners kick course and you play this one not the purple one because of the trigger they they do the same thing it's just that the trigger is a lot more useful when you can minus 3K and you only have three life which which is fine um but when you do see it and you do end up triggering it it feels pretty good we do have radical beam as well as uh guard point you want the onek counters because some of your uh some of your plays are just ending up having one extra Dawn right and if you ramp after you minus a dawn after you deplete your Dawn um then you can just uh add that active Dawn and then use that for um the event card as well and then finally the four CA law um it's a really good card I don't there's not really too much to say I I bumped it down to three because some people are playing it more and more um are playing around it more and more sometimes you just can't avoid it right uh when when you're a 6K leader you can swing six seven 8 n pretty easily and um uh you end up having them to have more and more cars in your in their hand because they can't defend against it so TR law is great he is a blocker you kind of need blockers in this in this deck um I was playing uh Chopper um but because I was increasing so many of the things that didn't have counterpower I was just finding that it just didn't feel good so if you do find um a place for it like probably Nami you can switch these two for for two Chopper go ahead and do that so when we talk about op5 there are a few different cards you can take a look at obviously when Nami comes back you're going to have a little bit more consistency in another turn one play but if uh in general you just want to know zor juru is cool I really do like him he has a three cost add one Dawn to make it five so that way it's a it's a viable swing and uh you're going to be able to add one Dawn um uh to your Dawn deck and set it to active uh pretty much every single time because you are a three or a three life leader so you combine this with Gene Bart you pretty much have one of the best uh ramp engines you that you need I keep talking about this car but the five cost kid is still really good for this because whenever you minus on you get that active back so I highly suggest that you do look into this for op5 and I might get a little controversial here but I really like the 10 cost um secret Luffy uh he is really cool I like it is interesting to to to really play the card like if you played a little bit of op5 you you'll understand what I'm saying where you play you play this for 10 you you go into uh the leader effect you go into this effect to um uh go into an extra Dawn and then on the following turn you do it again you're back at five Dawn and you're you're Gucci you're fine and then you can you can use something like genan b or you can use something like um miss all Sunday and then you can keep going and then just have that 12K body on board the longer that that card is on board um the better but you know the The Meta depending on what we see might change in pace so it might not be as effective I think that's enough talking let's get into the game play all right so we're going to start out with uh going against law which is one of the counterparts of Luffy uh we chose to go first and I think we're going to keep this hand because we have a couple things that we uh really like which uh is the gene part we have some counterpower and we have a Shanks which is going to be kind of important against this deck along with a kid too I think uh both are going to be pretty important um The Annoying Thing to go against okay we ran into a jet pistol forgot about that one um the only thing about law is that uh there's just a lot of different effects uh going off and you pretty much won't be able bble to um uh uh stay anything on board or keep anything on board so uh that's the kind of the annoying part here uh I think we yeah we did use lader effect we Ed the Nami to swing seven we have one open for guard point and we're going to either play the shanks or the new gate next turn um which uh our our Lovely Brooke is swinging seven here I think what we're going to have is probably our kid to get removed cuz we do have a good amount of um Dawn open as law yeah the round table comes down and he gets bottom decked which is not amazing I was thinking about playing the ply to get rid of the beo beo is pretty important for uh law and as soon as you get rid of him um it's it's really detrimental really I you know it's going to be um a lot harder for them to keep up their uh their uh their Dawn really so so we AK leader he has another round table which is not cool um but we do have our Shanks in hand uh still thinking about the pully here but I think we're just going to swing seven uh then swing 10 after that I think he probably Burns a guard Point here oh no just two cards and then the bbo goes so he does have the law I don't know if he's going to have another another answer to our uh Shanks but he does minus it too which is pretty suspect uh Nami is doing some work here just uh uh giving us that extra Dawn every single turn and we're going to go ahead and pop the good old uh law and we're going to swing a few times here and that might be a wrap actually I I forgot how quick this game was going to give him a cool GG and that's it I think we got a little lucky um in the way of uh how we drew but that's kind of the whole point point of the deck right you you sort of have to cycle through as much as possible didn't really see any queens or wires to do that but we did hit the um the event card that ramped us one get that extra Dawn as well as draw um other cool thing is that we got Round Table twice um as we were trying to set up and the two Rush cards that we do ramp into uh really helped us out so I think that's that's kind of the two things that you really want to um keep in mind all right next up is Queen so they're going to go second we're going to go first uh I Mulligan into a much better hand I think um and I think you know one of the things I didn't discuss is the fact that you have a choice between Jean Bart and miss all Sunday and the choice is either uh do I want uh Queen F later or uh do I want counterpower now and along with the draw right um so against this matchup personally I think you play the the missile Sunday versus the Jean Bart um because you know it's it's just a good draw you want to draw into the things that you want to um keep alive or uh beat them with I should say and um yeah I think that's what we that's what we're going to do and he's going to keep swinging the seven and sixes so having that extra counter power is pretty good I think swinging six here first and then Shanks is pretty important because now it forces him to either take the life or block with the doy blocker uh we do have the ER duate one of which is pretty cool uh so we're going to go and see that come down pretty soon here why is just sitting there uh not doing the minus one just yet cuz we haven't really seen any of the um I think I should have blocked here cuz we as soon as we saw the pound I think we should have blocked there that was one thing that I I should have uh kept in mind but we did have the extra the extra life which is pretty sick thank you I appreciate that I think that's what I was thinking of um at the time I think just because I had that extra life I was like hey cool I'm no longer at two life I'm still a three three life leader thank you for the extra life I appreciate apprciate that he does play the kaido which means his hand is not good I got to let you know it probably is not good um we play the Gordon out because uh there's only like two significant swings which is going to be his his kaido and his his leader Queens more often than not don't really swing uh too hard with their leader because they uh end up playing High costed cards right and they don't really have anything reserved for their leader um for Dawn usage uh so we're going swing 10 here we got rid of the other blocker um he blocked with the other blocker because Shanks invalidates it and that's kind of what we wanted anyway we have three guard points in hand all three in the deck um into our hand we have bad maners course which means we can probably protect our Tink pretty easily against this kaido which I think that's what he's going to do um so a Bad Manners or a guard point along with the genan BART should get us there and then he has to reserve the rest of his his Dawn for something else which is going to be Yamoto which that's exactly what I was saying I I think I think for him I think I'm I'm not the greatest Queen player but I think uh he probably should have oh no okay he shouldn't oh he couldn't have never mind I was going to say he probably should have swung with leader went da underneath but he was at five in total um so I don't know he probably he probably had the choice of playing a uh Yamato and swing with leader um that's pretty much it so uh the reason why I swung with the Whitebeard first is because there there are plenty of triggers that give him blockers so making sure that um you play around that is super important um obviously you can put two under um Whitebeard if you end up doing that because the there I mean this only ignores um I think 2K or less so in all technicalities you can do it the other way around it's just that you have uh two extra Dawn for guard points to protect yourself instead um so there you go I I think this matchup is a little easier than most um when playing uh against u a certain decks or slower decks because you're they're playing at the same Pace that you are um uh faster decks like Zoro and things like that it's going to be a little bit harder uh category is a little bit difficult as well because if you are going against yellow uh and they're playing big mom or the seven cost or whatever you're going to be playing behind quite a lot because you are again that three three life leader um which is going to be the the the definite um uh balance and balancing act that you have to deal with all right last up is going to be the kid um unfortunately only only amount of games that I have time for um but we did draw pretty okay um we got the wire we got the miss all Sunday we got the Gan Bart looking pretty good if he swing six then we can get rid of a six uh a gan Bart play the miss all Sunday the next turn keep swinging uh from there and that's uh probably what's going to happen depending on if he goes goes kind of crazy with it which he did uh we did get the trigger completely forgot about that but that's another reason again why we do play it uh so we're going to go and swing seven here make sure he goes down to three which is probably where he wants to be anyway uh as kid I did not play around the law so that's my fault I probably should have used the gene Bart against purple um but hey that is the the the way the the why we test the decks so um that's okay I was looking for a 2K we got we got it there with the Gordon uh we're going to have our own uh law come down and then I think swinging five here we pitched made him pitch the the seven cost and as wall as of Shanks which is interesting that you play he's playing the shanks but it kind of makes sense if you're going to be ramping as well only three cars in hand but we do have two blockers um 3K in hand as well the the kid is going to come down next turn I think I could have kept the kid too by the way but um that's okay uh cuz we did get the the wire trigger which is nice uh so the wire trigger comes in we're going to get exchange the uh the 1K for the 2K and this is where the deck kind of shines where we have we have a 7K leader we're swinging sevens because we have so much uh ability to manipulate our our Dawn we have what 6K in our hand uh for for counter power and he can't swing he literally cannot swing here now um he can swing at oh yeah he can do that too so okay I I was wrong on that one but I mean still still stands the point still stands uh we have two kids out um and uh I almost misplayed here because I I forgot to use my leader ability afterwards so if you end up having nine Dawn playing the kid um or seven Dawn playing the kid or eight Dawn playing the kid in the minus and eight you're not able to um uh go uh and ramp from there so I kind of misplayed there we do have the we do have the wire we're still at an akk leader um uh with uh what 8K in our hand so I don't think we're going to die anytime soon uh and I don't think he's going to get be able to get rid of all of our uh our our things on board we may be able to swing into one of these 10 or two 5K sorry um but he does swing 10 into our face and he's going to go ahead and quit and just before I even get the chance to swing so cool that is Luffy that is uh the ramp Luffy uh pretty quick games um if I can find some more games like on katakori or any of these other decks like green purple doofy green purple doofy is interesting because your build's playing sort of a longer game he just have or doofy has more and more uh options and more versatility than you do because of the UDA because of the seven drop because of the the the way that he can get a little bit more aggro with the three cost and things like that um but that's probably another video right uh so if you want more gameplay either subscribe to me or follow me on Twitch uh it's in the description below or let me know in the comments what you want to see so I'll see you in the next one later
Channel: Stage Zero
Views: 9,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deck profile, purple luffy deck profile, red purple luffy deck profile, purple luffy deck breakdown, dragon ball super card game deck profile, one piece deck profile, janemba deck profile, deck profile dbs, top 8 deck profile, zamasu deck profile, gt deck profile, dbs deck profile, dbscg deck profile, piccolo deck profile, dragon ball super deck profile, luffy, best shenron gogeta deck profile, one piece tcg red green luffy deck profile, red green luffy deck profile
Id: d864Sgf4pcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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