Beginners Guide To iPhone 15 - How To Use The iPhone 15 Pro Max Tutorial

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hey everyone welcome back this is Dan from dhtv and today I'm going to be showing you how to use the iPhone 15 Pro Max the pro the plus and the standard iPhone 15. let's get started all right so this is the beginner's guide to the iPhone 15 Pro Max and 15 series of iPhones we've got titanium we've got pink and we've got the new action button that we're going to talk about in this video now there's a whole bunch of things I'll be showing you in this video so if you do want to skip ahead to something specific there's chapters in the video description so you can skip to those timestamps and learn exactly what you want to learn for the rest of us though we're going to start with the basics and work our way up to some more advanced features for you so that you can start getting the most out of this iPhone so let's start with basic navigation here first off what we're looking at here is our home page and our home page is compiled of applications which are these small little apps and we have some widgets at the top you'll also notice a dock at the bottom here and that holds four applications that'll always stay on this page you'll notice when we navigate through these never move and navigating through is done by touches and gestures with your fingers so you can swipe left to move to a second home page you can swipe right to go back and if you scroll all the way to the left it'll bring up your app library and the app library is just a quick way for you to search at the top here for any applications that are on your phone so if you're looking for the camera you would just type that and it would appear here in the same sense if we swipe all the way to the right we have a widget Library here where we can compile and add widgets of various things that we like for example a battery meter some stocks that we want to check up on maybe your calendar and we'll get into widgets a little bit later in the video now to open an application it's pretty simple all you have to do is just tap on it the application opens up and you can navigate through the app just by tapping or swiping depending on what you need to do with it anytime you want to exit an application you can see this little line down here you just swipe up from the bottom it'll exit the application and bring you back to your home screen now when you open applications like web pages for example we'll go to the Apple website here you can scroll with using one finger just like this up and down you can also zoom in using two fingers and you pinch outwards to zoom in pinch inwards to zoom out once again to exit you just swipe up and you're back to your home screen now let's talk about organizing these apps and we'll start with how to delete applications on your phone you can actually delete these apps if you don't want them if they're not useful to you and it's pretty simple so let's just say we didn't want this application right here what you would do is tap and hold and that's going to bring up additional options and each app has its own variation of options that you can then work with use or what we're going to do here remove the application so we're going to tap remove and then we'll tap delete app however if you just want to remove this application from your home screen because it's taking up space you can choose remove it won't delete off your phone you'll still be able to access it in the app library but for us let's tap the delete app will get prompted once again and we can tap delete and keynote is gone now anytime you delete an app you can always re-download it from the App Store and the App Store is this one right here that's where you get all your applications we'll look at that a little bit later as well now as you continue to use your iPhone you're most definitely going to fill it with different applications and it's going to get cluttered so if you want to organize them in folders it's very easy to do so once again you're just going to tap and hold on an application and you're going to continue holding until it starts shaking when it starts shaking you can actually drag these applications around to move them into different areas so let's say we want to move the health app down here we can do that you can see wallet jumps up to the top you can even move applications to other Pages you just go to the edge and you can do that we can start a brand new page here but if you want to create folders and you want to compile different applications all you do is take the app you want to put in a folder and then simply place it on top of another app that you want to create a folder with as well when you do that a folder creates automatically you can then rename the folder anything you want let's just call this one test for now tap done and you can continue adding applications just like that into that folder until you're done when you are done you can just tap done up here and the apps will stop shaking and you can continue to use your phone and when it comes to deleting widgets and moving widgets it's done the exact same way as the applications now let's get into actually downloading apps from the App Store so we'll tap to open the app store right here and it'll take you to this today page and you can see what's going on with different apps there you have games right here and you'll see all the games that are available you have the applications here so you can scroll through a list of apps there arcade which is a paid service by Apple so it's totally up to you if you want to try it and then you have a search option over here so let's just open up this app section and you can see there's quite a few apps that you can choose from so let's say you wanted Disney plus you can tap on it to see a preview of the application read a little bit more about it and anytime you want to get the application you would tap get but for this we're going to move over to my older iPhone because it has an Apple ID you will need to have an Apple ID signed in on your phone for this to work but that is talked about in my setup video again you can check that out the video link is in the description but here we are and we can tap get because we want this application and when it does that it's going to prompt me to double click to install this application on my phone I'm going to double click and use face ID okay if you don't have face ID set up on your phone it's going to prompt you to enter in your Apple ID password once the app is finished you'll see it says open right here we can tap to open it up and it'll open up that specific application again we can swipe up to close and we can access that application anytime because it appears on our home screen now let's talk about these widgets and how we can add them to the home screen and actually add them to our widgets Library here so by default Apple adds these two in on their own we can delete them just by tapping and holding I'm just going to remove them so we can add our own I'm going to remove both just like that but if we want to add our own widgets we're going to tap and hold on an empty space of the home screen here and you'll notice a plus appears at the top left we'll tap on that and it's going to open up our widget Library where we can search our widgets and see what we want to add so for example we can just scroll down without even searching and let's say we wanted this world clock we can select it and when you open this selection here you can swipe left and right to see the different options that it's offering to you within that widget so you can see this one here is quite large it gives you like a whole banner across the top where this one here is much smaller and these are all pretty much smaller going all the way to the left so depending on what you want you would choose the size that you want so for this let's just go with this basic small square here and we'll tap add widget automatically it adds it to our top here of our screen you can move it around if you'd like but let's add another one and I like to add this battery widget here this one is very useful if you have air pods or if you have an Apple Watch or other Apple devices it'll be able to see all of those battery percentages including the cases right there depending on which one you choose now this one here is very large it'll actually list the devices and I use this one traditionally in my widgets Library section but for now on my main page I'll just add this one here and you can see how it looks when you add that in whenever you're done again you can just tap done and you've added that widget moving over to the widget Library you can do things very similar so if you want to remove anything you can tap and hold you can remove that widget just like that if you want to add new widgets to this Library you scroll to the bottom and tap edit and then tap the Plus at the top and it looks exactly the same you can go through the applications here and if you scroll down further you can see there's more like weather and photos and things like that that you can add in but like I said I like to add that battery widget the large one so we'll do that it's right here and we'll add that widget you can see how big it is and we can move these around like that just dragging them wherever we want just like that tap done when you're done and that's how you use widgets with the iPhone 15s now let's go over the basics to the iPhone settings and that's through the settings application now the settings control pretty much everything that happens with this phone so you want to be familiar where everything is for starters at the top here we have some connection settings and we have airplane mode so we can turn that on and what that does is it knocks out your cellular your Wi-Fi your Bluetooth networks so if you're on a plane or in an area where you don't want to use it it also saves a little bit of battery when you turn it on the second one is our Wi-Fi network so if you ever need to connect to a Wi-Fi network you can open that up find it in your networks and connect to it in the same sense below that is Bluetooth so any Bluetooth devices that you want to connect to you're going to open the Bluetooth settings here and try to pair with them that way below that is your cellular network information so you can open that this is going to give you the ability to connect I don't have a cellular network connected to this phone so I don't see anything here but you would see a lot more settings in there that you could use to connect to 5G LTE turn things on and off like that below that is notifications and you would want to connect to this and set this up properly based on what you want to be notified from so you can see how the notifications are set up right now for me we have FaceTime find my game center and the way that they're set up is that they're going to send lock screen banners notification center and things like that if you don't want notifications from any of these you can turn them off it'll save yourself some battery life and clear up those notifications and you can just go through all your applications as you add them and see what kind of notifications they're sending you and which ones you want and don't want the fun things here sounds and haptics this is where you can change your ringtones down here and all your tones for all the different things you receive like text tones or emails and things like that all you have to do is just tap and you can choose it'll give you a preview of The Sound and you can choose the one you want to have so for me I'm actually going to change it to this one right here and we'll tap back so now anytime I get a text that's what I'm going to hear focus and Screen Time those are two more advanced settings I have videos on those on my channel you can search for them I'll try to link them in the description as well screen time is good it helps you monitor how much time you're using on your phone it also will help you if you have children and you don't want them to use applications for too long you can set that up and then as you go down you can see there's a whole bunch more but one of the big ones that has been added with the iPhone 15 pro and pro Max is the action button now the action button is located on the left side of the iPhone and it replaces the old silent switch you can still use it to silence your phone and that's its default purpose so you just press and hold on it and it's going to silence the phone and you can see at the top it's silenced press it again ringers back on now with that being said you can control or customize what that action button does you don't have to use it for a silent switch you can use it for a focus to open your camera a flashlight and so on I have a full video on how to use the action button and you can see that right here if you're interested but choose the one you want and then whenever you press that button that's what it'll do so let's just go back I'm going to keep it at my silent switch for now and we'll take a look at our display and brightness settings because there's a few here that you'd want to take advantage of first one is the light and dark mode we're in light mode right now when we switch to dark mode you can see right there what happened and the entire phone is going to run through that dark mode we're going to keep it on light for this video it's just a little bit easier for me but you can change your text sizes you can change the brightness of your phone here so if it's too bright you can lower it you can turn true tone on and off and also this one right here always on display now always on display only applies to the iPhone 15 pro and pro Max the traditional iPhone 15 and the 15 plus do not have that option but if you wanted to turn it off for these what it does is basically when you lock your phone and you can lock your phone Anytime by pressing that side button it'll keep the display on if you don't like that you can then turn that feature off and then when you lock your phone you'll have the traditional just black screen I'm going to leave it on for now but it's totally up to you go over a couple more here for example your wallpapers it's always nice to customize your wallpaper and the iPhone is a very unique wallpaper system here so just from this page here alone we can add a new wallpaper and there's a whole bunch here that we can choose from and there's very unique ways that you can customize and play around with these wallpapers once again I did create a full tutorial on how to customize these wallpapers because this is where they are you can access them here and change it if you'd like you can see a preview of what it's going to look like before you add it and you can make some modifications here as well you can use emojis photos from your photo stream weather it's totally up to you but the wallpaper is there and you can add various wallpapers as well so you can switch between them based on different situations you're in another one that you should look at is the battery option here battery life is a big deal for most of us so adding a battery a percentage icon up here is something that I always do when I get a new phone so I tap here and you can see now we have a little battery icon says 22 percent up there it's also good to note that in here you'll be able to track how your battery is being used so your battery levels what you're using your battery on most so because it's a brand new phone it's just pretty much the home screen and lock screen but you'll see different apps that are really burning through battery and sometimes you just gotta install or reinstall those apps just to get them to stop burning through the battery as much and you can also check on your battery health here so maximum capacity here is still 100 which is good as far as anything else I could probably talk about the settings for days but we need to continue go through the settings and if you have any questions ask me in the comments I'm happy to help you out and kind of walk you through what you're looking for but let's go over another basic situation so you want to turn your iPhone off the iPhone turns off in a very unique way because it's no longer just pressing one button so you're going to press and hold on the side button here and that's what this is called the side button and you're also going to press on either one of these volume rockers at the same time so you're going to press both together hold and you see this screen appear it's going to say slide to power off and that's all you do is you slide to power it off and the iPhone will turn itself off whenever you need to turn your iPhone back on this time you're just going to press and hold on the side button alone and when you see that Apple logo you can just wait it usually takes anywhere from maybe 10 to 30 seconds depending on how filled up your phone is with applications and how old it is so now that our phone is on we're actually looking at our lock screen and anytime you turn your phone back on you're going to have to enter in your passcode to get back into your phone you won't be able to use face ID it just doesn't work you have to use the passcode so that's why it's important not to forget it but you can access that lock screen Anytime by just pressing on the side button here and that locks the phone so no one can get into it unless they know your password have a fingerprint or face ID depending on the iPhone you have but there are some options and abilities that you can use within this lock screen you can access your camera by pressing and holding on this little option here and it'll open up your camera app very quickly so you can take some photos and then this one right here is a flashlight you can press and hold on that and it'll quickly turn on your flashlight when you need it we'll turn that off but what makes the lock screen really unique is the ability to customize it and use wallpapers and customize the wallpaper straight from here and that's part of the reason I didn't show you that in the settings we'll do it from here and the only way you can do it from here is if you have face ID enabled so if you have face ID enabled notice that this little lock icon appears there so what you need to do is just show your phone to your face like this and once it sees your face it should unlock right there and then you're just going to press and hold on the lock screen once you see this page here this is going to give you the ability to create a whole bunch of different collections of wallpapers that you can use this is the one we have right now but we can create a brand new one and if we do create a new one just by tapping again we see all those same things we saw from the wallpaper section in settings you can connect with Emojis photos and all of that but it's just a little bit faster and easier from this lock screen so let's say we wanted to set up this purple one now that we open this up we can use this option down here to swipe between the Styles Vapor bright solid and so on we can also tap in these boxes and change the fonts change the colors the size we can tap at the top here and add different widgets if we wanted to so if we wanted let's say our activity monitor up there we could add that you can add widgets below so again if we wanted to add our battery widget this one right here we could we could also add a larger one like the stocks and let's say we wanted to add our alarm clock here as well you can customize this any way you'd like and when you're done you can tap add and you can choose to set it as your wallpaper pair which would be the wallpaper of your home screen and your lock screen or customize the home screen right from here where you can make some changes as well I'm not going to get into it fully again that video is available to you if you want to learn how to use everything with your wallpapers but that's how it would look now that we changed it anytime you want to change back tap and hold with the iPhone screen unlocked obviously and then you can just swipe back to the one you want now let's go over a couple of other options you have from your iPhone screen here so first pulling down from the top in the middle brings up notification center it looks exactly like the lock screen right here but it's going to show you all notifications in a list or however you have it set up and it could be messages from people email emails that you haven't responded to and you can interact with them there you can also access the Quick Settings by pulling from the top right down and these are a quick way for you to access your network settings display settings and quick apps at the bottom let's quickly go through the first section here so we went through this with the main settings page but you have your Airplane Mode Wi-Fi and bluetooth available to you there and what's cool here is if you press and hold on those options sometimes you have additional options that you can use like airdrop to send files between iOS and Mac devices really quickly more advanced but a good feature to learn about this one here is showing you what's playing on your phone so you can pause things if you have a movie playing or music playing that's where you're going to see it usually it has like a little cover of whatever you're listening to as well below that one is your visual settings here so your display settings you can control this just by going up and down you can also tap and hold and it'll bring up a dark mode switch a night shift and true tone so if you want to flip between dark mode and light mode you could and night shift is a good feature to think about maybe using at night as it pulls the blue light away from the phone that's actually something that keeps us awake at night so look into that you have your audio settings here so you can control that as well this one has no additional settings and then to the left of that we have focus more advanced but it allows you to kind of set up a do not disturb type feature that basically will signal your friends when you're not available and also avoid getting you those notifications I also have videos on that on my channel if you're looking to learn about that but you can set it up from here or in the settings this option in the middle is a silent button the iPhone 15 Pros don't have the silent switch anymore as we talked about it's an action button now but you do have the ability to use this silent option so you can silence the phone right from the Quick Settings beside that is an orientation lock now this is a cool feature so whenever you have your iPhone let's say you're on a web page you're traditionally looking at it like this this is called the portrait mode but if you flip it like this you're going to see it flips over to this landscape mode sometimes this can become an issue if you're in an application or anything that's not working the way it should or maybe the iPhone is just causing you problems the way you're positioned and it's flipping when you don't want it to you lock the orientation right here and it will not allow it to flip from vertical to horizontal below that we have some applications you can add to these applications but by default you get I believe five you get the flashlight alarm clock calculator camera and then this one right here which is to screen mirror which more advanced I added these two here and you can add these from the settings application of your iPhone go to the control center option here and it's going to show you whichever apps you have already in your Control Center and which ones you don't that you can add so let's just remove a couple that I don't want here so on the top section we can tap this little icon here tap remove tap this icon here tap remove and now let's add the ones we want so let's say we wanted to add an Apple TV remote an alarm we're just tapping a plus to add them in there a quick note and a stopwatch as soon as we're done we can pull down our Control Center and you see all those apps are available quickly for us to access right from this Control Center and the good thing about control center is that when the phone is locked and you're on that lock screen you can actually pull down from the top right and access all of those options without having to have your phone unlocked now let's talk about the app switcher and multitasking with the iPhone as you use your iPhone you're obviously going to be opening up a whole bunch of different apps at different times and you may want to navigate between two applications well it's really easy to do that you're just going to pull from the bottom to the middle and then release and you'll see that it brings up the app switcher or multitask ability here with the iPhone so now you can tap different applications that you want to access so if we want the App Store we're back there if we wanted to go back to one of the other applications we can just pull up again go to messages pull up go to our settings just like that it's a very useful feature I use it all the time and it's one of the features again I don't see a lot of average users using to its full capacity now one of the most important features and something I use every day for productivity and I never see anyone using it is the search and to do that you just pull from the middle down so you just go like this and it brings up this search option you've got serious suggestions up top and basically this is going to search your entire phone the internet everything that it can find to give you your answer so for example let's just type in camera we'll just start typing it and as you can see as I'm typing it's going to give me some suggestions here for the internet that I can find I can pull down it's giving me the app options which in this case is giving me settings the camera settings it's got tips for me here we've also got knowledge about cameras even different websites that I can access and it just goes on and on and as you continue to type it'll pull up more information from your iPhone that it may think that you want to look for or suggest other options for you and your contacts will appear here messages everything like that from one place it's super convenient and I honestly don't even look around for my apps anymore I just pull this down search for what I want tap to open it and it's so much faster I strongly recommend that you get used to using that because it'll speed up your usage with your iPhone dramatically now let's talk about the virtual assistant with the iPhone Siri and this is a great feature that you can use to get things done on the go especially when you don't want to be Hands-On with your phone series your hands-free assistant Now by default it's set up that you press and hold on the side button just once and you'll see that Siri appears here and you can start asking questions so just to give it a quick test press and hold what's the weather in New York City it's currently raining and 15 degrees in New York United States so I was able to get the weather there and I could ask the weather in all different areas let's let's see some sports scores what was the score in the Yankees game yesterday the Yankees trounced the Diamondbacks by a score of 7-1 yesterday and you can see how easy it is now if you've never set up Siri open settings scroll down you'll see Siri and search and you can have Siri information set here make sure that press the side button to Siri is on you want to either choose to allow Siri when it's locked or not and then you can even have an option to go completely hands-free listen for Siri and that's by using a command called Hey Siri and then Siri will activate now you can go through all of these settings but once again I have a full tutorial on how to use Siri with your iPhone so if you want to learn the ins and outs to Siri definitely watch that video but you can get Siri to do things like set timers set a 20 minute timer 20 minutes counting down and the timer will just pop right up just like that in Dynamic Island and that's a great segue to Dynamic Island this little pill that appears at the top here we can interact with it by tapping if you have anything open that appears in your Dynamic Island you can also tap and hold and you'll be able to see anything that's going on in your Dynamic Island as well and actually work with it right from the dynamic Island itself so we can pause it we can stop it completely and it'll return to its initial pill State now once it's like this it can't do anything kind of just pops a little bit doesn't do much but as you open different things on your phone you're going to find that Dynamic Island opens up again I know I say this a lot but I do have a full tutorial on Dynamic Island but that is the basics to it and how it works and you'll find different applications automatically will start up and be usable in Dynamic Island now let's open up the camera app and we'll take a quick look at what it's all about we'll tap continue here usually when you open up the camera app for the first time you'll be prompted to do a few things now obviously you're just seeing a black screen here because it's up against stuff I'll hold it up like this so you can see it but basic navigation with your camera app is as follows you swipe left it'll move to the left side of these different options here you can swipe right on the screen it'll move to the right side of these options and you have a whole bunch here so your traditional photos are taken with the photo section and you just point tap to focus and take your photo your previews will appear at the bottom left and it works the same with your video tap to focus tap your record button and start recording when you're done tap it again it'll stop recording there's a whole bunch of settings and options to this you've got cinematic videos which are very unique videos that allow you to create sort of like a blurred background effect portrait a very popular mode which allows you to again work with that background depth of field so the Blurred background and then panoramic photos which is very unique to create very big large panoramic photos now they work very easily it's very easy for me there's a lot to it and there's a lot of options that are inside this so for that I would recommend you watch that entire camera video if it's not ready yet it will be in the next few days but the camera app is something really big with the iPhone and when you press and hold on that app you do have those quick options that I showed you earlier to use selfie video portrait portrait selfie and I tend to use this as a quick setting more than any other application just to access what I want a little bit quicker but I think we covered quite a bit here I may create a second beginner's guide because there's just so much to this iPhone and if you guys have suggestions for me just let me know in the comments but I hope this video did help you if it did let me know in the comments and if you have any questions feel free to ask there as well don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel for more tips tricks and tutorials on the iPhone 15 15 Pro and Apple watch actually we'll be covering all of that in the very near future and if you want to be notified when I post my videos click the Bell notification box as well it'll prompt you right on your phone when a video comes up but thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: DHTV
Views: 67,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginners guide to iPhone 15, how to use the iphone 15 pro max, how to use the iphone 15 pro, how to use the iphone 15, iphone 15 pro max tutorial, beginners guide to the iphone 15, how to use the iphone, how to use the action button on the iPhone 15 pro, how to use the action button on the iphone 15 pro max, how to use dynamic island iphone 15, how to use dynamic island, how to turn off the iPhone 15 pro max, how to turn off the iphone 15, iphone 15 pro, iphone 15 pro max
Id: 3jysSdzOuDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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