BEGINNERS GUIDE: How To Change Laptop Thermal Paste

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{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\f0\fs22\lang9 How\rquote s it going everybody today we\rquote re going to look at how to change laptop thermal paste. This video is brought to you by my personal pocket book so if you\rquote d like to help me out, like, subscribe and check out my patreon page so I can make more videos like this one. So one of the first videos I've ever created on this YouTube channel was how to change CPU thermal paste on a desktop and become one of my most popular videos and it was kind of fun to go back and watch it even though it's only, I don't know three or four months old and to see how awkward it was. Today I learned how to apply thermal paste now let me show you how it's done. Some kind of creepy Health teachers or something. Okay so if you click on this video you're probably interested in how to change the laptop thermal paste so that's we're going to do I have this Lenovo laptop this is this old Beast I've had for six or seven years and I never changed the thermal paste on this laptop and I know it is getting quite hot so this is something that\rquote s quite easy to do it can be a bit taunting or not taunting but it can be a bit intimidating at first but it\rquote s actually quite easy so I\rquote m gonna show you how to change a thermal paste step-by-step make it really easy for you. So why you might want to change the thermal paste on a laptop is because of thermal throttling so when the laptop gets old especially after about three or four years and granted that the thermal paste was applied properly in the factory what's going to happen it's going to dry out and it can have a harder time transferring that heat from the actual CPU and the GPU on to that heat sink and out of computer so when it gets too hot laptops have thermal targets that going to Thermal throttle and that's going to cause a computer to slow down so if you have experienced some kind of slow down with your computer especially when you\rquote re gaming or doing anything or if you feel like the computers getting physically hot that's going to happen anyways but it feels really warm and maybe this is a good idea. So we're going to need is 99% isopropyl alcohol something to clean a die with I like to use coffee filters they\rquote re lint free. Any kind of lint free thing paper towels work fine too. Cotton swabs are something I like to use so if you have some of those they are very helpful for this type of thing you're going to need your favourite thermal paste I'm going to be using thermal grizzly in this case and lastly you're going to need the tools to disassemble your laptop. So the first thing you need to do is take off the bottom of your laptop my laptop makes this easy with screws holding on the bottom yours likely will be different than this so just look for any kind of tear down video on YouTube or any other place you might need specific tools for this because sometimes they have plastic that kind of clips into itself so you might need some kind of special tools to take apart your laptop but if you have an older laptop it's likely just disassembled with screws and it's going to be pretty straightforward once you have the bottom off you're going to have to locate the screws that are holding on the heat sink and remove those so again I recommend following the specific teardown for your laptop mainly because there might be a few things are a bit different than mine that you have to remove like for example mine was quite straightforward I just had to remove a few screws there weren't any fans plugged in that I had to remove there weren't anything like that out of the ordinary, very simple. Once you remove the heatsink locate the CPU if you have a dedicated graphics chip find that as well. At this point you\rquote re ready to clean the dies what I like to do is use the coffee filter or whatever you wanted to use to wipe towards the centre of the diving careful not to make a mess like I did on the CPU actually got some of that crud in places I didn't want to that's not really an issue it's not like it's going to be necessarily bad for the computer but it just kind of a pain in the butt to have to clean up and see here I did a better job with that technique on the GPU die once those are looking shiny and clean go ahead and do the same to the heatsink at this point you should be ready to apply your thermal paste so I didn't talk too much about what specific thermal paste you would want to use like I said I'm using thermal grizzly in this case you can go on YouTube go online look for reviews and I think in the past I might have mentioned that it doesn't really matter which thermal paste to use I was specifically talking about desktops when it comes to a laptop you really do want the best because a laptop has these thermal targets right and if you can make it as cool as possible wicking away that heat as best as possible that's going to be the best in this case so that's what I had in my drawers I'm sorry I'm not hiding thermal paste in my pants that's what I had on hand was thermal grizzly. So take your thermal paste and apply it. I like use a healthy amount this is not like applying CPU paste to a desktop CPU you want the entire die covered much like if you were changing the paste on a GPU literally it is a GPU but you want that entire Die covered so if you want to if you have a credit card or something like that if your thermal paste came with a little spatula I know some people have a lot of spatulas you can go ahead and spread it to make sure that is completely covered in my case I use the P method on the GPU and a line for the CPU I'm completely confident it'll be completely covered so you can do that if you like now you want to replace the heatsink try to place it directly straight down you don't want to smudge that thermal paste and make a mess under there so just try to line it up with those screw holes put it down a little bit of pressure on there and just replace the screws tighten those up and that should be good to go lastly reassemble the bottom of the laptop again this is basically reverse if you have screws but the screws back in if you have a more snapping type laptop this is probably going to be quite easy for the most part please go ahead and do that make sure everything's in place and at this point you're good to go that's it your laptop is back together make sure it turns on make sure everything works and check out The Thermals and see if you had any issues before us if they're fixed see what kind of gaming performance you have at this point I did a few tests myself which I'm going to share in a different video on this topic and hope this has been a learning experience for you definitely had been one for me I'm someone who's had laptop many different laptops this is the longest one at had and I bought it originally to use as kind of an editing rig a gaming rig while I was away at work and it's been doing quite well. I did notice recently that it was getting very hot when I was using it for any kind of gaming type application so I thought was a good experiment to do and I'm learning experience for me I definitely enjoyed the experience and to learn how easy it actually was so I hope this video has been helpful for you please leave it like it really helps to channel subscribe if you want more content like this. My name is Nic, thanks for watching \par }
Channel: Tech Illiterate
Views: 302,530
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Keywords: BEGINNERS GUIDE: How To Change Laptop Thermal Paste, new laptop cpu paste, change laptop thermal paste, thermal paste, thermal grease, thermal compound, apply thermal paste, how to apply thermal paste, new thermal paste, thermal grizzly, thermal paste application, thermal paste removal, laptop overheating, slow laptop, how to apply thermal paste laptop, tech illiterate, Which thermal paste to use, cleaning cpu, how to change laptop cpu paste, thermal throttling laptop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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