Beginner Hoodie Tutorial for Clo3d and MD - FREE FILE INCLUDED

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hi guys it's your girl Stephy and today I'm going to teach you guys how to make a hoodie now this is probably one of my most request pieces to make because a hoodie is just you know once you know how to make a hoodie a t-shirt trouser skirt honestly you are on your way to making even better things in digital fashion now I've got a surprise for you guys I know not everybody has the time to you know spend to learn how to make patterns from scratch so I've provided today's hoodie as free file for you guys who don't have any time who you just want to get a hoodie you guys can take that free file and use it as you like but for those of you who want to get better at pattern making and actually understand how to make these patterns from scratch then stay tuned with this tutorial and I will show you guys exactly how to make one and on top of that just because it's coming to the end of the year I've decided to provide five additional files to help you guys get started in digital fashion now for you guys on patreon my patreons will get these files for free but for you guys who are not on my patreon don't worry you guys can still get it on my patreon shop for a one off fee and I'm just going to show you guys what you actually get with this pack these outfits here are ones that I've created over the years and it's honestly it took took me around a year to get really comfortable with digital fashion especially terms of animating so in this pack you would get five animated garments the UVS are all done and you will get two animated avatars which go from toos to their walk post and you can use all of these again and again I would love to see what you guys will do with it and please tag me if you do use it I would love to see how you take my base files and transform them using your own creativity but for now let's get back to the hoodie tutorial because that is what you came for so let's jump into the tutorial okay so we are in CL 3 right now but for you guys who use Marvelous Designer or style 3D just to let you know this pattern the one that we're going to build will work for any of those programs so I have my own avatar here I have imported it in is something I have made using Daz and mixo and if you guys have watched this video on YouTube which I do have my own tutorial on how to do it feel free to watch it feel free to make your own version you don't have to use this Avatar but just know that it has a walk-in cycle and I'll show you guys in the animation tab goes from T pose to walking cycle which I use a lot in my work I just really like how the fabric moves when it's walking so let's go back to the simulation Tab and let's get building let's do it okay first thing let's go to the rectangle here and just to let you guys know you could actually if you want to speed up the process you don't actually have to make this from scratch there's a library here where you can go to let's see Avatar blocks blocks for the shirt woman they've already got some presets here which you guys could you know use to start off your I suppose your base pattern and feel free to do that I like to build mine from scratch sometimes and when I'm in a rush I like to use the blocks when I'm not in a rush I like to build it so it's really up to you but today we're going to build it for those who want to learn how to make a hoodie so we are going to get down with that I'm going to press X because I want to add points and let's see yes we're going to bring this press Z go down here and I've actually included the key strokes in tutorial because sometimes I click on my keyboard and I don't think about what it is because i' I've used this program for so long and I know for you guys who are who are new to this you know having these keystrokes can be helpful so um please please look at the screen and at the bottom of the screen to see what keystrokes I use because a lot of times I really don't think about it and actually if you if you're not comfortable with the keystrokes um actually let me try it's so much quicker with it and once you guys do know it it's so much quicker so a lot of the times it's these yeah these are options that I'm using so this what I'm going to use now is edit curvature which is C so you can press c as well and you can curve it there okay so this is a basic shirt pattern or at least half of it and I'm just going to click on this and make sure the particle distance is 10 now the higher the particle distance the more the bigger the polygons and I'll show you actually I wonder if this away yes huge polygons and if I make it small smaller if I make the particle distance like five you see it get smaller it's usually on 20 for standard and it just means that when you're simulating the higher the number the quicker the simulation the lower the number the slower the simulation but the more accurate it will be so when we're working I like to work with 10 and then when I do simulate I like to go down maybe push the numbers down to five or even smaller if needed Okay so let's go back to this uh yeah basic shirt isn't it press said move this [Music] down okay let's go for something like this and see what we can adjust I like to work with half because there's a really cool feature in this program and actually in a lot of these whether it's Marvelous Designer or sty 3D you can just duplicate it to the other side and you don't have to rebuild it again and it's my most favorite shortcut to use so I highly recommend you guys use it it's just speeds it speeds up the process quite a bit now I want to create a sort of baggier maybe off shoulder or drop shoulder hoodie and uh we're going to try we're going to try I do a lot of tweaking sometimes I build it and then I tweak it um to my liking actually I say sometimes it's most of the time so I assume it's going to be something like this and probably we want baggier sleeves so I'm just going to make this armhole a bit wider okie dokie so I want to also make this I'm just going to select this and again you can find it here edit pattern said move it this way a little bit so that it's a bit wider than we want and of course you want to use this body as a reference to how big you want it to be because of course if we make this fitted which you totally could just make it you know more fitted to this body shape and if you want it a bit more baggy you can make it a bit wider and that's the sort of look I like to go for oh my God please don't do that okay okay so I'm going to press a to select this you're going to right click where is it I don't know how to do it with the keyboard shortcut I'm trying to look for dup cut H is it this symmetric pattern I know it as contrl dtrl d means to duplicate okay so I'm guessing it is this it will also work so if I control set that if you press control D already done okay so they are actually duplicate which means if I move this up here this side moves up there so yes that is exactly what we want I'm also going to shall we merge these let's merge these going to press said let's click these two sides hold shift while you're doing that and right click press merge what that has done is actually make it into one piece okay now I'm going to take this I'm going to press a again to select this piece here press we're just going to copy and paste crl C contrl + V this is going to be the back move [Music] it there we go now what I like to do is I like to go on this mode which what is it called texture surface op to because you can see the normals then you can see this side's white this side's darker okay so even if we were to change the color I don't know something like this it still be darker on the other side okay and for you guys who don't know normals are I don't know how to explain it all you guys got to know is that with the normals you don't want them facing the outside you always want your normals spacing the inside so we have got to rotate [Music] this and yes that is looking good and now we can get to the fun part we can sew so I'm just going to shimy this over a little bit more and this as well okay so now we are going to go to this one segment sewing or press n I'm going to click it here oh this side to this side please make sure you are sewing the same side and what I mean by that please do not do this you see how that's Twisted you don't want that okay you do that it's going to it's going to sew Twisted okay so whatever side you click on wherever you do it in a 2d side let's say this is the 2D side you can do it here right and or you could sew it in 3D side from here to here oh hello come on there we go and because it's duplicated we duplicated the pattern it automatically did the other side as well which is perfect we like efficiency same thing here don't sew the side sew straight make sure your lines are straight always okay now we could simulate in this mode which is I believe the normal mode I like to simulate in GPU mode because I just like it to be a bit faster it is a little bit more inaccurate but personal preference I honestly um try it all have a go yourself okay this is the normal one which is what we are on I'm going to switch to GPU just because oh no this always happens okay it's all right we've made a skirt change of plans we're making a skirt I'm joking press control Z right the reason why that has um done that actually I think is because let me show you the difference between this one maybe this won't fail if I do it this way yeah for some reason I don't know why every time I do that when GPU it just fools but it's fine and I said it was quicker if somebody knows please please let me know okay so this worked and I thought this was going to be a lot baggier than what we made it it's looking not exactly fitted not exactly baggy it's like in the middle do you know what I mean so now let's see what I want to do I'm going to make it a bit wider and a bit longer cuz right now it's almost like a crop hoodie I don't know if I want that right now so we can grab let's see press set I select this side I select this side because I want to keep them the same hold shift drag them out okay nothing's happened cuz we haven't simulated so we're going to do that press space bar to simulate and if this happens just on simulation mode just gently pull it pull same with this side okay we slly getting there make it longer we can make it longer drag it down maybe a little bit [Music] more great okay okay I think we're going to add a waistband and the way we're going to go about this is you can do it so many different ways you could you know get a rectangle and actually redraw the waistband here or you could take it from this actual pattern here and take a slice like slice it from this one here so honestly up to you I am going to I think I'm going to draw it I'm going to just s that rectangle there waistband I want it to be a little bit Slimmer Slimmer I don't know shorter shorter you know what I mean smaller than this and we are also going to let's see go here What's this called uh Arrangement points now the reason why my avatar is not synced to this Arrangement points and this a pose is because I've imported my own avatar and chover Frey doesn't recognize uh you know the points from my own avatar so just use this as a guide and then you can rearrange especially on the arms you can just move it so I am going to click on this middle section here cuz it will curve it let me just turn this back off move it out bring it up see nice curve we like that okay and I am going to to duplicate that as well so we are going to press contrl D duplicate it okay where did that go here move it to this side rotate there we go and now we're going to sew this all together so again sewing lines make sure they're straight if I can get this right this will be great okay come on yes and here to here good and also we want to sew the waistband to this so let's go ooh ooh actually time out don't sew it yet because I have done this so I've done this mistake so many times um we have we have uh what is it called it's got symmetric pattern it's duplicated both these are duplicate duplicates of each other which means if I was to sew this waistband to this one it will also sew this to this which is sometimes not what we want and sometimes it messes up so maybe I'll show you actually because sometimes I forget that I've duplicated something and I'm like oh let me just do that so do you see how this has sewn to this and then then this side has sewn to this one we don't want that in fact we just want this whole section to be sewn to this half of the waistband so this is when I'm just going to press contrl Zed let's undo this if we press a this is where we can remove the duplicate the Mirror Mirror duplicate They're copying each other right so we can remove it so you going to have to right click and press remove links editing here do the same thing on the on the back uh right click and press remove links editing now if I was to sew this I'm going to actually use not that free sewing we like free sewing so go all the way here to here done and now it's not going to this side do you see that and then go to the back cuz I like to see what I'm sewing here go here and go here there we go and always before you simulate please please please check the sewing lines because you don't want to cry about it later I've done that many times so it's not worth the pain not worth the pain um that looks good to me press Bas bar simulate now that essentially what that has done is cinch the hoodie in the waist area I think you know I wanted it to be smaller so that we can have these nice folds coming through so that baggy look where it's like you know a bit puffy I like that if you don't like that you can make your waistband the same length as your main body I still learning technical terms here but you can make this waistband here this the same length as this and you will not have as many of these folds there all right so far looking good now we can make sleeves let's get on to the sleeves um here click on this what is this called rectangle ooh I don't know if I want it that big um actually yeah sure we can always edit it it's fine um I'm going to call this hoodie hoodie material there we go oh please don't make another one press a so we can select it and what we going to do we're going to make a typical sleeve shape so again all of this you can get from the library here and use a block totally up to you if you want to save time you can do that if you want to learn how to do it you can do that as well ooh that is dead in the middle isn't it 250 250 if you want you could also if you just want to be sure that it's in the middle you can right click um actually before I say that press X make sure you're on point mode you go to here add Point uh put your mouse on the line right click you can split it uniformly and you can split it you know uniformly in so many different ways here but I only want one I want it in the middle do we want it in the middle maybe we'll go free and I'll I'm trying to decide here no actually you know what we'll just have one let's keep it simple sorry one and what that's what that is going to do is this is going to be the beginning of Our Sleeve which doesn't look like a sleeve but we're going to get there um going to press X again I'm just going to add a point here 60 there uh sometimes I eyeball it I'm sure if you guys want to be precise do it the proper way but sometimes I just like to eyeball it with these numbers here especially if it's like if it's a digital piece where nobody's going to wear it then measurements don't matter too much if you guys are going to go into physical production it matters so take your pick know what you're going to be designing for and if you are designing for you know physical production please measure be accurate um okay let's go to this I'm going to press C to curve use the curve line the curve option here okay and then here I'm going to make this s shape so I'll go down and this is a typical sleeve shape something like this now I am going to find this thing now where is it oh my God it's huge probably is too big you know there is probably a mathematical way to calculate how much or how big it should be but even just looking at the size of this I'm not sure it looks like an airplane wing it's massive okay uh what I like to do sometimes actually before we before we simulate I like I want to cinch this in so I am going to drag this over hold shift to make sure it's in line try it in just a little bit something like that okay oh my God it is massive isn't it uh I am just going to simulate this and let it fall sometimes I like doing that or you guys could either use this and actually just you know like this you could drop it like this if you want so that it's in the right place so honestly um you could do this option you could just move this into its right place or you could just move it here let it drape that wasn't a great good draping stuff come on try again angle it better that's a bit better okay and the reason why I do this is because I like to because you have to sew these two sides together so this side and this side and when it's flat it's really awkward for it to sew flat it just doesn't work as well so take your pick um this sleeve is looking quite big though so maybe before we sew and press contrl Zed we are going to try sew this and then I'm going to use the that's a sewing I forgot what it's called what is it called is it this edit sewing this is going to be super helpful in a bit and I'll show you why so let's see uh what are we going to do sew we're going to sew press M actually we're going to do some free sewing so we are tackling this side right so you just going to know which side you are sewing on to I'm going to start in the middle here go down now we are going to go to the front here which is going to be this one here also go down the same direction you can see straight sewing lines right there next we need to tackle the back um press M again free sewing go down from the middle and this time time is going to be this side isn't it Fab okie dokie now because we've got the sewing down now we can press B or we press this one up here this button and you can actually see how far out you are with the red number if you guys look at the red number here 60.8 58.6 now the red number the closer you are to zero the more accurate it is in terms of the size so this is too big what if I went down with this let me see 47.1 39.4 we get we are getting there I'm going to move this part down as well not make it so high we're going to adjust the curve so that the curve is a bit smoother cuz right now I've ruined it but it's fine cuz we can tweak [Music] it there something like this and let's see now actually I like to that 16.9 see that made a difference 16.4 so the height and how wide it is really affects how I suppose how different the number is going to be um what if we should me just over make it a bit smaller again oh press B 7.57 [Music] [Music] okay okay what I'm going to do now is let's tweet this one more time wonder if I can move this up just a little bit going to try and Eyeball it make sure it's roughly around the same length on both sides and now if I press B check this side 4.5 4.3 we are getting there we are slowly getting there sh me in one more time Press B 2.2 2.4 and if we move this down just a little bit Press B again 5.5 what was that how have we gone up hold on oh here we go press B how do we go up a number okay let's try this again press B [Music] again that did not work a lot of tweaking I think as long as we get it close to nearly zero we're good let's Press B it's just got even no we're going to control C it went up okay press B you know what we're going to stick with two let's see what it looks like is it is pretty close [Music] going to press simulate can press this button here or press space [Music] bar okay there we [Music] go and we are going to sew the Bottom now so we're going to press n for Segment sewing so this side to this side and and we're going to press space bar done nice and of course we're going to use my favorite tool press a and we're going to duplicate contrl D there we go and I'm hoping it has sewn oh it hasn't shame we it's okay we can sew it ourselves so this is going to be the other side press M for free sewing going to sew the front first down here and go to this side okay always double check your sewing lines here and going to rotate to the back and we're going to press M go down this side and so this side and press simulate nice we have got a jumper or a sweatshirt looking pretty sweet got to say myself now I'm looking at this and I want to make it more of a drop shoulder right now it's not really drop shoulder let's see if we can change that so I wonder actually if we can actually make this duplicate again if I press going to press a I'm highlighting both holding shift symmetric pattern with sewing symmetric pattern yes because they're the same we haven't edited them we only unlinks them and we're just relinking them does that make sense so now if I move let's say this corner this the part here it should move the other side yes great great great so now what we're going to do let me see I'm going to make this like more like this and same [Music] here [Music] just readjust the curves make sure that they are looking [Music] fine okay let's press simulate and see what [Music] happens and also because we adjusted the sleeve we got to check I'm sorry not the sleeve the armhole we got to check whether these are okay so what is it what is it now pressing B 15.4 15.2 probably want to adjust that now does that mean we need to make it bigger or smaller that's the question oh we got to make it smaller [Music] okay press B look again 11.9 12.1 one see what we can do here B 1.4 1.4 okay that's more like it so let's press simulate now for you guys who are working in t pose this is going to be very important because a lot of people like to work in a pose because it's more relaxed you can see how the fabric actually drapes a lot better with to pose everything kind of bunches up around the shoulder so you can't really see how it's going to drape until you simulate so again take your pick a lot of people do prefer a POS just for that reason but it is not the end of the world if you do use a te- pose okay now I want to make this I want to make this sleeve a lot baggier right now I feel like it's just reaching probably it's a little bit baggy let me press okay I feel like it could be even baggier the sleeve cuz right now it's okay but it's not how I would like it so I'm going to press said and I'm going to highlight these two points it should highlight the other two points if I'm correct and move them as well let's see if it does Noe doesn't I was wrong highlight the other side move them down move it down again cuz I do want it to be really baggy maybe is that too much maybe we go up a little bit highlight both sides hold shift and highlight it move it up yeah we got something like that and because I've moved the arm holes again the sleeve needs to be adjust so I'm 68 move it over Press B 12 a move it over press shift now press B to check again 23 gone too far 12 and 12 so maybe needs to be a bit smaller Press B again H I can't with these numbers sometimes for me it's like a guessing game Press B 15 all right right we got to go a little bit more this way Press B again seven okay we're heading in the right direction slide it over press B check 2.4 2.4 is pretty good Press B again 6.8 we've gone too far 2.5 was better and I'm also going to make this a little bit shorter there and I just love the duplicate function because this this side's already done okay let's simulate press space bar that's more like it that is the look I'm going for now if you guys like fitted sleeves go for it I just don't want that I would like something baggy and this is more like it for [Music] me nice it's a bit more like a relaxed [Music] fit and you can just tweak the way it drapes in simulation mode now I would like to add some cuffs I think that's important so going to turn off simulation mode cuffs let's go to zed press the side or what is that edit pattern edit pattern right click we are going to offset as inter as internal line there should be a red line here which you should be able to see probably too close you can't see it you can see it now what if we made it something like 50 and then we press okay that is going to be our cough and it should duplicate on the other side yes so it doesn't matter which side you're working on for the sleeve if they're duplicate put they will do the same thing on the other one so we're going to right click press cut and sew and we are going to make the cuff a little bit smaller almost like how we did it with the waistband so that it cinches in a little bit and we're going to press space bar and hope that this [Music] works for some reason this has what happened there it's okay which side is that that's this side press M just sew it again I don't know why that came off but it's fine uh that would go no wrong side this side we're facing the back so we do the back first oh got it wrong again this side press this there we go segment sewing is that segment sewing no I press M that's free sewing and press M again for free sewing here go down here and we want to make sure we go to the front here press space bar to simulate cool now the coughs look not tight enough for me I want to make them even smaller let's do that better again just personal preference at the the end of the day and actually let me double check these here H particle distance I forgot to change them you can see how it looks a bit janky you can actually see the polygons here if like it looks almost like a bit rigid so if I show you here that's what it looks like to me looks very janky very like not smooth we want it smooth so we're going to highlight these two sleeves and we totally forgot to change the particle distance we're going to make it 10 if you know it's already smoother looking at now but if you simulate looks even smoother now okay so if you were to push it to five it's going to look even more smoother um just double check with this yeah that looks good I might even make the waistband a bit wider I think I might make it similar uh width to the cuff and if something gets stuck just put it out in simulation mode you see that it's getting stuck in a body there pull it out cool all right we have got a hoodie here it is looking more like a crop hoodie isn't it we could make it longer if you don't want it so short just go to this part here here and extend it down and you'll be all good okay so now we going to create a hood you are going to go to polygon here press h if you want the keyboard shortcut we are going to draw a shape like this actually I won't draw it so close to this part let's go up a bit well actually the reason why I was going so close I was using the head as a reference so what we can actually do grab all of these move it down okay so again roughly you're going to use the size of the head and of course you decide whether you want the hood really tight or really baggy totally up to you going to press here we're going to make a shape like this and honestly it's uh for me every time I make a hood I'm like it's roughly about this shape sometimes it's guess work okay going to press set now and I'm just going to make sure that these curves are looking smooth going to rotate this now I can see already this hood is not going to fit the Avatar's head look how small it is so this is where you need to put it by oh hello don't do that [Music] put it by the side of the head and actually we can just slowly oh press said I only just want one point if you need to make it bigger at the back make it bigger it's not a problem something like that just move this here [Music] and of course you can readjust to how you like something like [Music] this there we go and of course what we're going to do is press a select this and we are going to duplicate it by pressing contrl D Fab that's exactly what we wanted now we are going to press M we're we're going to sew this side way down here if it lets me here and we're going to go to oh don't do that now we're going to press M I'm going to se from this side to this side nice and also we're going to sew the bottom as well and actually oh I think I might want to sort out the color situation before I actually simulate these so actually hold the for there because I actually haven't I haven't shifted or adjusted the neckline so I'm going to highlight these press contrl K we're going to freeze it temporarily so it doesn't move when we simulate this let me just have a look with neckline here now I'm going to change the neckline the back is going to be higher than the front which means I need need to unlink these now remove link editing so right click remove link editing and they shouldn't be linked anymore so now if I press set going to select a point here if I move that up the other side oh the other side shouldn't move here right so we just going to adjust this so it's a lot [Music] smoother [Music] I know something like that we look at the back that's fine now if we look at the front I just want to make sure that it goes down just a little bit more just a smidge [Music] just readjusting the neckline here okay press space bar okay that's cool now you can see this what happened here that is meant to be the hood but it's um it was trying to calculate sewing but because we froze it it's it cannot [Music] move okay so now turn off simulation mode and going to press crl K to unfreeze these and now we need to sew this section here at the bottom to the color press a move these down so we're going to take it half half I believe let's see how we going to do this I think we are going to do it like this um go to M and N sewing here or do we need m&n sewing no I think um segment sewing might be enough actually so if I go from here and I press this that should be fine and if I go from the back I press this again checking checking the sewing lines making sure that they are straight other side this side to this side and then this side to this side let's hope that this works press space okay I thought I made this big enough clearly evidently not I wanted a uh I wanted a back baggy hoodie baggy Hood as well so if you guys like this tightness go for it I would like to make it a lot bigger and so how we can counter that I think if we make this longer let's try that press simulate I know that's messed up a little bit but it's fine just tug it in simulation mode should be okay and sometimes if it gets stuck on the a just gently just need to put it out there and also this Hood I need to change the particle distance cuz I can see it's looking a bit janky so I'm going to select both make this parle distance 10 there we go that's a bit more baggy that's what we want and I might even just extend it a bit more this side and and to just keep it still and to just keep it still whilst I'm moving it I'm going to press W and you're going to left click what that has done is it's it's made a pin that if I move this it's not going to move anywhere so that it doesn't flop about whilst I'm tugging so it keeps it in that place and you can actually move these only in simulation mode though if you go off if you go off simulation mode it's not going to work so just know that okay this is looking good I think I want it to be baggier I guess I like baggy Hood so what I'm going to do now is just I'm going to delete select a pin I right click on it click on that and un simulate going to do this one more time let's see if we can make it longer let's see if that affects it and maybe a bit wider [Music] here there so really depends how you guys want it to look that's probably too baggy for my liking probably don't want it to stick right on the head actually might be just right let see how we can adjust this I think I quite like this all right not bad not bad so with hoods I like to make a different material for them because I don't like them looking all floppy how it is right now I mean if that's the look you're going for keep it but I like to just let me copy this Hood I'm going to get this and assign it here let's make it different color so you guys can actually see right now in this texture here I like to go all the way down to physical property and choose I like L lamb skin and you see what it's just the difference it's made it a bit firmer stronger it doesn't look as floppy and I prefer that look so that is just my preference of course guys feel free to play with the uh physical properties here there's so many options on what type of material you would like it to be but I when I want more structure I always go for denim um and leather cuz and full grain leather leather lamb skin full grain leather they've got a bit more toughness to them bit more structure I would say what do we think about the hood do I like [Music] it let me see zoom out and actually I think the way that the collar how tight the collar is affects the way that it drapes so I'm actually going to make the collar section here go out a little bit going to select both going to shimmy them shimmy them out a little bit here I think they're too it's too [Music] tight simulate that and then we also just going to adjust this section [Music] [Music] here and I think at the end of the day you guys could actually stop the tutorial here you've made a hoodie if you want to add Pockets if you want want to add the draw strings or the strings the straps you guys feel free to do that but we have a basic hoodie right [Music] here and I guess one more thing I like to do just to give it a bit more structure is I like to just press said going to right click and add offset as internal line make 20 10 oh no not 2010 10 and if I add another one here press okay what I like to do here is and this is all within my design as well I like to just let both right click cut and sew and what it does is it adds this strip here which I am going to add another texture here copy that I'm going to call it strip there and we're going to highlight these two in the middle assign them and with this strip I am going to see the physical property again where is it trim full grain lever let's try that and you can see it kind of actually like you can just see what it does even if I press control said it just gives it that structure which I really like like I'm a fan of this shape without it the Hood's always going to be a little bit floppy if you want to you could always make this double layer and have this structure or the Le full grain trim trim full grain leather in the inside so that you can't see it on the outside like feel free to do that as well um I like it also just because for design purposes it looks pretty nice so now it's just a matter of tweaking of how you'd like this to look so I think if I I'm going to make this let this again this whole side going to make this longer again and I just want to see how it fools because the longer it is the baggier it gets as well and you could even drape it down here it could just fall down going move it so this doesn't cover the face fully okay we are really getting there slowly getting there um I'm just going to make sure that this is going to be a curve as well and I'm going to select the other side cuz now it's not duplicated we're just going to bring this down a little bit and we're going to press C to curve it as well something something like that same here just grab this side make sure it's just a nice curve between the two [Music] points press simulate and actually we just readjust cuz right now the waistband is eating it there we go and even just curving it is just adding a bit more of that puffiness to it as well this is pretty much the design I'm just going to copy some trousers onto this scene just so that this Avatar has something to wear on the bottom okay so now this has trousers now we just got a few more finishing touches to do I'm just going to make sure that's a passle distance of 10 now this is going to be animated right and there's a few things you guys need to know about animating when you guys have something like capes or jackets or hats they need to be pinned because if not they're just going to slip and fall because of gravity and with this Hood I like to keep it up so I'm just going to hold on this part that's not right here I'm going to press W to tack it just pull it out see if we can fix that section there there delete selected pin okay let's try shape this the way we would like it to be I'm going to go to this side and we're going to press tack on Avatar I'm going to press the center and the top of the head here just tack it there it lets me on the head there that should hopefully keep it from dropping off unless you guys don't want it under head you can just slide it down and it would work that way as well and anything else to note for animation UVS I was thinking there's something we're missing go to UV editor here we go uh right click reset UV to 2D Arrangement select all right click actually don't need to select I believe just right click uh fit all UVS to 0 to one press okay it is very important that you scale these in the same proportion so that they don't get wared for when you're texturing so I'm just going to I always hold shift when I'm scaling them up and I always scale them up at the same size now this is just organization now you just got to reorganize everything make sure they are not too close to each other so that when you texture you got some space you can even align these if you want to make it align right click align top I line it just like that and I'm going to grab these move them down sleeve here here move this up these small parts can be slotted wherever so I just want to get all of these big chunks in and the small parts can be slotted in these are trousers make sure they're not touching that's too close so we're going to move these over just a little bit and these can be moved over here and you can just loot everything in as long as everything has their own space make sure all of these are layered correctly because when you do texture them in another program and Photoshop or when you want to connect them in a 3D program just having them labeled will save you the pain later so make sure it's all labeled correctly now here we go think it's pretty much done and you can put them into different Square squares as in udims you could have the trousers in this Square you could have these in another square but for when I transferred them into AR into some formats needed for other programs they might need it in one UV Square which you just got to be careful depends which format you're going to have it in so if you're going to have it for like a game ready environment have it all in one square if that doesn't matter you're not going to have in a game ready environment then you can put them in all of these different UV squares I've got a video about that if you guys want to check it out it's um on my channel and if you guys are interested in going to AR or into the metaverse then check that out cuz it tells you how to prepare your files okay this looks good just looking peachy we can now go back to simulation and just press simulate double I just want to double check everything cuffs are good everything looks fine the waistband is underneath here you can pull it down if you want I've just kind of tucked it in just a little bit you can pull it down here if you wanted to but again just preference and this looks good to go going to turn off simulation let's go to animation when we're animating we want to make sure that it's in this mode not in the normal mode so animation stable and I am going to animate this and let's see how well it does so we're going to press this record button here a few moments later and that is done so I think I took roughly about a minute 2 minutes I know I was just sitting there daydreaming but it's fine it's worked um make sure you're on real time instead of frame stepping and just have a look looks pretty good to me and as you see we've pinned the hood so that the hood is not going to go anywhere it's not going to travel and I I'm pretty happy with the results now you guys can add any extras on that you want to but this is pretty much ready for texturing and just bringing into another program um if you want to keep the animation make sure you export as a limic and I think for the textures make sure you export the obj again got another video on that please check it out there's a lot of technical terms or technical aspects to this for when you move it into animation so just make sure that you are fully prepared for that ride into animation cuz it does take a bit of figuring out you know where all the puzzle pieces go thank you so much for watching I hope you guys have enjoyed this tutorial I'm trying to make more tutorials where you feel like you don't feel like napping you know those tutorials where you feel like you're about to fall asleep try my best not to make one of those for you guys so please let me know if you guys have enjoyed the tutorial don't forget that this piece is free for you guys to download from my patreon shop if you guys don't want to bother creating the hoodie from scratch you can just download it from there and of course my patreons you guys will be getting this whole pack for free and for you guys who are not on my patreon but you still want to get this pack then make sure to head over to my patreon shop where you can purchase it so if you guys want to learn about tutorials or learn more about what is happening industry or what projects I'm working on as a digital fashion artist then please let me know I will make sure to film more of those types of videos
Channel: Stephy Fung
Views: 4,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion design, motion graphics, women in design, 3d animation, animation, digital art, design, graphic design, digital fashion, digital wearables, clo3d, cinema4d, substance painter
Id: Nebjfy4nDBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 31sec (3631 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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