Beginner Guide to Grain Spawn: Oats

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so the grain that we're going to be using is going to be whole Green Oats as you can see here this is what they look like um this is about a 70 pound bag I got for around 30 dollars so it's pretty affordable um yeah so our first step is going to be hydrating the grain so here I have a one quart jar and it's filled all the way up to the top the grain is going to expand a lot as it soaks up water so our goal is to get around two two of these quart jars but I only want to fill them up to right here so it's a little bit of a trial and error but you guys will figure out how much the grains expand so this is how much I'm going to use let me put it in here and then I'm going to dump warm water into the bucket now that we've added the water we just need to make sure that the grain is completely covered you will see some stuff floating on top it's just lighter material there's nothing wrong with that so we will just let this sit for 12 hours and then move on to the next step [Music] we're going to pour the oats into the pot [Music] there's still quite a bit so not water as you can see it's empty now we will wait for the oats to start to simmer now that the grain is boiling we're going to leave it for 10 minutes now that the grain has been boiling for 10 minutes we're going to put it in the strainer thank you and we're gonna rinse them we're gonna let the water drain out that we've strained the grains we are going to dump it onto these trays [Music] and we will allow it to dry out we don't want to dry it out completely but we want all the surface moisture to evaporate while the inside is still we will leave that for a little while you can place a fan on it too to speed up things so yeah just like that the grain has now been sitting to dry for a couple hours the surface is dry but the grains are still saturated so what we're going to do now is load up all the grains into our two jars I'll do that off camera for this technique we're going to need to modify an existing canning lid what we're going to do is drill two holes and add an injection port and a filter now that we have drilled two holes in the lid we are going to make a vent and an injection port the injection report is going to be made using this gasket material a high temperature um so we'll do that now [Music] okay as you can see it's on both sides now we will use a wet or damp towel press it through to flatten it and then once you do that a couple times hopefully you can see there there's a bubble so that's where you'll know where to place the needle so just like that so I like to place it on the cap to let it dry and then I have here micropore tape [Music] you can get this at some drugstores it's all we'll just be cutting out a piece of that to go over the other hole the next step is going to be to cover the top of the jars in foil and place them in the pressure cooker for 90 minutes foreign [Music] [Music] so just like that okay the grain has finished uh in the pressure cooker [Music] now we just have to take them out allow them to cool off and then we can inject them with our local culture now that the grain has cooled it's ready to be inoculated so here we just have a small amount of liquid culture so what I'm going to do is use a syringe to take some out of the jar and put it in those jars so first we have to sterilize our needle [Music] okay so I'm going to inject these with a little more than 10 CC's each you can see the mycelium inside okay just like that so that's how we do the oats pretty simple um yep as you can see one one jar of dry oats turned into two full jars and that's how we do it pretty simple subscribe for more simple tutorials like this and for some of my grow along series thank you guys for watching
Channel: Myco Bill
Views: 6,050
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Id: Wk6Q_SNRpTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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