Beginner guide to ComfyUI. Stable Diffusion AI

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hello there in this video I want to go over the comy UI how to easy way to install it use it with recommended plugins and just very basic information how it's help you to just start working in a comp UI and what is benefit of using this let's go begin first by install some recommended options and recommended is some of the case will be requireed of those dll the packages as well some applications that help you in the future to work with a different variety of elements so first you want to install Visual Studio code and here depend on what version you have it Windows Linux or Mac this is straight simple forward installation just download it click install and it should be installed after this I recommend to install FFM Peg many extensions will use this FFM Peg on a back ground to take your video disassemble on images or take series of the images and put it together as a in a video next I would recommend for you going and download it stability Matrix this is a shell UI that combine a very multitude of the different type of stabil uh stabil diffusion applications and you can play with all of them but again because it's handled very well with the models and other access it's very easy almost single click installations and it's what I'm going to use it stability Matrix show how to launch however if you like to install um comy UI by yourself you can go to the comy UI on a GitHub download it and follow simple installations here you can see it's few steps you need to do but you can install independently all of these links what is mentioned here in showing will will be down in description so if you need it you can click on them and follow but this video will be based with using stability Matrix right here you can see we have it our information just go down and click and download your windows Linux or Mac installation the nice things about the stability Matrix you notice it is stand it's run like application so you don't need find uh what batch file run or anything and as well you'll notice it's all different type of the packages is available for you I have it another video when I run to all of these packages and just look on pluses minuses for now we'll use it comp UI notice right here we have it automatic 1111 as well and all other ones now also when you run stability Matrix it will check for the updates and if update for specific interfaces available it's come tell you update you don't necessarily need to update if you if you don't want it but notice in some cases Library maybe self updating and then you will't properly function if you need install new packages you can go down below click on a package and it will open list of them nice things about this because each package as you going over it will explain as well explanation what package can do you can see right here it showing what it can work this is powerful or comp youi come to because it can run on CP U Nvidia directl can run on a AMD Intel or Mac OS so it's can run on all different platforms which is make it very flexible and versti when it can run on for almost any platform I already have it installed this so I go click cancel when you're ready click launch after launch you'll see screen come up where showing all the elements that will be installed what I recommend for you in install its additional components or custom nodes notice right here I have them some of these noes will be automatically pull in if you have it first node install and it's called confy UI manager this manager it's will monitor for the missing nodes which will look in a second what it's meaning and if needed you can pull them in and install it automatically it's make life much easier it is webbased interface for UI so after it's finished launching you can click on the link to install manager if you prefer to do this you'll follow this link I have it above if you go down to installations this is you need it going to your folder I'll show in a second where it's located custom nodes folder copy this command get clone paste and restart your comy UI the link will located in your uh folder and notice right here we have it stability Matrix folder inside you're going to the packages let me move just a little bit this way we're going to the packages inside the packages you will find confy UI folder this folder will appear after you install comy UI through the interface next we're going down below and you'll notice you have comy UI nodes right here and inside the confy UI nodes you click on this go on the top and just type CMD or command this is will open command prompt directly in this path all what you need to do copy and paste that git and get repository installed at this point I'm assuming you did have the git install as the repository if you do not have it you can also follow this link and download it for the operation system that you're currently using but you probably will have it or the um installations of the stability Matrix will install it for you and right now we're almost ready to run launch however I would recommend you to do couple or maybe a little bit more than couple depend on your appetite of creativity to downloads and this is well related to the checkpoints what you want to use it so we already look on the launch interface it just you can create it packages we'll look how you can install it checkpoints is next down and you notice as a checkpoints we have right here control net lurus we have it stabil diffusion checkpoints and vaa points as well to download them you can actually going and search if you want it for this go to model browser on top you can type tag you want it also you can select what period you want it sort period model type checkpoint or all base model and you can clip search right now because I don't have it any words it will should pull out all of them for me notice this way my sh NSFW content is unchecked so it's a clean images if for some reason you want to experiment with some NSFW content just check this box and it will access all of the models after you select you can go ahead and click import latest which will take this model and install in properly folder the folder is a sharable so it's nice about this that other packages or installations can easy access same model and you don't need a duplicate which is safe for you space on a hard drive and when you start for first time applications you probably will see something like this screen notice on the bottom we should have it also manager available if you already install it we'll look on a manager in a second how it's work right now let's look over this interface notice this interface it's a not base then you can move around what does mean not base each of this it represent group of the elements or block of the specific code that perform specific task and we can connect these blocks between each other ones some of them have a just only output some of them pass through and another ones just a output your output almost all the time in this case will be image or animations and maybe in some future it will be music or 3D so it's always wrong to grow for this pass through through they will create some specific modifications to task and of course our input like right here this is the check box uh checkpoint when we want to apply to something or in some cases we can have it empty image in this case is a blank image or we can have it some Source image that we start working available for us you can zoom in by using your scroll mouse or you can also Zoom with the keys and if we Zoom closer you'll notice for example on checkpoints you have these dots which allowed us connect our nodes to perform specific task as well in some you may have it dropped down for any specific um models the models that we downloaded before so let's go ahead next right here to prompt and if you work before with stabil diffusion you'll notice it's a negative and positive node and usually if you follow this line connections you'll notice this top one connect to the positive and the bottom one connect to negative we also have an our model available for the sampler let's go down below and right here we have our information on the image currently it is empty it's just providing for us with height and how many images we want to create so just basic information you can create all the configuration quite a bit uh complex our checkpoint think about it a reference for the artist it's when you train your checkpoint you put a set collection of the image which is will be compared to what image was created for example if my checkpoint have it only kittens I cannot create the dogs because my artist that I'm comparing toward Will don't have any information or don't know how to draw the dogs so this is what important about checkpoints it's your reference it's how your model identify or how your application identify with image that created does it look alike so this is our checkpoints that's why they're important and next we have right here our sampler and sampler which is perform take noise that created and by the noising image will compare with the library that you already have with the checkpoint and see it if it's follow by the weights in the category if it's qualified for the T with the prompts you're providing if they properly describe this image so it's kind of very easy model going and after simpler we are going to decode we decode and of course we have it to our image output where you can save in specific areas so this this is the Simplicity map so let's try see if it's work for this we can go and select different models if we need it and let's try run so it should be fail right now we'll run you'll notice it says validation V code require input is missing so let's close this and look what's happening right here L you notice nice thing about this it provide validations and tell you which part it does not work on this case we need take we from this model going and collect to our node right here we're going to just generate Forest let's go ahead click Q again at this time it's processing if you're interested to see how it's processed we can go to our lunch and we can watch what is happening here notice some errors come up before this is because our we decorder wasn't connecting and this is nice ways to see if it's work properly keep in mind if you run for first time it's maybe take a little bit time if it's some components or checkpoint is missing it will try to download them and when it's completed you can go back to your stability Matrix output browser and right here you can see it will have all this different type of the images will create for you so you can preview directly here or you can go directly in the folder if you need it you can also specify select the different folders some of them maybe will'll put in their specific directory and it's happening with animations I found out or for example like comp you can see right here is nothing because it did locate them in shareable director which is kind of very nice in this case okay now let's go a little bit more fun part because if you look we have at this nodes and no some nodes that take a time of course you can create brand new node if you right click anywhere go to add node and right here you have it multiple you have it like utilities simpling image for example right here we have it upscaling image we can create okay just add image and add our upscaler just put it between so we can create you can see with the nodes playing around and create very different very unique combination and if a person like me I like to learn by examples I like to see some very creative from people um code analyze how the nodes work and go forward with this beside conf I have a good information and documentation on the nodes I'll provide again link down below for you you can also explore in this way for example this website if you're going to confy UI examples you notice right here have it all different Ty type for example image to image in P Laura and so on but here's the interesting secret that you will ask how you can look because if we're going and for example we're going to let's go to this model right here we're going to this unclip model and it seems like do I need to open and copy by hand this nodes but it's these things is awesome but confi because all information stored in output image so if we're going down right here and you see this beautiful image all what you need to do just save this image and code is actually as metad dat inside the image so let me show you what I mean by this if for example we're going and read IA tool and we read metad data for this file and if we scroll down below right here where is a have it special um variable called prompt inside this image and you notice right here all this information about every node that needed I also have it workflow or how those notes connected between each other and this is all store inside the image it's meaning any time when I'm going take any example information will be inside here and when I'm going to create and render my own image it's meaning that information of my notes will be stored there so what I need to do it just take image that I want to use it or nodes that I want to use take this image for example and just drag this image they you have it and drop it and look what's happening here all of these nodes sortly appear and we can zoom in analyze what what no they using and how they connecting some of the nodes you'll notice have it in different boxes like for example we had one two three nodes and they in one group group does not affect functionality over the nodes it's only affecting how this nodes looking so just look and feel on this and this is what I like a lot about comy UI because you have it right here the way you can say kind of save mod and you can learn by looking on examples again more examples available on this page if you're going to comy UI examples and you can follow how to do for example what we downloaded we download the sdxl example but problem if we start running it's one necessary will work because if we scroll down it does require some additional model for you download it or it maybe require some specific cost custom nodes you not always will have those custom nodes available for this we want to have it our manager and this is what work help so let's put this way when you first time loaded this node without you probably will notice some of them says nodes not found or missing node or some other information if it's happened to you you just click on a manager and as notice right there in the manager we have install custom nodes install missing custom nodes and it's what you want to click you want to click and it's will go find those nodes bring back and install it so it just a Snippets of the code that using inside this is why we want to this manager because it will help us to manage and work with custom nodes beside that you can look on all additional properties it's here let's go ahead close this so this this is kind of overview of the um comy UI and of course uh our Matrix stability Matrix make it much easy to install it to work and update with this your next step if you enjoy this I would recommend for you going to the checkpoints or actual model browsers and unloaded model browsers from here notice I Do download it also control net and this is a useful um extensions that you want to have it and install it and in some cases it will require to install and per package so pay attention with this when you install those extensions where they will want to locate it but usually their stability Matrix will handle this very well on a global scale so it's meaning all other packages will access just to one shared installation and of course when you want to create different you can different take different images drag and drop and you can see right here how it's already Chang create for us and I already do have it install all of those and we can click notice right there because when I click I will have it some error come up and if you just follow you'll find out so notice right here it says say sensor it's not in this area and it's probably because they using as example and notice right here they're kind of red they're using in as example specific nodes specific sorry the checkpoints which is not exist as well it's missing two images and if I go back to this I'll notice right here I have these two images that I need to download it if I want use the example or I can link just my own images and this what we're using and as well you can go and go ahead and find the actually using different model you don't necessarily need to use a their model you can go ahead and select different model like as say and same right here you can just go and drop different image so it will change path okay let's close it and if we run right now I should have it errors one error is disappear based on our checkpoint but because I did not put it mountains PG or Sunset pin G it is give me this error okay also we have it we point missing so let's download it some different point that we have it and usually just let's go with save sensor for this one okay and we can zoom out and see if any nope we just have only these three errors this is already fixed okay and we're just missing our images actually right here I see another one pop up well another checkpoint so we can go ahead just select that one yep and now all what we do we just miss those two it's one nice things very visually you can see how selecting and definitely you can create quite bit complex flow for your um processing on the images experiment and the best part it is it's experimenting with different structures different things and see how they all fit together thank you for watching this video if you like it please thumbs up subscribe share this has help a lot for creating new videos and have a
Channel: Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]
Views: 3,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geekatplay Studio, Vladimir Chopine, Digital art, How to, Learning Photoshop, 3d tutorials, Digital compositing, How to do in Photoshop, How to do compositing, How to do in 3d, AI art, MidJourney, Stable Diffusion, Dreambooth, Dall-e, Free resources, Free learning, Digital art for begginers, Free tutorials, artificial intelligence, ComfyUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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