Beginner Friendly Re-Usable Snack Bags!

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hey everyone my name is Jessica welcome to the eau claire's youtube channel today we are going to be making reusable snack bags yes because back-to-school is coming up you know it I know it we all know it so I was thinking since we made those awesome reusable grocery toasts what if we could kinda ship these two blocks a little bit because I'm not a big fan of going through boxes and boxes and boxes of zip locks throughout the year so instead let's make some super cute snack bags and sandwich bags so we can send off to school or send off to work or just you know put in your purse or put in your car or wherever and you can put all your treats in it you can put your grapes in it you can put your strawberries in it you can put your nuts in it you know what I mean you can put your sandwich in it you can put your burger in it but waffles in it put your waffles in it you'll see why I said that in just a minute so you can put all these different snacks in it and then take them wherever you need to go I'm gonna make two versions today first one is gonna be the easier one because it has less steps so the first bag is just gonna use canvas fabric pull lining in a zipper that's it that's all you need three things I mean you know and then a sewing machine and tools to cut with but we're not gonna get and we're not gonna go into that deep right we're just me exterior canvas thick thick cotton and a wipeable waterproof lining and then a zipper that's it second bag we're gonna we're gonna judge that one up a little bit we're judging everything we're gonna show you all over the place second bag we're gonna use a cotton lycra fabric which is yeah clothes stretchy we're gonna interface that with some SF 101 we're going to quilt it on some thermal batting yeah thermal batting to keep the cold good cold and your hot good top so two bags I'm gonna show you I made a few of these already so let's have a look at them have you guys heard about this show it's called stranger things it's on Netflix and it's creepy as heck and I know most of you are probably like do you live under a rock yes I kind of do I have a lot of stuff going on all the time I just started watching strangers and I'm in season two right now and I'm obsessed so I actually had some of the stranger things fabric and I was like I'm gonna make a sandwich bag out of this and I'm gonna put some Eggos in it cuz I actually do love that goes so this is the sandwich size bag and you can see I used a thermal lining on this one which is why it's quilted can you see the quilting on there when you open it up it's got a nice waterproof easy to wipe down lining that you can even pull out and then just I mean that sorta I don't know what you do I don't know how you clean things but closely I just kind of go back in there I don't have time I just don't have time but this is it and this is a great size you can see I boxed the bottom so that it stands really neatly like that this makes it really easy when you're packing it up with snacks or treats to just put it on the counter open up the top put it on the counter throw everything you need in if you're sending this to school with kids they plop this on their table and they just take all the treats out it's not gonna be laying on its side like this you don't have to worry about everything you know falling out and all their treats like that you send in with skittles or M&Ms or something like wrap they're gonna go all over the place but you just pop it up like this here's your treats but this is the sandwich size so it's a little bit bigger so it can hold your bigger goods here is the snack size snack size you can see it's just as wide as the sandwich size but it's just gonna be a little bit shorter this is also a quilted one you can see same thing there we go easy peasy right I mean come on this is it's gonna take you like ten minutes to do this I mean maybe more than 10 minutes but it's not gonna take you long to make these you're gonna be making them for everybody I mean everybody so I'm gonna show you one that I use just a little bit this is my I'm going to Disney World and I'm going to a buffet or a family-style meal don't judge me but sometimes you know you get leftovers you know there's a couple more Mickey waffles on that breakfast buffet plate of yours that they will throw away you put this in your bag to open it up pop them in there they are snacks for later in the day I don't know if that's allowed or not but it's what I do because those things those meals are expensive you see this one I added a little wrist strap which is what I'm gonna be doing on my snack pouch today this is a half of an inch d-ring with half of an inch swivel clip and then I just added the strap come on what who wouldn't want to go to school who wouldn't want to go to work with these adorable snack packs right all right let's get started let's start making this I'm going to show you how quickly this is the wrap up first bag canvas only no batting no interfacing just canvas lining zipper done okay we're gonna do that in sandwich size I'm gonna have the time clips from each one of these bags in the description below so if you're only interested in one or the other just check down there and it'll tell you where you gotta go in the video to find your bag ok for bag number one you're gonna need two exterior pieces I'm using a cotton canvas which is just a little bit thicker kind of more heavy-duty but this is going to be a pretty thin bag each one of these is going to be eight and a half inches by eight and a half inches so you're just making squares to eight and a half by eight and a half inch squares you're gonna do your lining pieces in the same size I'm using pull lining which I got off of Sahara fabrics I'll have a link for them below you're also gonna need two eight and a half by eight and a half inch square lining pieces for the zipper you're going to need a seven inch zipper so if you're using a seven inch metal zipper you know shoe so a 7 inch metal zipper is going to be 8 and 1/2 inches long total the tape will be 8 and a half inches long but the zipper will be 7 inches long same thing with the plastic with a plastic zipper plastic zippers though you can cut and sew over very easily so this one you can see is longer than a 7 inch zipper this is probably closer to an 8 or a 9 inch zipper but I'm ok with that because I'll just trim off the ends that I don't need when using a metal zipper I'm gonna want to use the right size zipper so if you're using a metal zipper get the 7 inch zipper which should be 8 and a half inches long total you're using a plastic zipper you just want the tape to be 8 and a half inches or longer and you can trim it down so putting it together it's fairly simple we're gonna take our exterior piece and make sure you know where the top is so this is gonna be my top right here you're going to take your zipper and you're gonna lay it see see where the zipper is here I'm gonna lay that right side down right on top of this and then I'm just gonna clip it in place using some wonder clips since I'm using pole lining I'm not going to be using pins this time so let's clip it peasy lemon squeezy alright so we have our exterior piece right sides together with their zipper tape now you're gonna take one of your lining pieces and you're gonna find the right side the right side for pool lining is the shiny shiny side you're gonna do shiny or right side down against the right side of your exterior piece you're just gonna line it up to help me make sure it all stays even I like to put a couple clips on the bottom corners just to make sure they're all lined up a little slowly angling up and then you're just gonna add it to your Clips up top so you see how I already have my top zipper and exterior clipped I'm just gonna line it up edge to edge with the exterior and I'm just gonna add these in now you can sew on your exterior piece with a basting stitch which is like a four millimeter stitch first and then go back over and add the lining honestly these are decent size pieces you I really don't think you need to do that I think even a beginner could do both of these in one step so now you can see I have my exterior piece sandwiched but with my lining piece and then I have the zipper in the middle so what I'm gonna do is I'm use my zipper foot and I'm just gonna sew along this edge I am just going to do a quarter inch seam allowance against the zipper tape and just run along the side of this I'm gonna make sure I back stitch at the beginning in the end [Music] all right so I have that stitched on there now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna open it up and I'm gonna go to my iron and I'm just going to press this down so it stays nice and then I'm gonna give it a quick top stitch I pressed it down and now I'm going to change my stitch length to three millimeters and then I'm gonna do an eighth of an inch of a seam allowance and I'm just gonna go along the edge [Applause] here we go top stitch down so now we're gonna do the same thing for the other side I have my exterior piece that I already stood on right side up zipper right side up okay now I'm gonna take my second panel right side down I'm gonna line it up with the edges of the sewn on exterior pale and with the top of the zipper and then I'm going to clip that in place remember it's exterior right sides together with exterior right sighs okay give it four clips it's not very big now we do the flip it over so now I have my lining fabric right side up shiny side up so I'm going to take my other lining piece find the shiny side so the shiny side is my right side right side down line it up with the edges right and then I'm just going to clip it to the top and if you find it helpful to maybe clip it on the side because sometimes when we're clipping all these things together things like to get a little off kilter you can just go ahead and clip it on the side as well make sure it all stays nice and screwed up all right and then just hold the fabric pinch open your clip and add in that lining there we go and now I'm going to get back to the sewing machine and I'm gonna do another quarter inch seam allowance along zipper flip it out topstitch it and then we're done without any pals all right just like before quarter inch seam allowance or just going to go right along that zipper give it a good back stitch at the beginning in the end [Music] and see I stitch this on so when I flip it out like this I want to make sure my lining and my exterior are wrong sides together so that I flip it open like this see gotta be able to see that zipper okay so now I'm gonna press this down right here without a decent press and then I'm going to do an eighth of an inch seam allowance top stitch using a three millimeter stitch length [Music] all right so here we are we have our exterior pieces sewed on we have our lining pieces sewed on we have it all top stitch now we need to trim our zipper tape if it's a little too long do not trim off your zipper pull I know I know how easy it is to do that you're sneaking I'm just gonna take my rotary cutter and I'm just gonna slice and then you don't have a zipper pull it's very frustrating so make sure you move your zipper pull in a little bit before you slice off your zipper tape we're gonna put the whole thing together now so we're gonna take right side exterior to right side exterior don't pull up that line and leave that lining laying down exteriors together then we're gonna flip it like this so what we have now is we have exterior right sides together with exterior and lining right sides together with lining now what you're probably thinking at this point is what am I gonna do with this funky zipper in the middle okay you're gonna push the zipper towards the lining see that you see how here's my zipper right right in there and I'm gonna push it towards the lining so that it looks like this are you good okay so let's pin that first and then we'll just go around same thing with the other side push it this sides open you can see so push it in towards the lining side I'm just gonna make it easier when you're opening and closing your bag if it's pushed in towards the lining side [Music] so on the bottom this is gonna be the bottom of your lining piece on the bottom of your lining piece you're gonna want to mark about a three to four inch opening try to go closer to the three inch size if you can comfortably get your hand in through that because we're gonna be boxing these corners so we don't want our opening interfering with our box corners so right in the middle I'm gonna mark a three-inch section because I know that I can get my hand at least I can get my fingers through a three inch section to turn this whole bag out at the end so I'm just gonna mark here and here so when I'm sewing I know I'm gonna start here and go around and i'ma stop here and I'm gonna give it both a good backstitch so I'm just gonna start you're gonna use a quarter inch seam allowance two and a half inch or two and a half millimeter stitch length give it a good backstitch the beginning in the end is just around the whole bag [Music] so we have the entire thing sewn together with our hole for turning it later now we're gonna box the corners there are a few different ways to box corners for me for this pattern this is the best way so you're going to take your ruler and you're gonna find the 3/4 mark and the 3/4 mark in the one inch box okay we're gonna line up the 3/4 inch mark on the bottom and a 3/4 inch mark on the side with the stitched line okay so I am going to draw on here over my stitching on the corners ok just to help you see since I'm using a thread that might not be so visible so I'm going to take the 3/4 inch marking so I have it lined up so that the 3/4 inch marking down 3/4 inches down and 3/4 inches to the side are lined up on my stitches ok not on the edge of the fabric on the stitches got it so now I'm just gonna draw a square just like this ok there you go so now I have this little square I'm gonna continue along every corner both corners of the exterior and both corners of the lining making these three quarter inch boxes alright [Music] so we're cutting the whole corner off yeah hold on [Music] now to box them what we do we've got one of our corners here we're gonna take it and we're gonna open it up like this Thanks so I have it sit again just like this and I'm just gonna pinch it I'm gonna open it up like a little mouse look at that hello how's it going so we fold it like this okay so you have a seam up here and you have your other seam here and we're going to nest them which means we fold one seam maybe to the right and then the other seam to the left would ever see it aside you decide to go make sure the other one goes the opposite way now can you see how those are nice and nested together okay it's nice and flat right and the seams are nested so what we do now is we just put this and there we go okay we have it just like that we're gonna do that for all four corners [Music] all right so we're gonna take us to the sewing machine and we're gonna sew a quarter inch seam allowance along these edges that we've clipped so just a quarter inch seam allowance straight across just like that make sure we backstitch when doing this [Music] we have our bag with our box corners so now we're just going to turn the whole thing right side out and reach in there is our standing reusable snack pouch I'm going to show you how we close up that hole in the bottom of the lining so right here we have this little hole in the bottom of the lining are you gonna do is gonna put your fingers on either side and just give it a very gentle tug while we're doing that so that we can get a nice fold on this lining fabric to make it easier to sew together and all we're gonna do is we're just gonna give that a clip just clip it shut just like that again see sometimes it likes to roll up like that uses that's why you tug it a little bit to get it nice and flat and then clip it and give it a little tug make it flat and then clip it and then we're gonna use an eighth of an inch seam allowance to just sew along this edge to close it up so you can see I just went along and I just gave it a little top stitch and I'm just gonna take this and I'm gonna shove it in the bag all right bag number one is done sandwich bag easy bag man you guys these things they just are so cute right so you can see you I could put it let me just move this out of the way real quick it's come bucho okay guys it's like twelve o'clock in the afternoon it's not wine it's kombucha I just feel fancy when I drink out of a wine glass so here we go sandwich snack bag with wipe down a bowl wipe down a bowl with waterproof lining this doesn't have any sort of interfacing it is just cotton canvas and lining and the zipper classic zipper this is a cheap cheap make and it's super cute so you can see if I just put it down like that it stands very nicely right this is something you can have on your desk at your office for all of your you know healthy healthy treats and it will just sit right there it has a nice okay since we box the corners it has more of a round opening up top instead of like a slit opening which is what you would have with something like a plastic ziplock or something so this also makes it really easy when you're loading it up so sometimes I have to load up these bags full of like pretzels tons of tons of pretzels and when I have a ziploc and I'm load like this they're all falling out but when I have this bag and I have it standing up I just looked it up load it up load it up and then whip it up throw it in the bag I'm done all right so first bag down let's go to bag number two so for this bag we're gonna use a few more things so first are my exterior panels this is cotton like our cotton lycra is stretchy and it likes to roll so to work with this I actually interface it with some SF 101 purely so I could cut it I mean that's the only reason I interface it with the SF 101 this is my other cotton lycra bag with this one I did not have to interface it with SF 101 because when I was cutting it it didn't stretch or curl on me as much this one wanted to stretch and go everywhere this is my exterior here's my other exterior these are my exterior pieces now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to quilt these onto some thermal batting so I'm using thermal batting this is what my package looks like it's called insel bright and this is what I'm going to use as my interfacing for this bag so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my batting layer first and to help keep everything keep everything in place I'm gonna spray it with just a little bit of this 5:05 spray this is what a lot of quilters will use when they're keeping their quilt top attached to their batting so I'm just gonna give it a little spritz like that and then I'm gonna take this and I'm just gonna stick it on top and this this provides a really good adhesive without gunking up your needle just make sure you're careful when you're smoothing it out you don't have any ripples anywhere there we go there's that one I'm gonna do the same for this one yeah okay so that glue just provides it just enough to stay still for us so now I'm gonna mark my lines for how I'm gonna quilt it this is called a Hera marker you could also use the dull edge of a butter knife to do this but if you have something like this already just use this so what we do is we take our ruler we're gonna say where we want our starting line so I'm just gonna do a diagonal star like that and I take my hero marker and I just push down on the fabric like that and that provides me with this nice line that I'll be able to go over whenever I'm quilting it so I'm just gonna do a one-inch separation on going this way and that one [Music] all right so I have my lines marked what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna give a few pins on here to keep it from rolling up on me cuz like I said the glue is ok but it's not gonna hold it down for very long so I just do this real quick so I'm gonna do the same thing for my other panel and then I'm going to take it to the sewing machine and I'm just going to sew over these lines if you have a walking foot for your sewing machine I highly recommend you use that when quilting this especially if you are using a cotton lycra because it is so stretchy even though we interface it with SF 101 it's gonna like to move around on you a little bit while you're quilting it if you do not have a walking foot that's fine just go very slowly and make sure you up your stitch length to about three millimeters I'm using a walking foot because I have one what I'm gonna be doing is I'm just gonna sew along all of the lines that I marked with my hair marker [Music] and they a general useful quilting tip is that you always want to start and stop your quilting on the same side so I started quilting over here and then I went down like this I'm gonna start on that side every time I'm going to start at the same part and go down I'm not gonna go down and then go back up and then go down and then go back up because what happens is you start pushing your fabric in different ways and you're going to get ripples if you always start kind of at the same line and go down go up go down move your favor back up go down if you do that then you will always have nice even quilting lines [Music] so here's the quilting a simple quilting like this is great if you want to go the other way you can as well but this is this is a nice simple quilting if you have a label for your bag now is a good time to add it I like to just kind of add it in one of the corners towards the top I'm not real precise about this just kind of stick it wherever [Music] if you are adding a wristlet strap now is the time to make sure we get our d-ring on so I have my connector for my d-ring and I have my D ring I'm using a half of an inch I'm using a half inch steering and I'm going to just trim off these strings and I'm just gonna put it through my d-ring like that and then I'm gonna figure out where I want it on here I think I'm gonna put it over here and then clip it and then I'm gonna go with about a quarter inch seam allowance and I'm just gonna sew up and down to secure this in place so now we put the bag together the exact same way we did the sandwich bag so I'm not gonna actually walk you through those steps but I will film it and let you just kind of zoom through it as we go so again exterior piece up for this zipper I'm using a metal zipper so it is the same length as my exterior piece so zipper facedown [Music] so this on using a quarter of an inch seam allowance and my zipper foot and then I'm gonna flip it out and I'm gonna top stitch it at eighth of an inch seam allowance so you can see I attached both my lining pieces and my exterior pieces to the zipper the same way I did with a sandwich bag so just like we did with that I'm going to fold right sides together of the exterior flaps and right sides together of the lining flaps but we're going to still do the zipper in the same way where we pinched it towards the lining so see the zipper tape here we're gonna pinch the zipper tape towards the lining and just pin in place [Music] again I will mark a three inch opening so that I can pull it all out when I'm done go I'm gonna go to the sewing machine and I'm just gonna sew all the way around the edges starting at this mark I'm going to sew all the way around and then into this one make sure you back stitch really well at the front at the beginning in the end you're going to use a quarter inch seam allowance the whole way [Music] I'm going to show you again how we box these corners so remember it's still for both values it's 3/4 of an inch boxing so we'll take our ruler and we line up the 3/4 of an inch marks so here's here's one of my 3/4 of an inch marks here's one 3/4 inch mark here's another one I'm lining it up on my stitch not on the edge of the fabric I'm lining it up on the stitch ideally the edges of fabric will line up with a one inch mark because we're boxing is about an inch but just to be sure I line it up with my stitch and then I just draw on here and this is where I know to cut [Music] so we have our corners cut out just like that see what you do you're going to open it up make sure you have all your layers okay you're gonna open it up nice and gently and you're just gonna fold it together like that remember we're gonna nest our seams so one seam goes this way the other seam goes the opposite way and then just clip in place just like that [Music] great and then we're just going to sew along these edges at a quarter of an inch seam allowance [Music] all right we're good we got it all so together we have our corners all boxed everything sewn together let's just pop it in out let's just pop it right side out and see what it looks like huh you gotta remember to open you're different all the way I didn't it's kind of a pain trying to open the zipper when it's like this as many layers as I have all right here we go [Applause] birthing this bag pop out these corners oh yeah that's cool there you go all done so here's our reusable wipe-down abble waterproof lined snack bag I'm gonna close up that hole in the seam in the lining on my own if you added the d-ring you can now take your strap and just clip it onto here right look how cute that is all right I'll give you a little sneak peek of something I'm working on I don't have a tutorial out for this yep but this is an ID holder so let's say if you're at school and you have a lunch some schools give cafeteria cards to the kids you can slide your cafeteria card in here and then keep your snacks or maybe if you're you know in high school or in junior high you can keep like your lipgloss and maybe pencils whatever else you might need in here and then you have your ID card right here right I mean come on this is adorable these bags and again you can see when we take it and we pop it easy-peasy right it stays nice like this when I'm opening it in the morning to load it up with snacks it has a nice big opening like this it's not just like a little slits a nice wide opening I can load it up with goodies while it's sitting on the table close it up throw in the bag it's very cushiony this will keep warm things warm cold things cold obviously this isn't you know like an ice chest but it'll it'll keep things decent for a while so thank you so much for joining me today I hope you found this tutorial useful I hope you're gonna go out and make a ton of snack bag and sandwich bags or calm whatever you can call makeup bags you can call them baby white bags you can use these for anything and seriously for everything but it's another great substitute for kind of a boring plastic bag and you guys the books aren't that cheap right and you're gonna go through a lot of them just get just make a few of these it's for the year you can embroider on them you can put your silhouette designs on them you can do all kinds of fun stuff with these bags make sure to give this video a like if you enjoyed it comment any questions or comments or random thoughts you might have down below make sure to subscribe to the channel if you want to see what we're coming out with next cuz every Monday there will be a new tutorial sometimes sewing sometimes not sewing sometimes fabric related most of the same fabric related but not always fabric related so again thank you so much for stopping by I hope we see each other again soon get out there and make something right it's a beautiful world out there just don't pass on the dead if you have a will and a moment to spare it's a beautiful world out there it's a beautiful world out there
Channel: Jess OklaRoots
Views: 160,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sewing, tutorial, diy, reuse
Id: Z5DI0Mx3c94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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