Begin ROUTE 66 | Chicago to Joliet, IL | DAY 1 Must See Stops!

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goodbye [Music] well good day my friends it's your old pal Jordan the lion and your old pal Scott Michaels from dearly departed and if you look at the sign above us you can tell that we are starting Route 66 today days which are in the line and dearly departed it begins right now people have completely stickered it over I thought it would say you know begins here or something but uh wanted to do this for so long and we're finally gonna do it this is gonna be a blast get our kicks on Route 66. funny I always hear people say root but when you listen to the original song when it was written get your kicks on route 66. I've wanted to go in the Art Institute of Chicago for quite some time there's several famous paintings in there including American Gothic and we actually together have vlogged that real house in Iowa I want to see that I want to see the uh the famous painting from Ferris Bueller's but Bill Murray tells an interesting story when he was down and out and he was starting to be an actor about how he was so bad that he walked off of stage and one of his auditions and was just kind of hoping he said I was walking around Chicago hoping that I would just pass away that I would just no longer be a problem to myself I started walking up Michigan Avenue and went in the Chicago Art Institute and had his life Changed by a painting inside of here here we go let's go find some great art here's Claude Monet on the banks of the scene more Claude Monet apples and grapes here's piano room Waters chrysanthemums and then as we walk down this hallway we come upon the famous painting and scene from Ferris Bueller's Day Off [Music] it's George sarats Sunday on the ground remember in the movie when cam was just staring at this focusing on every little bit of this pretty epic to see this in person honestly this is another one I was looking for and I was really looking forward to seeing the bedroom by Vincent van Gogh wow it's mesmerizing this is also Van Gogh's the drinkers giant one is Claude monies irises and then the famous water Lily Pond this one was one that Scott was pointing out to me that he really liked at the Moulin Rouge so the painting that James Bill Murray's life is in Gallery 222. we just came in the doorway and it was this painting but Marie said that he as I said we were coming over he was just feeling like giving up on life and he said he was kind of just thinking like maybe I'll just die and float down the river but he came in here instead and he said when he saw this painting he saw this woman he said it's this girl working on a farm who doesn't really have what looks like any real prospects for her life but the sun's coming up and she has another day and he's like I just kind of thought to myself you know I guess there's always another day to make something happen so he said this is a painting it's always stuck out with him it's Jewels the doll print and song of the lark your Bill Murray fan kind of imagine that guy who's had the kind of Fame he had and has had and wanted to give up before he ever got started here's Edward Hopper's Nighthawks there's American Gothic so cool to see the actual real painting because I've been to that house it's a real house Grant Wood whenever I see this I always think of Green Acres right over here we're at Millennium Park and they have this amazing Fountain it looks like a brick building and a filming location right over here as well you can see this diamond looking building and that's actually a famous filming location Scott lets that in Adventures in Babysitting yes with our buddy Keith Coogan really a must-see while you're here in the city look at the part of it over here where it actually has an image of a face and you notice kids and people come here and play in the water look the face is moving blinking and it actually happens on both sides of the fountain it's all the rocks in these trees another absolute must-see if you're in Chicago maybe one of the most popular spots cloud gate or as some call it the silver Bean people love to come take their photo here see their reflection on there that's actually an art sculpture that you can go inside of shall we my friends we're inside underneath the bean and don't forget perspective if you go to the other side you're going to get all the reflection of the buildings from over here Scott I was shocked that you used to live here you told me this wasn't here when you lived here was it no it wasn't even called Millennium Park then or I think that's a long time ago how's the city look compared to when you were here it's very pristine it's a lot it's a lot more a lot more buildings still beautiful a little bit more fancy than it used to be and right over here by cloud gate they have some sort of amazing Amphitheater look at this it's like you're walking into a spaceship oh Route 66 the things that you would see and you had no idea what your future would hold this isn't even our car but it's true that's us right in front of us should be Buckingham Fountain I would have loved to have started the Vlog there because I'm a big Married with Children fan but the fountains still are not on they're directly in front of us that's also where you see the Griswolds passing by when they're starting their vacation trip so here's the statue of Nathan Hale right across from the Chicago Tribune and this is definitely a place if you have time you should stop and check out because on the walls they have selections and pieces of famous buildings from all over the world right there that says that's from the White House removed from the inner wall the White House During the Reconstruction 1950 here's a piece of Mount McKinley here's a piece of St John's Church in Richmond Virginia it says where Patrick Henry said Give me liberty or give me death here's Fort Marion in St Augustine birthplace of Colonel Robert McCormick here's one from Lincoln's home and they go all over the building so come take a look and right by the Tribune is the statue of Hall of Fame broadcaster Jack Brickhouse hey hey Wrigley Field not really a happy stop but this was where Chris Farley was found after he passed away oh Poltergeist three in there Scott knows all right even though it's Route 66 part of Route 66 isn't there so we got to take this until we get to it hello Berwyn Illinois part of Route 66 look at this look at all the great stuff we're gonna see along the way but we are here the beginning to start it up there now we're up here it says Route 66 the Mother Road is an American icon that symbolizes romance and freedom of the open road born in 1926 Route 66 was one of the first numbered U.S highways journeying 2500 miles from Chicago to Los Angeles today you can still get your kicks on Route 66 by exploring the Illinois historic Route 66 National Scenic byway unfortunately it's not working but you're supposed to be able to push the button and hear the song [Music] amazing mural we had a Route 66 guy up here he's holding a piece of chicken some hot sauce and uh he's got a cigar sticking out of his mouth what do you call that kind of Muffler Man that's a road tripping Muffler Man and then look at that what a great stop even kind of continues on down there look you've got the Sphinx oh you've got Kevin McCarthy running in Invasion of the Body Snatchers one of my favorite movies one of my favorite scenes look at all this look at them it's like a monkey man smoking a cigar up there in that spaceship then take a look at this Planet of the Apes oh Berwin you're doing it right you are doing Route 66 right yeah you [Music] that beautiful big hot dog sign out front is that classic Route 66 Roadside America the first Highway that we want to see so this is a must stop if you uh if you're in the area and you want a dog it's a meal itself Henry's We're not gonna stop today because we're actually going to eat at our next spot we're gonna meet up some some old friends of mine that I've never gotten to meet some of the earliest viewers of my channel and don't forget to stop and look around the neighborhood sometimes sometimes it's the people in the neighborhood that make it most interesting like look at this house here's our route 66 veering off sign The Old Road it said welcome to McCook Illinois steak and eggs steak and Eggers spinning ice cream cone I love it here we're entering Willow Brook here we have a must-see attraction that's where we came to eat Route 66 delawarea chicken basket Gotta Love a glowing chicken two local Farm women approach a gas station and Diner owner they propose to share their secret fried chicken recipe if you promised to buy all his chickens from them Irv agreed sales sword and gas station became history most businesses on Route 66 begin as combination of gas station garages and lunch counters the chicken basket tasty food one out over gasoline sales throughout the 1940s and 50s hungry travelers flocked to the popular restaurant but in 1962 the new Interstate cut off the flourishing Business from The lifeblood of traffic I recognize you hi yeah long time we have been corresponding for years and I finally get to meet you so great hi are you guys shy well let's go and have some chicken what do you say a fun way to finally meet after over six years we're at 66 we get to meet up and right as you get ready to walk in they even give a little condensed version of saying the established 1946 born out of a gas station next door that sold fried chicken that was Bluebird bus stop as well as a restaurant and used to have ice skaters on the roof to attract Route 66 Travelers became delaria's Chicken Basket 1963 when the Ria family took over and he continuously operated a restaurant bar since it opened in 1946. into the dining room welcome home oh nice very homey looks like it's a Serve Yourself type place should be fun contacting me and let me know that you live pretty close here which was so cool because we've been talking for so long and this was already on our list of places because I know that uh Scott Michael's a huge fan of fried chicken so I thought this would be a cool place for us to try out together Fried Chicken so here's the menu you actually can order off of a menu if you want but I think I'm gonna do the uh Serve Yourself and try a little bit of everything I love all the little chotskies they have like going all the way around the windowsill of this place so they have a bar section on the other side but I noticed over here they have etched glass I love that the chicken etched glass and then the other side is a Route 66 Bar Route 66 themed all right we got some food here I got two chicken legs which man they do look really good snap mashed potatoes and gravy mac and cheese Spanish rice and corn fritters and a roll for good measure oh okay okay I did get I haven't had any complaints about the food Scott said what is Scott what do you think so far yeah you weren't impressed by the corn Fritter were you not really no okay well we got some of the freshest mashed potatoes you could possibly get they put them down as we were getting ready to scoop them those things are amazing come here for the mashed potatoes and gravy if nothing else so I promise I will see you next time you bought us lunch today so I'll buy next time thank you you're welcome you're welcome well as much as I hate to say it we gotta leave and head off to our next stop Joliet they're gonna wave [Music] and don't forget to look around back for the little surprise [Music] not a whole lot of interesting Route 66 stuff to see here except maybe this car with a ice cream sundae topping and eyelashes pink eyelashes Scott with pink eyelashes no they Clash welcome to Joliet used to know somebody from here his name was Jake Joliet Jake he was in a blues band that's what we were looking for I'm gonna do the uh Juliet Visitor Center he look right over here you can see the visitors center over there Scott was very observant here he's like oh they painted teeth on these lion take a look at this this is great you can see at the very top Santa Monica which is our finishing Point here hopefully eventually great the Mother Road then down at the bottom it's all mosaic and right beside it is the historical Visitor Center very nice it's also the Joliet area Historical Museum a little bit of both tell us inside as soon as we come in through the rotating doors you have this little car you can take a photo with or of course the Blues Brothers Elwood picks up Jake at the prison here which we're gonna check out we're on a mission from God hey woman hey Mama what do you want for nothing rub a biscuit inside here you can see a picture there's actually a Polaroid of John Belushi and a group of Joliet prisoners during the filming of The Blues Brothers 1979. Lucy insisted on the use of actual prisoners as extras in the film and also that they be paid commissary was on Jake I don't think we'll be seeing anybody on Route 66 driving one of those but you never know let's check out their Visitor Center Scott Michael's already in there some cool Blues Brothers stuff in fact The Blues Brothers sitting right here she can take a photo with them Scott and I were just talking today about just how funny the movie really is how many great one-liners there are in it and they're actually going to do a festival in August this year this is for 2022s but they're doing one again this year and it's going to be performances by Jim Belushi and Dan Aykroyd as The Blues Brothers out at the prison look at that above them it's changing the scenery foreign you can also get your old Joliet prison chair here it says cruising to The Slammer we have a sign up here then look have you seen the light I have seen the light let's see what else Joliet has to offer everywhere you look on the root people are proud to be part of it except for it's crazy Scott Michael's had his Museum there for many years and never promoted it being a Route 66 thing did you never processed that that it was actually on it I did read about this if you're looking for a tow you could get it from Dick's Towing but if you just want to come look at some really cool old cars like an old car 54 where are you see it here and I presume that's him and then look at this you are standing now on the original Route 66 roadway bam I am now whoo fun I always wanted to do Route 66 but I always wanted to do it with somebody so it's cool to see somebody like Scott coming out enjoying it with me and doing it with a friend California bust baby so now we're gonna go basically across the street we're gonna show you two things over here you come across the street into the Arboretum they have one random historic Route 66 gas pump oddly and right over here we have the rich and creamy on Broadway ice cream shop it's been here for a long long time and did you notice on top They Got The Blues Brothers up there dancing love it old school he's trying to hide but I see wall though that's Waldo in there [Music] so he couldn't come to Joliet not show you the old Joliet prison which they used in Blues Brothers I can't show you the match-up shots because it was actually inside the gate so I'm gonna do a tour of it the next time I come through here and I'll show you that kind of stuff then but I thought this is such a cool thing you look you can see the barbed wire up here and then it says old Joliet prison written across the top and you can take a full tour here [Applause] but if you need that oh so important photo of you in jail you can take it right here they have one of the old jail doors here and you can see Scott is over here already exploring it but busted out windows barbed wire gate going all the way around you can definitely get the idea of what this was like and life was like here look at that it's all that barbed wire no longer an active prison but it was at the time Blues Brothers filmed here so I'm gonna go inside here and see if they have a gift shop of any sort I noticed up here it says adley Stevenson was governor when it was open my friend Shelley winners claim to me that the ring that she always wore was given to her from adley Stevenson that they were actually engaged and that uh his life just got too busy and they never got around to getting married but that he did propose to her and she accepted she said yeah they do have a full-on gift shop in here in fact you can take another photo with the Blues Brothers here the real prison and get your Joliet Jake prison Garb well what a crazy way to end our first day on Route 66 but uh Hey Juliet prison is gonna play standing Scott did you have fun so far it's been it's been a real education it always is with you crazy thank you all for watching we will see you next time have a great night from Route 66 we will see you all in the future until tomorrow goodbye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 25,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlogger, urbex, history, tourism, filming locations, travel, jacob the carpetbagger, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, travel guide, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, wolters world, tourist, adam the woo, The daily woo, Graves, Cemetery, Dearly departed, Grimm life collective, Lamont at large, Hollywood graveyard, Famous graves, Celebrity homes, True crime, Biography, Blues brothers, Route 66, Chicago, Road trip, Dell rheas chicken basket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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